President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 156 Chapter 156

Chapter 156 Chapter 156
"Well, in ancient times, he was recommended. He was good at studying since he was a child. He has participated in many competitions and won many awards. The teachers at the school like him, and so do the neighbors in the neighborhood. He is a well-known Wenqu star. , because of him, when I was young, I often ate the meals that my neighbors gave him... Sorry, I got carried away..."

Ye Man smiled shallowly: "It's okay, what about the ancient year?"

Gu Cici really didn't mind seeing her, and sighed in his heart. If Ms. Ye talked about Song Wanwan endlessly, she didn't want to hear a word, so she restrained herself and said, "Niannian is a bit naughty...but I know that I love others..." It will be too late Pick her up, and wait at her part-time job when it rains heavily, in order to lighten her burden and take care of her parents.

Seeing her say a few words, Ye Man waited blankly for the next sentence.Is it gone? It was said so much in ancient times?

The expression of the ancient speech was bitter, in fact, even if she wanted to say it, she couldn’t say it, and every sentence she added in those days of hard work was digging her heart: “Fortunately, the first impression of a tall man is not very good. it is good."

Ye Man smiled, and could see that Cici was defending the other party, so, did Cici know that they were involved?I'd be sad if I found out.

Ye Man suddenly didn't want to tell her that her daughter had lived in that family for so many years, and her two younger brothers might be the only happiness that supported her. Let's wait for a while, and tell her when Cici feels better.

Although Ye Man loves her daughter dearly, she doesn't want her to be kept in the dark and be deceived: "Just as long as you think it's good."

Yeman's dormitory is exquisite, with 2 bedrooms and 1 living room, classical style, and a phonograph.

Ye Man naturally took her coat, shook off the snow and hung it in the entrance: "I didn't have time to clean it up, your grandfather's place is bigger, and there is also a studio." By the way, he put the slippers by her feet, and then started to take care of them Own.

Gu Cici put her feet into the warm slippers, looked at it in silence for a long time, and suddenly thought to herself, if she lived in such a loving care since she was a child, she would probably turn her eyes to the sky and give up on me: Can I stay here tonight?"

"Okay, of course! Are you hungry? I'll make you a supper."

the other side.

Cao Xiurong fell ill again, this time she accidentally scratched Song Wanwan's face, and now she is looking at Song Wanwan guiltily, she is really sorry, she loves her daughter, but she can't control herself: "I didn't mean it, don't be afraid... ..."

Wrapped in the quilt, Song Wanwan almost collapsed. She felt that Cao Xiurong was abnormal and easily stimulated. One second, she was careful and gentle like a human being, but the next second she might beat someone hysterically. She could even speak louder. She has been sluggish for a long time, she doesn't want her to take care of her, she doesn't want to!

But Song Wanwan didn't dare to say, she was the one who told her to go just now, Cao Xiurong suddenly started beating her, the nurse didn't stop her when she came, she dared not say anything now.

Gu Qiang didn't bother to care about it, and Cao Xiurong's beating children was commonplace, so it was a big deal.

In the afternoon, someone from the police station came to verify Qian Yuzhi's fraud case, and Qian Yuzhi insisted that it was a gift.

Song Wanwan repeated like crazy: "No, she wanted it from me. If I didn't give it to her, she would threaten me. She also said that it was all for my own good, that she had been taking care of me for so many years. If it wasn't for me, she wouldn't have fallen into the trap." In the current situation, you still say, you still say... I am not my mother’s own, and if I don’t give her money, she will tell my mother! It was she who stole the money, she stole it!” Everyone in the Gu family is going to die, and Cao Xiurong is going to die too!

Cao Xiurong anxiously took pictures of the child: "Say nonsense, your grandma is joking with you, how could she lie to you, policeman, don't listen to her nonsense when she is sick."

"I didn't—" But he shrank back in fright and arrested all these people!Catch them all!
The policeman calmly looked at the documents in his hand. This matter was actually a bit troublesome: "We interviewed some of your classmates, and your classmates saw that you were with her, and they didn't appear to be coerced."

"They snatched it! I'm crazy. If you give her so much money, you must catch her and shoot her. She is not a good person."

"That's your grandma!" They endured the pain of not being able to recognize each other to let her live a good life, and she actually said that about her mother-in-law!Cao Xiurong stretched out his hand and slapped her, "Ingratitude! Ingratitude!"

The police immediately stopped Cao Xiurong.

Song Wanwan started yelling, as if she had been subjected to such abuse for a long time.

"Stop! Hitting is against the law!"


Gu Qiang hurried in and handed cigarettes: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, we are a family, and the one on the bed is our daughter."

"My daughter can't do that!"

Song Wanwan: "I'm not their daughter, I'm not their daughter!" Hearing someone mention her parents, she hurriedly grabbed the hand of the nearest policeman: "Take me to see my parents, please, take me to see my parents... ..."

"What are you talking about! We are here! Who paid your hospital bills? You are so ungrateful. You like rich parents. Do people care about you! Don't even look at it. You can't even take care of your own mother. That family doesn't want you anymore! A hot face sticks to a cold ass!"

Song Wanwan started to scream.

The policeman suddenly became dizzy. The complex relationship of this family has already been written on paper.

Song Wanwan don't stay with this family, she looked at the policeman beggingly: "Please, I will kowtow to you, let me see my family, I can't take it anymore, please..." Song Wanwan couldn't move her legs, You can only hit your head on the policeman's belly!

Gu Qiang scolded.

Cao Xiurong's cry.

Song Wanwan's begging made the ward almost explode.

The police really didn't want to meddle in this nosy matter, but Cao Xiurong obviously wanted to do something and was not suitable to be a guardian. Song Wanwan's face was covered with injuries, she begged all over, and the client's condition was unstable, so they couldn't ask anything.

"Please, I want to see my parents, please, they will kill me... Please, I want to see my parents..."

It's not that the police are sympathetic. The current situation is obviously that the couple is not right. Song Wanwan looked like she was about to die, so she could only compromise: "Wait a minute, let's call your parents and try."

"Thank you, thank you..." Song Wanwan looked like she could break her head if she knelt down.

Five minutes later, the police regretfully hung up the phone.

How could it be like this: "No, no, did you tell me what happened to me? If my parents knew, they would definitely come to see me, and they wouldn't leave me behind. Didn't you tell my dad? mom……"

"Miss Song, calm down, Miss Song—"

Song Wanwan slammed her head against the wall, this was her only chance to contact her parents, no matter how persecuted or pitiful, she had to let her parents come to see her, otherwise she would be doomed.

The police immediately stepped forward to stop her. Nurses and doctors arrived. In order to appease Song Wanwan, they had to call Song's family again.

(End of this chapter)

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