When Duoji got home, he ate a few mouthfuls of food casually, and then went online immediately.

Everyone has their own hobbies.Before the release of VR glasses, Duoji’s favorite thing was to watch live broadcasts and watch short videos, and now he has entered "Millions of Light Years" to farm and practice skills-he really didn’t have the habit of following the trend and commenting on hot issues.

But tonight he made an exception.Dorji logged on to Shoudao.com and found what he wanted to see from the hot search news.

Tao Le, a disciple of Zhou Guoshou, was rejected for submitting a false video in vain to join the International Federation of Sacred Surgical Medicine, which incidentally affected the report of Hua Guo Sacred Surgical Medicine. At the moment, it has been topped No. 5 on the hot search list.

Duoji opened it and took a look, and found that there were already tens of thousands of messages below, most of which were slanderous and slanderous.

During this time, some people also reposted the courtyard's clarification announcement on this matter, but they were overwhelmingly accused of covering up and conniving.

Even if a few people tried to refute, they were quickly submerged in the overwhelming condemnation.

A flame rose in Dorje's heart immediately.In any case, Tao Le is also the person he has honored as a teacher for more than ten years in the game space.

Although I don't know how she is in neurosurgery, but based on her attainments and innovations in acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine, she shouldn't be treated like this.

Duoji fluttered his fingers and tapped on the phone quickly, and sent more than ten positive comments in a short while.

It stands to reason that such a hot piece of news has so many opponents, and he should soon become the target of public criticism and be scolded by others for being so defiant.

But in fact, there were only a few sporadic people who posted back to refute him, and it was impossible to form a large-scale counterattack at all, just like those sunspots before, who inexplicably changed their ways.

Not only that, there are still people who like his comments one after another, and even speak on the same stand with him.

Dorje looked at the IP addresses of these people subconsciously, and found that most of them, like himself, were in Tibet.

So, they are probably colleagues who just heard about the secret technique, right?
Suddenly, Dorje felt a sense of urgency.Time does not wait for me, I have to work harder!

Two hours later, Dorje checked his results with satisfaction.

Not only did he reply to hundreds of posts on Shoudao.com, but he also specially logged into Xinglin.com, and tried his best to justify Tao Le's name in the midst of countless resentful comments from doctors outside of God.

I don't know why, but now on the Xinglin.com forum, everyone is very restrained. There are many people who go in the same direction with him, but few who go against him.

But these little strange feelings were not taken seriously by Duoji at all.

He excitedly took the VR glasses, entered "Millions of Light Years", and called up the personal attribute interface with a nervous mood.

Upon seeing it, he immediately jumped up in surprise.

The source energy that had been cleared a long time ago now showed the words "300 micro squares", shining with azure blue luster.

It turns out that Xie Baoshu is really a kind person, and the secret technique he shared is really effective!

Overjoyed, Duoji rushed into the Vocational Skills Improvement Center, spent 150 micro square source energy with great wealth, and bought the intermediate clinical diagnostics that he had been coveting for a long time.

Not only is the money not bad, but also the satisfaction of knowing how to spend the money in the future is really comforting!
It was nearly twelve o'clock when Gan Yi returned to the hotel.He was quite tired, but he couldn't fall asleep, and Xie Baoshu's words echoed repeatedly in his mind:
"...I know this sounds a bit mysterious, but you don't have to believe it."

At that time Xie Baoshu acted in a daze, and Gan Yi felt that he was just joking.

But right now, amidst all the silence, the idea of ​​giving it a try is getting stronger and stronger.

He turned over and sat up, sighed, opened the first road network, and found relevant news.

As soon as he glanced at it, his anger rushed upwards.

Who are these people?I don't know Tao Le herself, nor have I seen her practice medicine or surgery, so why are she talking nonsense here, just like everyone else?
Immediately, he sat upright and replied seriously.

In terms of specific methods, he is completely different from Xie Baoshu and Duoji's purely hateful fighting posts.

He made a long post, starting from Tao Le's ability in Chinese medicine, and writing about the several emergency and severe first aids she participated in.

The man who rescued the deer, the patient with placental abruption, and the child suspected of swallowing nails.
Except for the surgery where Yukin Kamura and Walker were present, he had to wait for an opportunity before releasing the truth, and he described the rest of the cases truthfully, allowing netizens to decide for themselves.

He was originally one of the top experts in the emergency department in China, and his online name had been verified by his real name. Now that he stood up to support Tao Le, many passers-by immediately became dubious.

It's easy to get bossed when writing comments, but once Gan Yi gets out of hand, he can't stop at all.

In addition to hot searches, he also went to Xinglin.com specifically, and posted a few long comments again.

After all this was done, it was almost two o'clock in the middle of the night.

When he put on the VR glasses, he didn't have much hope for the energy value in his heart.

The excited emotions just now seemed to have been vented with many long replies, and now Gan Yi has completely calmed down.

The reason why he entered the game is because he needs to enter a deep sleep for the rest of the time, so that he can maintain a strong mental and physical strength when he goes to work during the day.

For Gan Yi, who was specially sent to Saskatchewan to lead the emergency center, it was impossible to take a rest.

From the day he arrived, he didn't work from [-] to [-], and he didn't even have [-], only [-].

But just such a subconscious glance made him stunned.

A thousand micro-fangs of energy have been quietly lying in his personal interface.

A wave of ecstasy erupted from his heart—is Ganqing's secret technique of generating energy really effective?
Waking up early in the morning, Tao Le felt something was wrong.

Mio Hotel serves as the dormitory for all the medical staff who aid Tibet in the hospital, and they can meet many colleagues during breakfast time.

Everyone would greet her politely when they met, especially those students who had learned acupuncture and moxibustion to control the pulse and stop bleeding, would call her "teacher" with full respect.

But she had never seen such a passionate scene like this morning.

"Teacher Tao, don't worry, those people on the Internet believe that wind is rain, and they have no personal judgment at all, so it's not worth getting angry with them." The emergency doctor Shi Youjie approached her and said.

"That's right, Teacher Tao." Lin Lin, a resident doctor in the emergency department, also leaned towards her: "Those people are too much, I scolded them for you. We all know your ability, we must not just sit and watch those people slander you you!"

Not only them, but several other resident doctors and attending doctors from Beijing also expressed their positions righteously, and all of them expressed that they would fight unyieldingly against the evil forces on the Internet, and it was necessary to find this information for her. place.

Tao Le was both surprised and moved by this enthusiastic colleague.

It turns out that the Saskatchewan Emergency Center is such a warm and harmonious family?

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