Chapter 519 Placental Abruption
Tao Le suddenly blushed.She left the meeting room, pressed the upward elevator, and whispered, "Are you tired today?"

This is somewhat against my will.Even if he thinks with his toes, there shouldn't be anything that can tire the old man just based on the place where the palm is bigger on Blue Star.

"Very tired." But Sim immediately climbed up, and complained pitifully: "Lele, it's really not easy to run a company. You didn't see that when I gave a speech today, the following How hostile are the other competitors to me."

"I have no doubt that they may join forces to plot against our Mio Technology behind the scenes, and even send people against me."

"To be honest, I was a little scared at first. But at this moment, I thought of you. You are the source of my courage and filled me with fighting spirit and confidence in an instant."

Tao Le listened silently, and then silently rolled his eyes.

The north wind blows the earth and the stars hang down, who is your highness, the old man, afraid of.

This is not the time when the tiger fell into Pingyang when we first met, Tao Le would only feel sympathy for anyone who dared to break ground on Tai Sui.

This is the only thing she can do to help those people.

In the conference room, everyone had dispersed one after another, but Dean Han, Gan Yi and others were still feeling various emotions.

"The times are different." Han Tai said: "Technology changes the future, and I personally experienced it today."

"Although I don't know how this Mio Technology achieves such a highly simulated simulation, and how it confuses internal and external time, this is a leap across the ages."

"Yes!" Gan Yi still had a dazed look on his face: "When Xiao Sun told me before, I still thought it was Tianfang Yetan—I didn't expect that I was the frog at the bottom of the well."

They were talking here when they heard a long and faint sigh from a woman next to them.

It is Dr. Xin Yuexin, the attending physician from Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital.

"Doctor Xin, do you have any opinion on the technique of controlling pulse to stop bleeding?" Gan Yi was a little curious.

"That's not the case." Xin Yue shook her head in despair: "I was just thinking, why did I not know that there is such a technology in the world until today. If I could master it earlier, it would be a pity. will not happen."

Gan Yi fell silent, as did the other doctors around him.

All the clinicians present are experienced clinicians. Who hasn't met a patient who has not been cured even though he has tried his best?

The feelings of powerlessness and guilt at that time did not fade away with the passage of time, but were only hidden deep in my heart, turning into reverence and cherishment for life.

Han Tai pondered for a while, and said: "Then study hard, use this rare opportunity, and use this advanced technology to continuously improve our ability and level."

Just at this moment, Xin Yue's cell phone rang.When she picked it up, the call came from the newly established emergency center.

"Doctor Xin!" The other party's voice was urgent and loud, and everyone standing around Xin Yue could hear it clearly.

"A pregnant woman has just been transported from Nagqu. It is highly suspected that it is placental abruption-can you come and have a look right away?"

What, placental abruption?Xin Yue immediately forgot the emotion just now, didn't even bother to say hello to Han Tai, and ran out in three steps at a time.

No wonder she was so eager.Placental abruption is the most feared problem for obstetricians and gynecologists.Its symptom is that the placenta separates from the uterine wall prematurely after 20 weeks of pregnancy and before the delivery period.

The separation of the placenta will cause a large amount of blood loss. When the separation area reaches 30%, coagulation dysfunction will occur, and more than 50% will directly cause fetal death.

In addition, it may also lead to complications such as disseminated intravascular coagulation, amniotic fluid embolism, hemorrhagic shock, and acute renal failure, which seriously threaten the lives of both mother and child, so it is also called "bloodthirsty devil".

"Hey, Xin Yue, please slow down." Han Tai hurriedly shouted from behind: "No matter how anxious you are, don't run away, this place is close to the hospital, and it only takes a few minutes to walk there - for the sake of the patients, you have to take it easy! "

He is not aimless.After staying at high altitude for a year and a half, although it has improved slightly compared to when I first came here, altitude sickness also coexists for a long time.

Almost all the people who came before are still unable to do strenuous exercise, such as running, climbing stairs, etc.

Here, the blood oxygen level is usually less than 90%, and it will drop to 75% immediately after climbing three floors. It doesn't matter whether you are the dean or an expert from Beijing, all are treated equally.

Gan Yi did not have such a profound experience.From the night before to now, he has basically forgotten that he is on a plateau, and there is no such thing as long-term altitude sickness.He only felt that his body and spirit were very strong now, not worse than when he was in Beijing.

"It's still early, I'll go and have a look." He said to Han Tai, "This placental abruption is indeed too dangerous!"

When Xin Yue stepped into the emergency center, she was already out of breath.But she didn't care about these at all, and grabbed the head nurse Kang who was guarding the door and asked, "What about the patient with placental abruption who was just transferred?"

"It's been sent to the operating room!" Nurse Kang was there to meet her, so she immediately pointed out, "Are you Dr. Xin? The patient suffered a hemorrhagic shock just now, and Dr. Leng has already followed her in."

Before she finished speaking, Xin Yue rushed in quickly.

At this moment, she has completely forgotten all the discomforts in her body, and her mind is full of various questions:
Is the child dead or alive now? Has there been an amniotic fluid embolism, is the hemorrhagic shock caused by it, or something else?
After aiding Tibet for such a long time, she is very aware of the local customs on pregnancy and childbirth.

Pregnancy tests are basically not done, and few people go to the hospital for childbirth, especially in pastoral areas.

When something went wrong, because the place was far away, the transshipment was not timely, and the blood source could not keep up, which led to various regrets.

In Tibet, the maternal and newborn mortality rates are always high. A mother who gives birth to ten children always has a few premature deaths.

After unremitting efforts, the state has issued many good policies, such as free hospitalization fees for people in pastoral areas, and even subsidies based on the number of days of hospitalization. This situation has changed slightly, but the changes have been limited.

The pregnant woman came from Nagqu, so she was from the pastoral area. You can guess that she probably didn't have a pregnancy test without thinking about it.

And before that, she didn't know how long she had been delayed.

Like a whirlwind, Xin Yue rushed into the emergency operating room, washed her hands, and changed into the surgical gown.

She was panting more and more heavily, and between breaths, she made a whirring sound like a bellows.

(End of this chapter)

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