If Zhu Hongyu gave something else, they would definitely be honored.

But what Zhu Hongyu bestowed was a ruler!
The warning here is too obvious.

Yu Wen frowned and asked.

"Could it be that the two younger sisters committed some taboo around His Highness Jian Guo?"

The head of the Yu family shook his head when he heard the words.

"It shouldn't be!"

"After all, there are quite a few families who received the ruler today, and many of them were unable to send their girls to the harem of His Royal Highness Jian Guo because of bound feet."

Speaking of this incident, the Patriarch of the Yu family felt fortunate that he loved his daughter so much that he was not willing to bind the feet of his twins.

Otherwise, wouldn't my family have to miss out on the wealth of the royal relatives? !
"It is estimated that I am waiting to do something, and I have crossed the line!"

As a smart person, the head of the Yu family naturally has his own predictions.

Yu Wen thought for a while, and asked.

"Father, could it be something about the fields?"

The forces of the Manchu Qing were expelled from Guangdong, and along with the reshuffle of Guangdong's rights, there was also a reshuffle of interests.

The forces in Pingnan Wangfan's Mansion were uprooted, and those forces that were biased towards the Qing Dynasty were almost wiped out.

Local interests have vacated a large piece of cake!

Zhu Hongyu took the bulk of this cake, and the rest was divided up by local forces.

Logically speaking, Zhu Hongyu ate meat, the local gentry and clan ate bones, and the people at the bottom could also drink broth. This was the most appropriate distribution plan.

However, because Zhu Hongyu wanted to win over the power of the local gentry clan, he handed over the right to divide the bones and broth to the local gentry clan after he finished eating the meat.

In some places, the gentry and clan forces are more particular about their work, sharing part of the benefits with the lower classes.

Broth with water, isn't that also broth?

But some people are very greedy!

They accepted all the benefits that Zhu Hongyu distributed to the localities, and they did not give any points to the subordinates.

Some people even went too far, not only did not share the benefits with the subordinates, but also took advantage of this chaos to continue to engage in land annexation.

The one that Zhu Hongyu gave to the ruler belonged to the kind that although he didn't give points to the subordinates, he didn't grab food from the subordinates.

The one Zhu Hongyu didn't even want to give the ruler to was the kind who not only didn't give any benefits to his subordinates, but also took the opportunity to annex the land.

The latter basically left their names in Zhu Hongyu's notebook!

What his Yu family did in the field was not very open, and the big cake left after the forces that favored the Qing court were emptied was basically swallowed by the Yu family.

There is very little profit for the people below!

Thinking about it now, His Highness Jian Guo was probably reminding them of this matter.

The head of the Yu family stroked his beard and said.

"Forget it, sort out the land that shouldn't be taken, and distribute it to the people below according to the rules!"

"Now that your two younger sisters are in the palace of His Royal Highness Jian Guo, that is where the wealth of my Yu family depends."

"There's no need to leave a bad impression on His Highness Jian Guo for some property!"

Yu Wen pondered for a while, then spoke.

"Father, my son thinks that from now on, my Yu family should devote more energy to industry and commerce, or sea trade."

"The current Daming's support for industry, commerce and maritime trade is not ordinary!"

"Although the industry and commerce and sea trade and profits are quite astonishing!"

Listening to his son's words, the head of the Yu family also nodded and said.


"Industrial, commercial and maritime trade must be done, but the matter of accumulating land for future generations must not be left behind!"

"Even if my Yu family falls down in the future and I have some land in my hands, I can ensure that the descendants of my Yu family will have food to eat and have the foundation to stand on!"

Similar dialogues are staged in the homes of many extravagant figures throughout Guangdong.

They didn't dare to take the warning from Zhu Hongyu to heart!


After inspecting the recruit camp, watching the training of the recruits, and learning about the recruiting situation in the Guangzhou recruit camp, Zhu Hongyu left the recruit camp.

On the way, Zhu Hongyu sat in the car and continued to review the documents.

At this moment, a cavalry of messengers came rushing from a distance.

The car slowed down slowly.

The messenger rushed all the way to the outside of the car, got off his horse, knelt on one knee and spoke.

"Your Highness, Jingnan King Geng Jingzhong, send an envoy to see him!"

"The envoy has arrived in Guangzhou and is waiting to be received by His Highness!"

Zhu Hongyu narrowed his eyes and spoke.

"Bring people to the living room!"

"I will meet him when I go back to the mansion alone!"

Geng Jingzhong sent envoys to see him, apart from discussing the matter of raising troops against the Qing Dynasty, Zhu Hongyu really couldn't think of any other possibility.

If Geng Jingzhong, the king of Jingnan in the Qing Dynasty, raised his flag to rebel against the Qing Dynasty, the general situation of the world might change that day.

When the time comes, Wu Sangui will paddle for fish!
Geng Jingzhong rebelled against the Qing Dynasty, and Zhu Hongyu took the opportunity to launch another Northern Expedition.

It was only a blink of an eye for the Qing court to lose the entire Southern Kingdom!

He ordered the driver to speed up and head towards the direction of Guangzhou city.

Zhu Hongyu met the envoy sent by Geng Jingzhong in the Jianguo Xingyuan in the outer city of Guangzhou.

He strode into the living room, sat on the main seat, and asked directly.

"Tell me, King Jingnan sent Mr. Gu to see Gu, why?"

Zhu Hongyu was quite straightforward, without any intention of beating around the bush.

As Geng Jingzhong's trusted counselor, Cai Yaozu didn't feel at a loss when faced with Zhu Hongyu's directness, he just smiled and said.

"My king has loyalty in his heart, and when he thinks of all the things he did for the tiger in the past, he can't help but feel remorse."

"Nowadays, I really can't bear to see the people of the world continue to be enslaved by the Qing Tartars. I can't bear to see the world's clothes ruined, and thousands of people with their left coats on their backs, reduced to barbarians and despicable people."

"I am willing to do my part to drive out the Tartars and restore our Han family's land and clothes!"

"But my prince has few soldiers and major generals, and lacks food, grass and military equipment. Even if he wants to raise an army at this time, he is powerless!"

"Now, I can only be sent to seek help from Your Highness!"

"I believe that His Highness, as the supervisor of the Ming Dynasty and the leader of the anti-Qing forces in the world, will definitely not sit idly by!"

The corner of Zhu Hongyu's mouth twitched, this tall hat...

However, having said this, he probably also figured out the purpose of Geng Jingzhong's envoy's trip to Guangzhou.

To put it bluntly, he took Zhu Hongyu as a victim and came to ask for help!
"Is it just that?"

Zhu Hongyu asked.

To be honest, what the Ming court lacks most now is money and food.

In terms of money, the profits of industry, commerce and sea trade are simply unimaginable.

Every year, a large amount of gold and silver enters the account!
As for grain, no matter it is Luzon, Qiongzhou, or Dayuan under the Ming Dynasty, they are basically two-crop and three-crop grain-producing areas a year.

Besides, if it really doesn't work, Zhu Hongyu can still buy grain from Annan, Siam, Wa Kingdom and other places.

Even if the Qing court was short of food, Zhu Hongyu would never be short of it!
If Geng Jingzhong raised troops to fight against the Qing now, Zhu Hongyu, a big dog, really wouldn't mind being taken advantage of by giving him a batch of reinforcements.

Cai Yaozu shook his head with a smile and said.

"Your Highness misunderstood, of course it's not just that!"

"My prince also hopes that His Highness can send troops to support after my prince raises troops!"

The expression on Zhu Hongyu's face remained unchanged, maintaining his aloof personality, and then he continued to speak.

"How to deal with it?"

"Isn't that enough for Gu Zai Jiangnan to destroy the Jiangning Eight Banners of the Qing court in one fell swoop?"

"How do you still want to deal with it?"

The sharpness in Zhu Hongyu's words was revealed.

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