Chapter 250

The patient grunted and opened his eyes.

Tao Le and the nurses pushed the flat car and ran towards the elevator. Geng Hongwen trotted along and asked the patient about the situation.

"The last menstrual event was probably No. 20 last month." The patient replied: "Although it is a few days late, the past two years are actually not accurate."

Geng Hongwen nodded. 44. For a five-year-old middle-aged woman, irregular menstruation is common, which is nothing.

"Then you and your husband plan to have a baby soon?" Geng Hongwen glanced at Tao Le, and asked one more question.

The patient shook his head: "It's too late for me to have a child, and it's very difficult to take Beibei alone. His father wanted it, but I didn't agree."

So it's not the result of the joint efforts of both husband and wife - there is one less reason to confirm Tao Le's diagnosis.

Geng Hongwen sneered in his heart, but remained calm on his face.

"Then what underlying disease did you have in the past, and is there any genetic disease in your family?"

"I have chronic gastritis myself, and my mother has diabetes, and I have been worried about it for the past few years," the patient tried hard to recall.

At this moment, they have reached the elevator.

There were already many people at the elevator door, but when they saw the doctors and nurses pushing the flat car, they all gave way.

There is a family history of diabetes.Geng Hongwen caught what he wanted to hear: "Did you eat lunch normally today?"

"Not really." The patient said weakly: "I asked for leave today to take my child to the hospital for treatment. Beibei has always had a stomachache recently."

He didn't eat, and he had a family history of diabetes, so the coma just now was most likely due to hypoglycemia.

Geng Hongwen completely forgot Tao Le's judgment.Of course, it will depend on the results of the blood sugar test for a while, but according to his thinking, it is almost the same.

"You came to the hospital not because of your own problems, but because of your child?" Tao Le noticed the second half of her sentence and asked in surprise.

She hasn't looked at the girl Beibei seriously, and now she does find that she is pale and a little tired.

She was so busy right now that she didn't have time to inquire carefully, so she opened the golden finger directly.

The interface is grass green, indicating that the child's problem is not serious, which made Tao Le feel relieved.

"Age: 11 years old. Health value: 89
Etiology: functional abdominal pain 50%, element deficiency (calcium) 50%
Serum calcium 2.15mmol/L
Functional abdominal pain in children mainly refers to frequent unexplained abdominal pain around the umbilicus without organic disease.

This kind of abdominal pain is often related to psychological factors. It often occurs when children are under certain pressure in terms of study and life, and often does not need more treatment. As long as they relax and take more rest, it will naturally improve.

The child's calcium deficiency is not serious either. The normal serum calcium content is between 2.23mmol/L and 2.80mmol/L. Beibei is only a little lower than the standard value. As long as a little supplementation is needed, it will be raised quickly.

In contrast, the life of the child's mother is hanging by a thread, and the danger is tight.

Not long after the elevator arrived, a group of people sent the patient to the emergency department.

"Don't go to the emergency room, just move to that bed." Geng Hongwen pointed to a bed in the emergency room.

Tao Le started to help move the bed, and watched the well-trained nurse monitor it.

She was very anxious in her heart, and she expressed it in words: "Dr. Geng, this patient needs to go to the emergency room immediately. My acupuncture to stop bleeding won't last long."

Before she finished speaking, Geng Hongwen interrupted her.

"Doctor Tao, it's not that I don't trust you. It's just that as I said just now, the emergency room is full now. If you want to send her in, you have to move someone out. You have to coordinate it?"

"The patient was discovered in time because of your notification today. I will truthfully explain this matter when I report it to the medical office—now that we have taken over, you can go back with peace of mind."

"By the way, didn't the patient's daughter come here to see a doctor? You happened to take her back, give her a good look, and let the patient feel at ease for treatment."

Although the tone of these words was gentle, they were soft.

Tao Le naturally heard that Geng Hongwen was pushing someone away.

In fact, what the other party said was correct, no matter what happens, this patient should be sent to the emergency room. Now that the emergency room is coming, there is really nothing wrong with her.

How many things have happened to emergency doctors, how can a small ectopic pregnancy not be detected?

Thinking of this, Tao Le took Beibei's hand, and said to Geng Hongwen: "Doctor Geng, I will trouble you, you must hurry up."

The latter waved his hand, turned around, and dropped two words: "Don't worry."

As soon as Tao Le and Beibei disappeared, the results of the bedside monitoring came out.

Blood pressure 89/60, heart rate 115, blood oxygen saturation 98%.

Such a low blood pressure, no wonder people will be in a coma.Geng Hongwen was a little strange, so he asked the patient:
"What's your normal blood pressure?"

"It's always been 120/80." The patient's expression began to slump again, and it was obvious that he couldn't hold on anymore.

The patient does not have hypotension himself, so this sudden drop in blood pressure is very abnormal.

No matter what the reason is, you must immediately rehydrate and inject epinephrine to resist shock.

As soon as Geng Hongwen gave the doctor's order, the nurse finished taking fingertip blood and reported a blood sugar of 5.8.

This fasting blood sugar is normal, will not cause hypoglycemia coma?

Could it be that it was really an ectopic pregnancy, did that little Tao Meng fall for it?

He shook his head.It was impossible. The patient did not wake up at that time, and there was no examination equipment. No one could come up with a definite diagnosis.

There are many possibilities for coma accompanied by hypotension, such as anaphylactic shock, internal organ bleeding, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, heart failure, and acute myocardial infarction, all of which will cause the patient's current symptoms, so we have to be careful Check it out.

Geng Hongwen personally placed a deep vein catheter on the patient and started rehydration.

With the progress of rehydration, the patient's blood pressure quickly rose to 100/65, and his spirit was much stronger than before.

"Has the family been notified?" he asked the nurse.On the elevator just now, he had already asked the patient's husband's contact information.

"Notified, her husband is on his way here, and it will take about four or ten minutes to arrive. Let us do the rescue as we like, and he will pay for it later."

It is a good thing to get the consent of the family members, but after all, the early medication and the later inspections have not been signed by the family members, and there is still the possibility of not accepting the account.

Xie Hongwen thought for a while, and asked the nurse to report to the medical office. After getting permission, he ordered the color Doppler ultrasound.

Now the relationship between doctors and nurses is tense, and things that can cause trouble should be avoided as much as possible.

I heard that the big hospitals in Beijing City and Hai City are equipped with bedside ultrasound machines, which is very convenient - but Yun City is a third-tier city, and even the best hospitals don't have such a thing.

When the nurses were about to move the bed, the needles on the patient's wrists, legs and feet got in the way.

In the two times of moving the bed just now, Tao Le did it silently and vigorously, so the others moved it very easily.

It's different now.The nurse asked, "Doctor Geng, look at this needle."

"Pull it out." Geng Hongwen almost forgot about it.

If this is sent to the color ultrasound room with a needle, the doctor in the imaging department will laugh at himself when he sees it.

The nurses pulled out the needles one by one as they said, carefully threw them into the medical waste bin, and moved the patient to the bed in a hurry.

As soon as he got on the flat car, the patient suddenly tilted his head and passed out without warning.

(End of this chapter)

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