After raising a cat, the goddess doctor became popular in the interstellar

Chapter 383 The Person Abandoned by Western Medicine

Chapter 383 The Person Abandoned by Western Medicine

Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death: @浙湖糖Be careful with what you say, don't mislead everyone!
Tomorrow will be better: It is normal for everyone to recommend doctors to each other, share medicines and insights, but I have repeatedly said before, don’t talk about cures and miracle doctors, let everyone have unrealistic fantasies, let alone fight in the group advertise!
The scenery on the way home: Rainbow Candy is an old man in the group, and she has always been very enthusiastic. I don’t think she is that kind of person.

Co-pattern patient: If you agree with the scenery, it should be some kind of expert who really said so—I don’t know what kind of expert it is, so I dare to boast.

Unusual way: I was the only one who noticed that it was Renhe Hospital, and it was an expert in free clinics!Do you know who are the experts in Renhe Free Clinic?
Unbeatable Xiaoqiang: I don’t care who it is, I just know that Renhe is not the number one in China, but even if it is the number one hospital, no doctor dares to say that our disease can be cured and cured.

Maoyan Maoyu: Skittle Candy just shared her own experience in seeing a doctor, everyone just listens to it, and there is no need to go online like this.Maybe the experts just want to give her some confidence, so it's not a big mistake, right?
Skittles: Actually, I didn't believe it when I first heard it.It's not that I don't want to believe it, it's that I don't dare to believe it.But expert Tao is a free clinic, and he doesn't charge a penny, and it's not for anything.The most important thing is that after my daughter finished an acupuncture session, the fever went away, and all kinds of discomforts were relieved.

Tomorrow will be better: I recently studied psychology in my free time, and I feel that psychological factors have a great impact on diseases.Acupuncture definitely has a soothing effect on lupus erythematosus. We talked about this a while ago, but if it is said that only one acupuncture session can have such an effect, it is obvious that psychological factors account for a greater proportion.

Maoyan Maoyu: This is to the point.We must be optimistic and not give up hope, but we must also understand that this disease is like this in reality, the cause is unknown, and it cannot be cured.But if you really meet a high-level Chinese medicine doctor, you still have to share it.

Skittles: I don't think it's a psychological factor.As you all know, my daughter has been ill for the eighth year, and her digestive system is obviously affected. She suffers from eating and often vomits.Not to mention sleep disorders.She tried to comfort me by pretending nothing happened, but she just couldn't.

But just after returning from acupuncture, she finished her porridge and offered to ask for it.After a while after the meal, I fell asleep by myself, and I didn't wake up for a long time when I came in.

Unconventional way: It sounds like a very powerful acupuncture technique.Whether it can be cured or not is another matter. Recently, my nausea has become more and more serious. I also want to go and have a look. I will chat privately @浙湖糖

Skittles: No problem.In fact, everyone entered the mini-program of Renhe Hospital at twelve o'clock in the evening to grab the account of the Chinese medicine expert. By the way, the full name of Tao expert is Tao Le.

Cardamom Nianhua Fu Liushui: Why does this name sound familiar to me? I seem to have heard it somewhere.

Patient partner: I looked it up on the Internet!Oh my god, the eyeballs are almost popping out, it's really not an ordinary cow!Only 26 years old, Zhou Jishen's closed disciple of Zhou Guoshou, honorary member of Huaguo Medical Association, let me go, isn't honorary membership awarded only when you are in your [-]s or [-]s?
Rainbow Candy: Zhou Guoshou's disciple?No wonder acupuncture is so powerful.I'm going to have a look too.

Jian Yuying got off the group, searched the Internet, and found relevant information about Tao Le.The smile on her face was even bigger.

Expert Tao's background is that the bigger the better, and the higher the level, the better, so her confidence will also increase.

After exiting the webpage and returning to WeChat, she received a lot of reminders.

"Tomorrow will be better to apply to add you as a friend!"

"I don't take the usual way to apply to add you as a friend!"

"Maoyan Maoyu has applied to add you as a friend!"

The third consulting room of Chinese medicine experts.Looking at the unconscious patient, Meng Wen frowned into a deep Sichuan character.

This is an elderly woman, 75 years old, with a history of hypertension and diabetes.

She became ill a month ago, and was diagnosed with subarachnoid hemorrhage after being sent to the hospital, and underwent surgery on the same day.

However, after three days of re-examination of the head CT, compared with the preoperative, there was a high-density lesion in the left frontal lobe, which was considered to be a postoperative hematoma, and then he remained unconscious, and a severe lung infection occurred, and a tracheal resection was performed. Open intubation rescue.

In the past month, various advanced antibiotics have been used, but the condition has not improved.

The neurosurgery doctor suggested transferring from the ICU to the general ward, but the doctor in the general ward didn't want to accept it at all.

Can't blame them for not being responsible.This patient is a hot potato, and his lung infection may worsen at any time. Even if he is cured, he may not be able to wake up for a year or two.

The rotation of beds is already very slow now, and one more patient occupying a bed for a long time will delay the hospitalization of more patients.

The ICU doctor can only tell the family members that in this case, Western medicine has no good solution, and it is recommended to switch to Chinese medicine for treatment.

The family members of the patient were very reasonable, and they were transferred directly to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the same hospital without bothering the two masters.

The chief surgeon disagreed, saying that the Chinese medicine practitioners in their hospital are not Chinese medicine in the true sense, but guide the practice of Chinese medicine according to the principles of Western medicine.

"Go to a serious traditional Chinese medicine hospital, or find a famous doctor, maybe you can create a miracle." These are the original words of the other party.

"So I'm here to find you. Expert Meng, you are our last hope."

Meng Wen knew the patient's son, Mr. Wang.

He is a successful person, and he used to come to see some minor ailments before, and he was quite convinced of his medical skills, so now that he thought of Chinese medicine, he immediately came to him.

To be honest, if the other party had communicated with him in advance, his answer would probably be the same: that's it, don't bother the old man.

But the other party probably also thought of this, so he brought someone directly to the hospital, which caught him off guard.

Meng Wen frowned and looked at the patient seriously.

It has been a month since the operation, and the patient is now in a state of "awake coma", that is, his eyes are sometimes opened very wide, but he does not respond to external stimuli.

In addition, the old man's teeth were closed tightly, his right limbs were hemiplegic, phlegm was rumbling in his throat, and there were a lot of phlegm sounds in both lungs on auscultation.

She has many endotracheal tubes, nasal feeding tubes, urinary catheters, oxygen inhalation tubes, and deep vein tubes on her body, and the nurses are constantly sucking sputum.

The situation of this patient is really not good.

The lung infection is still serious, and antibiotics are not necessary. However, according to Mr. Wang, more than 50 kinds of antibiotics have been used in the previous hospital.

Meng Wen also took a look at the long treatment list.To be honest, he had never even heard of some of the antibiotics.

Not only the family members have lost confidence in antibiotics, but also the doctors in the original hospital.Otherwise, it is impossible to suggest that they transfer to another hospital.

Meng Wen retreated in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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