"Inpatient Department of Renhe Hospital. Is this Ding Cuifang's family?" The voice from the microphone was a little anxious.

"It's me." Mr. Wang took a deep breath, ready to bear the worst news.

"The patient just woke up"

"Are you awake?" This was beyond Mr. Wang's expectation.

His heart was flickering, as if floating down from a high place, but it didn't land: "My mother is really awake?"

He thought that his mother would remain in a coma forever, never wake up again, take a look at him, and say a word to him
"Yes, she is in a good condition now and wants to see her family."

"I'll be there right away!" Boss Wang jumped off the bed all at once, his agility not like that of a person of his age.

His wife also woke up and asked, "Is it a call from the hospital? How is Mom?"

"Mom is awake!" Mr. Wang's voice was full of irrepressible joy.He opened the closet and changed clothes quickly.

"I'll go too." She got up too, but she wasn't as happy as Mr. Wang, and said hesitantly while looking for clothes:
"I'll go get the kids up."

"What do you want them to do?" Mr. Wang was puzzled at first, and then he understood: "You mean?"

The wife nodded solemnly: "Mom suddenly woke up at this time, and was anxious to see her family, maybe it was"

She swallowed those four words back, but Mr. Wang already understood what she meant.

"Call the children to get up, hurry up, and dress formally." He sighed: "At least, she can still see us soberly, and explain something."

"No matter what, I still want to thank Expert Tao." His voice sank.

Half an hour later, Duan He saw the neatly dressed Mr. Wang's family.

He froze for a moment, feeling in his heart that the family's sense of ritual was too strong, and they came to see the patient in the middle of the night, and they were so tidy.

"The patient is in good condition." Duan He led them into the ward with ease and joy.

He witnessed the process of the patient's turn from danger to safety, and he was naturally happy in his heart, and his feet felt windy.

This old lady Ding Cuifang, after taking the decoction, the moist rales in both lungs were significantly reduced, and the sputum was not only less, but also became thinner. It was obvious that the infection in both lungs was under control.

Not to mention, the patient is still awake.

The CT just done showed that the hematoma in her brain had shrunk a circle, and the pressure on the nerve was gradually weakening.

Everything is heading for the good.

Still relying on expert Tao's precise diagnosis and prescribing the right medicine!
Mr. Wang looked calm on the outside, but worried inside. He didn't notice Duan He's expression, but his wife did.

She felt that a doctor should not be so relaxed even if he saw many life and death, as if he was waiting to watch a play, it was heartless.

"Duan He, Doctor Duan?" She looked at his badge seriously, then nodded meaningfully.

"I remember you. Just wait."

Leaving this sentence behind, she saw Qi Rong, and together with the two children, accompanied Mr. Wang into the ward.

A quarter of an hour later, the voice in the ward changed from sobbing to Hao Tao crying loudly. Duan He and the nurse standing at the door looked at each other and rushed into the room together.

The rhythm on the ECG monitor is stable, and other indicators are also normal, there is no problem at all.

Mr. Wang's red circle was red and swollen, and there were still tears in the corners of his eyes, but he stood up forcefully: "Doctor, my mother has passed out again."

"Well, this is normal." Duan He said.

Of course it’s normal, illnesses come and go like a mountain, and go away like silk.The old man has fought against the disease for so long and used so many kinds of antibiotics, so his body must be extremely weak and needs to be recuperated slowly.

Being able to stay awake for so long like just now is considered pretty good.

"Yeah, it seems normal to you, but to us, it's life and death." Mr. Wang's wife also stood up at this moment, with a hint of innocence.

"How do you say this? What is life and death?" Duan He suddenly realized, did these family members misunderstand something?
Mr. Wang pressed his wife's shoulder: "Don't say that. The doctors have tried their best. Mom can wake up for a while, meet us again, and talk. I am satisfied."

Having said that, his voice choked again.

Mother is leaving.The deepest and softest place in his heart will probably be hollowed out and can no longer be filled.

This vacancy cannot be filled by wives and children.

But as a son, he still needs to be strong now to protect her through the final journey.

"My mother, how long can I hold on?" He asked Duan He.

"No, did you misunderstand something?" Duan He found a gap at this time and interrupted.

"The patient's health has improved, as you can see, the endotracheal intubation has been removed, and the oxygenation has remained at a good level."

"If we continue to treat according to Expert Tao's plan, she will only get better day by day."

"Now I just fell asleep due to exhaustion. When I wake up tomorrow, I should be able to eat some liquid food. If it is light, millet soup is fine, don't make greasy soup."

Duan He's mouth opened and closed in front of him, but Mr. Wang didn't hear what he said later, his mind was full of the previous two sentences:

The patient's condition has improved and will only get better day by day
Suddenly, he jumped up and rushed straight to the hospital bed: "Mom, Mom, you are fine, you will get better, and will continue to be with us"

Duan He looked at the well-dressed Mr. Wang, crying like a child, and he was filled with emotion.

Isn't the long way to choose to practice medicine just to help patients and their families and witness such miracles?

"I'm sorry, I had a bad attitude just now, don't mind." President Wang's wife apologized: "Also, thank you, Doctor Duan."

"Thank you for what I did." Duan He shook his head: "You should thank Expert Tao, if not for her."

He didn't go on.This patient was not accepted by Meng experts, and the news has already spread in the hospital.If Expert Tao doesn't accept it, then the ending will be doomed.

But Expert Tao accepted it.Not only was it accepted, but people improved immediately.

It was just one night, and the verdict was decided. No wonder he is an honorary member of the Medical Association and sits in the first consultation room of an expert.

Early in the morning, Meng Wen sat in the consulting room, first brewed a pot of Phoenix Dancong, and took a sip, then picked up the newspaper and read it slowly.

The nurse knocked on the door and came in: "Expert Meng, have you heard? Yesterday, the patient Ding Cuifang suddenly disappeared in the middle of the night."

"What's the rush?" Meng Wen glanced at her from under the glasses, and said calmly, "Speak slowly, is the patient critically ill?"

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