Surgery continues.With the exposure of the small pontine angle, the situation inside is also shown on the big screen.

The tumor seemed to have been clearly exposed, just waiting for the surgeon to pick the fruit.

However, in the eyes of Kamura Yuken and Walker, who are extremely experienced, what they see is not the case.

This is just an arachnoid cyst covering the surface of the acoustic neuroma. It is quite confusing and often misleads doctors to treat it as a lesion, thereby ignoring the real acoustic neuroma.

This kind of thing, maybe some young people with weak foundations can stop here, right?

However, Tao Le broke the gloomy thoughts that had just risen in Jiacun's heart, which was inconvenient to express.

To be precise, her actions were too quick and decisive, and she didn't leave him any room for imagination.

Tao Le performed the piercing, drainage, and cleaning of the arachnoid cyst very smoothly.

And in the next moment, she successfully found the lower pole of the tumor, and she was not confused at all when she showed it with practical actions.

Before starting the resection, she did another thing: she took out a few gleaming needles and stuck them on the patient's brain.

This step, not only Zheng Changchun and Zhuo Shengli who were watching in a daze, but also Yujian Kamura and Walker.

The difference is that they have seen a similar situation in the previous video of a large aneurysm.

This is not a new technology, a new procedure in neurosurgery that is currently in use.

At that time, Tony had explained this, saying that a few needles could stop the bleeding.

Kamura Yukin actually had a shallow understanding of Huaguo's acupuncture.

It does have a certain effect on certain diseases, but it is not very scientific to say that it can clamp blood vessels like a silver clip and block blood flow.

But it doesn't matter, they are at the operation site now, and they can observe with their own eyes whether these slender needles can be as miraculous as Tony described.

Once Tao Le entered the operation state, his whole mind was immediately concentrated, and he forgot everything in the periphery. He had long forgotten that there were two foreign experts who were trying to find the mistakes in the operating room.

The incision in the posterior cranial fossa was not large, and it was impossible to directly strip the acoustic neuroma with a diameter of 5 cm, so Tao Le chose intracapsular resection.

She first used brain cotton to protect a part of the auditory nerve below the side of the tumor, and then selected a part without blood vessels above the tumor to make an incision.

Seeing this, Zheng Changchun gradually frowned.

According to the routine procedure, Tao Le should use electrocautery or clamp the blood vessel to stop the bleeding in advance, so as to avoid massive bleeding after incision and affect the operation.

Unexpectedly, after all kinds of reliability in the early stage raised his expectations infinitely, this person suddenly became angry without warning, and simply omitted the important step of stopping the bleeding.

This simply made his old man's heart fall directly into the hole from a high altitude, not to mention the pain from the fall, and all kinds of worries and fears.

"Little Tao!" He couldn't bear it anymore, and opened his mouth at the same time Tao Le cut open the tumor.

"What?" Tao Le kept working, took the curette from the equipment nurse, and asked subconsciously.

Zheng Changchun had already made preparations to stop the bleeding, and the director's words of reprimand came to his lips, and he swallowed them harshly.

Because the incision in front of her eyes didn't have a drop of blood at all, it seemed that what she cut was not a brain tumor covered with large and small ferocious blood vessels, but a dry cornbread with no water.

"It's okay. You continue." Zheng Changchun heard his dry voice.

At this moment, Han Tai's reproachful words echoed in his ears.

"Haven't you learned acupuncture to control pulse and stop bleeding?"

"That is also very useful for your divine surgery."

Well, now I have probably seen what it means to control pulse and stop bleeding with acupuncture, he thought.

This kind of thing, if anyone knows its effect and doesn't pay attention to it, and doesn't bother to learn it, then he is simply a fool!
Suddenly, he remembered Xiao Fang, the resident doctor sent by Corey last time to attend the related briefing in the hospital.

This kid only gave everyone a strange device, and casually mentioned that everyone should learn it, but he didn't explain what was going on at all, and he didn't supervise and follow up.

Come to think of it, he must not have taken this skill seriously, right?

What a small party!No wonder Corey took this matter lightly. It turned out that the root cause was not his own, but Xiaofang's failure to convey a good spirit and preach a good policy.

After the operation, he must find Xiaofang and talk to him well, so that he can face up to his own problems, so as not to make more mistakes in this era of emerging new technologies!
He was stunned here, but Walker and Kamura Yukin were stunned.

When they watched that video, they had a skeptical and contemptuous attitude, and they just laughed it off when acupuncture could stop bleeding.

But in front of him is a real surgical scene, just a few thin needles, but the effect of stopping bleeding is so good that people can't ignore it.

The Hua people were able to develop such a practical technology on the basis of ancient Chinese medicine.

While Yukin Kamura was in a trance, Walker's eyes lit up, his face full of shock and anticipation.

Kamura Yuken knew what he was looking forward to without guessing.

In fact, he himself is the same.It's fine if you don't know it. Now that you have seen the magic of this technology, why don't you want to learn it?
At this time, he suddenly understood why Tony recommended this Doctor Tao to join the club without hesitation at the risk of being questioned and demoted.

I think the selfless sharing of technology among core members is his purpose, right?
In Tao Le's hand, the curette seemed to be a small suction device, which could bring out a large amount of tumor tissue every time it went in and out.

There is a sequence for scraping the intratumoral tissue, first the outer side, then the upper and lower parts, and finally the inner part.

Because the acoustic neuroma is close to the pons, its location is relatively deep, and it is closely related to the branches of the basilar artery, so it is one of the difficulties in the operation to scrape the deepest medial tissue.

The reason why it is difficult is that the inner side of the tumor is not clearly exposed, and it is difficult to determine how much tumor tissue has been removed and how much is left.

This step should be performed patiently and meticulously, slowly, and lightly scraped to remove as much tissue as possible while avoiding damage to the brainstem and blood vessels supplying the pons.

But Tao Le's actions subverted everyone's perception.

Her speed is consistent, her fingers are stable, and her judgment is precise. No matter which part is scraped, it is generally fast and efficient, just like a computer that never makes mistakes.

This is actually impossible.Kamura Yuken firmly believes that anyone can make mistakes, and only he and the people he recognizes can avoid most mistakes by virtue of talent and hard work.

The operation has advanced here at such a fast speed, it is already extremely rare to be able to maintain precision.

Next, is the most difficult part of the whole operation.

At that stage, no one can be sure of everything.

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