At this time, Tao Le's expression was still the same as before, calm and calm.

Just like what Kamura Youjian said, she didn't hear it at all.

"It won't take two hours." Her voice was not high, but everyone in the ward could hear it clearly.

"Indeed, as Mr. Kamura said just now, in many cases, we don't have time to discuss the disease in detail and perfect the operation."

When she said this, she directly switched to Tibetan, and communicated with the Tibetan mother and son for a while.

The resident doctor in charge of the bed heard it clearly. She directly explained the adjustment of the operation time, briefly introduced the operation process and effect, and also explained that the chief surgeon will be replaced by herself from Director Zheng.

Although she looks very young, there is an inexplicable power in her voice, which makes people involuntarily convincing.

In just a few minutes, the mother and son of the patient nodded frequently without any objection at all.

"Prepare the consent form for the operation immediately." Tao Le instructed the doctor in charge of the bed.

Then she turned around again and said to everyone: "The pre-operative communication has been completed, and the operation can be performed directly now."

"Very good." Kamura Yuken clapped his hands: "You have courage. I start to appreciate you now, don't let us down!"

"Probably not." Tao Le said loudly.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Han Tai simply no longer struggles with it.

"Teacher Tao." He looked at Tao Le firmly and said, "Then I will leave this patient to you. Please remember, no matter what, the patient's life comes first."

"I know, and I promise to complete this operation satisfactorily." Tao Le replied solemnly.

When he went downstairs, Zheng Changchun quietly gave her a hand, and deliberately slowed down, wanting to tell her about the surgery plan he had made before.

Unexpectedly, he had just started when he was discovered by Walker who looked back frequently.

He was not polite either, and simply stopped: "Doctor Tao, can I have a chat with you?"

Zheng Changchun understood that he was a drunkard and didn't care about drinking, but he also knew that there was nothing he could do, so he could only be secretly annoyed.

On the contrary, Tao Le didn't take it seriously at all, and greeted him generously: "That's just right, I also want to discuss this patient's operation with you and Mr. Jiacun."

"Hehe." Kamura Yuken said, "Today is your stage, not ours."

What he meant was very clear. They were just bystanders regarding this operation and would not give any hints.

But Tao Le didn't want to get anything from them.

"Mr. Kamura probably misunderstood. What I want to ask is, based on the current situation, if the two perform the surgery, how long will it take to complete the operation?"

This question does not involve operational details, so it is a suitable and good question.

"In terms of the size of this tumor, it is impossible to solve it too quickly. If it were me, it would take about six to seven hours." Kamura Yuken said: "But Walker's strength is better than mine, it should be It can compress the time to about five hours.”

Walker nodded reservedly, affirming Kamura Yuken's words.

In fact, he also knew in his heart that this kind of acoustic neuroma with a diameter of nearly 5 centimeters was far more troublesome to deal with than imagined.

Even if it was him, there was no guarantee of a perfect resection while preserving all neurological functions.

And in terms of operation time, five hours is definitely not enough, and eight to ten hours is also common.

But at this time, he didn't need to refute Jiacun's words.

This J countryman is always humble and respectful towards him and other core members, and there is always a hint of subtle compliment in his words, which makes it impossible for people to feel disgusted.

Kamura Yukin looked at Tao Le with satisfaction and stopped talking, hesitation appeared in his expression, and he even lowered his head.

This is his real purpose.By compressing the operation time and deliberately creating pressure, the little girl fell into anxiety and panic, and then she made mistakes.

"You don't have to worry about it." He smiled slightly: "Not everyone can be as good as Walker. I think this is an innate talent rather than hard work the day after tomorrow."

Tao Le raised his head, looked at him, then at Walker walking on the other side, and asked again:
"What about the other core members of the federation, is there anyone who can complete this operation perfectly in a shorter time?"

"Impossible," said Walker.

"He's right." Yukin Kamura interjected, "If the acoustic neuroma is within 2.5 centimeters, then three hours is enough. But the tumor in front of me is much more complicated. Five hours is already the limit Speed ​​up."

Hearing this sentence, Tao Le suddenly laughed.

In her smile, there were no negative emotions that Yukin Kamura wanted to see at all, but she was full of energy and shining with confidence.

"It turns out that five hours is the limit speed of the International Federation of Gods and Survivors." Although Tao Le's voice was soft, the taste of "just so much" contained in his words was captured by everyone present.

Walker frowned: "Doctor Tao, what do you mean, five hours is too long?"

"Yes." Tao Le nodded: "You have said that the surgery of the gods is the most delicate and rigorous operation, which I agree with. However, human physical strength is limited, and it takes a long time to grind slowly. My brain is numb at the back, how can I guarantee that I can properly handle every detail?"

There was a sneer on Kamura Yukin's lips: "Then Doctor Tao, can you complete this operation perfectly in a shorter time?"

Before Tao Le could answer, Zheng Changchun intervened: "Surgery? The most important thing is to achieve the expected goal. The length of time is actually not that important."

While talking, he looked at Tao Le, hoping that she would come down the steps quickly and stop talking hard.

Unexpectedly, Tao Le ignored him at all, but responded directly: "Indeed, I can finish it in a shorter time."

"We are looking forward to it." Kamura Yukin and Walker both laughed, in stark contrast to the gloomy faces of Zheng Changchun and Han Tai beside them.

Alas, this little Tao is still too young!The two of them thought in unison.

Gan Yi walked behind, and suddenly thought of a possibility, and his steps became much lighter.

The specifications of this operation are very high.Except Tao Le, who is the chief surgeon, is just a resident doctor, the anesthesiologist is Zheng Guangyuan, the director of the anesthesiology department, the first assistant is Zheng Changchun, the director of neurosurgery, the second assistant is the deputy director Zhuo Shengli, and even the third assistant is the deputy chief physician. .

Kamura Yuken and Walker also changed into sterile suits and entered the operating room to observe.

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