"Although it is very difficult, but because I was born at the right time, I finally succeeded."

This sentence, Simu said lightly, but it fell into the ears of Patriarch Wen and everyone in Baitou Mountain, and they were pleasantly surprised.

If Sect Master Xi's possession is not in vain, then their ancestor Wen can also be promoted to the realm of heaven and man in his lifetime, and the status of Baitou Mountain will also rise.

The only thing to worry about is whether the young new suzerain can be as proficient as his predecessors in the way of deduction.

"Then, in terms of specific time." Patriarch Wen asked.

Sim smiled but said nothing, just stretched out his right hand to compare.

"The number is five to five." He said, "You will know when the time comes."

"Is it the number of five or five?" Patriarch Wen fell into deep thought.

Bai Zhaoyuan had seen Simu's ability before, so he still had confidence in him.But his father, Bai Di, the current suzerain of Baitou Mountain, is full of doubts.

He was very displeased with this Xi Mu from the very beginning.I thought he was an ordinary person before, he was too young and too good-looking, but he didn't look like a person who practiced introvertedly.

When this identity was revealed later, Old Ancestor Yu deliberately indulged Tao Le for his sake, and simply recognized him as the Sovereign of Tianyan, which was quite unexpected in the first place.

But what made him dissatisfied was that his own patriarch Wen not only proposed to let Tianyanzong return to the inner seven sects, but also took out the important treasure of the sect, the Bingxinnuanyu, in exchange for three fortune-telling opportunities that he didn't know whether it was reliable or not.

The other party didn't do anything, just by pinching his fingers a few times, and with a mouth that could speak nice words, he could get such a precious treasure in exchange. This deal was really a bargain.

Of course, the results he calculated were indeed what Patriarch Wen and the sect were happy to see, but so what?

How to judge the authenticity of this matter?As for the number of five or five, there is no way to say it.

Five years, ten years, 15 years, 50 years?All can be relied on.

If they had waited many years, they would have already run away with a large amount of money.

He thought for a while, and then said: "Since there are three chances to make calculations, how about asking Xi Sect Master to make another divination?"

Sim nodded: "I don't know about Sect Master Bai, what do you want to count?"

"Many years ago, when I established my sect in Paektu Mountain, I found a spiritual spring in the mountain, and there was a snow lotus growing in it."

"Sixty years ago, the snow lotus once matured and gave birth to many lotus seeds. At that time, we invited the other six sects to participate in the feast of lotus tasting, and used lotus seeds as rewards to organize the talents of the seven sects to compete. Do you have an impression?"

"Naturally." Both of them nodded.

"However, after decades, the snow lotus has bloomed several times, but no lotus seeds have emerged. What I want to ask Master Xi to test is this matter."

"May I ask how long it will take for this snow lotus to give birth to new children, and how many new children will there be?"

When he said this, Patriarch Wen and Bai Zhaoyuan had strange expressions on their faces.

Because both of them knew very well that what Bai Di said was not true.

Lingquan does exist, and so does Xuelian.They are all strictly protected in the secret room in the mountainside, and even few people in this sect know the exact location.

The real situation is that after many years of cultivation, the snow lotus is no longer a single plant, but has as many as three plants.

These three snow lotus plants have just passed their flowering period, and all of them have produced lotus seeds. They can be picked and enjoyed only after they are mature.

After a little thought, Patriarch Wen understood Bai Di's meaning.

He wanted to take this matter as a quick test of the ability of the new lord of the Tianyan Sect.

It is impossible for outsiders to know about Xuelian except for a few of their core figures.

If someone Xi really figured it out, then it was just a waste of an opportunity to calculate.

But if it is wrong, then the Xi Sect Master will be in big trouble.

Thinking of this, Patriarch Wen suddenly became satisfied with Bai Di.

As expected of the suzerain he picked, he was thoughtful in everything he did.Just now, he was confused by the other party's identity, and impulsively took out such a treasure as Bingxin Nuanyu, but didn't think about verifying it.

If the other party didn't inherit the natural performance ability of the ancestors at all, wouldn't he be ridiculed by other sects endlessly if he spread the treasures like this?
While thinking about it, he nodded to Bai Di to express his approval.

Over there, Simu glanced at Bai Di lazily, and asked casually, "Are you sure you want to ask about this?"


"Oh." Simu sighed, and said something irrelevant: "Actually, you still don't know me well enough."

Bai Di secretly laughed in his heart.He was almost sure that this smart man had already guessed his intentions, and he didn't dare to prevaricate as before, so he started talking about him.

That being the case, of course he has to accompany him to the end.

"Why did Sect Master Xi say that?" He asked in a puzzled manner.

The expression on Simu's face became indifferent, and he said softly: "One yin and one yang are called the Tao. What follows is goodness, and what succeeds is nature."

"If you believe in everything, it's okay, but if you don't believe it"

"So what can I do? I've already received all the rewards, so Sect Master Xi won't go back on his word, will he?" Bai Di said without giving an inch.

"That's not going to happen. It's just that this hexagram was wasted, and you only have one last chance to take advantage of it."

"After the three hexagrams, I won't make a move for Mount Baitou again. No matter how much hexagram gold is, it's useless."

When Patriarch Wen heard the words, he was a little embarrassed and winked at Bai Di.

"How about, don't ask these questions, let's eat and drink well?"

Bai Di was extremely determined in his heart.He has seen countless people, and he is used to seeing such people.

Fearing that he would be exposed, he purposely exaggerated the consequences, trying to make people quit in spite of the difficulties—this trick could fool others, but not him.

The more this happened, the more he wanted to expose the old background of this person who dared to deceive himself.

"Patriarch Wen, it's okay." Bai Di said: "Sect Master Xi, you can do whatever you want in the future, but I am sincere about this hexagram, so I ask you to help me figure it out."

"Alright then." Sim stood up, and in front of everyone, lightly tossed the white jade fan in his hand into the air.

As soon as the fan was out of hand, it immediately became as big as a tabletop, spinning rapidly in the air, covering even the afterglow of the setting sun.

The fan bones, which were white and clean, spread out during the rotation, first forming various mysterious patterns in the air, and then forming a neat circle.

In the circle, it no longer looked like the sky, but a holographic image appeared out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, Patriarch Yu was fine with it. Patriarch Wen, Bai Di and Bai Zhaoyuan all stood up in disbelief, staring blankly at the sky, not knowing where they were.

This holographic image appears to be exactly what the spiritual spring in the belly of their mountain looks like at this moment.

In the soybean milk-colored spiritual spring, there are three lavender lotus pods standing proudly.

Among the lotus pods, there are green lotus seeds all over the ground.

"The lotus seeds have already grown, and they will mature in fifteen days." Simu's voice came at the right time, although it was still soft and cold, it seemed to directly shake everyone's heart:

"As for the quantity, please count it yourself. If you want to count such a trivial matter, it will not be difficult for you, Sect Master Bai?"

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