Back at the Children's Health Clinic, Tao Le received the envious gaze of Xie Baoshu.

"Little Tao, why do you think your life is so good? Brother Xie, I have only observed Director Shen's operations three or four times in so many years. You have just come here, and you have the opportunity."

"But let me take a guess. When you come on stage today, you will either be the third assistant or the fourth assistant, and I also know what you are doing—" Xie Baoshu laughed: "Lagou, right?"

"Brother Xie, why do you think so?" Tao Le was a little strange.

"You don't need to think about this. Don't all newcomers do this when they come to the stage? The main knife makes an incision, and the four auxiliary retractors ensure the surgical field of vision, and then start to watch the time. My mind is full of thinking about this operation, when will it be completed!"

"So, Brother Xie, have you pulled the hook too?"

"Of course! Back when I was the fourth assistant on stage for the first time, I was so excited that I didn't fall asleep the night before. Whoever thought of going on stage would pull the hook for more than four hours, and his hands were sore! How are you? Are your hands okay?"

"It's okay." Tao Le said with a strong smile.

"Don't worry, brother Xie is here, so I can't watch you be so boring!" Xie Baoshu smiled all over his face:

"Next time it's my turn to perform appendectomy, I will definitely take you with me and let you start suturing!"

Stitch.To Tao Le, this kind of thing has no feeling at all.

But seeing the expression on Xie Baoshu's face waiting to be praised and thanked, Tao Le still decided to satisfy him:

"Okay, then thank you in advance, brother!"

"By the way, what kind of surgery did Director Shen perform today?"

"Oral Fiberoptic Bronchoscopic Retrieval."

"There was no surgery, so it didn't even pull the hook?" Xie Baoshu expressed sympathy.

"Well, it's really not on." Tao Le didn't regret it at all.

The hospital canteen is on the second basement floor, and Tao Le didn't go down until almost twelve o'clock, but there were still quite a few people.

That's right, many doctors see a doctor in the morning, and when there are too many patients, it will be delayed until this time, and everyone has long been accustomed to it.

Tao Le swiped her employee card and ordered a meal. She found an empty table and was about to sit down when she heard someone calling her.

"Tao Le, come here."

Tao Le took a closer look, and it turned out to be Ye Chen.

The table was for four, and Ye Chen was alone now. Tao Le went over with the plate and sat opposite him.

"Hello, Teacher Ye, why are you eating so late?" she asked.

The work of the medical office is quite regular, and meals should be on time.

"I've been sorting out files recently, so I'm a bit busy." Ye Chen looked at the few simple things on her plate:
Steamed potatoes, a steamed bun with cornmeal, stir-fried choy sum, and a tiger skin green pepper.She didn't order any of the tough dishes in the cafeteria today, such as braised shrimp in oil and fatty beef in sour soup.

"You're eating too little, are you trying to lose weight?" Ye Chen asked curiously.

"Not really, it's just that I don't have much appetite." For some reason, she has lost interest in all kinds of food recently, as if suffering from anorexia.

"Okay, I won't ask any more. It's just a girl, it's a blessing to be able to eat, but don't go on a diet just to control your body shape, and you will ruin your body in the end."

Tao Le is not going to continue this topic with him.

"Miss Ye, how is your hand doing recently?"

Ye Chen stopped her because of this: "It's still the same, trembling when you make fine movements."

"I've done all the checks that should be done, it's not a problem with the brain." Ye Chen shook his head:

"Several commonly used drugs, such as propranolol, alprazolam, and clonazepam, have been used, but the effect is only average, and it returns to the original state as soon as the drug is stopped."

"So Doctor Tao Le Tao, you mentioned last time that it can be cured, is it true?"

When he was in Tianqiao Village, Tao Le had seen Ye Chen's performance during the operation, and also learned that it was because of this disease that he was transferred from the best attending doctor of general surgery to an administrative department like the medical office.

At that time, she checked with her golden finger, and it was indeed essential tremor.

This is a chronic movement disorder.

Ye Chen's symptoms were mild, and only manifested in his inability to control fine hand movements. Although it did not affect his daily life, it caused a fatal blow to his work.

This disease cannot be cured, but can only be slowly adjusted by drugs, and the side effects of several drugs are not small, so it is not suitable for long-term use.

At that time, Tianqiao Village was too busy, and she just mentioned it casually, but Ye Chen still remembered it.

"It can be cured." Tao Le nodded: "Acupuncture is very effective for this disease."

"Actually, I have also been to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Director Zhu only said to give it a try. I also took two courses of treatment with acupuncture and decoction. Unfortunately, there was no improvement."

Tao Le remembered that this is a hospital, and the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine is also very strong. The excuse she used to use in the past still needs to be improved as soon as possible!
"Actually, I have a set of acupuncture, which is effective for your disease." She said without changing her face: "But this matter, you have to keep it a secret for me. Because this acupuncture method is a secret from the master. "

After the words were finished, Ye Chen didn't know what he was thinking, but Tao Le admired him very much.

Recently, the reaction has really been getting faster and faster, and it seems to be a nonsense to make up nonsense.Anyway, there is Zhou Ji, the teacher in name, who knows everything, so there is nothing wrong with it!

"Then thank you, Doctor Tao." Ye Chen laughed: "It's definitely okay to keep it secret—how about starting the treatment after dinner in a while?"

There is also a reason why Ye Chen is in such a hurry.He couldn't tell Tao Le about this reason, but she would know sooner or later.

From the head down of the medical department, they have been intentionally or unintentionally squeezing him out recently.

He heard some rumors that the hospital was about to rectify the atmosphere in the hospital, and some people were clearly young and middle-aged, and they should have been on the front line of medical treatment, but they wanted to hide in the second-line office.

Director Sun's way of doing things is very clear to Ye Chen.Soon he will be transferred from the medical office and transferred back to the first-line department.

An attending surgeon who can't get on the operating table is a dwarf everywhere, and he will never think about going to a higher position in the future.

He has no objection to this arrangement, but he hopes that when facing patients, he can still be as before, without shaking hands, without panic, and responding freely and calmly.

Tao Le is the one who can break the ice.He was convinced of it.

Child Health Clinic.

It's usually quite leisurely here, especially during today's lunch break, because Xie Baoshu is not here.

His family could no longer tolerate this single dog in his early thirties, so they arranged several blind dates for him, and today's noon was one of them.

For this reason, he got stuck and changed his clothes, and asked Tao Le to help him review the look, and then disappeared without a trace with confident steps.

Acupuncture is not suitable after a full meal, so they waited for half an hour before starting the formal treatment.

Essential tremor is a neurological disease related to degeneration of the central nervous system.

Tao Le passed through Ye Chen's veins, and the dialectic is liver depression and blood deficiency, wind, phlegm and blood stasis toxin block the meridian, the treatment should be based on extinguishing wind and stopping tremor, supplemented by nourishing liver and kidney, nourishing qi and blood, activating collaterals and clearing blood stasis, Clear blood and detoxify.

For this reason, she specially selected seven acupoints, namely Fengchi, Sishencong, Quchi, Hegu, Yanglingquan, Taichong and Taixi, to nourish the liver and kidney, calm the liver and calm the wind.

"If it's just for the treatment of essential tremor, then two more acupuncture sessions tomorrow and the day after will be enough." Tao Le put away the needles one by one: "But if Teacher Ye still wants to treat lumbar muscle strain, then he needs to do it a few more times. "

"Oh? This lumbar muscle strain, Chinese medicine can also detect it by feeling the pulse?" Ye Chen was curious.

"Yes. Lumbar muscle strain belongs to arthralgia syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine. Teacher Ye is a blood stasis type arthralgia syndrome, and it tends to get worse. If it is convenient, it is better to treat it early."

Ye Chen's lumbar muscle strain has been with him for several years. He was very tired in Tianqiao Village for a few days, and the old problem recurred.

At first, I thought that I would have to rely on plasters to survive this period of time, but I didn't expect Tao Le to see it.

"Then trouble you, help me treat together!"

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