Tao Le nodded.She is seeking truth from facts. Without her just now, this child really doesn't know what would happen!
"Nice job!" Gao Gao gave her a thumbs up: "Think about it, come to our PICU in the future"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Bai De with a dumb face.

"Old Gao, stop nagging, the child is still waiting for treatment!"

"Hey, okay, the child is the most important thing, but I'll keep my words here today, Xiao Tao, the PICU needs you"

Until the figure is gone, I can still hear the lingering sound of the plateau.

Bai De said to Tao Le: "Director Gao looks easy-going, but in fact he has a high vision and is very strict. He rarely likes young people, and you are an exception."

Tao Le just laughed: "Director Gao is just encouraging me. I don't have enough experience now, so I don't have the qualifications to go to the intensive care unit."

Bai De nodded.Indeed, whether it is the ICU or the PICU, the doctors and nurses inside are all experienced and fighting against death all the time.

Solid medical knowledge, rich clinical experience, keen observation ability, ability to deal with complex situations, and strong psychological quality are all indispensable. No matter how good Tao Le is, he is only a trained doctor, and he is still in the learning stage.

Thinking of this, he asked Tao Le: "Xiao Tao, you also understand the situation of this child. If you are in the PICU, what should you do?"

What he asked was exactly the question Tao Le had been thinking about, so he answered without hesitation:

"Oxygen inhalation, anti-inflammatory drip, fever reduction, oral administration of Smecta and Mommy Love."

"How are you going to solve the problem of hyperosmosis?"

That was actually the question he wanted to ask.Hypertonic dehydration, hypernatremia, as usual, as long as a large amount of anhydrous saline is added intravenously to reduce the blood sodium concentration, it will be fine.

However, if this is really done, the blood sodium drops too quickly in a short period of time, there is a great possibility of causing cerebral edema.

Especially at such a young age, the brain may have been damaged to some extent in the state of hypertonic dehydration and high fever, and with cerebral edema, the prognosis is extremely poor.

He never thought that Tao Le could answer this question correctly.

But she must not be blamed for this, because hypertonic dehydration is relatively rare in the first place, and because clinical experience needs to be accumulated slowly, no one can know it by birth, and it is omnipotent.

Tao Le naturally didn't know it from birth, but he really knew this disease in detail.

At this time, she thought of Tang Wanhe, her mentor in her previous life. If it wasn't for his teachings bit by bit, she would not have experienced herself later.


"Don't be in a hurry, and try to reduce the blood sodium of the child to a normal level within two to three days."

"Oh?" Bai De never expected such a standard answer from Tao Le's mouth.

Is this true understanding, or did I happen to see a similar treatment method somewhere and use it to deal with myself?

"Tell me, what do you think about it?" He asked again.

"For the treatment of hypertonic dehydration, one-fourth to one-third of the tension fluid should be used when rehydrating, so as to avoid the rapid drop of blood sodium and cause cerebral edema." Tao Le talked eloquently, confidently and calmly.

Come on, I still want to use this case to teach Xiaotao, but people already know about it.

How did this child learn how to deal with such a rare disease?
He suddenly felt a sense of triumph:
"The electrocardiogram shows sinus tachycardia, how to deal with this?"

"The tachycardia and hyperglycemia are caused by fever and hypertonic dehydration, and insufficient intracellular water capacity. As long as the anti-inflammatory and fever are successfully reduced, and the hypertonic dehydration is corrected, the heart rate will naturally drop."

Bai De suddenly felt powerless.It seemed that he was already lying on the beach now, and the huge waves behind him had slammed down on him, making him dizzy.

"That's right, the basic skills are very solid. Let's go, go back to the outpatient clinic, there are still many patients waiting!" He sighed.

The new issue of "Neurosurgery Medical Research" arrived, and Yang Ruixue went to the mail room to pick it up immediately after receiving the text message.

There's new food for thought!This excitement slightly washed away the haze that had enveloped her all morning.

She walked through the lobby on the first floor of the inpatient department, and saw a steady flow of people.

It was almost noon, and there were more people at the door, most of them were family members who came to deliver meals to hospitalized patients.

At this time, a couple came in from the outside with anxious expressions on their faces.The man was still carrying big bags and rolls: bedding pillows, bowls, chopsticks and washbasins, counting everything, all kinds of things.

Yang Ruixue has seen this kind of person a lot, it must be that a relative has just been hospitalized and came to deliver things.

The elevator arrived, a group of people got off, and another group went up.

Yang Ruixue didn't squeeze in with them.Hospitalized patients are in a hurry to eat, but she is not in a hurry.

No, another elevator arrived soon, except for herself, that is, the couple stood up, very relaxed.

She pressed the seventh floor, and the couple pressed the ninth floor.

Oh, the ninth floor, the ninth floor is the pediatric ward, and there seems to be a small area designated as PICU.From this point of view, these two should be the parents of the children.

As the elevator went up, the couple started talking.

"You raised your mouth just now. Why did Xiaobo stop breathing? This scared me. I took my things and hurried over—what's going on?" the husband asked.

"I'm still scared. At that time, Xiaobo's face was purple, and I lost my breath--I was so scared that my hands and feet were cold, and I couldn't move when I stood there."

"Thanks to a female doctor in the pediatrics department, she directly stuck a needle in Xiaobo's chest. Guess what, he let out a long breath, and then woke up, breathing more smoothly than before!"

"It's not that you wait, isn't the needle piercing the arm and the buttocks, why is it piercing the chest?" the husband asked puzzled.

"I didn't make it clear. He probably studied Chinese medicine and used acupuncture needles!" recalled his wife.

"It turned out to be Chinese medicine. I didn't expect the first aid to be so powerful at a critical moment. When Xiaobo recovers, we have to thank him." The husband was full of joy.

"It should be, it must be!" echoed his wife.

Yang Ruixue listened to the conversation between the two, and also guessed the identity of the female pediatrician.

Who else could it be, isn't it Tao Le who is a clinical doctor of western medicine but loves to show off acupuncture?

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