Ten thousand I am across the heavens

Chapter 662 Interstellar High Speed

Chapter 662 Interstellar High Speed

As the plan is finalized, people's next projects will become more and more massive. It takes a long time to build a huge accelerator. Each acceleration ring is equivalent to the construction of a space station.Even though humans can now transport materials between space and the ground relatively easily, the construction of the acceleration ring itself requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

This can indeed provide a large number of jobs within humans, but the same government also needs to provide sufficient compensation for these jobs.

Almost every era is no exception. Maybe in the next period of time, human beings will emerge more and more heroes because of Lan Nuo's sacrifice, but the era cannot be promoted by a few people. What is needed to motivate most people is not slogans, but tangible benefits.

Fortunately, Lan Nuo has left too much legacy to this world. Longevity medicine and nanomachines can be used as an expensive necessities of life like the ancient land of salt and iron, or modern houses, so that people can diligent.

In order to stimulate people's enthusiasm for labor, the government transformed the longevity medicine that can take effect once into a type that can be distributed multiple times. Enough contributions must be made to exchange for the next period of longevity medicine, although the contribution required is not There are too many, but it also makes it impossible for everyone to be idle. You must always have a relatively stable job in order to obtain enough contributions to allow yourself to continue to live forever.

In addition, the authority to use nano-machines, even if nano-machines are gradually becoming popular, different people have different rights to use machines.

The nanomachines in each human body have all functions.But before they get enough contributions, the government can seal most of the functions of nanomachines, which must be unlocked through contributions.

Lan Nuo is also very helpless about this approach. This is the method to mobilize human productivity to the greatest extent and with the highest efficiency. Of course, there are other methods, but other methods usually do not work very well. Humans still do not have it today. Get rid of the pursuit of material things.

When evaluating a person's social status, wealth and power are more important. This kind of social atmosphere can only be reversed slowly. For example, turning money into contribution is to subtly influence the public's ideas.

In the process of accelerator construction, human beings are also conducting research and development of propellant-free propulsion engines.

Although installing the accelerator on the spacecraft can also achieve a similar effect, but the accelerator is huge and too expensive. If all spacecraft use such engines, human productivity may not be enough.

If it can be done, it is completely possible to race against the sophon head-on, build a large number of accelerators, and then launch them into the deep space of the universe in all directions. If the sophon wants to interfere with the accelerator from such a long distance, it must have a sophon to follow it , even if he can fly at the speed of light, it is impossible to interfere with units that are several light seconds apart from each other at the same time.

This is also one of the reasons why human beings have tried to build accelerators on Lagrangian points. Using the distance between each Lagrangian point to exhaust the sophons traveling at the speed of light, but this distance is still too short, even if There are only two sophons, and they can take care of them, not to mention that sophons can become more when they are self-destructive. Simply avoiding, there is no hope of victory.

In fact, one of the missions of the reconnaissance fleet sent out today is to conduct collision experiments in the process of leaving the solar system, and to contain and capture sophons.

This is also the reason why each batch of scouting fleets must bring a Lan Nuo. It is difficult to capture Sophon without Lan Nuo. It is almost impossible to capture any iota of success.

And if Lan Nuo was present, Trisolaran would have to face a difficult choice.That is how many sophons are sent to block the accelerator of the spacecraft.

Under normal conditions, the accelerator on the spacecraft is only used as a thruster. In this state, there is no threat to the Trisolarans. Just can stop working, and carry out high-energy particle collision experiment.

At that time, the spacecraft had already left the solar system, and the Trisolarans had to follow at least one sophon to interfere with the acceleration experiment of the spacecraft.

And it's impossible for this sophon to do other things.Because the distance from the solar system is too far.Even if it flies back at the speed of light, the day lily is already cold.

If there is no Lan Nuo, it is almost impossible for the astronauts to use the leak-picking conditions on the spacecraft to capture the intact sophons, but if Lan Nuo is there, they must divide the sophons into small parts to interfere with the accelerator.

And here comes the problem again, since Lan Nuo is already on this spaceship, and since he no longer needs to carry out other scientific research tasks, he can focus on catching sophons, since there is nothing to do anyway.

If one thousandth is used at a time, then this one thousandth has a great probability of annihilation, and a sophon will be scrapped even if it is used a thousand times.

As for the cunning of human beings, Trisolarans have experienced it too many times. Although they talk about letting these reconnaissance spaceships intercept the Trisolaran fleet, Lan Nuo is a Wallfacer!If he suddenly chooses to stop intercepting and let the spaceship turn to stagger with the Trisolaran fleet, he can continue to drift in the endless void. At this time, if the sophons are exhausted, the experimental data obtained by his accelerator will be correct. As long as he frantically broadcasts the data obtained by the accelerator in the universe, human beings will be able to obtain correct data and have a better understanding of the microcosm.

The probability of all accelerators capturing sophons will be greatly increased, and the chain reaction is likely to lead to the complete collapse of Trisolaran's technological blockade.

This is a possibility put forward by a counselor among the Trisolarans who was trained by raising Gu. He thinks this is the real plan of the Wallfacer.

In name, it is to conduct reconnaissance on the fleet, but in fact it is just to let us relax our vigilance. When calculating the number of sophons following the spaceship, only the consumption of 50 years is counted.

In fact, it will change its direction in the middle of the flight, and after the sophons are exhausted, the correct data can be obtained through experiments, and the data will be transmitted back to the human world.

Even if the sophon is launched from the solar system to this side at this time, it is too late. The speed of the sophon can be close to the speed of light, but after 50 years of sailing, the speed of the spacecraft itself is close to one-tenth of the speed of light, and the distance from the solar system is more than one-tenth of the speed of light. light years.

It will take at least one year for the Sophon to catch up with the fleet, and all the accelerator collision data in this year are correct, and mankind will gain a golden age for the development of high-energy physics.

And in just this year, it is possible to completely collapse the technological blockade of the Trisolarans. After all, technological explosions are really possible. In extreme cases, humans may even use this year to completely break through Sophon The blockade of the accelerator, and the blockade of human technology will completely collapse at that time, and the Trisolaran fleet will be heading for its own grave.

This made the three-body consul who was only planning to send five sophons to follow the fleet at the beginning, in a cold sweat. Originally, according to their calculations, the fleet and the reconnaissance spacecraft would encounter each other in 50 years, and the spacecraft would have to experience 45 years or more. In the long acceleration process, the number of acceleration tests that can be carried out will not be too many, because the accelerator is small and the performance is poor, and you can even try to intercept with less than one thousandth of the sophons, five are more than enough.

However, after being reminded by their advisers, they realized how big a mistake they had made. Although the error in estimation may be only one year, the gap of this year may completely collapse the technology blockade of Trisolarans.

And if Lan Nuo didn't intend to intercept the Trisolaran fleet and obtain information at all, then there is no need to accelerate so frequently, and more times can be accelerated experiments, so that the consumption of sophons will also become greater , After the spacecraft is more than one light-year away from the earth, it will be too late to replenish the consumed sophons in a short time.

After getting such an analysis, before the scouting fleet flew too far, the Trisolarans immediately dispatched five more sophons from the solar system, and chased them up, making sure that even if Lan Nuo shot a false shot, he would reverse the direction of flight and The Trisolaran fleet is staggered, and it has enough ability to continue to intercept his experiment, and delay until the arrival of the next batch of sophons.

But in this case, the consumption of sophons by each reconnaissance spacecraft will be much greater, and the consumption rate is much higher than that in the solar system. However, these sophons must follow, and most of the time, they are idle. The status is only useful when the acceleration experiment is carried out, which is equivalent to wasting a lot of sophon resources of Trisolarans.

For humans in the solar system, the moment the spaceship takes off is equivalent to consuming ten sophons, and each subsequent batch of reconnaissance spaceships will consume so many sophons, which affects the productivity of Trisolarans Said, it is a huge pressure.

In fact, humans can do similar things in the original book. With the development of science and technology, the miniaturization of accelerators is not as difficult as imagined, and throwing a spaceship in any direction in the universe at will is more difficult than Trisolarans. It is much easier to make a sophon, but in order to ensure that the spaceship does not get the correct result, Trisolaran must send a large number of sophons to leave the solar system completely, and sooner or later, the sophons will be able to make ends meet.

Trisolarans are also aware of this problem. They have already felt very strenuous in the process of competing with human productivity, and now this blow has made it more and more difficult for them to maintain.


On the reconnaissance spacecraft, Lan Nuo sneezed, a little inexplicably, was he being talked about?This time, he really didn't plan to bypass the Trisolaran fleet to send real scientific and technological information to humans.He really planned to rush forward to investigate, but he didn't guess that the Trisolarans would think too much because of this, and sent five more sophons to follow them to guard against them.

This is also something that can’t be helped, pretending to be investigating, but actually taking advantage of this opportunity to make a breakthrough in human technology, this kind of plan is too much like what a Wallfacer can do. Under the circumstances, if the Trisolarans have not cultivated their own counselors, this plan is really possible to deceive the Trisolarans and threaten them. If there is a No. [-] Wallfacer, maybe it will really Come up with such a plan.

Human technology is still developing, although high-energy physics has been locked.However, there are still many fields that can continue to advance without the feeling of being locked in technology. Especially in many projects in the solar system, even if a breakthrough has been made in high-energy physics, it still requires a lot of manpower and material resources. Whether a breakthrough is necessary for these foundations The impact of construction is not great, which keeps human beings in a state of having things to do, and it is also a state of peace of mind for everyone.

At least they are not helpless against the doomsday battle. The accelerated orbit around the sun is easier to build than imagined. It takes the earth three revolutions, that is, three years to complete the accelerated orbit with [-] accelerations. The construction of the ring is equivalent to releasing an accelerating ring in the Lagrangian point every day on average.

After the production line is established, it can barely be done. The eight acceleration ring production bases around the world produce in turn. Each base can assemble an acceleration ring in an average of eight days and transport it to space in turn. The workers in the base three Shift shifts, non-stop production, finally completed the construction of this circum-sun acceleration track in the shortest time.

This is not just a spectacle, but also an existence that has real positive significance for the development of human beings in the solar system. After the orbit is completed, the time required to travel to Mars, Jupiter and other planets in outer orbits will be greatly shortened. It will take more than a year or even more time to accelerate to Jupiter for a long time.

It only needs to enter the accelerated orbit very close to the earth's orbit, and then accelerate three laps in it. It takes more than a month to increase the speed enough to fly to Jupiter in a month. Slow down, and it is aligned with the accelerator in Jupiter's synchronous orbit. If it can accelerate, it can naturally slow down.

As long as the spacecraft plunges into the accelerator, it can use the accelerator to decelerate. After a few laps around Jupiter, the speed can be reduced and it is ready to land on Jupiter's satellites.

However, the deceleration process still wastes a lot of fuel after all. There is obviously a huge gap between the deceleration ability of Jupiter's synchronous orbit and the acceleration ability of the orbit around the sun.

Therefore, the plan of human beings in the next 50 years is to successively establish accelerated orbits around the sun near the orbits of water, gold, fire, wood, and earth, so that the process of acceleration and deceleration will be accelerated and decelerated in the process of sailing between different planets.They can all be carried out in orbits around the sun, which consume less energy and are much faster. These orbits around the sun will also become important facilities for the defense of the solar system in the future.

[To be continued]

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(End of this chapter)

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