Chapter 377 Another Means

Bleeding from neck trauma?Can this person still make it to the hospital?

Qi Zhen was like a cannonball, instantly ejected, and rushed out at the fastest speed.

"The man is in shock and has just been sent to the emergency room." The nurse chased after him vigorously, seeing his figure disappearing around the corner first.

Outside the rescue room, there was a middle-aged man and woman covered in blood.

The woman sat slumped on the ground and washed her face with tears, while the man also had a livid face, pacing up and down outside.

Seeing Qi Zhen rushing towards him, the man wanted to meet him and say something, but he didn't care about it at all, and didn't slow down at all.

The door of the rescue room was closed heavily in front of them.

The man stared blankly at the door, as if he wanted to see the rescue situation inside through the door, but unfortunately he couldn't see through it at all.

He squatted down, and gently put one hand on the woman's back:

"Don't cry, the doctor must have a solution, don't worry."

The middle-aged woman slapped his hand away and glared at him: "It's all your fault! Why are you forcing your son? You are so old, what are you calling your son!"

The image of such a long incision, the bright red eyes that could not stop flowing out was fixed in the woman's mind.

She broke down and burst into tears.

"Son, how old are you, why can't you think about it like this - if I just leave like this, I can't live anymore, I will walk with you -"

The injured was a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old.The long incision, extending from the face to the neck, was twenty centimeters long.

The resident doctor Xiao Yanzheng led the nurses nervously doing first aid to stop the bleeding.

Pieces of gauze were pressed on, soaked in blood in an instant, thrown into a stainless steel tray, and quickly replaced with new ones.
Such a large open wound, bleeding in multiple places, open neck injury, facial open injury, external jugular vein injury, neck muscle injury. It is useless to stop bleeding by pressing alone.

It must be repaired through surgery—but based on the current situation of this injured person, I am afraid that the operation cannot be supported at all!

When the injured were brought in, they were already in hemorrhagic shock. Even though a deep vein channel had been established for rehydration, there was still a lot of bleeding there, and the blood pressure still couldn't be measured!
Xiao Yan was sweating profusely, and was extremely anxious. When he saw Qi Zhen coming in, he immediately seemed to see a life-saving straw: "Mr. Qi, the bleeding won't stop, what should I do!"

"Continuous infusion of norepinephrine!" Qi Zhen personally added a deep vein catheter under the injured man's right collarbone, and the nurse there had prepared the medicine and quickly connected it.

"Go get 3 units of red blood cells, and apply for a thousand milliliters of whole blood."

"Inform Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Anesthesiology, Neurosurgery and Orthopedics for emergency consultation and prepare for surgery!"

The nurse took the order and left immediately.

Time passed by, and the patient's blood pressure still did not improve, but an alarm sound came from the ECG monitor, and the screen turned into an irregular and chaotic waveform——

"Venticular fibrillation!" Xiao Yan exclaimed.

Ventricular fibrillation is a serious arrhythmia characterized by uncoordinated rapid fibrillation of the ventricular muscle, which can lead to sudden cardiac death in severe cases.

Ventricular fibrillation in patients with hemorrhagic shock is extremely dangerous. If the heart rate cannot be restored to normal in time, they are basically standing by the side of death.

Qi Zhen pushed him aside: "Get ready for defibrillation!"

"Three hundred joules for the first time - get out of bed!"

Leaving the bed with a loud cry is one of the necessary procedures for electrical defibrillation. It is to remind everyone, including yourself, to stay away from the bed to prevent accidental injury from electric shocks.

This distance is actually difficult to grasp.Sometimes the wounded twitched under the electric shock and swung their arms out, and the electric current could still be passed to the medical staff beside the bed, causing severe pain.

In addition, the defibrillator uses direct current, which is much more dangerous than alternating current, and it may induce chambers. If it is accidentally recruited, it is very likely to become the next defibrillation target.

Everyone retreated cautiously, Qi Zhen stretched out his arms to fix the electrode plate, let his body leave the edge of the bed, and pressed the discharge button with both hands at the same time.


"Three hundred joules for the second time—leave the bed!"

After repeated several times, the injured finally recovered the sinus heart rate, the heart rate was 120 beats per minute, but the blood pressure was still undetectable.

"Teacher Qi, look at this..." Xiao Yan's heart was still held high, and he couldn't let it go at all.

Of course Qi Zhen understood what he meant, and he was also anxious about this issue.

From before the hospital to the present, the wounded had lost blood for nearly an hour.If the bleeding still cannot be stopped and the shock state is corrected as soon as possible, the consequences will be obvious.

I'm afraid it won't be long before his heart stops beating.Cardiac arrest due to traumatic hemorrhage is almost certain death.

Qi Zhen has seen too many such things in the emergency department for so many years.

But the person lying on the stage is still a half-grown boy, and his life should not end here.

But now they have used all the means they can use.

Hemostasis by pressing, fluid expansion, norepinephrine, red blood cells and whole blood were also applied
No, maybe there is another way.

A short video clip suddenly popped up in his mind.

The same is the case of heavy bleeding in the neck, as long as a few needles are inserted, the blood flow will stop immediately, and it can persist for half an hour at most.
The scene that he regarded as nonsense just now was playing repeatedly in Qi Zhen's mind, unable to get rid of it.

As long as three needles, the needle of the syringe can be replaced. Stop the bleeding for half an hour
If it is possible to win this half an hour, then it will buy enough time for the debridement operation.

Tonight's tragedy with a predictable ending can be rewritten.

The child on the bed also had a chance to be reborn.

Or, just give it a try?
As soon as this idea popped up, it became clearer and clearer, and it gradually rang out in his mind.

Give it a try, what can you do?It's already like this!
The next moment, under the amazed gazes of Xiao Yan and the nurse, Qi Zhen quickly grabbed three syringes, unpacked them, took out the needles, and carefully inserted them into the injured person's face, under the neck and between the thoracic vertebrae. superior.

He didn't quite understand what acupuncture points were these three places, but Tao Le explained and demonstrated very clearly how to confirm these positions in the holographic projection.

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, the blood flow began to slow down, and then stopped.

The last piece of gauze was covered, and the red was no longer visible.

The blood pressure of the injured soon rose to 70/50, and it was still rising slowly.

Everyone turned their attention to Qi Zhen.

"Ms. Qi, you are amazing!" Xiao Yan expressed his heart on behalf of the nurses.

His eyes were wide open and surprisingly bright.

Qi Zhen has no doubts that if it weren't for a pair of glasses, those small eyes would have stuck to his face.

"Want to learn?" With a straight face, he forced himself to suppress the surprise and ecstasy in his heart.

"Think!" Xiao Yan immediately tapped his head like a gopher hammer.

"Treat the wounded first. Let's talk about it. Urge those departments to hurry up and let them go directly to the operating room!"

(End of this chapter)

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