Elf Mechanic

Chapter 50 Conquer, the third elf!

Chapter 50 Conquer, the third elf!
Ye Sheng was very satisfied with Water Leaping Fish at first.

But helplessly, the talent of this water jumping fish lies in the endurance tank type elf.

It's not that such a water jumping fish is bad.

The final evolution of the Water Leaper, the giant marsh monster, with its excellent attribute combination, coupled with its own resistance and talent, is an excellent front-line tank player.

In a 6vs6 all-hands battle, you can use the Invisible Rock first. In this way, every time the opposing trainer replaces the Pokémon, the Pokémon that has just appeared will be damaged by the Invisible Rock.

As soon as he comes out, he will lose [-]% of his stamina under the effect of the invisible rock, which is really difficult.

After releasing the Invisible Rock, the Giant Swamp Monster can also release highly poisonous poison, which tortures the opponent's elves with a steady stream of poison.

When encountering a powerful elf, you can even roar and force the opponent to leave the field, and the next time you come out, you will continue to be hurt by the invisible rock.

Live in Bengbu!

After a game, maybe the opponent will curse and praise Ye Sheng for being a clean game trainer...

Although this is not in vain a way of fighting, but I also have a dream of output in my heart, and it doesn't fit my idea of ​​the giant marsh monster, so I can only bid farewell to "Blue Boxing Mother" for a short time.

If the next fire chicken doesn't do well, then Ye Sheng will reconsider the water jump fish.


Finally came the third elf. Pichu's black eyes looked from the turkey's feet to the whole body, and then he showed a meaningful smile.

Looking at the foot strength, it is suitable for running errands! !
And with the rich feathers, there is no need to wear a scarf in winter, just plucking a few feathers should be very warm.

Pichu was particularly pleased with the turkey.

On the side, Dr. Odaroll would be extremely embarrassed if he knew Pichu's psychology of persecuting the turkey.

Turning to the next page of the notebook, Dr. Oda Maki said:
"The third fire-type fire chick, this one is particularly interesting. Its characteristic is acceleration... and the inherited moves are the feather dance of the flying type and the resurrection of the fighting type."

!! ?
"Wait a minute, doctor, you said that the characteristic of this turkey is...acceleration?"

Acceleration feature: When the battle starts, as time goes by, the speed of the elf with this feature will continue to increase until it reaches its maximum limit.

If the fire chicken has this bug-like characteristic, wouldn't it be in place...

took off?
The kind that even Gulardo can't catch up with.

Seeing Ye Sheng's surprised expression, Dr. Odaroll nodded gently and said:
"Well, it's the rare and rare acceleration characteristic. Not only that, but the fighting talent of this turkey chicken is also very good, which can be seen from the inheritance and the resurrection of the fighting system."

"However, the shortcomings are also particularly obvious. This turkey chicken seems to have a little problem when it was born, resulting in a particularly low concentration of fire energy in the purest breed. Up to now, it has not been able to fully learn sparks like other turkey chickens. .”

"Even if it is barely used in training, it is very scattered, and the slightest flame can't pose a threat to the grass-type elves at all."

Ye Sheng nodded and said in conclusion:
"That is to say, this fire chick is extremely perfect except for the energy of the fire element, which cannot be condensed?"

"That's probably the case, but looking at Ye Sheng's eyes, I think that even if Huo Zhiji can't use fire skills, you will be willing to accept it."

Dr. Oda Maki laughed.

Ye Sheng, who had seen through his mind, smiled and nodded.

Yes, Ye Sheng had already chosen Huozhiji in his mind.

If you want to talk about the reason, there may be only one reason, and that is that the turkey has the acceleration characteristic.

Under the acceleration feature, the flame chicken, the final evolution of the fire chicken, will be faster than the light lizard king, or even the mega swamp monster that can swim freely in rainy days, as long as it lasts for a certain period of time in the battle! !

What's more, Huozhiji can also learn an auxiliary move-take the baton!
Take over: Replace with the elf carried by the trainer, and the replaced elf can inherit its abilities!
In other words, if the turkey reaches its own limit through acceleration, and replaces Pichu by taking over the baton, it will be able to enjoy this flying feeling.

Although this fire chick can't condense the energy of the fire element, it is really excellent in all aspects.

It is so good that its shortcomings can be ignored.

What's more, there are always more ways than difficulties. Ye Sheng believes that with his own level, he will be able to find a way for the fire chicken to condense the flame energy.

Seeing Ye Sheng's firmness, Dr. Oda Scroll nodded and handed Huo Zhiji's elf ball to Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng walked slowly in front of the three elves, squatted down, and took out three energy cubes of different colors at the same time.

For today's conquest, Ye Sheng specially prepared energy cubes with flavors that grass, water, and fire elves prefer.

Mu Shougong and Shui Yueyu stepped forward to enjoy it one after another, but Huo Zhiji blinked at Ye Sheng with its nimble eyes.


"Is one not enough?"

Ye Sheng took out a second fiery red energy cube from his pocket.

The two energy cubes were juxtaposed together, and the fragrance gradually wafted away, and Pichu on Ye Sheng's shoulder was drooling.

"Picchu, Pichu~~" (If you don't want it, it's all mine! (ω))


After hearing Piqiu's words, Huo Zhiji, who originally wanted to keep reserved, rushed up and accepted Ye Sheng's energy cube.

But before enjoying it, Huo Zhiji moved closer to Ye Sheng, and its fiery red fluffy feathers rubbed against Ye Sheng's arm.

Ye Sheng suddenly felt warm and comfortable.

This hot hair...

No need to wear a scarf in winter!

Save money on heating bills at home.

Huo Zhiji didn't notice Ye Sheng's slightly evil smile...

Instead, he bowed his head and began to enjoy the delicious energy cubes.

"Then Huo Zhiji, are you willing to go with Ye Sheng? From now on, he will take care of you instead of me."

Seeing that Ye Sheng and Huo Zhiji got along fairly well, Dr. Oda Roll came over and said.

Huo Zhiji bowed his head in silence, recalling many things in his mind, struggling for a long time, but found that the human being in front of him looked very kind, and seemed to treat him well, so he nodded in agreement.

Ye Sheng took out Huo Zhiji's elf ball, and the resolute Huo Zhiji lightly tapped his head, and it turned into a red light and entered the elf ball.

The third elf...

Conquer! ! !

"Ye Sheng, congratulations."

Congratulations from Mr. Nishino.

The selection of elves, which lasted for three weeks, is finally over...

"Thank you."

Ye Sheng was quite satisfied with Huo Zhiji.

"Then, Ye Sheng, you can accept these five elf balls. In the future, you will set off to make friends with the elves in the wild. My daughter Safiya is currently on road 103 in Fengyuan area..."

Familiar memories flooded into Ye Sheng's mind...

But think about it, this should be Dr. Odaroll's occupational disease.

Newcomer trainers in the Hoenn area need to find Dr. Odaroll to get the elves.

The poke ball just given is probably a subconscious move...

 I'm going to a driving school tomorrow, so the update will be in the afternoon or evening.

  Ask for tickets by the way~~
(End of this chapter)

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