In modern warfare, time needs to be accurate to the second, or even smaller time units. Five hundred shells projected in one minute may have a greater effect than five thousand shells projected in one hour.

Under the control of Bai Mihai, missiles, artillery, and rockets are launched at different times, and because they are located in different positions, the same weapon is launched at different times, but one thing is the same. That's when they reach enemy positions.

For a moment, the soldiers on the Rising Sun Defense Line saw a scene like hell. It was like a wall of firepower, like a wall made of steel, rolling towards the front line at supersonic speed.

No matter how powerful the defense system is, it will be difficult to be effective after the attack density reaches a certain level.

A gap was abruptly blasted into the defense line. Although the gap was very narrow, and there were mobile troops to fill the gap soon, the beast knights were even faster.

They had already skipped the gap in the defense line at low altitude, and following them, apart from the Bifang fighters controlled by them, there were waves of missiles.

This time, the Mo family seemed to be regardless of the cost, releasing a large number of missiles, and rushed over with the knights after a gap appeared in the defense line of the Rising Sun Empire.

And after these missiles were far away from Bai Mihai's command vehicle, they were out of his control, and the control power fell into the hands of the knights.

The missiles kept flying at a relatively static speed compared to them. Naturally, the Empire of the Rising Sun's defense line could not have only one layer, but the knights controlled the accompanying missiles. It can be said that wherever there is a point of dissatisfaction, any blocking firepower found in front will be ushered in. Missile bombing from the sky.

Thirteen lines of defense were breached one after another under such ferocious firepower. Dalang finally panicked. He had never seen such crazy tactics, nor had he seen such heroic knights. All the defensive firepower could not resist this group of people. A guy who flies close to the ground at a high speed of more than [-] kilometers per hour.

"Quick! Use the nano-shield! Absolutely don't let them rush in. Where's our super-energy wave destruction device? Use it!"

The nano-shield can be said to be the strongest defense ability of the Empire of the Rising Sun. It is similar to Maozi's Iron Curtain. They all rely on nano-machines to form a powerful shield to resist attacks. The difference is that the Iron Curtain device is to put invincibility on certain units effect, the nano shield is a shield that forms an area, and any attack cannot damage the inside of the shield.

A layer of hexagonal grid shield emerged, covering the main base of the Rising Sun Empire. At the same time, every knight vaguely felt a strong sense of crisis. Driven by this feeling, A more complicated and weird charge route was adopted.

"Report sir, the super-energy wave destruction device needs time to lock, their speed is too fast, and the trajectory is completely unpredictable, super weapons can't lock them."

Dalang looked at the hexagonal grid defense raised outside the base, and felt a little more at ease. This is a defense that can withstand even super weapons, and no matter how strong the enemy is, it is impossible to break in.

The first-order knights communicated briefly with brainwave signals, and did not give up on the impact. They have the most basic understanding of nanomachines. In principle, this defense is no different from their swarm shields.

It's just that nanomachines are much more precise than bugs, and can maintain a stronger defensive force field, but powerful attacks will still damage nanomachines, but there are very few attacks that can damage nanomachines to the point of unsustainable damage in a short period of time After all, even if there are only tens of millions of nanomachines in a hexagonal grid.

As the offensive decision was issued, the formation of the knights began to change, transforming into a cone-like formation, with cruise missiles at the front, unmanned Bifang at the next level, and their wire-controlled missiles at the back. Finally, there are the carriages of the knights.

This cone-shaped structure concentrated all attacks on one point. If they couldn't break through successfully, most of the knights would probably crash to death on the shield, but they still carried out this extremely dangerous plan.

"Impossible to penetrate! This is the most cutting-edge technology in the empire." Crown Prince Dalang was blocked by tens of thousands of Bifang and tens of thousands of missiles. The crown prince, who had experienced many battles, also felt fear.

Never before had he been so close to death, and Reaper raised his scythe, the blade resting on the nanoshield.

The violent explosion made the bombed hexagonal area turn red with overload, but the explosion seemed endless, bombarding the shield one after another.

The nano-worm swarm can no longer intercept the invaders 100%. The wreckage and shock waves of the missiles are like armor-piercing shells blasted into the tank, turning into radioactive metal jets, causing devastating blows to nearby units. Dalang's heart in the base car had already raised his throat, and the jet of metal jets had already made him feel bad.

A dilapidated Bi Fang smashed through the shield and smashed in front of the base surveillance camera, burning red flames all over its body, as if it was really a legendary beast. Immediately afterwards, one fighter after another rushed in, from What was broken at the beginning gradually became intact, and even retained a certain degree of functionality.

The entire process lasted no more than five seconds, and a hole in the nano shield was forcibly torn open. The hole was only ten meters wide, but it was enough for the knights in a line to rush in!
The missiles supporting the rear have been exhausted, but they still have missiles mounted on their own wings. The speed of more than [-] kilometers per hour has surpassed the limit of ordinary people's reaction speed. At the base, while the missiles were being thrown out one after another, the knights also urgently raised their cars to reduce their own kinetic energy. According to the characteristics of nanomachines, there was almost no difference between hitting the wall from the inside and the outside.

Under a huge overload, the knights hovered inside the nano-shield, and also used their own mounted missiles to clean up the threats in the base.

Crown Prince Dalang did not expect that the largest battle he commanded would become his last battle before he turned into ashes. It took less than twelve hours from the full-scale launch of the war to the present. Pushed to his hometown by the enemy, the beheading was completed.

However, the rising sun has not yet failed. The destruction of the main base seems to be some kind of preset program. Outside the nano-shield, the huge military fortifications on the mountain suddenly cracked, and what followed was a wave-energy sword energy like a crescent moon. It even tore a hole in the nano shield.

The cracked military fortifications were torn off with great force, like an eggshell broken by a young eagle, revealing a giant robot with a height of 70 meters and three bodies.

The knight who was circling in the nano-shield saw this big guy and his heart skipped a beat: "Hiss...the sir didn't say that this base still has a second stage!"

[To be continued]

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