Chapter 296

Cloud City Airport.Director Wei, the head of the Municipal Health Bureau, was nervously and excitedly looking forward to the arrival hall.

"Come out, come out! Over there!" The office director who was holding a sign on the side shouted, pointing to the east.

Director Wei looked up, didn't he come out!
It was Gao Qiangmin, the vice chairman of the Huaguo Medical Association, who walked over in the first place.

Behind him, there were two people who also recognized Wei Qiang.

Both of them are directors of the Medical Association, the former is Xiang Yuan, the head of the General Management Department, and the latter is Su Yuzhang, the president of the Chinese Medicine Specialty Branch.

The Huaguo Medical Association is a national, academic, and non-profit social organization spontaneously established by the Huaguo medical community.

Since the establishment of this association, it has never been aimed at expanding the number of people, and has been developing very cautiously. The number of members it has absorbed over the past few decades is only 6000.

In fact, Hong Province also has a branch of Huaguo Medical Association, but it is located in Wu City.

So this time, Vice President Gao brought people down for inspection, and the hospitality work fell to the Yun City Health Bureau.

Director Wei didn't find it troublesome at all.Instead, he was overjoyed.

Even though he is the leader of Yun City's health and medical system, he is in charge of many hospitals and doctors, but he knows well that he is not qualified to be admitted to other people's medical associations, not even eligible to be nominated for inspection.

He is an official elite, not a medical expert.

It stands to reason that an unofficial organization with such a small number of people doesn't deserve Director Wei's attention at all.

But who made every member of this association to be a real expert, and whoever they take out will make achievements in some aspect?
Although the association is a social organization, it is not a social organization in the general sense.

In principle, it is directly under the management and guidance of the Ministry of Health of Huaguo, and has formed a parallel relationship with the health bureaus of the provinces.

Not to mention, in fact, many people in this association have multiple jobs.

For example, Gao Qiangmin, who led the team today, has another identity as the vice president of Huaguo Medical College.Xiang Yuan is the vice chairman of the Chinese Medical Association.

Not to mention Su Yuzhang.Zhou Jishen, the chief disciple of Zhou Guoshou, also serves as the dean of the Chinese Medicine Branch of Huaguo Medical College, the vice president of the Huaguo Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the executive director of the Huaguo Traditional Chinese Medicine Association.

Just the names of these three people, if they hadn't repeatedly emphasized not to say anything, the team that greeted them would definitely have packed the airport to the brim.

Regardless of these things, Director Wei is also looking forward to it at the moment.

Vice Chairman Gao personally led the team down for inspection, what does this mean?
Of course, it means that in our cloud city, someone has been nominated this year and may join the Huaguo Medical Association!
There are less than 100 prefecture-level cities in the country, and the People's Medical Association recruits less than [-] new members every year.

In other words, on average, there will only be one new member in a year in more than three cities.

This is an ideal situation. In fact, the more developed a city is, the better it can concentrate superior medical resources.

For example, in Beijing City and Hai City, more than [-] people were nominated last year, and more than half of them were finally recruited.

And their cloud city has not even been nominated for four consecutive years.

This matter involved not only the face of the city, but also the face of Director Wei.

It is held every five years, and this is Director Wei's last year in Yun City.

I have been focusing on medical work for five full years, but I haven't even trained a real expert, and I can't write a report on my work in the future.

Fortunately, Vice Chairman Gao led the team down!There are so many provinces and cities in the country, but his old man came to Yunshi, and he also brought Xiang Yuan and Su Yuzhang!

Every new member has to go through layers of review and inspection to ensure that the name is worthy of the name and to prevent shaming.

So in a sense, being able to be absorbed into the Medical Association itself proves that the other party is an expert, a true medical expert.

However, not every new member's inspection will be such a big battle.

The three people in front of me came to Yun City hand in hand, and the signal they sent was extraordinary.

The ones nominated in Yun City this time cannot be mediocre people, they must be able to stand on their own, and they must be famous doctors!

Not only that, I'm afraid the other party's nomination is not an ordinary member, but a senior member!
There are three levels of membership in Huaguo Medical Association: Ordinary Members, Senior Members, and Honorary Members.

Among them, ordinary members are the most, senior members are few, and honorary members are rare.

The latter needs to make a significant contribution to Chinese medicine to be eligible for this honor.

In the past three years, no expert has been selected in the whole country, so Director Wei didn't even dare to think about it.

But for senior members, there is still a ray of possibility.Director Wei's heart became hot as he counted the expert doctors in various hospitals in Yun City in his mind.

If it is what he thinks, then this senior member is better than at least ten ordinary members.

With such achievements, who can say that his inaugural resume is too pale?

"Director Wei, please excuse me." Gao Qiangmin shook hands with Director Wei.

"What are you talking about, haha, the three of you are here, we are too happy!" Director Wei shook hands with the three people one by one with a red face, and led them into the car:

"The reception banquet has been set up, and tonight I have prepared the most authentic Yunshan old cellar for you, 20 years old!"

Gao Qiangmin waved his hand: "You can eat, but you can't drink this wine. I have to go to investigate tomorrow!"

Director Wei came to his senses: "Can you tell me which expert from our Yun City has been nominated?"

"Well, it's not a secret." Gao Qiangmin said with a smile, "I only heard his name, and I have to ask Yuzhang for details."

Su Yuzhang's eyes filled with smiles.

Lu Siwei felt that he was sick.

As long as he closes his eyes recently, the woman driving the LaFerrari will appear in his mind.

Those eyes never glanced at him from the beginning to the end, but they seemed to be imprinted in his mind, and he would never forget them.

It's not that he hasn't investigated the identity of that person, but he has no news at all.

The pond in Yunshi is only this big, but a fish of this size has entered the water without making a sound, which is very abnormal.

Who she was, where she came from, and where she went, he couldn't find out anything.

That's right, such a person, why did he think of it with Xiao?

Lu Siwei considers himself a single-minded person, so the way he resists his inner demons is... to meet Tao Han.

Watch movies, eat, shop, go for walks with her, like all soon-to-be-engaged couples.

But it was of no use.He found helplessly that when he was with Tao Han, there was not even a ripple in his heart, it was too plain.

So tonight, he came to the "Mingdian" coffee house again by some strange circumstances.

But what he didn't expect was that in just two or three days, the place changed its name and appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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