Chapter 524
"Since ancient times, masters have been masters. Although I have only called you Teacher Tao a few times now, in the system space, I have called you many times before, and I have long been used to it." Han Tai said.

"Yes." Gan Yi felt the same way: "It's just a title, Mr. Tao, you don't have to worry about it. It's been a year or two, and it would be troublesome to change it."

Even Tao Le was a little confused by what they said, let alone Du Weizhong who hadn't attended the training class yet.

"What are you talking about? Teacher Tao has only been here for two days. Did you know each other before?"

"That's not true. But this matter, we have to start with the acupuncture and moxibustion control pulse hemostasis training class." Gan Yi pulled him past him and muttered.

Not long after, Du Weizhong turned around with jealousy and stared at Han Tai with burning eyes: "Old Han, you are not kind! Why don't you take me in such a good training class?"

"Hey, that list was drawn up by Section Chief Zhang. I didn't know it beforehand." Dean Han saw that he was approaching menacingly, so he pushed it all out without thinking.

"Besides, aren't you from the Department of Cardiology? There are not many cases of bleeding, and Section Chief Zhang probably came from this consideration."

"This is a prejudice, a misunderstanding!" Du Weizhong was filled with righteous indignation: "The Department of Cardiovascular Medicine has blood in its name. How can we not learn the technique of hemostasis?"

"What's more, cerebral hemorrhage, cardiovascular rupture and hemorrhage, we have encountered many such diseases, so we can't say that it has nothing to do with it?"

"Hey, Lao Du, I didn't mean that. It's just that Section Chief Zhang didn't put you in the first class for some reason." Han Tai quickly comforted him:

"Next week is the second class, I promise, I will put you in right away!"

"No!" Du Weizhong himself didn't expect that at such an advanced age, he could be so impatient and didn't want to wait for a moment on this matter: "I'm going tomorrow night!"

"This, it shouldn't work, right?" Han Tai hesitated.

Tao Le interjected at this time: "Actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome."

"How to say?" Du Wei asked when he was neutral, and Han Tai and Gan Yi also looked at her at the same time.

"I was thinking about this in the training class just now. Now that the teaching mode has changed, our training form doesn't have to be so rigid in batches and batches like in the past."

"There is no need to worry about the number of VR glasses sponsored by Mio Technology this time. One set is enough for the medical staff in the hospital."

"As long as the method of use is briefly explained, everyone can use their free time to learn by themselves, and there is no need to gather together."

"That's right!" Han Tai suddenly said: "The times are advancing, and the training methods can't be stuck in the old way. I'll let Section Chief Zhang arrange it later."

Gan Yi also nodded with a smile: "It's indeed a good idea. According to the previous practice, the promotion was slow. Although everyone can learn it eventually, because of the difference in batches, those who haven't learned it will affect the treatment. "

"For example tonight, before Dr. Xin fainted, he used the acupuncture and moxibustion control pulse hemostasis technique he had just learned to relieve the hemorrhage in time and saved the life of the pregnant woman."

"But if she's not here, then this patient is really in danger."

"I understand what you mean." Han Tai said, "I can't wait, and I can't rely on it."

"But it's so late today, everyone go back and have a good rest - tomorrow morning, I will implement this matter!"

Ten-year-old Tsedan Dharma was lying in front of the window, looking longingly into the distance.

On the plateau pasture, the thick hoarfrost in the morning has melted away, revealing the pale yellow dry grass below.

Although it is winter, there is no snow yet, and the yaks can still find food by themselves.

In fact, even if it snows and the temperature gets lower, Dad will still go out to graze.

These creatures that grow on the plateau have extremely tenacious vitality, can endure the high cold, and are not picky about food.

This winter is different from previous years.Because of their family, they moved into the winter settlement built in the village.

The settlements started with double-storey blockhouses, much stronger than tents, impenetrable to wind and snow.

In the stove, dried cow dung bricks were burned, heating the whole blockhouse to heat.

The strong aroma of yak bone soup kept wafting into her nose. It was the base soup that Grandma was cooking Tibetan noodles.

"Ajia, I'm hungry." The three-year-old brother kept sniffling, kept turning his head, and stared.

Cidan Dama tore a piece of jerky and stuffed it into his mouth: "Don't worry, hold on for a while. Let's eat together when Abba comes back."

"But Dad went to graze, wouldn't he come back in the evening?" the younger brother asked puzzled.

"That's normal." Cidan Dama held his younger brother's hand: "It's not today."

Her eyes were smiling, filled with anticipation.Flying on the plateau's red face, it also became more rosy.

Abba drove two yaks away from home early in the morning, but not to the family's winter pasture, but to the collective pasture in the village.

There he would sell them and use the money to buy her and her brother new clothes, new shoes, and a brand new pressure cooker.

Since the settlement was connected to electricity, several households in the surrounding villages have bought this good thing. The stew is fast and delicious, and it can save a lot of dried cow dung.

At this time, Dad should already be on his way back, right?
Did he choose the brightest and most beautiful dress for her?

It should always be more beautiful than the Yangjin one next door.

She thought happily, and turned around like a bird, helping her grandma get the Tibetan noodles that had been dried a long time ago.

As long as you see your father from a distance, you can pour the noodles into the pot bone by bone, boil them a few times, and then sprinkle a handful of chopped green onions.

People who have been on the cold plateau for a long time need a bowl of hot Tibetan noodles most.

"Grandma, Ah Jia, Uncle Gesang is here!" the younger brother's voice came.

Once Dharma followed Grandma downstairs, Uncle Gesang's horse had already rushed outside the door.

"It's not good!" Uncle Gesang said eagerly: "Once Duojici is injured by a red deer, he will die immediately."

As soon as he said this, Grandma's body shook immediately.

Cidan Dharma immediately supported her vigorously: "Uncle Gesang, tell me clearly, where is my father now, and what's going on?"

"I have called a car and sent him to the township health center." Gesang shook his head and said to his mother, "Dama, you have to hold on, there are two children at home!"

"I'm going to find him right away." Dama turned his head with a serious expression: "You are Ajia, take good care of your younger brother. I'll go see your father right away."

"Don't worry, I will." Cidan Dharma's tears rolled in the circles of his eyes, but he still tried his best not to fall.

"Father, he will be fine."

"The Bodhisattva will bless him," Dama said.

Grandma and Uncle Gesang rode away on horseback, and it was only when Tsedan Dharma's tears rolled down his face.

She cooked the Tibetan noodles and served them to her younger brother. She watched him eat deliciously, but she couldn't eat any.

Dad, I don't want new dresses and shoes, and I don't want a pressure cooker.I just want you, come back safe and sound.

 Explanation: Ajia in Tibetan means elder sister.Regarding the name Cidan Dama, it is composed of Cidan from his father's name and Dama from his mother's name. This is also a naming habit commonly used by Tibetans, and it is not Xiaohai's clerical error.

  In addition, Xiaohai wants tickets, so much that he can't eat, can't sleep well, his writing is exhausted, and he is unresponsive... Dear friends, come and save me!
(End of this chapter)

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