Elf Mechanic

Chapter 30 Advancement 1, Ye Sheng is going to be replaced by a seeded player?

Chapter 30 All the way through the promotion, Ye Sheng will be replaced by a seed player? (35)

After the second match, the referee looked at Ye Sheng in disbelief.

He has watched many games as a referee all day today.

The pixies of most newcomer trainers.

It was you who bumped into me, and I grabbed you, just like a kindergarten kid playing around.

As expected of a baby cup...

But this player No. 998 was different. After two consecutive battles, he was so relaxed, and he hardly saw any nervousness.

Logically speaking, these are the characteristics of seed players.

But in my impression, there seems to be no seed player with Pichu.

Well, let's wait and see.


There were three matches today, the first two were easily won, and the third match was played against a cute round-faced girl named No. 775.

The elf is a starfish...

In the case of facing rock or ground-type elves, Pichu has the ability to deal with it.

And now standing in front of Pichu is Sea Star who is afraid of electric moves.

The golden electric light bombarded down.

As soon as the electric shock went down, Haixing turned into a charcoal-baked starfish. Almost before the sister paper could react, Haixing had already lost the ability to fight and ended.

With the end of the three battles, the first day of preliminaries came to an end.

But before leaving, Ye Sheng saw a good fight.

That's a scorpion and a lobster minion.

The lobster minion opened its red pair of pincers, continuously emitting many crystal clear foam rays.

However, even though Scorpio is fighting against the attribute, it doesn't seem to be nervous at all.

Spreading its gliding wings, it continued to dexterously avoid the foam light of the lobster minion, and at the right time, it used a combo of slashing lobster minions. .

Continuous Slash is an insect-type move, if it hits consecutively, its power will be doubled.

After three consecutive slashes, Scorpio successfully "strangled" the lobster soldier, and easily won this battle of inverse attributes.

"Yes, Scorpio's speed and reaction ability are far superior to the elves observed so far, and it is very likely that he is a seed player."

"The ground-type Scorpio... Well, it's a bit difficult to deal with. If you encounter it later, you have to fight it seriously."

After finishing the evaluation, Ye Sheng also specially stayed to watch the next few games.

However, no more distinctive battles were found.

That scorpion should be one of the strongest elves in this B division.



Walking out of the competition area, Pichu yawned, saying that today's games were too easy.

If this is the strength of the opponent in the future, you don't need to do so much training at all, you can win.

Ye Sheng flicked Pichu's forehead lightly, and said helplessly:

"You can't have such a mentality. The trainers you are facing now all use elves as pets, and they have little combat experience. Tomorrow's opponents may be different from today, so we can't take it lightly."


Pichu nodded, understanding.

It was sunset and the streets were bustling, it was already dinner time.

Ye Sheng thought about it, eating with Pichu alone would be too boring, picked up the phone V-mail, and sent a message to Korni.

Ye Sheng: Are you there?Let's have a meal together, I'm on Arena South Street.

After clicking "Send", Ye Sheng re-browsed the message he just sent, and couldn't help but touch his forehead.

What kind of straight man quotes is this?

Realizing that something was wrong, Ye Sheng hurriedly wanted to click "Withdraw".

But Kearney has been quick to send the message.

Corney: OK! !I'll go find you right away, and I'll be there in five minutes. (づ)づ

"Hurry up, this kid, is he staring at his phone every day? Be careful of myopia."

Ye Sheng sighed.


In the French restaurant.

"Ye Sheng, it's really great that you can participate in the Young Lions Cup. In this way, I will have an opponent."

Kearney, who was cutting the fried foie gras, said happily.

Putting the chicken breast into his mouth to chew, Ye Sheng said:

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. I'm not sure if I can keep advancing."

There is a high probability that if Ye Sheng continues to win tomorrow, he may meet the trainer who uses Scorpio one or two games before the main match.

"No, you can definitely do it, we will definitely meet on the stage of the final."

Kearney blinked her pale yellow eyes and said firmly.

Ye Sheng was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect the little girl to trust him so much.

"Okay." Ye Sheng showed a smile, "I won't lose until I meet Kearney."

With Kearney's encouragement, Ye Sheng and Piqiu are more certain that they will go to the end.

After dinner, the two walked around the lively South Street for a while, and then went home on time.


the next day.

Jiangnan Elf Arena, the No. 2 battle field in Division B.

Ye Sheng's opponent in the fourth game is the elf Abo Snake.

Still with the combination of high-five surprise attack + electric shock, Pichu took down the poison-type elf without injury.

The fourth game and the fifth game are very closely connected.

Not a while after the end, Ye Sheng was notified to play again...

This time the opponent is more difficult.

A yula.

However, this did not bother Ye Sheng and Piqiu.

The preemptive attack of the high-five surprise made Yula fall into a state of fear, and then Pichu approached Yula at a very fast speed, using...

Rubbing cheeks.

A golden arc appeared on Yula's body.

After falling into the paralyzed state, the pulling speed is greatly reduced.

After dealing with Pichu for a while, before he could fully display his strength, he was knocked down and lost his fighting ability.

"998 players win!"

There are fewer and fewer rookies in Division B, but Ye Sheng has already won one after another, which does not make the referee's eyes light up.

"This newcomer is not easy."

The referee sighed.

Ye Sheng has played four or five games in a row, and the last game is scheduled for the afternoon. If he can win, Ye Sheng will advance to the main match of the top sixteen.

At present, some guests have already taken their seats in advance for tomorrow's main match, watching the few games before the main match.

Ye Sheng and Piqiu won the fifth game, and winning another game will naturally enter the main match.

Therefore, it attracted the attention of these guests.

"Picchu? Can such a weak elf be shortlisted for the quasi-finals?"

A guest at the guest table said inconceivably.

"I can't underestimate this Pichu. After so many games, it seems that it has won frequent victories only by using high-fives and electric shocks. Its real strength may be stronger." Another guest said.

"But, aren't Pichu just these few moves? It doesn't feel like anything unusual."

A guest said indifferently.

"There are only four players left in the B division. I have seen that Deng Xing, the son of a well-known elite trainer, and the Scorpio of the dojo apprentice Xu Jing performed well. The remaining two are Guan Qi and This Ye Sheng, the elves are Bruce and Pichu."

"Guan Qi is fine, at least he has an elder who is a trainer, but this Ye Sheng's family background... is so ordinary, his parents are not trainers, there is nothing special except that he is a top student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Jiangnan University. Become a trainer , and less than a month."

A guest from the Jiangnan City Trainer Association said.

Undoubtedly, Deng Xing and Xu Jing are the seed players recognized by the organizer.

"Then in Division B, the last match before the main match will be Deng Xing VS Guan Qi, Xu Jing VS Ye Sheng? Deng Xing's hard power is definitely the strongest in the division. Xu Jing will advance, and the battle between Bruce and Piqiu Between. Pichu must be the best bully."

The guests nodded.

There are no surprises in this schedule.

It is normal to keep the seeded players to advance, so it is normal to lay a few weak cannon fodder.

Ye Sheng without any background is just one of hundreds of cannon fodder.

Scorpio is an elf of the ground + flying type. How can Pichu win when he can't use electric moves? ?
The guests couldn't imagine it.

Sending Ye Sheng and Piqiu to Xu Jing is considered a benefit to him.

(End of this chapter)

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