Chapter 598
"Your apology, my fiancée and I have both accepted it." Simu said lazily: "I will drink this glass of wine for her."

As soon as the words fell, he drank a full glass of wine under the watchful eyes of everyone.

He had already revealed the relationship between the two of them as boyfriend and girlfriend in front of Bai Zhaoyuan before, but now he was suddenly promoted to be a fiancé couple, which didn't seem too abrupt.

It's just that neither Yu Ruisong nor Wei Changyuan had heard of this matter for the first time.

The former immediately looked at the latter, his face full of hatred.

Wei Changyuan's face was as sinking as water, his eyes glide alternately over Tao Le's and Simu's' faces.

Regarding Simu's statement, instead of refuting, Tao Le blushed and looked back shyly at him—this was equivalent to confirming what Xi Mu said.

He thought in his heart that the person who wanted to look forward to it for a lifetime, unexpectedly handed himself over to a secular businessman with only a face.

For a moment, countless thoughts flashed through Wei Changyuan's mind, including various dark methods.

Sim felt it one by one, and couldn't help snickering.

Although these methods are too old-fashioned and boring, but for some reason, he is really looking forward to it at this moment, and wants to use two tricks with him.

Thinking of this, his cheeks suddenly blushed, and his eyes also had the color of peach blossoms, looking a little confused.

"Lele, I'm a little dizzy." He leaned on his head with his hand, as if he couldn't support it.

This wine is so powerful?Tao Le was stunned for a moment, and then immediately supported him.

"Hey, why did I forget, this wine has too much stamina for ordinary people." Bai Zhaoyuan said while calling two juniors: "Help the guests to rest."

"I'll go with him." Tao Le said worriedly.

"Senior Tao, you and Old Ancestor Yu are our most honored guests on Baitou Mountain. Isn't it inappropriate for the host and guest to leave before the banquet begins?"

"But." Tao Le was about to say more, when suddenly a strange feeling came from his hands.

It was Sim, gently squeezing her hand.She suddenly understood his intention.

Did she just say, how could such a little wine make His Royal Highness so drunk?

Sure enough, the old man still didn't enjoy the game, and wanted to continue to carry out his plan of pretending to be a pig to the end.

That being the case, why should she bother about it.

"Okay." Tao Le withdrew his hand calmly, and let the juniors help the dizzy Sim out.

Then the atmosphere at the wine table became much more harmonious.Although some people offered a toast to Tao Le, but she insisted on tasting it, and with Yu Ruisong to support her, no one dared to make mistakes.

After drinking for three rounds, Wei Changyuan got up and left the table. The reason was that he was too strong to drink and wanted to go out to enjoy some fresh air.

Including Tao Le, others didn't feel anything strange, only Yu Ruisong guessed his mind and gave him a meaningful glance.

Wei Changyuan understood his intention, it was nothing more than not to go too far, so as not to upset Tao Le.

That's what he meant too.

After asking the disciples guarding outside, Wei Changyuan was taken to an elegant small courtyard.

He opened the door and entered, and saw Sim, who was supposed to be soundly asleep, was sitting carelessly in the courtyard.

But the little girl beside Tao Le stood aside, making tea for him respectfully.

"Are you here?" Simu didn't get up, he pointed to the seat beside him and said, "Sit."

Wei Changyuan sat down with a complicated expression.At this moment, he had a feeling that Tao Le's worldly friend was not an ordinary person, and he was a little puzzled.

Xiao Qi's movements were light and smooth, and after a while, he offered each of them a cup of fragrant green tea.

"Drink it, it's not poisonous." Simu said as he picked up the tea and took a sip.

He was so generous, if Wei Changyuan didn't drink it, he would look petty instead.

Immediately, he picked up the tea, tasted it for a while, and then froze for a moment.

This tea is really the most delicious taste he has never tasted in his life.

It is extremely clear and fragrant, and the aftertaste is sweet and sweet. Just such a sip, its taste has been engraved deep in the heart.

Even though he is the young master of the sect who is the head of the seven inner sects, he has obtained various resources and enjoyments that are far beyond the reach of others, but he has never drank such a wonderful tea.

"What kind of tea is this?" He couldn't help asking.

"It's a kind of wild tea." Sim said casually, "It's produced in a very remote place, and it took me a lot of effort to discover it."

Twenty thousand light years away from the blue star, it is indeed a bit remote.

"Wild tea?" Wei Changyuan asked suspiciously: "Can you tell me the location? Patriarch Yu and my father both like this taste very much."

"It's my private tea garden. Even if I tell you the place, you won't be able to go there." Simu said while brazenly saying: "You came to me because you want to ask me for advice?"

"Hehe, Dr. Xi was joking." Wei Changyuan also remembered why he came here this time.

"I have already checked your situation. You are excellent. You have founded such a huge technology company at a young age. Whether it is education, family background, or wealth, it is the top among ordinary people."

"But, that's just an ordinary person." Wei Changyuan deliberately emphasized the last three words.

"Oh?" Simu took another sip of tea with a smile, and asked, "In this world, who is not a drop in the ocean? Is there anyone who can transcend things?"

"Naturally." Wei Changhuan straightened his back, his eyes were shining brightly:

"Above the mortal world, there are very few other people. They have extraordinary talents, have learned the truth of the world, and possess powers that ordinary people can't imagine, so they can stand above the secular laws."

"You came here specifically to tell me this, so you must be one of them?"

"Indeed." Wei Changyuan said: "You are a smart person, I will not hide it from you. Tao Le saved our ancestor Yu and has been accepted by us. She is no longer an ordinary person."

"But you are different." He looked into Sim's eyes and said seriously: "No matter how powerful you are in the world, compared with us, you are nothing more than ants. Obedience, dedication, or you can enjoy your destiny, otherwise"

"Otherwise?" Simu's eyes narrowed involuntarily, and his voice became extremely soft.

Wei Changyuan stopped talking.He sighed softly, and an invisible energy attacked the table and tea set between the two of them.

He has already reached the high level of Xuanxu Realm. If there is no accident, within ten years, he will be promoted to the Earth Element Realm and become Blue Star's youngest Earth Element Realm master.

At this moment, his control over energy has reached an extremely fine level.Silently, these tables and tea sets, including the chairs under the other party, will turn into dust without making a sound.

If you want to see this kind of method, the very smart Mr. Xi on the opposite side should listen to your suggestion seriously, right?

(End of this chapter)

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