Chapter 650 Human Desire

After obtaining the technology of Trisolaran, the first to be applied is still nanotechnology.The reason is that the Earth Trisolaris has released a large number of nanomachines in various places. Although the current Earth Trisolarans have been wiped out one after another, the rest can only linger after losing the help of Sophon.

However, the nano-machines they left behind still remain in the bodies of various organisms. In the future, they may be enriched in the human body along with the ecological cycle. It is a very dangerous phenomenon that must be resolved as soon as possible.

Lan Nuo is currently the anti-banner of the nanomachines on the human side. Before the technology of the Trisolaran was made public, he had achieved many phased results.

The leak of Trisolaran's technology allowed the experiment to go further.It's just that Trisolaran's technology can't completely solve the problem.Because they omit the operating system.All nanomachines are directly manipulated by sophons.This is like there is no chip in the remote control car, and how the internal current flows is all completed through the interference of a mysterious force from the outside.

The technical content of this car is indeed still there, and it will not be much lower.But even if it is built, it will definitely not be able to open.

One of the most important goals of Lano's team is to create a new operating system that will allow people to manipulate these nanomachines.

Prior to this, research in this area had not yielded any results.The main reason is that human beings can't even manufacture qualified nanomachines, what kind of operating system, but with the gradual familiarity with Trisolaran's nanomachines, and with the assistance of detailed technical information, Lan Nuo led his team to make Trisolaran's nanomechanical technology has been deciphered in reverse, and most of the principles have been compiled into understandable textbooks.

Based on these principles, they can independently design their own nanomachines. Lan Nuo's amazing performance has already made humans and Trisolarans a little numb.

The human side is okay, except for a few scientists of related projects, no one knows how high the technical content is.The Trisolarans are very clear that the instructions they gave to the Trisolarans on Earth are very simple manufacturing techniques, and they even deliberately conceal the real principle of making these things. In order to avoid technology leakage, they also deliberately designed many misleading technical details.

As a result, these things did not work at all in the end. Lan Nuo seemed to be able to see through all the traps they left behind at a glance, see through the essence of the technology they left behind, and easily decipher the true technical principle.

"The leader, the human being, is still evolving. We found that his brain has become more developed, and neurons have begun to form a second thinking container in the abdomen and other nerve-dense areas of the human body. According to our estimates, his The thinking ability is twice as strong as when we first detected it.

According to the feedback from our scientists, his scientific research ability has even more than doubled. "The head of the project team responsible for the Son of Surveillance among the Trisolarans reported to their consul.

In the face of the immediate problem, even the consul of the Trisolarans couldn't think of any strategy in a short time, and could only give some clichéd solutions.

At this moment, a trisolaran used his once-in-a-lifetime authority to connect to the consul's communication: "I think I have a way to slow down the development of mankind."

Because there is only one communication permission, he directly stated his plan: "Although Sophon cannot hijack the human network for a long time, it is not so difficult to affect the personal network in a short period of time.

Before that, we were too fond of those in the human world who agreed with us and possessed higher knowledge, and did not realize that what drives human actions is actually interests, and the vast majority of people will not fight for their ideals. Only move forward for profit.

Giving them benefits is a very simple matter for us. According to my observation of public videos, humans are very interesting animals.

Their desires are usually divided into several levels. The most basic ones are physiological needs, such as food and warmth. When these two basic needs cannot be guaranteed, human beings will become beasts. This is a nature that we do not have , probably because our race can be dehydrated under extreme conditions and pin our hopes on the future, so the degree of thirst for biological needs is not as high as that of humans, so the desire to be born is not as strong as humans, which makes us ignore many things .

Going to another level, what human beings need is safety needs. They need a safe living environment and a relatively orderly society. If this demand cannot be met, then human beings will become irritable and have various mental problems. , This is what we tried to destroy before, but the social structure of human beings has been deeply rooted for thousands of years, and it is not something we can destroy at a distance of four light years.

The third level is the need for communication. Human beings are social animals just like us.Therefore, they have requirements for their own communication objects, not only must they have a sufficient number of communication objects, such as relatives, friends, and partners, but also need these communication objects to respect them, and even worship them.

The fourth level of needs is self-realization. The needs of this level are relatively ethereal. In my opinion, they are imagined by people who have met the needs of the first three levels. That is, they have set a goal for themselves when they no longer have conventional pursuits. .Allowing yourself to be satisfied in accomplishing this goal, people often call these people idealists.

We have always used the fourth layer of people as the backbone of our organization, but this group of people is the least among human beings, and it is also the most difficult to control. There is no desire to restrain them, only ourselves can restrain them ideal.

I think it is impossible to rely on them, and human beings have generally met the first and second needs, and the vast majority of people are actually pursuing the third needs.

That is to have enough people to communicate with, and gain respect and admiration in the communication.Humans have created a word called social status. What these people pursue is to improve their social status. Their desires are clear and easy to control. These are the people who are most likely to be used by us.

This type of people is the most common among human beings. Some people have achieved great success, while others are still like trash. Even if they have the ability to survive independently, they still rely on their parents for support.

For us, the ability of these people is not important, and the status is even more irrelevant. We can propose deals to them, help them accomplish something, and let them help us accomplish something.

What they are pursuing may be easy for us to achieve. For example, if someone wants to get rich overnight, then we can take him to the lottery station, where we can easily see through the prize money in the lottery tickets. You can let him draw the big prize casually.

And for this bonus, the price he can pay may far exceed our imagination. These people are eager to get something for nothing, and eager to improve their social status through some means that don't require sweat.

For this reason, they may not hesitate to take risks, even betraying the interests of civilization as a whole. There are such people in all major human organizations, and it is not difficult for us to contact them. "

The consul thought that this person wasted the only chance in his life, and he couldn't say anything useful, but when he heard this, he gradually became interested and couldn't help asking: "If we use sophons, what will happen to them?" To make contact, but they choose to report to their superiors that they have contacted Sophon? Most human beings will do this, right?"

"You just haven't understood the human way of thinking. You should think from the perspective of a human being. You are a person who is eager to improve your social status, so what do you need? Is it hard work? No, no, no! People who work hard are usually ridiculed by humans as cattle and horses or consumables. If they really want to improve their social status, they rely on building a good relationship with their superiors and gaining their trust.

So if you report to your superiors and accept the contact with Sophon, will you gain trust?On the contrary, you need to know that human thinking is opaque. Although you have faithfully reported to your superiors, established contact with the Trisolarans, and have not disclosed any human information, why does your superior believe that what you said is the truth?

Your every move in the future will be suspected, and you will be considered as a spy of the Trisolarans. Your boss will also alienate you because they don't want to get in trouble, or even expel you directly.You see, this is the most likely result of reporting things up.

So now, with the thinking of an ordinary person, after he has established contact with us, will he be willing to inform the outside world of the news of this contact?No, no, even if he does not intend to cooperate with us, in most cases, he will not disclose that he has contact with Sophon.

Besides, even if he revealed it, what's the point?Human beings can only threaten our sophons in accelerators. In the vast natural environment, even if they see sophons appearing in front of them, they have no way to harm sophons. Trading, what is the loss for us?

This kind of ordinary dialogue, a sophon can have tens of thousands of people at the same time, and for these people who only desire benefits, we don't need to establish a too strict organization, we just need to use them as mercenaries That's ok, when we need them, we will issue tasks and formulate task rewards that can provide them with sufficient motivation.Leave them to fend for themselves when they are not needed.

For creatures with opaque thinking like humans, intelligence is extremely important, and intelligence as a reward is enough to drive a considerable part of people.

Someone wants to get rid of his business rival, we can give him the competitor's financial information, and someone wants to get revenge on someone he hates, we can collect the other's quirks, then give it to him, and publish it on the Internet Above that, it can be plunged into a kind of human being, which is called social death.

After establishing this loose order, you will find that it is not that we need human beings, but that human beings need us. There are too many real problems that we can help them solve, and they will gradually believe in gods All the same, trust us because we know it all, because we are everywhere! "

One of the models that Lan Nuo was most worried about was finally discovered by someone among the Trisolarans. It is true that the Earth Trisolarans organization with a well-organized structure can achieve greater things among human beings, but such an organization wants to Establishing it faces enormous difficulties, its own goals are also big, and it is even more difficult to screen out enough members of the organization.

In the end, just like every time a mass extinction comes, the largest animals on the earth have the most powerful bodies, but they are the first to become extinct.

And the group of mercenaries cultivated by using human desires is like a group of loose rats. Although the individual strength is weak, they have more vigorous vitality.Almost indestructible.

When the Trisolarans learn to use this weapon, human civilization must choose to transform. If the transformation cannot be completed, and people cannot get rid of their needs for material comforts and low-level tastes, then they will never be able to get rid of the corruption of the Trisolarans. .

Sophon is like a devil. When there is a loophole in a person's heart, he will suddenly offer a deal, using a bargaining chip that you can't refuse, and let you do things that violate your conscience. Once or twice, gradually break through your bottom line, and Gradually, he became indifferent to the survival of human beings, and finally became a running dog of the Trisolarans.


The consul of the Trisolarans has not yet realized that this model has great destructive power to human beings. They just feel that the idea is very novel and it is necessary to try it. Although sophons are being captured slowly, the current number is still sufficient. Li can only monitor humans, and most of the information obtained is useless to Trisolarans.

For example, even if they saw someone shooting at the photo of a big puff mushroom, it would be meaningless, and it would not interfere with the development of human civilization in the slightest, but if they handed over the relevant images or photos to his enemy, it would Take advantage of the other party's revenge and let him work for himself.

And the best part is that even if the devil's deal fails, there is no loss for the Trisolarans.Just change to another goal. There are always some people who have spiritual loopholes and need an omniscient and omnipresent existence to help them realize their wishes.


Lan Nuo, who was embedding a string of DNA into the nanomachine to complete the nanomachine control system, suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of anxiety, not from his own safety. This feeling made him irritable, but he didn't understand where it was Something went wrong?
[To be continued]

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