When Tao Le received the call, he was having dinner at Cicheng Duoji's house, so naturally he wanted to drink some wine.

The wine is a kind of rice wine from Mo County, also called chicken feet grain wine, which is made from corn and chicken feet grain.

Tao Le, like everyone else, holds a padang, that is, a bamboo tube, and looks at it carefully.

There are openings on the top and bottom of it, and the fermented glutinous rice of chicken feet and valley wine is filled in the middle.

Warm boiled water is slowly poured from the top of the bamboo tube, and dark yellow chicken feet grain wine flows out from below, and falls into the stainless steel bowl connected below.

"Try it, this wine has many benefits and can cure all kinds of diseases." Cicheng Dorji persuaded attentively.

In front of the doctor, they said that wine can cure all diseases, Tao Le and the others were only secretly happy, and no one took this seriously.

Both Xie Baoshu and Shi Youjie thought that this kind of chicken feet grain wine that needs to be brewed before drinking is very interesting.

They picked up the bowl and tasted it, and found that the taste was smooth, the taste was light, and it was not bad.

"The alcohol content is not high, so you don't have to worry, it's fine to drink a little." Xie Baoshu said.

"That's right." Captain Deng of the Longlie Village Work Team also said with a smile: "The villagers drink this kind of wine as water. Even if they are doctors, drinking it will not delay their work."

Chang Shengnan had drunk this kind of wine before, and he wasn't reserved at the moment, he picked up the bowl and drank it crisply.

Xiao Chen hesitated for a moment, and took a few sips.

At this time, Tao Le was the only one who hesitated on the table.

A few days ago, she didn't know which muscle was wrong, but she promised someone not to drink outside, and now she was a little embarrassed.

However, since Simu is not in front of him at all, the alcohol content of this kind of self-brewed wine must not be high. It should be fine to drink a little, right?
The hesitation in his heart was fleeting, and the next second, Tao Le picked up the bowl and brought it to his mouth with a smile.

Well, it's sour with a bit of sweetness, so it's about the same as soft drinks, and it doesn't taste like alcohol at all.

Tao Le squinted his eyes and drank a few swigs, silently applauding himself for making a decisive decision.

In order to welcome them, the village prepared a lot of dishes.

Stir-fried shredded potatoes and fried dried shredded green peppers are nothing more than a special stewed Moxian Stone Pot Chicken.

This off-white round stone pot is about [-] centimeters in diameter, and the top and bottom are about the same thickness. It is full of chicken and mushrooms. The surface of the milky white soup is golden and oily, making people mouth watering.

Mo County is mostly mountainous, but the main crops are not highland barley wheat, but corn and rice.The locals are used to eating rice, so they spend less time eating tsampa.

Tao Le ate half a bowl of stone pot chicken with white rice, and drank three bowls of wine, and then felt a little top-heavy.

Dare to feel that this chicken feet rice wine is really the same as other rice wines, it is not easy to be taken seriously at the beginning, but it has a strong aftertaste.

At least for someone like Tao Le, who is always drunk after drinking, the aftertaste of any wine cannot be ignored.

It was at this time that Han Tai's call came in.

"Hello? Dean Han?" Tao Le felt that Dean Han's voice was erratic and inaudible.

"Teacher Tao, how are you doing in Longlie Village? Have you arranged for food and accommodation?" Dean Han asked with concern.

Shi Youjie and Chang Shengnan sat on both sides of Tao Le, heard the "Dean Han" clearly, and involuntarily pricked up their ears.

"President, don't worry. We are having dinner, which is very rich, and there are also famous Mo County Stone Pot Chicken and Chicken Feet Valley Wine." Tao Le's brain reaction was relatively slow, so he replied truthfully:
"Accommodation is not a problem. I just stay at the village chief's house. The place is big enough."

The speaker has no intention and the listener has the heart.Shi Youjie didn't expect that Dean Han, who is usually unsmiling and busy with many affairs, would be so concerned about this free clinic activity going to the countryside, and would personally call to care about our basic necessities?

Chang Shengnan felt completely different.In the past year and a half, she has participated in the free clinics in the countryside [-] or [-] times, but she has never seen a single one that attracted Dean Han's personal attention.

This is certainly because the old man is very relieved of the teacher who leads the team, but the main reason is that he is too busy, right?

But this time it was different.Not only did he call himself to express condolences, but he also specifically called Teacher Tao——the person who led the team was the attending physician Shi Youjie?

What does this show?Of course, it shows how much the leaders of the hospital value Teacher Tao.

Recalling her previous deliberate hostility, confrontation, and inaction, she couldn't help but shuddered in her heart.

Teacher Tao has superb medical skills, a wide network of contacts, and such a strong comprehensive strength, he is simply a thick thigh that cannot be thicker.

As for herself who took the initiative to push away the golden thigh, her head must have been caught by the door!
Chang Shengnan made a firm determination to follow Tao Le here, and Han Tai also got to the point on the other side.

"Uh, Teacher Tao, let me ask, have you made any achievements in the field of neurosurgery?"

"Shenwai?" Tao Le felt that his mind was muddled, and he had lost the ability to think at all: "Jianshu? What is that? I'm still a new recruit to Shenwai, and there are too many things to learn."

"What do you mean by recruit?" Han Tai hesitated for a moment.

"When I was in the No. [-] Hospital of Yunshi, I was transferred to Neurosurgery from regular training, and then..."

"Then what?" Dean Han suddenly felt chest tightness and shortness of breath.

"Then I came to help with the construction." Tao Le's voice was a little cheerful, because she felt that she seemed to be floating gently, all kinds of ease.

Han Tai on the other end of the phone fell into silence.

"Dean Han, do you have anything else to do?"

"...No more. Come back early tomorrow, there are foreign guests waiting to see you."

Tao Le didn't hear the last sentence at all.As soon as she hung up the phone, she sang with everyone for a while, and then disappeared.

Sleeping until midnight, suddenly there was chaos outside.Shouting, running, followed by a heavy knock on the door.

Cicheng Duoji's voice was very anxious: "Doctor, it's not good, Bru's daughter-in-law suddenly has a stomachache, and she has fainted!"

This sentence was like pouring a basin of ice water on Tao Le's head, causing her drunkenness and drowsiness to fly out of the sky.

She used to sleep with her clothes on, but now she jumped out of bed and left with the first aid kit.

Chang Shengnan wiped his sleepy eyes, followed closely behind with Xiao Chen, and they trotted all the way to Bru's house.

The monk Sangchi I saw at Wangdui's house earlier was already sitting cross-legged at the door of the bedroom, reciting scriptures engrossed.

Tao Le and others rushed into the bedroom and saw the pregnant woman.

Her face was like gold paper, she was lying on her back on the bed, her breathing was quite short even though she was unknown.

Two Tibetan women in their 50s stood in front of the bed.

One of them held a prayer wheel in his hand, and while turning it gently, he recited the six-character mantra.

The other frowned and kept shaking his head: "No, I really can't help it."

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