Chapter 493 The Great Victory
Aside from the hellish Shura-like battlefield here, other people's style of play is much simpler and more direct. With a burst of momentum, they rush to the enemy, brandishing their weapons, slashing and killing with brute force, bloody and violent, and the scene is full of severed limbs and wreckage. On the ground, the strong smell of blood floated in the air, telling the tragedy and heroism.

Internal strength masters are only a small group of people, and the enemy's biggest advantage is five times more fighters than Phoenix.

Tens of thousands of big-headed soldiers flocked.

Climb up the long ladder, cross the protective wall, and enter the trench.

Seen from a distance, it is majestic and unstoppable.Breaking the city is only a matter of time.

Sitting on the chariot, King Beirong was very satisfied, but he couldn't wait for the sound of entering the enemy camp and opening the city gate, only to see a steady stream of people entering the city.

Feeling very weird, he felt urgent and couldn't wait any longer, so he sent the guardians around him to open the first checkpoint to occupy Phoenix City.

On the city wall, inside the city wall, the guards of Phoenix City killed more and more fiercely, and there were seven or eight corpses piled up at each person's feet.

They feel that today's northern soldiers are particularly easy to kill, and they can be brought down with almost no effort, so they become more energetic, and the more they kill, the more excited they become.

After the medicine in the rice volatilized overnight and diluted with water, the soldiers didn't feel anything wrong at first.

After the first round of attacks, they felt that their strength was exhausted extremely quickly.

The one-hour siege battle seemed to have drained all their physical strength, and they began to feel weak in their hands and feet, their limbs became weak, and they could hardly hold the big knife in their hands.

Some people felt discomfort in their own bodies, noticed something, and ran away.

And when most people came back to their senses, they had absolutely no chance to escape.

He could only grit his teeth and struggle to support it, which formed a stark contrast with the soldiers in Phoenix City.

During the battle, Helian Yongye also noticed something strange about his own soldiers.

Seeing more and more corpses piled up in the city, he had to change his strategy and wanted to get out as soon as possible.

It was rare for Sikong Yinlong to have a hearty battle, how could he let go of such a good opportunity?

Helian Yongye quickly jumped onto the city wall after taking advantage of the opponent's attack, and let out a loud shout.

"Idiot, everyone give me back."

The soldiers he trained himself knew that it would never be so unbearable.

Something must have happened in between.

A loud shout woke up the soldiers, and many comrades around them had already died.It was like a dream just now, free and out of state.

He didn't have much strength in his body, as if he had been fighting bloody all day, and after hearing the general's scolding, he woke up like a dream, and had to retreat according to the general's instructions.

It's just that my brain is confused, and I'm still in a trance, and my body can't quite follow the orders.

Helian Yongye had no choice but to take the opportunity to swing a powerful knife, knocking away the siege of dozens of enemies in the blink of an eye, and turned around to attack his boss Kong Yinlong in an instant.

Due to the short power storage, the opponent's strong momentum directly pressed him half kneeling on the ground.


The enemy is too cunning, they must have fallen into the opponent's trick again.

He wanted to withdraw from the battle circle, but was entangled tightly by Sikong Yinlong. The two sides continued to entangle, the figure was like a ghost, rising and falling at times, and the powerful energy filled the sky with rubble.

During the fight, it took Helian Yongye an incense stick of effort to get rid of the opponent, and during the delay, hundreds of his subordinates died, many soldiers fell down the city wall and fell on the spot, which made him extremely sad.

The protector who was sent by the North Dragon King to open the city gate returned without success, and ran back staggeringly to tell the king, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty is not good. Our soldiers all died in the city. The other party didn't know what kind of temptation they used to make our side The soldiers were defeated."

"What did you say?" Beirong King's eyes widened in disbelief. He thought he had a chance to win, but he didn't expect to lose.

The huge blow made him almost faint, but fortunately the guardians quickly supported him.

"Why, how could this be?"

At this moment, the soldiers of Beirong no longer had the strength to fight any more. If they fought to the end, they might not lose, but the army of nearly 10 might not be much left.

King Beirong couldn't bear such a blow, and didn't believe it was true. His fainting head was buffered for a long time before he let out a breath.

Now that things have happened, they can only retreat, otherwise more and more people will die.

He reluctantly gave the order to let the remaining troops go to support the retreating soldiers ahead.

The army of the Northern Rong was in such a panic that they fled one after another.

The weak body magnified the fear in their hearts.

While fleeing in a hurry, he exposed his back to the city guards of Phoenix City. In such an instant, hundreds of people were killed.

A lot of people were lost in the first place, and a lot of money died in the blink of an eye.

The rest of the people fled in all directions, no longer fighting in their hearts.

Since you failed, then run away. There is no need to lose your life here. As for any honor, there is no such thing as fighting to the end. What is more important than life?

Even if they all know that there will be no good fruit to eat when they go back, it is better than throwing their lives here.

The imposing shouts behind them made the fleeing Bei Rong army even more fearful. Once they were entangled, they would die sooner or later, so they had to try their best to escape.

The more powerful ones began to evacuate continuously.

Outside the city wall, those disintegrated Jianghu masters and several lieutenants retreated while fighting, each showing their magical powers, and fled one after another at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, a group of people suddenly appeared on the city wall, including men, women, and disabled people, but the most special thing was that they were just a group of half-grown children.

"Get ready, shoot."

The reserve team of the third echelon, led by Cheng Sicheng, let out a low drink, and the next moment dozens of people bowed their bows and shot.

Puchi, in the blink of an eye.

Thousands of northern soldiers had their heads or limbs blown apart.

Specially made arrows house small blasting devices.

No matter where it hits the human body, it will not die or be disabled.

The sound of fluttering was endless, and the fleeing Bei Rong army completely collapsed, some were crying and some were begging for mercy.

The fear of seeing their bodies explode like that, and the sudden pain caused their beliefs to collapse, leaving only the fear of death.

"Idiot, how can you just retreat dryly on the battlefield, leaving an enemy behind, who will die if you don't die?"

The leader looked indifferent, it was just a small scene.

Hmph, dare to come again, let them come and go.

Cheng Sicheng's indifferent and arrogant face was full of sarcasm.

King Beirong looked from a distance and saw the immature face on the city wall, a little unwilling and a little unbelievable.Is that something half-grown children do?

Today's battle was too aggrieved.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

The Beilong soldiers who were still in the upper hand just now were killed and injured the moment they chose to escape, so that the Beirong King no longer had any intention to stay.

People in Phoenix City are so scheming and unpredictable that it is really hateful.

When all his soldiers have arrived, they must rush into the city and leave no one alive.

(End of this chapter)

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