In the big tent, Zhu Hongyu was sitting behind the desk, reviewing a letter of memorial in his hand, but his mind was not on the memorial.

Instead, keep looking in the direction of Guangzhou, always paying attention to the battle in Guangzhou!
At this moment, cheers suddenly sounded one after another outside the big tent.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"The Great Ming is victorious, long live His Royal Highness Jian Guo!"

"The Great Ming is victorious, long live His Royal Highness Jian Guo!"


Zhu Hongyu heard the shouts from outside the big tent, and the expression on his face changed.

I know that this is probably the result of the Battle of Guangzhou!

Before he was made to wait for long, an orderly rushed to his big tent, and said with an excited expression on his face.

"Report to His Highness Jian Guo! Great victory! Great victory!"

"Our Imperial Guard Brigade has successfully conquered the inner city of Guangzhou, and all the Hulu and traitors in the city who resisted in the corner have been executed!"

"Pseudo Pingnan Prince Shang Zhijie, Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi Jin Guangzu, Dongguan Town Commander Zeng Qizhao... all the thieves have been killed!"


Hearing this, Zhu Hongyu let out bursts of hearty laughter.


"This is the victory!"

Laugh, he ordered.

"Order the whole army to enter the city, organize the order in Guangzhou, clean up all the garbage in the city, sweep all the banner people out of the city, and then concentrate them on custody."

"Shang Kexi is the offspring of the old thief, and none of them are allowed to escape!"



The orderly led the way.

The Ming army won the Battle of Guangzhou, and Guangzhou changed hands.

Pingnan Wang Shizi Shangzhi Festival, Jin Guangzu, Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and Zeng Qizhao, Chief Soldier of Dongguan Town, and a large number of high officials of the Qing court were put to death.

Almost all the banner people in Guangzhou city were buried in the sea of ​​flames, and there was almost no survivors in Pingnan Palace.

Nearly [-] Banners were wiped out, and the [-] Green Battalion were killed and surrendered. The news that the Qing court's troops in Guangzhou were wiped out in one fell swoop.

It spread rapidly as if it had grown wings!
The landlords and gentry around Guangzhou City spontaneously gathered towards Guangzhou City, wanting to reward Master Daming and meet His Highness Jian Guo.

But the only ones who did this were the landlords and gentry near Guangzhou. In farther places, a large number of landlords and gentry were still watching.

Zhu Hongyu received these landlords and gentlemen in the Ming army camp outside Guangzhou.

Accept the reward army of these landlords and gentry!

Apart from meeting these landlords and gentry, Zhu Hongyu focused more on military affairs.

For example, the disposal of prisoners of war, and the cleanup of Guangzhou City, etc.!
In this battle, the Ming army captured a large number of prisoners of war, and many Qing army green battalion and Minyong chose to surrender.

Most of those Minyong were disbanded directly, and travel expenses were paid to let them go home.

As for the green battalion soldiers who surrendered, the Ming army screened and dealt with them.

Those who participated in the massacre of the city and the massacre of ordinary people were all taken out and killed, and beheaded on the banks of the Pearl River, and the blood of the Pearl River was stained red.

Those who did not deserve death were sent to labor camps and sentenced to a certain number of years of hard labor.

Although the labor camp was very hard, at least my life was saved!

Looking at those beheaded companions, the surviving Green Battalion soldiers did not dare to have the slightest resentment.

There is no such thing as preferential treatment of captives in this era!

Thank goodness for the captives not to be murdered!

As for the disposal of Guangzhou City, the bannermen and traitors in Guangzhou City were cleared out, and the houses and fields were prepared to be returned to the original owners.

If the original owner has been killed and the original owner cannot be found, it will be owned by the military government.

It is prepared to be used to resettle refugees gathered around Guangzhou City.

The main force of the Ming army did not stay in Guangzhou for a long time. After a period of rest, it began to march westward, preparing to attack Xinhui.


On the other side, Shang Kexi is leading the main force of the Qing army in Guangdong, rushing to Guangzhou day and night.

Along the way, he received urgent reports from Guangzhou several times!

I got the exact news that the Ming army invaded Guangzhou, and Guangzhou was in critical condition.

But later, there was no news from the direction of Guangzhou, and Shang Kexi began to feel more and more uneasy.

He began to keep urging his troops to march faster and rush to Guangzhou for help.

The ranks of the Qing army stretched forward and backward for several miles, with people and horses touching the sky, and big banners flying high.

Every time they pass through a state or county, they don't stop at all, except for leaving supplementary food, grass and drinking water, and doing a short repair.

The Qing army marched at least sixty to seventy miles every day.

In terms of the army's marching efficiency in this era, it can be regarded as an absolute rush march!
After marching for more than ten consecutive days, the Qing army was full of exhaustion. Many green battalion soldiers fell down on both sides of the road due to exhaustion.

On the contrary, most of the Eight Banners soldiers in the Qing army are physically strong and can persist.

"Where are you now?"

Shang Kexi rubbed his face, relieved his fatigue a little, and asked.

His armor and horse were covered with dust, his eyes were bloodshot, and he felt tired.

If he was young, such a march would be nothing to Shang Kexi.

However, time is not forgiving, the current Shang Kexi is old, and has long lost the energy of his youth.

A quick march made his body almost unable to hold on!
A general of the Qing army on the side heard the words and said.

"Reporting to King Pingnan, our army is now in Taishan, and Xinhui is not far ahead!"

Shang Kexi breathed a sigh of relief, and then said.

"Hurry up, hurry up, our side will continue to speed up the march, and the Guangzhou side must persevere!"

Bringing a wet towel and wiping the dust off his face, Shang Kexi said.

"Order the army to speed up the march, and repair it after arriving at Xinhui. At that time, this king will definitely reward the entire army!"

As Shang Kexi's promise spread throughout the army, the marching speed of the Qing army accelerated a lot.

Continue to move forward in the direction of Guangzhou!


On the other side, the main force of the Ming army had reached Xinhui. After a tentative bombardment of Xinhui, the Ming army began to camp in the Guifeng Mountain area outside Xinhui City.

Prepare to meet the main force of the Qing army at Guifeng Mountain!

In his big tent, Zhu Hongyu received Li Guangyuan's troops who had rushed back from Gaozhou.

Li Guangyuan's troops and the Qing army almost set out from Gaozhou and headed for Guangzhou.

However, the Ming army has the advantage of water transportation, and its speed is much faster than that of the Qing army.

Therefore, Li Guangyuan's department had already arrived in Guangzhou, and from Guangzhou to Xinhui, but Wu Sangui's department was still on the way.

"Your Highness, at the end of this battle, I will ask you to take the lead!"

Li Guangyuan knelt in front of Zhu Hongyu on one knee and asked for a fight loudly.

His eyes were full of fiery fighting intent, his sister was pregnant, and once she gave birth to a boy.

That is the eldest son, the best candidate for the crown prince of Ming Dynasty.

As an uncle, I should naturally make some achievements and make plans for the future.

Zhu Hongyu nodded and said.

"Okay, you will lead the Guards Brigade to take the lead in this battle!"

Since Li Guangyuan asked for a fight, he naturally had no reason not to agree.

"However, if you take the lead, you can't win the game!"

"Gu will take you down and punish you!"

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