"Papa papa!" Walker clapped his hands and strode forward:
"It's a wonderful operation. Doctor Tao, you did a great job!"

"Thank you." Tao Le's face was the same as before, and he was not complacent because of the foreign expert's affirmation.

Walker patted Yukin Kamura, who was still in a daze, and said, "I think Doctor Tao has passed the examination perfectly and is qualified to be among the top powerhouses in the world. Do you have any objections?" ?”

Kamura Yuken came back to his senses.The previous doubts and contempt have all disappeared in front of such a surgery that can deal a blow to them in dimensionality reduction.

"Doctor Tao is the youngest, most talented, and the best supernatural expert I have ever seen." He said: "Of course she is qualified to join the Federation and become a core member."

After he said these words, the others in the operating room immediately beamed with joy, and Zheng Changchun felt extremely relieved.

For so many years, Hua Guoshen's Department of Surgery has always been inferior to others. It has not been recognized and accepted until today.

The fact that Tao Le passed the assessment to join the International Federation of Surgeons is of epoch-making significance, representing the Huaguo Surgeon Medicine, which has achieved a qualitative leap.

From now on, as the organization's first Chinese doctor, she will bring back the latest international medical research results, and promote the overall improvement of domestic neurosurgery.

Just thinking about this alone makes people feel excited.

Contrary to the joy of the crowd, Tao Le did not express anything in the face of this kind of certification and affirmation from international authorities.

"Send the patient back to the ward." She took off the blood-stained gloves and threw them into the stainless steel tray, saying:
"There are still some things that need to be explained to the family members about the postoperative care and precautions. I will go out and talk about it in person later."

Zheng Changchun waved his hand, "Teacher Tao, you don't need to worry about such a trivial matter."

"The most urgent task right now is to finalize the membership with the two experts."

"It's not urgent." Tao Le said calmly, "Actually, I still have some questions about this matter. I'll talk to you guys later."

Kamura Yuken and Walker froze for a moment, looked at each other, and the latter said with a smile:

"It doesn't matter. Explaining the perioperative matters is also an important part of the operation. You are a responsible doctor. From this, we can see that we can wait for you."

"Indeed, there is nothing else to do with us, Doctor Tao, please go to work and don't care about us at all." Kamura Yujian also said.

"Okay then." Tao Le was not polite, changed the surgical gown and went out.

Han Tai and her family members stayed outside all the time, and they were a little surprised to see her come out.

"Teacher Tao, is there something wrong with the operation?" Han Tai asked first.

Although he is not a supernatural professional, he is quite familiar with the complexity of this operation.

Five or six hours to make a base, ten hours away is normal.

Right now, the operation is full of calculations, and the operation only lasted for four to ten minutes. Why did the chief surgeon come out?

Wouldn't be the worst possible possibility?
If that's the case, it's really bad.

Sure enough, he shouldn't have allowed such a young resident to perform such a difficult level [-] operation blindly for the sake of face.

It’s better now, not only the patient is gone, but two foreign experts can see it clearly, directly confirming the suspicion of falsified declaration and blocking the way of domestic and foreign medicine to the world.

All of a sudden, his mind was buzzing and became a mess.

"President, don't worry, the operation was a success." Tao Le said.

"Ah, I knew it. No, what did you say?"

"The operation was successful." Tao Le repeated it calmly, and said it again in Tibetan to the family members, and by the way, told the precautions during the perioperative period.

During this period, Han Tai stood aside in a trance, with a face full of confusion and disbelief.

After finally waiting for Tao Le to finish speaking, he hurriedly said:

"Teacher Tao, did I hear you right? This acoustic neuroma surgery took you less than 10 minutes to complete?"

"Yes." Tao Le heard the voice behind him and said, "They have also come out. You can ask for the specific details yourself."

Han Tai looked back and saw that the patient was pushed out. Although he hadn't woken up yet, he seemed to be in good condition.

After that, Zheng Changchun walked out with Walker and Yukin Kamura.

The former is full of spring breeze and beaming, and he can tell at a glance that he is in a great mood.

"Old Zheng." Han Tai greeted directly: "How is the operation?"

"Dean Han, you really should go in and take a look." Zheng Changchun said, "After seeing Teacher Tao's operation, I know what it means to have someone beyond a human being and a sky beyond the sky."

"It really succeeded?" Han Tai had a sense of reality now, and asked with a smile: "Then how do the two experts feel? About the investigation."

Walker immediately interjected: "With the strength of Dr. Tao in your hospital, if you can't enter our federation, it will be our loss."

"Yes." Yukin Kamura nodded vigorously: "So we have a few documents here that need Dr. Tao's signature. Next, we want to invite Dr. Tao to accompany us back to the headquarters in country R, ​​where Conduct the necessary initiation ceremonies."

Han Tai was overjoyed when he heard this.

Thanks to Teacher Tao, I was finally able to live up to the entrustment of my superiors and the expectations of my colleagues all over the country, and this matter was done!
"That's great." He said: "Let me express my opinion first. Regarding this matter, both the health department above and our hospital are all supportive and happy to see it come to fruition."

He turned to Tao Le and said, "Teacher Tao, you can safely follow the two experts, and you don't have to worry about the hospital's work at all. By the way, the hospital will reimburse you for all travel expenses."

Hearing this, Kamura Youjian showed a smile on his face, and said: "There is no need to consider the cost, it will be borne by the federation—in fact, after Dr. Tao becomes our core member, he will get a considerable amount every year. a research grant."

"Your association is really thoughtful!" Han Taizhang said, "Then Teacher Tao, how about I find you a conference room to sign the agreement?"

While they were talking, Tao Le's face remained normal, without any disturbance.

Hearing Han Tai's question, she smiled slightly.

"Don't be so troublesome." She said seriously: "I am a little touched that you can invite me regardless of your status or age. But I don't want to join your club for the time being, so I can only thank you for your wrong love."

After saying a word, everyone was stunned.


"what happened?"

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