Chapter 266 Opening Dance
The guests present, no matter where they were scattered or what they were doing, they all got up now and gathered towards the center of the hall.

Simu stood under the spotlight, like a zhilanyushu, handsome and tall.

He put down his hands with a smile, waited for the applause to rest for a while, and then opened his mouth. The beautiful voice, like gold and jade hitting each other, was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

[Dear guests and friends, good evening everyone.Today is the first dinner held since the completion of Yunxi Palace, and it is also the beginning of our Mio Technology entering the Huaguo market and carrying out in-depth industrial integration. 】

[Here, on behalf of Mio Technology, I would like to express my gratitude to all the friends who have always cared, trusted and supported us in the past period, to all colleagues who have cooperated with us and who are about to cooperate with us, and to those who have actively participated in the development of the real economy and Entrepreneurs and business representatives with advanced technology, I would like to extend my warmest greetings and sincere thanks! 】

The applause sounded again, and it took a long time to rest.Then Sim continued:
[The whole world leads to the same goal through different routes, and there are hundreds of meetings in unison.Before today, or just last month, many people were strangers to me, but today we can gather together for a common ideal and vision, and work together. 】

[Excellent entrepreneurs must have a sense of social responsibility and a sense of historical mission. They will be committed to promoting technological innovation, transforming the world with excellent products, and promoting technological revolution and industrial upgrading. To seek development of human society and seek happiness for the people of the world]

[Our development philosophy of Mio Technology is to make technology better serve the people.Green water and green mountains are mountains of gold and silver.The development of science and technology must not be at the cost of damaging the environment, but must be safe, clean, and environmentally friendly to achieve sustainable development.”

Tao Le stood on the outside of the crowd, unable to see Simu's appearance through layers of people, but could hear his voice.

Sim's words were spoken in a dignified and resounding manner, which won rounds of applause.

Even Tao Le was infected by the bright prospect he created for a moment, and her heart was full of anticipation—fortunately, she woke up in time.

How wonderful it would be if all this were true.

But how could those Mio people stay on the blue star with peace of mind and wholeheartedly help them develop their technological economy.

It's not that she always wants to save a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart, but it's not logical at all.

It may be possible for the eagle, which is criss-crossing the sky, to take the initiative to get into the chicken coop to spend the rest of its life.The premise is to break his wings, so that he has no hope of soaring into the blue sky.

In the same way, it is impossible for the powerful and ruthless Mio people to suddenly change their nature, from an abyssal demon to a helpful angel.

Tao Le knew very well that Simu's injury had completely healed, and no one could stop him in Blue Star.Moreover, they can still come and go freely in this starry sky, otherwise, how would the three of Mo Liu appear?

Among the crowd, Sim's speech continued.No matter how wary Tao Le was, he had to admit that just hearing his voice was the most beautiful listening pleasure.

[Tonight's Yunxi Palace, because of you, has become radiant and wonderful.After the ball, all entrepreneurs and business representatives who are interested in in-depth cooperation with Mio Technology can have in-depth discussions with our team.But for now, let's just enjoy the good times. 】

[I announce that the dance party has officially begun! 】

The applause lasted like a tide, and the lights above the head also changed from a single color to colorful flashes.

[For the first dance tonight, I would like to invite one of the ladies present to dance with me. ] When Simu said this, there was a little hesitation in his tone, not as calm as before.

And everyone in the audience cheered loudly:
【Mr. Xi, which lady do you want to invite? 】

The more daring girl's heart sprouted, and she simply shouted out:
[Choose me, choose me! 】

Sim was unmoved by the voices.He softly looked forward to the left, and at the same time stepped forward in that direction:
[Sorry, I already have a candidate in mind.She is the most beautiful and charming woman in the world. 】

He was walking and talking.

Everyone's eyes were projected in that direction.After seeing the person standing there clearly, everyone was stunned and confused.

The two most eye-catching beauties in the audience are standing in that position.

Qin Yu is dressed in red, with icy skin and snowy skin, red lips like fire, coupled with the flying and confident look on his face, the country is beautiful and heavenly, gorgeous and incomparable.

Standing in the center of her left side is Sheng Jialin.

Her beauty is not as bright and unrestrained as the former, but elegant and intellectual.The silver mermaid skirt perfectly set off her temperament, elegant and fragrant like orchids.

From Taichung to Renqian, it is only fifteen or sixteen meters away.Sim walked slowly, but very steadily.

His voice was low and soft, as if he had reached the bottom of every woman's heart.

[For me, she is the most special existence, a priceless treasure, irreplaceable. 】

Both Qin Yu and Qin Jing felt elated.All the previous efforts were not in vain, as expected, I/Yu'er had successfully won a place in Mr. Xi's heart.

Maybe more than that.Listening to Mr. Xi's words just now, he should really care about her, otherwise why would he continuously use words like "the most special" and "priceless treasure" to describe her.

As for these words, it is also possible that they were talking about other people's affairs, Qin Jing didn't have the slightest doubt in his heart.

The Taiyi Technology behind Sheng Jialin is indeed much larger than their Daqin Entertainment, but so what?

In front of world technology leaders like Mio Technology, everyone is just a fishing boat.

With an identity like Mr. Xi's, the choice of a future partner naturally no longer only considers the size of the fishing boat.

When his daughter was born, he asked someone to look at it specially. The master said that although she was a woman, she could bring the Great Qin Empire to an unprecedented height.

It now appears that this opportunity is at hand.With such an excellent daughter, he can catch such an excellent son-in-law, who is many times stronger than those old brothers who gave birth to prodigal sons.

Sheng Daowen patted his daughter's hand lightly to show encouragement, and he was also full of emotion in his heart.

He started from scratch and made his business so big step by step. When he stood on the top of the mountain and looked back, he realized that there was no way out.

Along the way, his wife and daughter have given him the utmost support, which is the source of his courage and motivation.

However, such an outstanding daughter, nearly thirty years old, is still alone.Thinking of this, he felt ashamed and regretful.

It is said that you marry your daughter with your head up, and marry your daughter-in-law with your head down.But at his position, there are very few people who need to look up, and there are even fewer people to choose from.

Those families who do better than Taiyi Technology either have no unmarried children, or they are the second or even third generation of dudes.

But if you have to lower your head to look for it, you can't understand the hard-working calculations in those people's eyes.

Both Sheng Daowen and his daughter are good at reading people's hearts, so they can't deceive themselves or others.

My tiger daughter, Anken married a dog.Fortunately, there is an extra variable called Xi Mu.

 Thank you very much for your support.Counting today, there are [-] monthly tickets full, and more will be added today!Love you guys!
(End of this chapter)

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