Elf Mechanic

Chapter 22 Pichu's Breeding Policy

Chapter 22 Pichu's Breeding Policy

Ye Sheng is ready to agree to participate in the Young Lions Cup of the Jiangnan Newcomer Challenge, but now he needs to ask Pichu for his opinion.

Mutual respect is required between the trainer and the elf, not to mention that it is Pichu who is in charge of the battle.


Lying on Ye Sheng's shoulder, Pichu looked at the promotional poster of the Young Lions Cup, thinking of the continuous battles and high-intensity training in the future, Pichu shook his head and refused.


Feel so tired to say! !
"Pichu, come on, do you know the prize?"

Ye Sheng pointed to the fruit mixer on the promotional poster.

Pichu shook his head suspiciously.

Ye Sheng said earnestly:
"This is a good thing, do you know? The energy cubes you like to eat the most are made by this machine."

"Its raw material is tree fruit, which is very cheap, but because of the expensive machines, the manufacturing cost is not low, and the selling price is much higher."

"You know our family's economic situation. We can only eat one in two or three days, which is not enough to fill the gap between our teeth. What a pity."


Pichu: (﹃`)
The magical energy cubes are delicious, but the amount is too small, and I have already eaten it before I have time to savor it, which is not enough for my enjoyment.

Seeing Piqiu's obvious reaction, Ye Sheng showed a kind smile, and continued to increase his bargaining chips.

"However, it will be different if we have this berry mixer. We can go to the forest to pick a bunch of berries, and then complete the production by ourselves."

"Because the production cost becomes lower, in this way, we can frequently produce many energy cubes."

"According to my plan, one day, maybe ten yuan can be made!!!"

"What's more, it's made at our home. If you're hungry, can't you enjoy it anytime, anywhere?"

Pichu: ()!

After listening to Ye Sheng's words, Pichu imagined sitting on the sofa every day, playing games and enjoying energy cubes in Pichu's mind, and suddenly his eyes sparkled with crystal light! !

There is such a good thing! ?

Pichu showed excited eyes, and looked eager to try, looking full of energy.

"Then we have made such a happy decision!"

Ye Sheng said to Pichu.

...On the river at Dr. Odawaki's research institute.

After the golden carp king came out of the elf ball, he began to swim quickly along the clear river, jumping out of the water from time to time, splashing water on the water elf beside him.

"A wide river is suitable for an active little elf like the Carp King."

"Uncle Li, Pichu and I are going back first, you should stay in Dr. Odaki's research institute for a few days. Don't run around."

"Gulu Gulu Gulu~~~"

The golden carp king spits out white foam, which means ojbk.

During this period of time, Ye Sheng needs to formulate a careful training plan for Pichu, with the purpose of being able to shine in the Young Lions Cup.

Therefore, the time to take care of Uncle Li may be less.

In addition, the space that the rental house allows for the golden carp king is too small.

Ye Sheng has been planning to temporarily foster Carp King in Dr. Oda Roll's research institute for a while.

Knowing that Ye Sheng was going to keep the Golden Carp King in the research institute for a period of time, Dr. Oda Scroll was so happy that he jumped on the spot twice, wishing he could kiss Ye Sheng twice to express his joy...


After signing up for the Jiangnan City Rookie Fairy Tournament, Ye Sheng and Piqiu returned to the rental house.

"Pichu, today is the last rest time. You can play games, watch dramas, or recharge and sleep, but tomorrow we need to train hard."


Pichu nodded, and quickly ran to the sofa and took out the Xbox controller.

Ye Sheng returned to his room.

Today, I no longer study machinery, take out paper and pen, and make a detailed plan for Pichu's future training.

"Pichu's characteristic is a lightning rod, and the moves he has mastered so far are electric shock, rubbing his cheeks, surprise attack with high fives, voice of charm, lightning fist, and charging."

"I heard from Mr. Nishino that the Young Lions Cup is not limited to the new trainers in Jiangnan City, and qualified new trainers from other cities can also sign up to participate."

"If this is the case, then you will encounter all kinds of opponents. To deal with any kind of elf, Pichu should consider other moves in many ways."

"There are many offensive moves, electric shock, high-five surprise attack, charming voice, and lightning fist."

"Among them, the high-five surprise attack is an initiating skill. It can preemptively attack when it is on the field, making the opponent's elf feel afraid and losing its mobility for a short time. It is a good move."

"Then the electric shock is a long-range attack, and the lightning fist is a melee attack. Charging can further strengthen the power of these two moves."

"Picchu is most afraid of the ground-type elves. After all, they are immune to electric-type moves, and the enchanting voice of the fairy-type is the only attack method."

"I hope I don't encounter it by then."

Electric elves meet ground elves, which is simply a headache.

"The next step is the auxiliary move. While attacking, rubbing the cheek can cause a paralyzed state to the opponent. Once the opponent falls into the paralyzed state, the situation will be in our favor."

"It's just that this move needs to be close to the opponent, it has certain risks, and it needs the right timing."


Half an hour passed, Ye Sheng looked at the densely packed words on the paper and fell into deep thought.

"Initiative moves are available, auxiliary moves are available, enhanced moves [Charging] are not left behind, and long-range and melee attack methods are also available. It is quite comprehensive, but I always feel that something is missing?"

Ye Sheng bit the pen holder, re-read the text on the paper, and after a few minutes of slowing down, he suddenly realized.

"Yes, yes, I almost forgot, the means of attack are already available, so it seems that there is no means of defense..."

"There is a certain difference between fighting in the real world and fighting in games. Except for a few elves, it is basically impossible to learn all offensive moves without any reservation."

"Picchu's defense is very low. If he takes the opponent's moves head-on, at most two hits will declare the game over."

"Although there is such a stunt as [quick avoidance], Pichu's speed is slightly faster, but it is not particularly outstanding. There will always be mistakes. At that time, it is particularly important to have certain defensive methods."

"So, what defensive moves can Pichu learn?"

Ye Sheng opened the illustration book, checked carefully, and found that Pichu basically had no defensive moves...

However, in Ye Sheng's mind, a set of tactics that Xiao Zhi came up with in the "Pokémon Pearl and Diamond" TV animation appeared! !

 ask for a ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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