Ten thousand I am across the heavens

Chapter 697 Extremely Cold Planet

Chapter 697 Extremely Cold Planet
At the moment when the total reflection mirror was opened, the controllable high-energy particles flew into Trisolaran, and according to the temperature fed back by the controllable high-energy particles, the temperature on the surface of Trisolaran had dropped below minus 190 degrees Celsius, and the atmosphere had almost completely solidified On the surface of the planet, the surface of the planet is almost in a state of ecological extinction.

I can't see any biological activities, only layers of snow-like things, which have been frozen into layers of solid ice of different colors in this extremely cold climate, but in fact this is not ice, but The solidified oxygen, nitrogen and other gases in the atmosphere of the Trisolaran planet have different boiling points, and in the ultra-low temperature, the solidification time is also different, so it shows the characteristics of stratification.

In the three-body game, it also appeared in the cutscene after the story of King Zhou Wen. It was the scene after three flying stars appeared in the sky and the three-body planet moved away from the three suns.

Now it is not the flying stars that have caused such a catastrophic scene, but the sophons that envelop the planet and cut off the sunlight, keeping Trisolaran in extreme cold for a long time, and the temperature is probably higher than that of the three flying stars. It's even colder.

Controllable high-energy particles fly around the planet several times, which is a very simple matter for it. The ultra-high speed makes it take less than a second to circle the planet.

After going around for a few times, it was basically confirmed that there were only a few traces of biological activity on the surface of the planet, which seemed to be the traces left by some mechanical equipment made by Trisolarans to collect minerals on the surface.

There is no trace of any life in the rest anymore, and the ocean on the original planet has been completely frozen at this time, covering it under the solidified atmosphere.

After a more detailed inspection, the controlled high-energy particles found some entrances leading to the underground on the surface of the planet. The Trisolarans chose to live deep underground in this extreme climate.

The thick strata can help them keep warm. Even if the temperature on the surface of the planet is already extremely low, they can also use the geothermal energy inside the planet. In addition, the energy technology of the Trisolarans is definitely more developed than that of humans, maintaining the temperature and temperature of the underground city. It is not so difficult to think about the required air and other conditions.

And during the day of the controlled high-energy particle observation, while entering the terrain on the surface of the Trisolaran, the originally dark sky cleared again for a short time.

And as the silver mirror in the sky shrinks slowly, it finally shrinks into the microscopic world.

It is similar to the machine translation of more than 20 years ago. There is no way to make intelligent judgments based on the context, but it has been able to make laymen barely understand the meaning of some articles by Trisolaran.

But now Lan Nuo can't estimate the lifespan of the three-body people. In the original book, the lifespan of the three-body people is not long, but it doesn't mean that they don't have the technology to prolong their life. People may not have thought to develop such technologies, nor would they realize the far-reaching impact of such technologies on society.But after being exposed to the elixir of human beings, it is hard to predict what choices they will make.

However, judging from the results obtained from the body scans of Trisolarans by controllable high-energy particles, this creature's sense of hearing is very dull, and its sense of smell is almost equivalent to no. Instead, it has an additional sensory organ, which is a human biologist. There is no research to understand the function of the organs, which means that the five senses of the trisolarans and the five senses of humans may be completely different five senses.

In the past few days, the linguists of the scientific research fleet have been a little frustrated. Lan Nuo is now comparable to a translation machine. As long as he sees any Trisolaran's body flickering, he can translate what the other party said Into Chinese or English, many linguists do not understand the problem, he can almost understand it at a glance, making people wonder if his brain is a supercomputer, is it the reincarnation of a strong artificial intelligence?

Lan Nuo is also not sure whether the Trisolaran's mechanism responsible for communicating with humans will install large antenna equipment, or even such a mechanism may be in space at all, but it turns out that he was still wrong.

During this process, a very spectacular scene can be seen. As the sunlight enters the planet, the sky begins to reflect everything on the surface of the planet like a mirror.

The way to verify this is very simple. Lan Nuo started the rehearsal, in which he manipulated the controllable high-energy particles to directly interfere with the mobile terminal equipment of the Trisolaran, and then imitated the relatives, friends and colleagues of the Trisolaran, using their tone to give Trisolarans send messages and try to chat with them. If they don't reveal their flaws, it is considered a success. It's a bit like the Turing test.

Most of the linguists among these Trisolarans wear a pair of earphones on their heads. They don’t have ears, and the earphones are their ears. In this way, they can hear the sound through the earphones. To be precise, it is just electrical signals that make the brain feel vibrations. To connect these electrical signals with sounds requires long-term exercise to establish neural connections and conditioned reflexes in the brain.

After the controllable high-energy particles recorded the distribution of the fleet in space, the moons of Trisolaris in space, the distribution of satellites in space, and the topographic map of the planet’s surface, they finally went to the underground city, where the Trisolarans lived. The main body of civilization is also gathered. Although there are already many Trisolarans in the spaceship, compared to the number on the Trisolaran planet, it is still a drop in the bucket.

The biggest reason why it is so urgent to investigate the civilized subjects of the Trisolarans instead of investing more resources and energy on the space station and Weiyue is that linguists need more data samples to decipher the trisolarans. language.

In fact, it’s analogy. The structure of many languages ​​is similar. After learning one, the difficulty of learning another will be greatly reduced. This is why some people often say that they have mastered eight languages. It’s not that they are geniuses. In fact, after mastering the languages ​​of three or four countries, the speed of learning other languages ​​will be much faster.

And from these antenna arrays down, there are many Trisolarans in the dungeon found busy, they quickly communicate with the color of their bodies, and then someone is responsible for inputting the files obtained after the final communication into the system , and translated to get a human language manuscript.

Most of them are reviewing the manuscripts produced by artificial intelligence, and changing some unsuitable words to a certain extent.

Counting the time, it has lasted for more than 20 years, and the lifespan of Trisolarans is slightly shorter than that of humans before using the elixir, which is almost a generation.

In fact, after the emergence of such devices as mobile terminals, Trisolarans already have the conditions to lie, and their schemes are still as bad as they were shown before. The biggest reason is the lack of cultural accumulation. They can lie, so that even if they have the ability to lie, in this short period of time, it is not enough for them to realize their ability.

Many of these people should be Trisolaran linguists, the most proficient in human language among the Trisolarans.

Compared with blind search, such targeted search is obviously more efficient.

Although the grammar and language structure of the Trisolarans are quite different from those of humans, Lan Nuo has encountered more outrageous ones in the Marvel world. Mastery has been achieved.You can talk freely among Trisolarans without being discovered as a foreigner, and you can even master the dialects of Trisolarans in different regions proficiently.

Now only those accelerators with thick electromagnetic shielding layers can capture the sophon itself, and the cost of such accelerators is obviously greatly increased. Even with the rapid advancement of technology, it is not easy for human beings to outperform Trisolaran.

"Go find the largest transmitting antenna of the Trisolarans, um... it can't be said to be the largest transmitting antenna, at least find out the department where the Trisolarans communicate with humans, where we can obtain the Trisolarans most easily. Translation between languages ​​and human languages.

When Trisolarans control Sophons, they are unlikely to use human language directly, but will use their own language, and then translate it into human language, so that we can more efficiently obtain the link between Trisolaran's language and human language. corresponding to. "

While watching the dialogue of the controllable high-energy particles searching for Trisolarans, Lan Nuo was also thinking.


If the people standing on the ground are powerful enough, they can even see their own reflection in the sky.

In contrast, if human beings want to understand the language of the Trisolarans, they have to infer a little bit based on their social environment, collect enough of their conversations, and obtain enough documents from them, so that they can understand the Trisolarans little by little. language system.

There are several huge antenna arrays on the surface of the earth. At least in terms of antennas, Trisolarans are similar to human beings. They are all huge parabolic antennas. The structure of these devices is determined by mathematical laws. of this shape.

The controllable high-energy particles are monitored here, and the data here can be read to efficiently obtain the correspondence between the language of the Trisolarans and the language of humans. In just one day, the artificial intelligence has already counted a person with a little mental retardation. translation system.

It started when the Trisolarans sent Sophons to the earth.Such a long night may continue forever.

Learning a language requires a lot of practice, and it is a very patient process, but fortunately, Lan Nuo is already familiar with this aspect. They have traveled through different worlds, and they have already been exposed to many languages. It is English that I learned with great difficulty in the first world. When I continue to travel to worlds with different characteristics, the types of languages ​​I encounter become more and more diverse and ingenious, and the learning process becomes much easier.

As for Lan Nuo himself, he started the rehearsal directly. More than 5 people took turns to learn the language of Trisolarans. Next, if they are in the same space, they can enter the time synchronization, that is, the [-] rehearsals are connected to each other.

Humans foolishly and sweetly sent the Rosetta system to Trisolarans, that is, the self-interpretation system, so that Trisolarans could easily understand human language.

Therefore, you can even hear Chinese or English with strange accents here. These two languages ​​are obviously the two most widely used languages ​​by humans.

Lan Nuo was able to pass most of the tests, and occasionally showed flaws. It was because he had insufficient understanding of the history and culture of the Trisolaran world, and lacked awareness of the popular trends of some things in the Trisolaran world. It takes time to accumulate slowly, at least he has taken the most difficult first step now, watching the Trisolarans flickering constantly, he is no longer confused, but can intuitively understand what they are expressing .

In this case, they can directly use the language of Trisolarans to talk, and each round of dialogue is completely different, and it will be close to what Trisolarans use in practical applications.
Everyone will participate in this process and listen to other people's conversations. Artificial intelligence will evaluate the rationality of the conversation based on the huge data it has collected. In this process, artificial intelligence itself will make mistakes, but at the same time Can correct many mistakes made by the Lannuo during the dialogue.


The sky that can be exposed between each other is actually only the size of a circle. When this circle sweeps across the entire planet, Trisolaris once again fell into darkness.

The alternation of night and day seems to happen every nineteen hours on average, which means that the Trisolarans only need four days to produce five sophons, even if they have to form a pair to send out one Flying to the earth, this output also makes it difficult for human accelerators to outperform.

"You don't need to pay attention to this sequence, it's actually a section that's been popular on Trisolaran recently...well, something similar to our Internet buzzwords is used to complain about work pressure, and this kind of information can be temporarily put aside for storage. The first thing to look at is the theoretical physics of Trisolarans." Lan Nuo was surrounded by linguists, especially a few linguists who had become Nirvana, each of them looked like a very studious elementary school student, With their own questions, they gathered around him for advice. Under the pressure of Lan Nuo, they all wanted to master the language of the Trisolarans in the shortest possible time.

A new mirror is also constantly expanding.In fact, this process of contraction and expansion occurs simultaneously.In the process of the last sophon shrinking to the microcosmic world, the next one has already started its own two-dimensional expansion.

Only Lan Nuo sighed in his heart, ignorance is sometimes blissful. After learning the technology of Trisolarans, he can intuitively see the huge gap between humans and Trisolarans. Some things cannot be made up by learning the technology .

[To be continued]

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(End of this chapter)

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