Xiong Wenfa followed the transfer ambulance to the city's first hospital.

The No. 719 hospital had already made arrangements to send his father directly to the best single ward in Shenwai—Room [-].

Mio Technology is really fast and resolute in its actions. As soon as the president made a message in the afternoon, someone contacted him to transfer to another hospital in the evening. Immediately, without delay.

In fact, Xiong Wenfa also wanted to be transferred.

At first, his father was just a little dizzy, and his vision was a little blurry. He didn't take it seriously. He wandered to the nearest You'ai Hospital by himself, thought about prescribing some medicine, and then went home.

Unexpectedly, he was left and admitted to the hospital at that time, and the treatment did not improve at all.

He stayed in You'ai Hospital for a month, but his father's health was deteriorating. He fell asleep for a long time all day long and rarely woke up.

Xiong Wenfa was really worried.His mother left early, and his father worked hard to bring him up, send him to school, teach him how to be a man, and watch him marry a wife and have children.

This is really not a lie. Since entering Chuangyu game, 996 is the norm, and 997 is not uncommon.Being able to start a family and start a business is still relying on the urging of his father and the understanding and support of his wife.

But no matter what, my father is only 65 years old. This age is really not old, and it shouldn't be like this.

But as soon as he mentions transferring to another hospital, the attending doctor over there will tell him a bunch of medical terminology, which is basically the same everywhere. It’s better to be here. We understand the situation and have a good attitude, which can prolong the life of the old man to the maximum extent. .

He is an expert in procedures and doesn't know much about medicine, so he didn't insist on it.

I don't know what the company did. When I came back this time, Youai Hospital issued all the procedures without saying a word, and they were extremely cooperative throughout the process.

Now he only hopes that the neurosurgery department of No. [-] hospital can solve his father's illness from the root cause, so that he can have the opportunity to honor his old man.

Hospital chief Qin Feng had seen the diagnosis results of the patient in You'ai Hospital in advance, and now he came over for a physical examination and issued a series of checklists.

The results from Youai Hospital are sometimes not so convincing, and the relevant images are not clear enough, and most of the examinations have to be reversed and repeated.

Blood routine, liver and kidney function, four blood coagulation items, small biochemistry, four blood transfusion items, six hepatitis B items, CTA of neck to skull base angiography, head MRI.

Before the inspection was all over, Hou Bo came back with Tao Le.

When everything was finished and the patient was pushed back to the room, Lin Weimin hurried over, accompanied by a man in a white shirt and black jacket.

"This is Section Chief Zheng of the Municipal Health Bureau." Dean Lin introduced.

Section Chief Zheng shook hands with Xiong Wenfa enthusiastically: "Family, don't worry, we will do our best to find the best doctor and use the best medicine to cure your father, heal him!"

Xiong Wenfa was flattered, and couldn't think of anything else to say besides "thank you".

Section Chief Zheng turned to Dean Lin and Hou Bo and other medical staff and said: "This patient is very important, we must attach great importance to it and treat it meticulously."

In fact, whether he said this or not, as long as it can be cured, the medical staff present will go all out.

The great doctor is sincere and doesn't care about the identity or status of the other party.

Lin Weimin expressed his attitude: "Don't worry, this patient will be followed up by our Director Hou personally. If he can't be cured, no one in Yunshi can cure it."

Section Chief Zheng had a smile on his face, and said: "Director Hou Bo is the No. 1 of our Yunshi Shenwai. If you make a move, there will be no problem."

When Hope heard this, he felt something was wrong.The leader tried his best to lift himself up, although he believed in his own performance, but if there was a problem, it was all his own.

Surgery is not [-]% safe, even if it is the simplest appendix operation, accidents will still happen.

However, in the current situation, we still have to cooperate with the leadership and give the patient's family members more confidence.

"I will do my best," said Hope.

Lin Weimin and Section Chief Zheng said a few more words to Xiong Wenfa, telling him to trust the hospital, trust Director Hou, build confidence and cooperate with the treatment, etc., and then left first.

Tao Le never took his eyes off Xiong Wenfa's face from the very beginning.

If she remembered correctly, she had met this person in her previous life!

Not only have I seen it, but I have been extremely impressed, it is simply unforgettable.

He fell from a height in front of Tao Le, and fell straight to the ground, only three meters away from her.

His face was upturned, the entire back of his skull was sunken, his bones were crushed, and he lay there limply, like a humanoid blood bag.

Tao Le was the closest person to him, and he clearly saw his expression before he touched the ground.

At that time, there was no fear, no remorse, and no nostalgia for the world on his face.

It seems that the self who is about to fall to the ground is no different from a stone or a leaf.

It takes a lot of courage to jump down from dozens of floors.So while Tao Le was shocked, he also paid attention to the follow-up news.

Because of this, she understood the reason why this bearish man committed suicide.

Unemployed in middle age.His wife was sick in bed, and his father was seriously ill and died on the operating table.

These things alone were already hard to accept, but the last straw that overwhelmed him was another matter.

The daughter who was in the third grade of junior high school disappeared on the way home from school, and the body was found a week later.

The murderer confessed to the crime, and what awaited him was indeed the severe punishment of the law, but his daughter would never come back.

In the previous life, just a week or so after the death of the bearish man, his wife, who had been ill in bed for a long time, also climbed up the three-pointed mountain by force, and jumped off the cliff at the steep slope behind.

This incident was also widely spread at the time, arousing sympathy and heated discussions from all parties, and Tao Le was even more embarrassed.

She looked at the name tag on the patient's bedside.Xiong Dachang.

If the surname is Xiong, then it is indeed him, that's right.

So the patient in front of him was the one who died on the operating table of Youai Hospital.

If, as Director Hou told her on the way here, the patient only had carotid artery stenosis, then this operation should not be complicated, and it would not be too difficult to survive.

Thinking of this, Tao Le opened the golden finger.

The interface is red, indicating that although the condition is serious, it is not fatal yet.

Age: 65 years old.Health value: 48
Etiology: severe stenosis of the left carotid artery in 35%, coronary atherosclerosis in 30%, hypertension in 20%, and hyperthyroidism in 15%.

血压150/80,心率100次/分 TSH:0.01mU/L,FT3:14pmol/L ,FT4:35pmol/L。

In addition to blood pressure, the latter three indicators are the content of thyroid function examination.

TSH is thyroid-stimulating hormone, and the normal value is between 0.38-5.57mmol/l. The patient's TSH is significantly lower than the standard value, and FT3 and FT4 are higher than the standard value, which is undoubtedly hyperthyroidism.

Below the interface is a holographic image of the patient from the base of the skull through the neck to the chest.The patient had severe stenosis at the origin of the left internal carotid artery and moderate stenosis at the opening.

Tao Le fell into deep thought.The patient has been in the You'ai Hospital for a month. It stands to reason that after such a long period of treatment, the indicators of thyroid function should have returned to normal values, which should not be such data.

Could it be. . . . . .Tao Le suddenly thought of a possibility.

If it was as she had guessed, then it would be clear why this patient died on the operating table.

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