The glory of Kyoto wings

Chapter 309 309. Let’s go tonight

Chapter 309 309. Don't Go Back Tonight

"The child's mood has become much more stable."

"It's really thanks to you this time."

"Don't thank me, let one of your girlfriends coax another girlfriend, only you can think of it."

"Sorry, the incident happened suddenly, so I made a bad plan."

Minamoto Yorimitsu apologized sincerely, and glanced at the White Tiger Pond on the right hand side of the Heian Shrine's Xijinyuan. There were large clusters of iris growing beside the pool, but they hadn't bloomed yet.

After finishing the tofu dishes last night, the four of them went back to Ranting Pavilion. It seemed that his plan to let the royal medicine bag tea sound enlighten Liangying Tianhai was very successful, and when he got home at night, he stopped making trouble and spent the night peacefully.

Today's weather is good, the sun is stretching its limbs, and the sky is blue and cloudless.

After attending the training, there are two days off. During this rare and leisurely vacation, Minamoto Raimitsu proposed to go out with Oyakudai Chayin. Saki Hatsu Koto and Yoshikage Amami had no objection, knowing that they had something to say.

The pavilion is located in Hosho Temple Town, Okazaki, Heian Shrine.

Minamoto Raimiko looked at her unexpectedly.

She is not someone who can write her emotions on her face, and she is just sensible, even if it is a scene that she does not want to in her heart, she will not make trouble in public, and this kind of thing is very simple, it is a trivial matter for her.

Oyakudai Chayin's expression was slightly startled, as if she thought that she saw Minamoto's eyes when she opened her eyes that morning, her face flushed slightly, but she quickly suppressed this emotion.

"But after a long time, there will always be people, or both of them will start to hold each other's past. Whether it is a previous lover or a small problem that occurs everywhere in life, they will feel that this is a kind of stain."

"Are you still used to sleeping when you come back?" Minamoto Raimitsu couldn't answer this sentence very well, and looked into the distance tactically.

"I don't like being outside." Minamoto Laimiko put down the grape soda, pondered for a moment and then softly said: "Especially because it's your first time, I always feel very bad."

Therefore, the master who can overwhelm the master and has strong emotional control and appeal is the best candidate.

It is undoubtedly stupid to judge what I do. Even in this era, status and wealth are not overwhelming, unless you don't care about the overwhelming women you use.

The two walked around immersively for a while.

He stared at it questioningly for a moment.

It is self-evident how narrow-minded the master is.

But I haven't been there once when I moved here.

Yuyao Daichayin unconsciously turned her face away, a little afraid to look directly into Minamoto's eyes, she is not a fool like Liangying Tianhai, she can fully understand his words, knowing that this is frankly saying that he is not Caring about his previous stigma, his eyes are full of sincerity.

"I don't care much about these, and I'm more afraid of getting into big trouble than my personal wishes."

The standpoint determines the senses of a person, Minamoto Laiguang is the core issue of this matter, no matter how objectively he explains to Liangying Tianhai, the other party will always have a non-stop explanation that he justifies himself.

The royal medicine bag tea sound took a sip.

"I'm not the only daughter in my family. When I get married, I always take someone else's surname, and I don't like children very much."

However, when it comes to the topic just now, the expression of the royal medicine bag tea sound leaning on the stone railing of the White Tiger Pond is a little subtle, with a vague smile on the face sideways, and a few strands of green hair slanting on the lips.

The slender eyebrows of Yuyao Chayin raised a little.

Today is a working day, coupled with the fact that it is not one of the most popular attractions in Kyoto and has a huge area, the crowds strolling in the Heian Shrine are sparse.

Yuan Laiguang was a little surprised when he heard that, he turned his head to look at her and asked, "Are you really not going to have a child?"

But these words couldn't move her, so after a brief silence, distrust still appeared in her eyes.

"Knowing that you probably won't win the lottery, you still have to care about the thank you for your patronage. Angrily, you keep fighting with the drink. Why don't you buy it?"

"Besides, Mr. Yuan knew what kind of person I am before he came into contact with me, so he must be very worried."

Yuyaodaichayin understood, she was referring to what she said just now to be self-deprecating, because what she said just now meant that Minamoto Raimitsu would turn over her old account in the future.

"Thank you for your patronage and congratulations on winning the prize?"

Just when Yuyaodai Chayin was about to ask with a face full of surprise, he suddenly spoke slowly.

Minamoto Raikou is not a person with dull senses, and he and the master have fallen in love and killed each other until now, and they have a tacit understanding with each other, knowing that she is not very happy.

"Take the drink that may win a prize as an example. For example, when you bought a can of drink and just opened the tab and saw the word thank you, you couldn't believe that you didn't win the lottery, so you had to pull the tab completely. "

Minamoto Yorimitsu stood there thinking.

The voice of the royal medicine bag tea did not turn away, still looking at the spring water coming out of the center of the White Tiger Pond, but when it came to the year after tomorrow, the voice was much more ethereal than before.

On the seat of the mahogany armchair, Minamoto Raimitsu put the grape soda in his hand in the space between the two of them.

There is a special rest area in the garden, as well as a vending machine and a snack area. She bought two cans of grape soda from the vending machine and handed him one.

In fact, the best candidate is Saki Hatsu Koto, but she has a cowardly character and is neither sensitive nor confused about dealing with interpersonal relationships. , It seems that the emotions are on the verge of collapse.

Minamoto continued to ask with a smile.

This reason is not valid, Yuyao Dai Chayin frowned and said: "I watched you fall asleep with my own eyes."

"The smell in your room is too mixed."

Minamoto Raimitsu recalled a night before, and asked with a smile: "You don't like children, but you still look at mother and baby products?"

It is very close to Nishitenno-cho, Okazaki, Sakyo-ku, where the Heian Shrine is located, and it is only 10 minutes away.

And obviously there is not much room for negotiation in her position, but she is always worried about what he will do to her in the future, and even does not hesitate to continue to test, but she is not honest, but she is still greedy, and she can't help but feel ashamed when she hears these words .

Minamoto Raimiko nodded when he heard the words, with a look of sudden realization on his face, he touched his chin and looked at her with strange eyes: "It seems that you are not too small."

In fact, her eyes are bright, and she knows that Raimiko Minamoto has given herself as much equality and dignity as possible before, and even until now, while she is enjoying his treatment, she has not paid what was agreed upon.

His abnormality was quickly discovered.

But if she can do it well, it doesn't mean she has no temper. Doesn't this mean that she is here to ask the teacher for her crimes.

The Heian Shrine, which covers an area of ​​more than [-] meters, is not ordinary. From the gate, corridor, side hall to the main hall and the pavilions on both sides, there are very colorful red frame black tiles and white walls, and the traditional beauty is very rich.

So she smiled and looked at him mockingly: "Then do you think this situation can be resolved?"

Yuyaodai Chayin's expression changed twice, as if he was holding back something, seeing that he didn't intend to go outside at all, he couldn't help explaining.

After a long time of no response, she understood her determination.

Like an ordinary couple quarreling, because of a small matter, there is a difference of attitude. If a man explains to a girl why he did this, the latter may think that he is doing it to satisfy his own interests and does not want to listen.

The white gravel on the ground is a bit hard.

"How did you know?"

"Will it be painful like this? If you don't have the prerequisite to pull it down just now, you won't be in pain."

Their relationship, spread out, is not a pure interest relationship, but it is also mixed with emotional interests.

Minamoto Raimitsu said suddenly while looking at the grape soda.

Minamoto Raimitsu looked at the cans in a daze.

"So what are you worried about?"

In terms of relationships, changing the subject and being tactically subdued can solve many problems, at least they won't make things worse, and there's no need to show machismo.

"What do you want to say?"

Although Mrs. Xiaolin's situation cannot be avoided, in general, self-knowledge is still guaranteed.

If you don't fight back after being beaten, it doesn't mean you won't fight back.

"What's wrong with you? You are afraid that I haven't given you a baby, so you can run away at any time, right?"

It may be better understood from another angle.

Hearing this sentence, Yuan Laiguang looked at the sarcasm in her eyes and was a little speechless. He definitely didn't expect this incident just now. It seems that the master really has a lot of resentment towards him, otherwise he wouldn't say a few words so.

So half of it was for relaxation, and the other half was to take advantage of the opportunity to be alone to say something, Minamoto Yorimitsu and Oyakudai Chayin came here from Rantingei on foot.

"It's the same when it comes to love. After getting to know each other's past after dating, those who like and are angry still don't believe it, and continue to associate with each other, but the contradictions between the two parties will also increase with this."

"Are you afraid they will hear it?" Minamoto Laiguang understood it this time, and a smile appeared on his face.

Yuyakudai Chayin hesitated for a moment, and said after a moment of hesitation, "But Saki Hatsu-san and Ryokage-san are still at home."

Since she is a woman and has not undergone professional physical training, her physical strength is naturally not very good.

"I'm not going back tonight." Yuyaodai Chayin gripped the can tightly, and said a word without beginning or end.

"Even if you don't know clearly, you should get a general idea after contacting for a period of time. When neither party has invested too much sunk cost, it is a good choice to withdraw and leave. At least you don't feel guilty about the love in your heart. waste each other's time."

But he pondered for a few seconds, watching the Royal Medicine Bag Chayin who was about to walk to the torii of Yingtianmen not far away followed.

"Living under the same roof, if I go to find you, they will find out, and maybe they will even lie in the corner."

Yuyao Daichayin glanced sideways, moved the can with a faint lip mark on the mouth of the can, looked at Yuan Laiguang who was beside him in a daze, and asked softly, "What's wrong with you?"

"So you really don't plan to be a mother?"

The voice of Royal Medicine Bag Tea was stunned, and said in a rather shameful tone: "It is absolutely impossible for me to make a sound."

"It looks like it now."


Yuyaodai Chayin is still a woman after all.

"So it's the same in dating. Some people probably know what the other person's past is like before dating. Therefore, since they have chosen to go on, there is no need to keep holding on."

With Tianhai's personality, knowing that he is going to get married and not making a fuss is not at ease, and this child is the most impulsive, if he is not calmed down, he may do impulsive things.

Thinking about it, as one of his girlfriends in name, he not only has to get along with him, but also has the responsibility of comforting people with the same status as himself. It's strange no matter how you think about it, and it will naturally make people feel uncomfortable.

But if it is changed to a girl's friend and persuaded as the latter, the effect will be different immediately.

After walking around for an hour, she was finally tired.

"When many couples are in a relationship, at the beginning, they will be very affectionate and covered by the curiosity and sweetness they just met, and they often can't see each other's shortcomings."

"Don't pay too much attention to me." Yuyao Dai Chayin put away her arms on the stone railing and said, "Even after I get married, I will be a qualified vase, and I won't be like that child, thinking about getting pregnant all day long." The child is secure."

This statement is obviously ironic.

"That day in your room, the night we drank together, your mobile phone was not locked on the table."

Minamoto Raikou smiled, and finally picked up the can of unopened grape soda, pulled the tab and took a sip, looking straight into the eyes of Yuyakudai Chayin:

"Do I mistrust you that much?"

"Are you testing me?" Yuyaodai Chayin's eyes flickered a few times, she slowly looked away, and said with a slightly self-pitying tone: "Even if you are used to it, you have to say you are not used to it. get married."


He stared at something above the can.

It's possible that she was saving up, exchanging patience for a result that would not be worse, which was obviously her behavior.

Women who have children are known to be strongly dependent on their partners, so in the unseen corners, those who have multiple partners and don't have the energy to care for them insist on having children.

Since he wanted to appease her, it was natural to have a suitable comforter, neither Minamoto Raimitsu nor the little girl.

Yuyao Daichayin finally stopped looking at Baihuchi, and turned her clear and beautiful cheeks, with a little smile in her eyes, but this kind of smile was obviously not from the heart, on the contrary, it was hidden like a smile but not a smile.

The carbon dioxide bubbles up quickly.

"Well, Chayin, have you ever drank a drink with a lottery in the bottle cap or in the can?"

"Even if you open it and see thank you for your patronage, you may still be upset in your heart, thinking why you didn't win the prize every time you bought this drink, and then you will fall into a cycle, distressed about not winning the prize or even angry."

"Of course, there are also solutions. For example, if you just opened the pull ring a little and saw a thank you, you can secretly put it back in its original place, or you can throw it away when you are angry after buying it. You don't need to look at the back again."

Minamoto Raimiko smiled, stood up and patted the sleeves of the chair on the stone fence: "I never saw me wake up with my own eyes."

After that, she left the spot slowly, apparently walking towards the depths, but just two steps away, she suddenly said: "After all, my past is a big stain."

Of course he could hear such an obvious point, and it was for this reason that he asked her out today.

Yuyaodai Chayin gritted her teeth, turned her blushing cheeks and found a strange reason.

"Then go to your room."

After Minamoto Raimiko said this, before he could react to the sound of the royal medicine bag tea, he felt his hand was directly held up, and he walked out of the park in a daze.

 Recommend this friend's book, "The Old Lord", a dark oriental folk mythology work, it is a cool article, after a little reading, it is very good, the world view is quite good, the main thing is to fall in love with certain things

(End of this chapter)

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