Not relatives are better than relatives.

After the master left, he cut off all emotions, devoted himself to studying, and achieved success in cultivation.

Flowers bloom and fall, morning rises and night rests, light and darkness alternate, in the endless years, he has long been alone, detached from the world.

Someone told him now that they will be friends and relatives in the future.

This subtle feeling was very strange, and the inner touch left him at a loss.

Suppressing the strange feeling in my heart, I recited the Supreme Meditation Mantra silently in my heart.

Abandon all distracting thoughts, the journey of practice is boring, long and lonely practice is the norm, how can someone's few words affect the heart of Dao.

As soon as I made up my mind, I heard a girl's voice outside.

"Amo, where do you think this is? You can't see your fingers, it's creepy."

I can only see objects two meters in front of me, except for the gravel, which is still gravel.


A gust of cold wind blew through, and there was an unknown whooping sound.

It made people shiver uncontrollably.

Cheng Xiaoxiao clasped his arms with both hands and rubbed them vigorously.

"Ah Mo, do you think there are ghosts here? I am most afraid of ghosts. You are a god, and you are scared to death when you come out to suppress and suppress."

Mo Xiaoyi: "..."

How could someone call him like that without any sense of disobedience, and still call him so intimately, as if they were friends for many years, and they were inseparable, everything was natural and close.

Or a mortal?
Is it because his strength has regressed so much now that he has no coercion at all?

He wanted to say something to stop him, but he didn't know what to say.

Perhaps his denial will lead to more unscrupulous choreography by the other party.

Don't ask him how he knows, he just has this intuition.

The opponent's ability to climb along the pole... No, even if there is no pole, the opponent can find one and climb up by himself.

Cheng Xiaoxiao didn't know his own image, and fell down again and again in the other party's eyes.

She is now full of joy, knowing that when her life is really in danger, the other party will not ignore her.

There is no woman who is not happy about the story of the hero saving the beauty.

Is it cliche?
She doesn't think so.

It is not enough to appreciate such stunning beauty falling into the mortal world day and night.

She tried her best to prolong this joy for a while, to drive away the terrifying echoes around her.

It's not that he didn't miss the bone fragments among the rubble, but he selectively ignored them.

He seems to be strolling leisurely, but holds the military shovel firmly in his hand, alert to the wind and grass around him.

Suddenly, the sound of flapping wings sounded in the dense fog.

Just listen to the sound, not see the object.

She is ready to fight, no matter what is on the other side, can he handle it?With confidence in my heart, I am not so afraid anymore.

The sound of flapping wings became more and more dense, as if there were many, many.

A shrill cry sounded.

The sound is not loud, but very sharp, as if it can penetrate the human eardrum.

I took out the flashlight and looked ahead, but I could only see three or four meters away.

It's still filled with white smoke.

And in the deeper part of the white smoke, there are chaotic fluttering sounds approaching from far away.

Something is approaching.

Cheng Xiaoxiao tensed his nerves instantly, ready to fight.

A black figure suddenly appeared at the position where the light of the torch was shining, flapping the black half-arc wings, and rushed straight.

It's a bat!
The light ahead is covered by dense bats.

Black shadows came overwhelmingly.

Knowing what the other party was, Cheng Xiaoxiao quickly changed his self-defense weapon.

Holding a tung oil torch in his left hand and gasoline in his right, he instantly drew a big circle for himself.

When tens of thousands of bats were killed, the flames ignited.

In the interweaving of night and white mist, it burns brilliantly.

Unseal the spirits, take a big gulp, aim at the top of the torch and spray it out instantly.

A long dragon and a bat meet unexpectedly.

Stab, stab.

The bats that came close were ignited by the fire with their wings and hair.

Flapping, screaming, one after another fell to the ground.

One face-to-face kills a large wave.

There is a fire line of defense around, which makes the swarming bats fear and panic, flapping their wings and circling around, and some of them are squeezed above the flames, and they are instantly ignited.

The dense bats in the air swooped down.

All received the hospitality of the fire dragon.

Cheng Xiaoxiao kept changing his position, trying not to leave a bat behind.

The bats here are twice the size of an adult man's fist, their spread wings are as dynamic as a fan, and their green eyes make people feel cold for no reason.

Fangs protrude from the small open mouth, and the sharp flippers open and close in flight, ready to grab prey at any time and erode crazily.

Cheng Xiaoxiao used both hands and feet, turned his flexible body, and tried his best to maintain his protective circle.

Burnt, smoking, charred corpses littered the ground.

Outside the fire protection circle, countless bats were burned to the ground. In addition to the white smoke, there was also a puff of gray-green smoke, wrapped in a burnt smell, covering the entire space.

Damn, where did she go?
Is it the lair of bats?
Why is it endless?

No matter how it burns, it will never stop burning.

These are all system coins that she has managed to earn.

It is a pity to use it up like this.

But she has no better way, Huo Gong should be the most direct and effective way to deal with bats.

Under the bright yellow firelight, her little face was rosy and white, and thin beads of sweat began to appear on her forehead.

I have been playing with fire, how can I not be hot?

As time passed, the number of bats began to decrease.

Surrounded by corpses like hills, his scalp felt numb, and his nostrils were filled with an unpleasant smell.

She took the opportunity to leave here.

If there is another batch, she will be overwhelmed.

Under the goggles, the front was unobstructed, and no dangerous beasts or other creatures were seen.

After walking a certain distance in the dark, she also encountered a few small beasts, but the danger was small, and she had already dealt with them on the spot.

When she came to a cave, she decided to go and take a look. If there was no danger, she could take a short break.

After passing through the long, dark tunnel, all the way down, no danger was found in the passage.

I ordered some fast food at random, swallowed it like a jujube, and started on the road again before I had time to taste it.

Unknown places, unknown risks, how can we do it if we are not vigilant?

Looking forward all the way, I finally walked out of the passage with nine bends and eighteen bends, and came to another world, only to find that the sky was already bright at this time.

At the end of the cave is a strange place. This place is not empty. There is a huge green lake. The floating objects on the lake cannot be seen clearly. I don’t know what is under the lake.

Could this be the legendary secret place?

Cheng Xiaoxiao couldn't help but crooked in his heart.

This place seems to be a chaotic reflection of time, which does not belong to this territory.

The fiery red cactus is more than two meters high, clustered in clusters, it looks like something out of a painting, unreal.

The huge green lotus leaves do not grow in the lake, but on the land at the end, swaying, looking very happy.

At the end of the lake is a swamp, under the densely packed floats, there are some aquatic creatures swimming around in the mud, which looks very strange.

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