Ten thousand I am across the heavens

Chapter 170 Becoming the Master of the Conquering King

Chapter 170 Becoming the Master of the Conquering King
Gilgamesh looked ferocious, and once again raised the star of heaven and earth to open up the deviation.

"Only this time! This king will not retreat!"

In the Tohsaka family, Tohsaka Tokiomi, who owns the pot of this world’s treasure, exploded in mentality. He thought that he had tried his best to summon the strongest heroic spirit in this Holy Grail War. An old man came out.

Command spells can't restrain Gilgamesh at all, let alone order the other party. Right now, King Conqueror, Diarmuid, and King Stupid are all allies of that Assassin, and he himself is so strong that he is not inferior to him. The fighting power of the King of Heroes.

Even if it is a one-on-one fight now, even if Gilgamesh can win, there will still be some strength left in the future. The three servants are staring at each other. At this time, fighting Lan Nuo desperately is equivalent to giving up fighting for the Holy Grail.

Tohsaka Tokiomi earnestly persuaded the King of Heroes with telematics magic, but this only made him angrier.

Lan Nuo also saw the discord between the King of Heroes and the Master, and immediately added fuel to the fire: "The oldest king! The last blow! Let's see whether your way of kingship is stronger, or my way of equality is stronger. Strong!" As he said, the runes on his body gushed out like a storm, and based on the gossip runes, a huge formation was arranged around him, attracting the magic power of the world like a sea of ​​rivers, and turning it into an increase in this blow .

The piercing beam of light has broken through the atmosphere and entered the endless starry sky. Even from the universe, this towering beam of light can be seen.

Such a majestic blow caused all the servants present to shake their hearts, and the King of Heroes was even more eager to fight.

"Is this the treasure that the legend of killing the gods turned into? It is so powerful that it is worthy of the king to use the strongest treasure!" The red lines spread all over the world again, and began to analyze this world, and the world opened up and deviated. The star, in Mesopotamian mythology, is almost equivalent to the Pangu ax in Chinese mythology. Even if the hero king in the form of a heroic spirit cannot exert its full power, it is still the top treasure in the world.

Seeing that the two sides are about to confront each other...

"In the name of the Command Seal! Archer! Please come back to me!"

"You bastard!"

A burst of space ripples flickered, and the King of Heroes disappeared on the battlefield, but without a doubt, he also completely broke with Tosaka Tokiomi.

"It seems that we don't need to take action!" King Conqueror drove the bullock cart and flew into the sky: "I still have to check the master's condition, and go first!"

Although he was fascinated by Lannuo's powerful treasure and was eager to fight with it, he was even more worried about Weber's situation. The group of Indians were full of hostility, cruel and ruthless. Without him by his side, Weber would probably Encountering inhuman treatment, using up the command spell at this time, losing the identity of the master, and even more likely to be ruthlessly obliterated because of losing value.

Not only for Weber, but also for every one of his courtiers, the emperor treated him so sincerely.

Just when the emperor was eager to leave, on the sea level in the distance, a huge monster of the same model as the mecha summoned by Lan Nuo was flying towards him at a high speed, and the one sitting on top of the mecha was none other than Weber!

His cowardly look was exactly the same as when he was riding in the emperor's carriage, but his eyes were firmer than before.

"Rider! I'm fine!"

The mech roared over, as if it had used some kind of sound transmission technique, so that the Emperor could hear Weber's shout.

Lan Nuo took back the mecha body and flew to the side of the emperor: "Don't worry! My partner has already killed the group of Asan, and Weber has been rescued just now."

"Hahaha, thank you!" The emperor put his elbows around Lan Nuo's neck, like a bear hug. Lan Nuo, who was not wearing armor, was almost strangled to death by his thick elbows.

"It seems that your kindness will not end in a short time! It is really an exciting expedition!"

The mecha landed at the ruined port. The degree of damage here must be at least a gas explosion with an equivalent of [-] tons.

Wei Bo jumped onto the palm of the mecha, was placed in front of the emperor, and immediately threw himself into the arms of the emperor, worthy of being a princess.

"I'm sorry, rider! I'm sorry, I'm too weak..."

The emperor laughed loudly, grabbed Weber by the nape of the neck, and threw him onto his cart: "I believe you! Using the command spell is definitely not your intention!"

"But... I don't have Command Seals anymore, and I have lost the qualifications of master." Weber said disappointedly.

"Even if you lose the Command Seal, you can still be my courtier!" Then, he solemnly patted Wei Bo on the shoulder and told him to stand upright: "Wei Bo! Are you willing to be my courtier? Or adversity, wealth or poverty...will you offer unreserved loyalty?"

"I am willing!"

The original words probably weren’t like that, but that’s what it meant anyway. The King of Conquerors said that his tens of thousands of brothers came like this!
"Ahem!" Lan Nuo interrupted the sweet talk between King Conqueror and Weber, and brought up the problem that King Conqueror is facing now: "Rider, although I don't want to interrupt you, Weber is no longer your master, and lost the source of magic power If you don't, you can only exist for a few days, and you must return to the Hall of Valor."

The King of Conquerors slapped his head: "This is really a troublesome problem. In such a short period of time, it is indeed not easy to find a magician worthy of fighting side by side."

"So, do you want to be my servant?" Lan Nuo stretched out his hand to the King of Conquerors.

"Huh?" Not only the King of Conquerors, but even Lancer and Saber were confused: "Can a heroic spirit still be a master?"

Lan Nuo shook his head and said: "Theoretically, only a caster can summon servants in the Holy Grail War in violation of the regulations, but I have said from the beginning that I am not a heroic spirit, but a passing magician. You keep saying that I am a heroic spirit , I had no choice but to fight with the tone of a heroic spirit."

"What? Are you really a magician? The kind that can become a master?" Diarmuid remembered what Lan Nuo said at the beginning, but he didn't believe it at the time, including his master Kenneth. I don't believe it either.

Whose magician can fight back and forth with the heroic spirit, winning the war with one enemy and two wars, and even received the full blow of the oath and the sword of victory head-on.

Even the oldest hero king can fight back and forth, tell them now, this is a magician, not a follower?Is it true that everyone is a special class teacher like Soichiro Kuzuki?
"Whether I am a magician or not, don't you know if I can become the master of the rider? As for the command spell... Mr. Kiritsugu, can I use the back of your hand?" Arriving in front of Emiya Kiritsugu who was hiding on the roof, although Saber admired Lan Nuo's strength, she blocked the Master in the first place.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just..." As he said that, Lan Nuo took out the mirror, reached into the mirror, lightly tapped the back of Emiya Kiritsugu's hand in the mirror, and the blood-red Command Seal came to Lan Nuo like flowing water On the back of his hand: "Use the Command Spell."

When Saber saw this scene, the hairs on the top of her head stood on end, she never expected such an operation.

"So, rider! Would you like to fight alongside me?"

[To be continued]

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 Ask for a ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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