Chapter 534
The old chief never thought that there were people who were secretly fighting for the rise of mankind, and even walked forward alone. Even though these people suffered from wars in the human world and were hurt by others, they still kept going OK, stand at the forefront of human beings marching towards the starry sky.

Even though he was nearly half a hundred years old, he still couldn't help but feel a rush of blood gushing out of his heart. This is the courage that a race that aspires to step into the starry sky should have.

This time he finally didn't hesitate any longer and stretched out his palm.Hold hands with Lan Nuo.

Perhaps by joining this organization, they will lose control over the minerals, but what they will face will be a future that is much brighter than the present.

Perhaps sometimes, dreams can move people more than coercion by force. Wakanda merged with Atlantis silently. This incident did not cause much disturbance in the international community. One is from Africa. A tribal country is a small country with an area of ​​less than [-] square kilometers on the ocean. The union of such countries makes no sense in the eyes of other big countries.

But they don't know that this is the country with the most precious resources on the earth, which is united with the country with the most advanced technology on the earth.

Wakanda is still a backward tribe on the surface. Their favorite business is the human trade on the African continent, and they are not picky eaters. They treat the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled equally. A large number of people who were permanently disabled during the war were treated as low by them. Price bought over, no one knows what they are doing this for?No one wants to care about what happens in the third world.

Similar things are happening in underdeveloped areas around the world, constantly replenishing the population of Atlantis.

After the world war, the earth in the Marvel world fell into relative peace, and even confrontation was nothing more than a cold war. In such a relatively peaceful period, Atlantis also ushered in the development and prosperity of technology.

Vibration gold is simply a perfect metal. It has almost perfect characteristics in industry, and has made breakthroughs in many technologies that are limited by materials science and cannot go further.

The Lannuo themselves purchased a batch of alien industrial equipment from the universe. After the workers became familiar with the operation of the equipment, all walks of life in Atlantis began to upgrade the equipment. The speed is faster than the transition from functional phones to smart phones, and much faster than the increase in computer performance.

Almost every few months, there will be a breakthrough in the performance of equipment in various industries. If the economic system of Atlantis is the same as that of the outside world, the depreciation speed of technological equipment will be so fast that people can't see it.

In a blink of an eye, it has been almost 15 years since I came to this world. During this time, no plot happened. Humans tried to salvage the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in the ocean, but obviously they couldn't. In the original plot, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube Nor did they fish it out of the sea.

It was fished out by the Skrulls from the bottom of the sea and placed in a laboratory in orbit around the earth. They wanted to use the power of the Rubik's Cube to create a spaceship at the speed of light to escape the fate of being hunted down by the Cree.

Lan Nuo has been waiting for the arrival of the Skrulls, and will send out the Rubik's Cube when the time comes. This thing is too hot for them to keep personally, but so far they have not come to the earth.

During the recent period, it can be regarded as the most glorious period of scientific and technological development in the human world. Both Maozi and the United States are working hard to launch artificial satellites, and they have formulated quite ambitious space programs.

After a while, humans will probably be able to land on the moon.It is not an exaggeration to say that landing on the moon with this level of technology is a miracle to some extent. It is roughly equivalent to using pre-Qin technology to build a large ship and complete the voyage around the world. It is possible, but not necessarily successful.

Human beings were able to land on the moon so early, but there was no record of landing on the moon in the following decades. In a sense, it also proves the role of competition in promoting development.

It’s just that no one knows yet that the base of Atlantis has been established on the back of the moon, and a spacecraft factory has been established. It is expected that in the next 15 years, the colonization of the major solid planets in the solar system will be completed. Complete the development of the asteroid belt.

In the factory on the back of the moon, Lan Nuo and many engineers are designing a new generation of individual armor. In 15 years, it is enough for a generation to grow up, enough for a civilization to produce a large number of outstanding industrial populations.

The collection of population over the years has allowed Atlantis to have a population of nearly [-] million, and almost everyone in the civilization has finally received a complete education, and they are all top talents in the outside world.

Only the most outstanding beings born among these people will participate in the design of this cutting-edge equipment. Considering the current situation of fleet decisive battles in the universe, what human beings need is not only powerful battleships, but more Powerful individual equipment for raid operations in the process.

The drawing of Feigonghao was taken out again, and this time it is obviously a further improvement on the original version. When Feigonghao was originally designed, the skeleton used the metal of the Marvel world. Not only that, but also the metal used in the original design. The general structure of Iron Man's suit.

After many improvements in the follow-up, the overall structure did not deviate too much from this framework, so most of the drawings can be used in the Marvel world.

Relying on blueprints, continuous manufacturing, testing, and improvement, this time it is no longer just Lannuo who participated, almost every individual in the entire civilization participated in it, maybe not everyone participated in the design, but they involved However, there is no doubt that they are closely related to these cutting-edge technological products.

With the gradual popularization of nanotechnology, space spells have also begun to be initially de-extraordinary, and can be put into practical applications, and the portability of individual armor has begun to increase significantly.

Some, like the Blood Edge armor used by Iron Man in the later period, only need a palm-sized cold fusion core to complete the deployment of a complete set of armor.

Because space spells were involved in the design process, the armor did not use a design that was entirely made of nanomachines.

After all, nanomachines are individual ones after another. After splicing together, no matter how delicate the structure is, it will also affect the strength.

Like a titanium alloy long sword spliced ​​together with thousands of parts, it may not be as strong as an ordinary one-piece steel sword.

Therefore, the use of nano-machines is more of the precision equipment inside the mech. Their strength is limited. Nano-machines can be quickly repaired after they are damaged. Compared with conventional materials, they have great advantages, and the overall skeleton is still Cast in one piece, made of Adamantium alloy and vibrating gold, the defense is top-notch in the universe.

Under normal circumstances, these armors are stored in the space magic circle, and they will be released when they need to be used in battle.Because of nanomachines and space magic circles, mechs will fight in different forms on different battlefields.

If it is in a relatively narrow and complicated space, it will appear in human form.

If it is on the battlefield of the Great Plains, it can also release the tracks and solid armor, and fight with a powerful defensive posture such as a tank.

As for being in space, it naturally has the form of a fighter plane, and has its own space capabilities.After the coordinates are calculated, short-distance space travel can be carried out. As long as you can reach the vicinity of the enemy's battleship, you can directly teleport and appear inside the opponent's battleship.

Just the battle armor itself, the combat power that can be reflected is already very exaggerated, teleportation, almost invincible physical defense, built-in fusion energy cannon, can also cast spells to imprison opponents, and itself has passive spells To enhance athletic ability and enhance resistance to attacks such as spell power.

If you have a strong enough mind control, you can also release tens of thousands of void feathers, which are willow leaf-shaped weapons the size of each feather. Each weapon integrates its own psychodynamic field, which is equivalent to casting a spell. The platform, even if it refers to the operation, can be like Yondu's flying arrows, free high-speed shuttle, and when necessary, you can use him as the coordinate to cast spells, use energy cannons, cut, bomb and other work.

In theory, as long as the control is good, it is enough to single out a battleship hundreds of meters long. In the human world, a piece of void feather is enough to destroy an aircraft carrier formation. The level of loud cannon battles.

However, controlling such a weapon is also very mentally exhausting. It takes a period of practice for ordinary people on the earth to be able to control one at the same time. Only Lan Nuo can control tens of thousands of such weapons at the same time. Even for the elites of Atlantis, those who can control [-] weapons at the same time are already regarded as the top.

This level of individual weapons, even in the universe, can be regarded as the top. The most important thing is that Lan Nuo designed a mass-produced model, and there is no weapon comparable to him in the universe. A piece of exclusive equipment that is not personal.

Being able to combine spells and technology to this point also benefits from the fact that Atlantis has already formulated an internal spell language specification when popularizing spells. Everyone must follow this specification, which makes all People's spells can learn from each other, learn from each other's strengths, and a complex spell can also be jointly developed by different people.

As a result, any simple spells used on Feigonghao are incredibly complicated in the eyes of other mages, and there are many seemingly meaningless components in them, which are limited by grammatical rules. Part of the redundancy, but this also allows the combination of many complex spells to complete a unified scheduling. If all the spell models on the mecha are unfolded and their projections in the three-dimensional world are presented, then It will be an extremely regular and pleasing picture covering hundreds of cubic kilometers, which is like a work of art in the eyes of mages.

It is almost impossible for other civilizations to replicate this kind of spell unless they walk the path that Lannuo and others have traveled from the beginning, and the brand-new spell system they have established has just begun to show its strength at this time , and the later the stage, the greater the advantages of such a system.

If we just start catching up now instead of joining it, the gap between them will only get bigger and bigger in the future.

At present, these mechas are only used for engineering construction and individual training. No war has broken out on the earth or on alien planets. The old chief of Wakanda resigned shortly after joining Atlantis. After transformation, he regained his youth. He is already an elite mech master capable of manipulating 540 void feathers. It seems that this is the profession he prefers to pursue.

Today, he even hopes that some blind aliens will invade the earth and let them see how powerful the earthlings are in the universe.

While developing the basic industry, Lan Nuo has never forgotten the development of Pym particles. They did not put all their hopes on Dr. Pym, and wanted to develop this kind of particles that can enter the quantum realm and shuttle parallel worlds. .

However, the current progress is not very smooth. Perhaps Lannuo and others have already understood the knowledge of magic, and their thinking has been disturbed. They have produced various props that can make people bigger and smaller, but none of them can send people away. Entering the quantum field, there may only be one or two ways to make people smaller with conventional technological methods, but after Lan Nuo's thinking becomes broad, there are too many methods, and he doesn't know which one is the best. used by Dr.

For them, it doesn't make much sense to change anywhere. It may be used in various projects, but if it fails to achieve the strategic goal, it will be considered a failure.

Fortunately, Dr. Pim is 17 years old. Although he is not yet a doctor, he has been admitted to the university in advance, showing his side of being a master, and has already made his mark in the scientific research field. It may not take long for him to successfully explore A method for producing Pym particles.

In addition to taking care of Dr. Pym, the Lannos are about to face an extremely important decision. As mentioned before, their time travel is the last time before the dimension ascension. For this reason, the evolution space gives them great freedom. With space doors that can freely shuttle between the six worlds, a door will be unlocked every 15 years in the Marvel world, and now the first door has been unlocked, Lan Nuo and others don't know what world it will be, but High probability is a very dangerous world.

The first space door was temporarily placed on the back of the moon by them. No. 1926 Lannuo, who has the strongest combat power so far, has the energy core of the non-attack on his chest, and many strengthening spells on his body. Pushing open this door, representing Clusters enter a whole new world.

[To be continued]

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(End of this chapter)

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