Richard looked at Johnson with admiration on his face, admiring him in his heart.

In terms of human sophistication, Johnson really got it right!

In his palace, Mangbai received Richard, Johnson and others who came from afar.

After Johnson and his group saw Mang Bai, the first thing they did was to kneel down with a plop, respectfully, and salute in broken Chinese.

"Caomin kowtows to His Royal Highness!"

The reason why the Dutch saluted the Burmese king in Chinese is because it doesn't matter whether they want to admit it or not.

In this era, Chinese is the common language of the entire East!

Two countries with different languages ​​and characters can only use Chinese if they want to communicate with each other.

Mang Bai also spoke in proficient Chinese.

"Exemption from courtesy, flat body, wait for the red barbarians, why do you want to see this king?"

Mangbai's Chinese is very good, fluent and fluent. Although the accent is slightly lacking, it is just a dialect with a little accent.

There is no awkward feeling like foreigners speaking Chinese.

In this era in East Asia, basically none of the ruling classes in various countries can speak Chinese.

The same is true for Mangbai. He also received the purest Confucian education and enlightenment since he was a child.

Johnson stood up and sent a greeting.

"On behalf of the Dutch East India Company, Johnson sends greetings to His Royal Highness the King."

"May His Royal Highness the Great King always be strong, always healthy, and always rule your country!"

When Mangbai heard the words, his squinted eyes were full of satisfaction. Obviously, he was very grateful for Johnson's respect.

But even so, he still spoke.

"Let's be honest, what's the matter with you asking to see this king?"

When Johnson heard the words, he stopped going around in circles and spoke directly.

"His Majesty the King, Johnson is here on behalf of the Dutch East India Company to send warmth and help His Majesty."

"We in the Netherlands are deeply oppressed by the hegemony of the Ming Dynasty. We cannot bear it, but we are powerless to resist."

"We can only sit back and watch Ming oppress our merchants and citizens, and take away the benefits that originally belonged to us."

"Myanmar also has a similar experience to our Dutch!"

"Now I am also being oppressed by the Ming country!"

"Myanmar and the Netherlands, two equally great countries, share the same situation and have the same enemy."

"We should stand together!"

"We countries that have been oppressed by the Ming Dynasty should unite, help each other, and devote ourselves to overthrowing Ming's hegemony."

When Mangbai heard this, his originally casual eyes changed, revealing an expression of interest.

The sitting posture also changed from a paralyzed sitting similar to Ge You's lying down to an upright sitting.

Mangbai stared at Johnson with piercing eyes, and asked in a serious tone.

"You Dutch want to support Burma and Ming Dynasty to go to war?"

"So, how can you help Myanmar?"

Johnson heard the words, smiled slightly, and spoke very confidently.

"His Royal Highness, we, the Netherlands, will provide a batch of firearms to your great ruler."

"And hire a group of military instructors and commanders who are familiar with the use of firearms and are proficient in various firearm tactics..."

"I believe that with the help of our Netherlands, the great Burmese people will be able to unite and defeat the evil Ming invaders."

Mangbai, who was still somewhat interested in what Johnson said, became in that indifferent state again after listening to Johnson's words.


What did he think it was!

Isn't firearms just a loud display?

Things that dogs don't even want!
Just like Myanmar, where the terrain is rugged and complex, the climate is humid, and it rains from time to time...

It is said that firearms are about equal to decorations, and there is nothing wrong with them.

In case of a sudden rain during the war, firearms are not as good as fire sticks.

Didn't you see that the Ming army under Li Dingguo rarely used firearms when they went south to Burma?

Basically, they are mainly cold weapons!
There are some firearms with the army, but the number is also very limited.

Seeing that Mangbai's state became careless again, Johnson was also a little confused.

Should not be!

The native countries he encountered in the past, when they heard that the Dutch were willing to provide them with firearms, they even sent instructors and commanders.

If you don't say thank you and bow your head, you should be excited!

It really doesn't make sense!

In any case, the king of Burma should not have this attitude.

Mangbai doesn't care what Johnson thinks, it's just some firearms, he really doesn't like them.

Even without the Dutch, he could get a batch of firearms from Daming through some merchants.

At most, the price is more expensive!

Mangbai continued to ask indifferently.

"Then, besides firearms, what else can you Dutch do for us?"

What Mangbai really wanted was to hire a mercenary from the Dutch to fight for him.

Instead of getting a batch of firearms from the Dutch.

Seeing that Johnson was in a daze and didn't understand what he meant, Mangbai asked straight to the point.

"For example, provide a mercenary for the king."

Johnson heard the words, but said.

"The Dutch East India Company can help Your Majesty the King to contact the Khalkhas in India."

"They have the most elite warriors in the world, and they are the best mercenaries in the world!"

Upon hearing this, Mangbai nodded in satisfaction.

"If the performance of the mercenaries satisfies the king, the king will give you a satisfactory commission."

Johnson nodded in response, then mustered up his courage again and asked.

"Does His Royal Highness really not want firearms? Don't think about it anymore? Seeing that both sides have a common enemy, the company can sell them at a reduced price."

Unexpectedly, Mangbai gave Johnson a sideways look, and said in a disdainful tone.


"Don't even give that stuff to dogs!"

Johnson: "..."


Myanmar is only a corner of the world, and it is still quite a corner.

No matter how the situation in Myanmar changes, it will not affect the evolution of the overall situation in the world.

The main force of the Qing army continued to move southward, pressing towards the south of the Yangtze River.

Wu Sangui was still fighting in Hunan, and began to manage the place to accumulate strength.

He used strong means to move the population from Hunan into Sichuan and Shu to fill the vacancy in the population of Sichuan and Shu.

And adopted the policy of combining military and civilian settlements, and started to develop the abandoned fields in Sichuan and Shu.

That is to say, the policy of filling Sichuan from Huguang, which was used by the Manchu and Qing Dynasties in history.

The current Sichuan and Sichuan are too desolate!
If the population cannot be replenished from the outside world, I don't know how long it will take to recover...

On the Ming side, after taking Nanchang, they suspended their offensive and began to build Nanchang city defense, preparing to build a defense line facing the north with Nanchang as the core.

And sent a large-scale fleet northward, heading straight to the Bohai Sea.

Also, Daming's plan for the Jingnan Army...

The death of Geng Jingzhong turned the Jingnan Army into a big piece of fat.

It was still a big piece of fat meat that was placed in front of Daming, basically without bones!
No matter what, Zhu Hongyu had to take a bite.

He mobilized a reorganized infantry division to go north by sea and head straight for Fuzhou, just preparing for the worst.

Jin Yiwei sent people to contact Cai Yaozu, a second-five boy, and prepared to take down the Jingnan army with Cai Yaozu's cooperation.

If it doesn't work, send troops to intervene by force!

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