Chapter 510 New Posts
From yesterday to this morning, Gan Yi had already sought the opinions of everyone in the First Hospital of Yun City.

From Yuan Xiangqian down, everyone's thoughts were surprisingly consistent.

No personal requirements, subject to organizational assignments.

That being the case, Gan Yi, as the director of the emergency center, directly announced the planned departments and staffing.

The Saskatchewan Emergency Center is a medical emergency unit that integrates out-of-hospital and in-hospital treatment. It undertakes medical rescue in Saskatchewan and surrounding areas, as well as rescue tasks for major accidents and disasters.

Among them, there are dispatching department, emergency department, vehicle management department, network information department in the part outside the hospital, equipped with advanced "120" communication command system, and 25 ambulances.

There are emergency department, internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, laboratory and other departments in the hospital, each of which undertakes different responsibilities.

Both Tao Le and Xie Baoshu were assigned to the emergency department, with Wang Zhang as the director and Yuan Xiangqian as the deputy director.Ye Chen went to the emergency department to distinguish himself from everyone else.

The personnel assigned to each department are not limited to doctors from the five hospitals participating in the aid to Tibet this time.The doctors from the emergency department of this hospital were also reassigned to the newly formed departments.

The group aid to Tibet is not only to improve the local medical level in a short period of time, but more importantly, through this model of passing on, helping and leading, to leave behind advanced medical concepts and treatment methods, and comprehensively improve the local medical system. The medical ability and level of the students.

A blend of old and new, outside and inside, is the only way to achieve the goal.

After the division of labor was completed, the entire emergency center began to operate in an orderly manner.

Most of the people devoted themselves to their new positions immediately, except for Tao Le and Gan Yi.

The two of them were called by Dean Han to the dean's office alone.

The building of the Central Hospital of Saxony was built a bit old, and it was far less tall and bright than the brand-new emergency center.

But it's okay, compared to the Mio Hotel at the rear, everyone is younger brother, so don't laugh at anyone.

The dean's office is in the three-story low building at the back. The place is not big, and it is quite messy. It is not as good as Director Gan Yigan's new office.

Dean Han poured two glasses of white water for the two, and immediately got to the point.

"Time is running out, so I'll make a long story short." He said, "Tao Le, the hospital will organize doctors in batches to use the evening and rest time to learn acupuncture and moxibustion to control pulse and stop bleeding from you."

He glanced at Gan Yi, who nodded with a smile, and said, "This is my suggestion. Our department also went to the first batch of acupuncture and moxibustion control pulse and hemostasis training courses, and the effect is very good. And This technique is extremely useful in Tibet, where blood resources are scarce."

"The only thing we are worried about is that it will make you work too hard." Dean Han took it and continued:
"The total number of doctors in the whole hospital, including the previous batches of doctors who aided Tibet, and the previous doctors of this hospital, exceeds 100. In the later stage, we also want to organize doctors from other regions in the province to come over for further training."

"You don't have to be psychologically burdened. This is what I think. In the plateau area, you must not rotate continuously. It will hurt your body. You just have a name in the emergency department and devote your main energy to training students—to train them all. Teaching the church well is a great achievement.”

Tao Le listened to it for a long time, only now did he understand.Dare to ask her to teach students instead of going to the doctor?That's not okay!

She has been yearning for the emergency department for a long time.It is the most suitable place for her to see different diseases and treat all kinds of people. How can she give up so easily?

"Dean Han, Director Gan." Tao Le said seriously: "I can work normally during the day and devote myself to teaching at night."

"That can't be done." Han Tai categorically vetoed: "Human energy is limited, and it's in a plateau area. If you want to please both sides, you often don't do anything well, and instead exhaust your body."

"Yes, Teacher Tao." Director Gan also said: "Actually, the emergency center does not have a department of traditional Chinese medicine, and all the treatment methods are western medicine. On the contrary, teaching is more suitable for you. Of course, it is also of great significance to the treatment of the injured. Bigger."

Tao Le immediately understood the meaning contained in this sentence.

Both Han Tai and Gan Yi regard her as a pure Chinese medicine practitioner.In the current emergency center, all kinds of emergency treatment methods are monopolized by western medicine.Acupuncture to control pulse and stop bleeding can be recognized also because of its clinically significant effect.

Regarding this point, Tao Le actually did not deny it.

But the problem is, she studied Western medicine clinical!Not only that, she also wants to follow the experts from Beijing to learn various emergency treatment methods. How can she stop here and retreat to the second line?
"Actually, my major is clinical western medicine." Tao Le explained helplessly: "The license I obtained is also a license for integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine."

"My dream is to find out the complementary parts of the two through accumulating clinical experience in Western medicine, so that they can be better integrated."

A disciple of a national player in Chinese medicine, majoring in clinical Western medicine.This is too unexpected.

"So what do you mean?" Gan Yi glanced at Han Tai and asked.

"I still stick to my original opinion and go to the clinic during the day. As for the teaching, there must be no delay."

"Hey, little Tao." Han Tai sighed: "Did you know that President Bai of the Medical Association specially called me and asked me to take good care of you during this time."

"If you work day and night and ruin your body, how can I explain to him?"

These words were completely beyond Tao Le's expectations.She couldn't think of why President Bai called someone to take care of her just for her.

Is the Huaguo Medical Association such a warm family?

"Well, my body is actually very good, and I don't have any altitude sickness." Tao Le said: "And this teaching mode actually doesn't involve much energy on me."

"Oh? How do you say it?" Han Tai and Gan Yi asked at the same time.

"Well, let's put it this way, with the help of virtual reality simulation technology, the teaching effect is very good, and it won't take up too much of everyone's spare time."

Han Tai and Gan Yi glanced at each other, a little dubious: "Can the current technology reach this point?"

Tao Le is well aware of the origin of "Millions of Light Years".And with the successful experience of the first training course, the follow-up will naturally not be bad.

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call and arrange some equipment." Tao Le said, and dialed Sim's phone.

Simu is currently in country R, ​​participating in a peak technology enterprise forum, and is being invited to give a speech.

(End of this chapter)

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