'It seems that Brother Ran is very careful. Cheng Xiaoxiao sighed with emotion.

"Well, a child like this doesn't do much when he grows up. He eats the jealousy of a brat, and his heart is too small." The system commented.

'Who didn't protect food and didn't feel jealous when he was young, it would be better if he grows up a little bit, how can you say it so seriously, besides, there is a second brother, but the elder brother can still grow crooked. '

She wasn't worried.

Who would have thought that today's Cheng Xiaoxiao would become a prophecy.

"Isn't there still Qiqi? Just pay attention to it."

"Well, that's fine!" The system reluctantly agreed, and took care of the bear boy.

Everyone laughed and laughed at a meal, so harmonious.

At this time, the capital was in chaos, and the battle between Prince Yong and King Yu failed to please anyone.

King Yu assembled an army of 20 to take Kyoto in one fell swoop, and Prince Yong was not a vegetarian. The siege battle lasted for half a month, and in the end both sides suffered losses.

However, before they could decide the winner, the extreme cold came. Ordinary people would be frozen into ice sculptures when they went out. The soldiers who had the strength to defend themselves did not dare to stay outside for too long. Finally, the battle was forced to stop, but unfortunately it was too late up.

The soldiers were tense. In the bad weather, they lacked food and clothing, and the wounded could not get medical treatment. Every day, some people couldn't bear it and left, and people were panicked for a while.

In order to appease the soldiers, the army of King Yu who attacked the city sent masters to burn, kill and loot the surrounding towns. The people were killed and injured countless times.

The whole of Kyoto soon became an isolated city, and the three sides of the city were looted.

The surviving refugees were all led to Phoenix City by Gu Ming.

No way, King Yu besieged the city. If he didn't guide him, the tens of thousands of people who survived would have only a dead end.

Everyone heard that there is a city in the north, the owner of the city is kind and generous, he is a good man, as long as he has enough strength, he can stay and work to support his family. There are pickles and porridge, and there is an underground fortress, and he will lend a helping hand to all the people in distress. hand.

Of course, during the three or four months when Cheng Xiaoxiao had no news, the people Gu Ming sent out to find the whereabouts of the little prince quickly discovered this strange new city.

After a lot of research, I am surprised that Phoenix City can protect the peaceful and peaceful life of the people in one side under extremely cold conditions. The other side also accepts the people who are in trouble around them and receives proper resettlement. He is a benevolent city lord.

If it is a time of peace, the other party's behavior of occupying the mountain as king, whether it is true benevolence or under the guise of benevolence and righteousness, to gather and strengthen one's own power is absolutely not allowed.

Now that there are constant natural disasters and the capital is in dire straits and cannot protect its people, he will not interfere with such a place that shelters the people from wind and rain, but he also does not want to watch the other party grow bigger and stronger.

When everything recovers, the other party will become a strong enemy, and there will be endless troubles.

Gu Ming originally planned to do something to check and balance Phoenix City.But received an unbelievable news that the little prince was still in the hands of the Lord of Phoenix City, and was raised fat and white.

This discovery made Gu Ming ecstatic, and immediately changed his mind.

So he had the following plan.

First stir up the muddy waters in the two armies that are like water and fire.

Make it messy and make many unwise decisions.

In the end, King Yu was defeated and his head was cut off, and all his remaining soldiers became prisoners.

Prince Yong was seriously injured and was unable to conceive an heir. He was pulled down by Gu Ming and helped the prince who was less than one year old to become the throne.

The crown prince who ascended the throne is a counterfeit of the clan. Since he knew that the prince was in Phoenix City, he planned to temporarily stabilize the court situation. When all the dust settled, he would personally pick up the real prince.

It has to be said that Gu Ming, a strategist, overcame the overall situation and became the final winner, which caused an uproar in the court and reshuffled the power in the entire capital.

And Cheng Xiaoxiao thought that he was hiding well, but unfortunately, more and more people were gathered, and there were so many people talking, how could there be an impenetrable wall, no, Gu Ming's people had already mixed into the city, recording the little prince's daily life.

At this time, the weather in Kyoto is still a bit cold. After the war, it is gloomy and gloomy.

The government's control gradually weakened, and the game between the various forces began again. The duel between the two sides lasted for a month, but failed, which accelerated the depression in Kyoto.

In the continuous disasters, more than half of the people were killed or injured, and they missed the spring plowing, and there was no food supply, and they were on the line of life and death every day.

No matter how capable a trader Gu Ming is, he can't produce food even with fierce means. He even donated all the food stored in Fuxi Fort, but it's still a drop in the bucket.

Beirong and Xidi, who were also severely affected by the disaster, assembled their troops and wanted to share a piece of meat in this fertile land.

There is turmoil everywhere, and edible food is now hard to come by.

As Phoenix City became more and more famous, various forces came to this place after inquiring information.

Now that the snow has melted, the road is much easier to walk, and it is not so cold anymore. Many forces in the rivers and lakes have also joined in.

They rushed to Phoenix City one after another, everyone wanted to hold a piece of pure land after the disaster in their hands.

These news all come from the forces gathered by Cheng Xiaoxiao's mission.

There is also Yang Hang Escort, whose business is getting wider and wider.

Now Yang Bingbing is cooperating with his father, Yang Zhiyuan, to run the Yang Hang Escort Bureau in a good and colorful way. Now that the supplies are extremely scarce, many small forces have been gathered together, and there are a lot of talents in it, and it has grown dozens of times in a short period of time.

At the same time, they are also the most well-informed, and they have played a great role in blocking the bad forces who have the idea of ​​planning for Phoenix City.

Zhao Wuling, who was far away in the building, also received the first-hand news, convinced that there really was such an organization, a city that had not been affected by the disaster, so he came alone with a few confidantes.

There are people from all over the country rushing to Phoenix City, some of their own people looking for a helping hand, some chivalrous people from the world to find out, and some powerful forces watching the excitement and the situation, but most of them are looters with malicious intentions.

Among them, Cheng Yao was the one who was most anxious. As soon as he received the news, he immediately took his subordinates and rushed there without hesitation.

After the disaster, many forces reshuffled their cards, and Phoenix City seemed to have become a new target for all forces to snatch.

If it hadn't been for the various branches of the secret network to block the news and intercept many people with malicious intentions, someone would have called Cheng Xiaoxiao's door in the few months since Cheng Xiaoxiao left.

Although many people were blocked by the secret compartments, the alliance between Yuanyang City and Ouyang's family, which was closer, assembled secretly and very quickly. When Zhou Yanlan received the news, Cheng Xiaoxiao had already solved everything.

In the past two days, Cheng Xiaoxiao was not idle, and went through all the affiliated forces that had collected tasks before.

Distributing supplies is one aspect, and more is to pay attention to the movements of various forces and indirectly block their advance.

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