The Resurrection of the South Seas of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 718 Emperor Brand Nonstick Pan

To be honest, I did a good job in the Qing Dynasty's ignorant rule in history.

If it wasn't for the Manchu Qing sending people to study abroad to open up the wisdom of the people, then the ignorance of the people would continue to rule, and the Manchu Qing might last a few more years.

The people can let them know, but they can't let them know!
The old ancestor's words, turned over and adjusted, really clarified the essence of rule.

Of course, this sentence may be a misinterpretation of the unfilial descendants of later generations, rather than the original intention of Confucius and his elders.

No one knows whether the original words of Confucius are, "The people can, let them know; if they can't, let them know" or "The people can let them know, but they can't let them know."

This is the disadvantage of not reading a sentence!
What is going on with learning depends entirely on what some people say.

Because the sentence is read differently, the meaning understood is completely different.

This is why Zhu Hongyu wants to promote punctuation.

However, although the original version of this sentence is, it is not known.

But the more stupid and uneducated the people below, the easier it is to rule, and the lower the cost of rule. This is the essence of rule.

Zheng Chenggong knew that opening people's wisdom was not good for the rule, so how could Zhu Hongyu, who had traveled here, not know?
However, the downward trend of knowledge is the general trend!
No one should be able to change this!

If Ming Dynasty wanted to develop, complete the bourgeois revolution, and even complete industrialization, then education was a must.

Because industrialization requires a large number of workers who can read and write after completing basic education, and even further engineers.

The development of science and technology also requires a large number of talents to build and promote the progress of the scientific system.

It is even more necessary for a genius to stand out from a large number of talents to complete a breakthrough in technology...

Therefore, compulsory education is the general trend!
This is a fact that no one can change!
And, history also proves this!

From the very beginning of human history, only the nobles could read and master knowledge, then the aristocratic families monopolized education, and then the landlord and gentry class could also read and write and take the imperial examination, and finally the common people at the bottom could receive compulsory education...

Facts have proved that with the development of productivity and science and technology, the downward trend of education is the general trend!
It is definitely not feasible to monopolize education to solidify social classes and thereby stabilize the rule.

A country, if its class is solidified to a certain extent, then it is not far from extinction!
Even if it does not perish, this country has no future to speak of.

This is a fact that no one can change!
Zhu Hongyu nodded slightly to Zheng Chenggong and said.

"I understand this!"

"However, compulsory education must be done!"

Regarding this point, Zhu Hongyu's attitude is still very firm.

"The rise and fall of a country is actually on that three-foot podium!"

"Since ancient times, I have never heard of any country that died because of education."

"If the Ming Dynasty wants to prosper, if I want to go far beyond the achievements of the Han and Tang Dynasties, I must engage in education!"

"This compulsory education is the method of education I envisioned!" …

"Under my Ming Dynasty, as long as they are school-age children, regardless of gender, all must go to school to receive education."

"Then go through two to three years of enlightenment and an entrance exam to select a group of talents."

"Concentrate resources again, and carry out more in-depth training for these selected talents according to the needs of the court!"

"As for those students who fail the assessment, don't give up. They must be trained professionally, turning them into industry talents who have mastered a certain number of skills."

"Such as shipbuilding, steelmaking, power generation, machinery, carpenters, masons...etc!"

"Only by education can we cultivate enough talents for the revival of Ming Dynasty!"

In fact, two to three years of compulsory education is definitely not enough.

Even three to five years may not be enough!

Compulsory education for two or three years, even including enlightenment education, is too hasty.

If this can stand out, it is definitely a genius among geniuses.

There will definitely be a lot of talents who will be submerged in the vast crowd because of the unreasonable education system.

But this is also a no-brainer!
The productivity of this era is like this, even two or three years of compulsory education is a huge burden on the court.

Even, in order to fill this hole, Zhu Hongyu is ready to make a fortune by plundering foreign wars.

To put it bluntly, it was caused by the insufficient level of productivity development!

Only when the productivity continues to develop can Zhu Hongyu further improve the Ming Dynasty's compulsory education system.

After Zheng Chenggong heard the words, his eyes were full of shock.

He found that he couldn't understand the big man in front of him!
compulsory education……

Since ancient times, I have never heard of such a thing!

Qinhuang and Hanwu, these two emperors, one is famous because of the same writing and power, and the other is famous for his exclusive respect for Confucianism.

The prestige has been extolled by countless people!

But what they did was nothing compared to what the great emperor in front of him did.

He wants to eliminate all illiterates in Ming Dynasty!
If this thing can really be done, this person is more than just an emperor through the ages?
Throughout the ages, I am afraid that there is no one who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him!

Ambition, strong ambition!

Zheng Chenggong saw a strong ambition from Zhu Hongyu at this time.

This is an emperor who is unwilling to be lonely and ordinary!

Since Qin Shihuang became the emperor, China has gone through so many dynasties, and there have been hundreds of emperors.

But how many of them can really go down in history and be praised by future generations?

And this one in front of him clearly wants to be one of them!

In fact, for Zhu Hongyu, even if it is just "expelling the Tartars and restoring China" and revitalizing the Ming Dynasty, it is enough for him to leave his name in history.

Even if it is not as good as Qin Huang Han Wu, Tang Zong Song Zu, and Ming Taizu, it is not much worse.

At least it will be at the same level as Chengzu of Ming Dynasty, Guangwu of Eastern Han Dynasty and others.

But obviously, he is very dissatisfied with this, he wants to be the most shining star in history.

Zheng Chenggong understood Zhu Hongyu's intentions, but he still couldn't help persuading him. …

"But Your Majesty, if this compulsory education is really promoted, Daming's finances may not be able to afford it."

Zheng Chenggong is really doing it for the good of Daming now!

He felt that Zhu Hongyu was a little impatient. If he did not care whether Daming's national power could bear it for the sake of merit, he would be another Sui Yang Emperor!

At that time, Emperor Sui Yang was also famous for his ability to toss, build canals, conquer Goguryeo, conquer Turks, and conduct imperial examinations...

From the perspective of future generations, these actions are basically nothing wrong!
Needless to say, the canal is until now the lifeline of Daming connecting the north and the south.

And what about Goguryeo and Turks?

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty was not the only one who fought Goguryeo and Turks. After the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, Li Zhi, and two generations of emperors also conquered Goguryeo several times in a row, and the wars with the Eastern and Western Turks were even more continuous.

Not to mention the imperial examinations, scholars all over the world, who would dare to say that the imperial examinations are wrong?

I'm afraid that if it wasn't for the ancestors' graves, they would have to be dug up!

To put it bluntly, there is basically nothing wrong with these measures and policies of Emperor Sui Yang.

The only fault was that Emperor Sui Yang was too impatient!
He wants one generation to do all the things of several generations, and the people below can't stand it anymore, so why don't they rebel?
Now that Zheng Chenggong looked at Zhu Hongyu, he also had the intention of learning from Sui Yang Emperor...

Building canals, conquering Goguryeo, conquering Turks, and opening imperial examinations, what the hell is this?
Could it be more generous than the one in front of me who wants to engage in compulsory education?
Zhu Hongyu was not annoyed when he heard the words, he just spoke.

"So it's just a trial!"

"First try it out in Nanjing City to see how much it costs and the effect of promoting compulsory education."

"Wait for the results to come out before talking about promotion and implementation!"

"I'm going to hand over this matter to Lao Taishan. What does Lao Taishan think?"

Zheng Chenggong's heart was also fluttering.

Compulsory education may seem unrealistic, but if it can be achieved, the emperor's name will last forever.

Even if I am the minister responsible for the specific arrangements, I will definitely be able to live in Buddhas in the future!

Zheng Chenggong didn't have so much hesitation now, and his heart was full of emotion.

The emperor still misses him, if something good happens, let him go!

Of course, if something went wrong, it would be difficult for Zheng Chenggong not to take the blame.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old minister is willing to take on this important task for Daming!"

"The old minister is willing to share worries for Daming and His Majesty!"

Zhu Hongyu nodded slightly.

"very good!"

"Lao Taishan must pay enough attention to this matter."

"The matter of compulsory education is very important, it is related to my Ming Dynasty's century-old plan, and it is related to the future of my Chinese civilization!"

Compulsory education is related to the industrial revolution, and the industrial revolution is related to whether China can be strong forever and stand on top of the world forever!
No matter how important it is, it can't be overstated!

Zheng Chenggong showed a solemn expression, and assured Zhu Hongyu.

"Report to Your Majesty, this veteran is hereby willing to issue a military order!"

"If something unexpected happens to this matter, please cut off the head of the veteran to comfort the people of the world and my ancestors of Ming Dynasty!"

Zhu Hongyu nodded slightly. …

"That's good!"

"Leave this matter to Lao Taishan, I can rest assured!"


After Zheng Chenggong resigned, Zhu Hongyu met Qian Qianyi again in his study.

And, the new Yan Shenggong of Ming Dynasty who was brought by Qian Qianyi to meet him, Kong Fanyu, who was born in the southern sect of the Confucian family.

Today's Qian Qianyi looks older and thinner. Although he is in good spirits, his physical condition is not optimistic.

He is old after all!

Even walking a few steps made her feel trembling.

But Kong Fanyu's figure is much taller and stronger. Just standing there, he looks more like a martial artist than a scholar.

But it's normal. Those who can master the six arts of a gentleman, pass the assessment of Daming's Yan Shenggong, and succeed Yan Shenggong, their health cannot be poor.

As for the imperial court's selection of this tall and strong Jiujiu warrior to succeed Yan Shenggong, will Shihlin have any objections?

There must be, but isn't the court saying that the most holy teacher is also tall and proficient in the six arts of a gentleman?

Then you can push back the objections!
After all, no one can dare to say that Confucius is not a scholar, is he?

Zhu Hongyu talked with Qian Qianyi for a while, cared about Qian Qianyi's body, and then started talking with Kong Fanyu.

"Since the Qing family is Duke Yansheng, they must take on the responsibility of Duke Yansheng!"

"Yan Shenggong's duty is not only to visit the grave of the most holy teacher, but also to set an example for the scholars in the world!"

"Study, conduct, and morality are all about daring to be the first in the world!"

Kong Fanyu nodded vigorously when he heard this.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I understand!"

Zhu Hongyu nodded slightly, and then ordered someone to serve tea.

He and Kong Fanyu discussed the promotion of segmented sentence reading, the promotion of simplified Chinese characters, and the promotion of compulsory education.

Necessity and other topics were discussed in depth.

Moreover, the Confucian family was also required to take the lead in using the textbooks of New Confucianism to enlighten the children of the family to play a leading role.

Zhu Hongyu wants to carry out reforms in the ideological and cultural fields, and it is very necessary to pull the Kong family to endorse.

After all, their Kong family is the descendant of a sage and the direct descendant of Confucius. For many things, the Kong family has the final interpretation right.

With the endorsement of the Kong family, Zhu Hongyu will have much less resistance when doing things.

Because, to a certain extent, the Confucians represent the orthodoxy of Confucianism.

Of course, the reason why Zhu Hongyu asked the Kong family to endorse for him also meant that he wanted to blame him.

In case something happens to the New Confucianism textbooks or the cultural reform, and the Confucian family is responsible, Zhu Hongyu can get away with it, right?
He is the emperor. As we all know, the emperor cannot be wrong!

If it is wrong, it is also the fault of the courtiers below!

Do you know about the famous Emperor brand non-stick pan?
Unless the country is subjugated, no one can make the emperor take responsibility.

Looking at Kong Fanyu who kept nodding in agreement to his request, Zhu Hongyu had a good sense of Nan Kong before, but now he feels even better. …


Qian Qianyi and Kong Fanyu walked out of the imperial study one after the other. Although Kong Fanyu was the contemporary Yan Shenggong, he was slightly behind Yu Qian Qianyi by half a body, reaching out to support the old Comrade Qian who was walking tremblingly.

The two walked towards the outside of the palace!
After leaving the imperial study room, Kong Fanyu let out a heavy breath, and said in a obviously relaxed tone.

"Sir, the students are so nervous about meeting the saint this time!"

"If you don't have Mr. by your side, the students may not even be able to speak well in front of His Majesty."

Even though Kong Fanyu has inherited Yan Shenggong, in front of Qian Qianyi, he still calls himself a student and has a very respectful attitude.

One reason is that Qian Qianyi was the examiner of Yan Shenggong's selection examination, and he had also tutored them, the children of the Kong family who participated in the selection.

A teacher for one day and a father for life, Kong Fanyu called Qian Qianyi Mr., which echoed the Confucian etiquette.

Second, because of Qian Qianyi's prestige and status among scholars, Lao Qian can now call himself a great Confucian.

The third reason is because of Qian Qianyi's status as a relative of the emperor!
Qian Qianyi's daughter is the emperor's favorite concubine, this is the real wealth of the Qian family.

As long as Qian Yuwan is still in the palace, as long as she can give birth to a son and a half daughter for the emperor, then the wealth of the Qian family is guaranteed.

To be honest, Kong Fanyu was also terrified by Bei Kong's fate.

Although he knew that Beikong was destroyed, it was what he deserved, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he deserved it.

But after Kong Fanyu knew what happened to Bei Kong, he still couldn't help but feel sad!

From his point of view, the current emperor should not have a good opinion of the Kong family, and the reason why he canonized Yan Shenggong was just to appease the hearts of the people in the world.

Didn't you see that Yan Shenggong is now made into a selection system by the emperor?
In a feudal empire, once the emperor hates it, it is almost impossible to end well.

Kong Fanyu deeply understood this point, because Bei Kong's fate was the best proof.

It can be said that most of the people in the world are well aware of the Beikong incident, and it is clear that it was the Ming emperor who did it.

But what about it?

Who would really challenge the emperor?
Want to have a meal with the whole family?
Therefore, the current Kong Fanyu can be said to be eager to establish a good relationship with Qian Qianyi, a big man who can influence the emperor's decision-making.

It can be regarded as an insurance policy for his Kong family!

It was precisely because of this that Kong Fanyu, the contemporary Yan Shenggong, showed great respect to Qian Qianyi.

Qian Qianyi patted Kong Fanyu's arm lightly, and spoke soothingly.

"The Holy Duke is worrying too much!"

"Since His Majesty can choose you to succeed Yan Shenggong, it means that His Majesty must have a good sense of you and Nan Kong."

"After all, you, Nankong, have preserved your integrity twice in the face of Meng Yuan and Jiannu who invaded south, and what His Majesty values ​​most is integrity."

"Otherwise, depending on His Majesty's character, even if the position of Yan Shenggong is directly abolished, it is still possible."

"After all, if His Majesty wants to do something now, no one really dares to raise objections!"

This is the authority of a founding emperor who has military power, financial power, and personnel power. Their power is almost unchecked. …

When Qian Qianyi said this, he couldn't help but sighed.

"Hey, it's a pity that the old man was in a mess back then, greedy for life and afraid of death, and became a slave!"

"Now every time I think about it, I regret it!"

Although Qian Qianyi is considered to be a high-ranking and powerful person now, his reputation will eventually have some flaws.

For an old guy like Qian Qianyi who cared about his reputation, this was quite unacceptable.

Thinking about it now, if Qian Qianyi had been able to be ruthless back then and simply jumped into the Qinhuai River, his reputation today would probably surpass that of Shi Kefa who died in battle in Yangzhou, right?
Kong Fanyu comforted him when he heard the words.

"Mr. has been running for the fight against the Qing Dynasty all these years, and people all over the world are watching."

Although Qian Qianyi is greedy for life and afraid of death, the bottom line is still there.

This is why Zhu Hongyu is willing to use him!
Qian Qianyi said with a sigh.

"Forget it, don't mention it!"

"Sheng Gong went back to the house with the old man, how about a few drinks?"

Kong Fanyu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he spoke.

"I can't ask for it!"


The fourth day of the twelfth lunar month is the first year of Mingguang restoration!

Outside the city of Nanjing, a steam train that can be described as stupid and black is lying on the test track laid by Daming.

Several craftsmen are working on debugging, checking, and making final preparations for the trial run.

"The power system has been checked and there is no problem!"

A researcher looked up and said.

"The suspension system has been checked and there is no problem!"

"The cab has been inspected and there is no problem!"


Wang An's face was full of excitement as a famous technician continued to give back.

At that time, his grandfather Wang Zheng made a fire boat to go himself, and it has become famous all over the world since then.

Now, the steam train of Daming is about to be put into operation. Even if it is just a trial run of the railway track from Nanjing to Zhenjiang, it is enough for Wang An to be famous all over the world, right?

After all, the weight of the train will not be lower than that of the fire boat!

As soon as Wang An thought that he might be honored as the father of steam trains by later generations, Wang An was filled with excitement.

As a Chinese, who can refuse the temptation of being famous all over the world and occupying the C position in the family tree?


ps: The update today and tomorrow will be weak, but it will not be updated continuously.

Normal updates will resume the day after tomorrow!

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