Chapter 318 Minghe Sea Battle ([-])

Liu Chuan's breathing suddenly became very heavy, and he asked.

"Brother Li is serious?"

Li Weida spoke.

"This is what His Highness Jian Guo personally promised to my brother!"

The temptation to be an official is too great!

The expression on Liu Chuan's face instantly became quite excited, but then he calmed down and asked for help.

"Although our Liu family intends to fight against Master Wang, the Dutch have always been wary of the Chinese and will not allow me to wait for the Chinese to obtain guns and artillery."

"After we started the incident, I'm afraid there won't be enough weapons to use for a while!"

"If we wait for the insurgents to be unarmed, how can we be the opponents of the Dutch soldiers equipped with muskets and artillery? Wouldn't they be sacrificed in vain?"

Under the temptation of his official position, Liu Chuan had no intention of resigning.

Just asking for help!

His meaning is very clear, as long as the aid is in place, uprising at any time is not a problem!
Li Weida spoke.

"The imperial court knows everyone's difficulties, and will definitely not let everyone sacrifice in vain!"

"Don't worry, there will be assistance!"

After discussing the uprising with the head of the Liu family, Li Weida didn't take a break, but hurried to other places.

Under the connection of the Li family, the entire Batavia is undercurrent!


At the same time, on the sea, the fleets of Ming and He have entered the battle distance!
Less than a kilometer apart!

Whether it is the Ming Dynasty or the Dutch, the arrays used are the standard line-to-bomb arrays used by sailing battleships.

The array is lined up, all the ships are connected end to end, lined up front and back, and the gun ports on the side facing the enemy have been opened.

Exposing densely packed, black muzzles!

The distance is already very close, but Minghe and Minghe are still desperately trying to seize the upper hand on the battlefield.

In this era when sailing battleships are king, the importance of the windward position is self-evident!

Whoever can grab the upper hand will have an overall advantage in naval battles.

At this moment, rowing boats were put down on the warships of the Ming army.

The oarsmen on the small boat chanted and rowed their oars vigorously.

The bow of the small boat cut through the waves, at a high speed, and headed towards the Dutch fleet!
Raymond looked at the small boats rushing towards his own fleet, and just said with a sneer.

"These Ming people really haven't improved at all!"

"Even if they have a sailing battleship, they only know how to use this old-fashioned fire attack tactic!"

Lei Meng was very disdainful of the tactics of the Ming army.

Seeing the "arson ship" of the Ming army coming towards our own fleet, Lei Meng ordered.

"Fire and intercept the Ming army's arson ship!"

"Sink them all!"

The Dutchman's broadside guns opened fire.


Amidst the smoke, shells headed towards the small boats of the Ming army.

It's just a pity that although the naval guns mounted on battleships are powerful, their accuracy is poor.

A large number of shells fell into the sea water, stirring up thick mist, and the waves churned.

There was a lot of movement, but none of the shells could hit the small boat of the Ming army!
The speed of the small boat is fast and the target is small. It is very difficult to hit it accurately with the accuracy of the naval guns of this era.

At the same time, as the distance approached, the main fleets of both sides began to prepare to fire.

The Dutch finally got the upper hand and got the upper hand!

This is also something that can’t be helped. The reputation of the Dutch sea coachmen is not blown out. Their sailors are indeed better at steering the sails than the Ming army.

This is a fact!

After the result of the competition for the upper hand came out, the flames of war were on the verge of breaking out.

The fleets of both sides are like two parallel straight lines running towards each other, crossing each other in parallel.

At this moment, the two sides added up to hundreds of warships on the entire battlefield, and countless large and small artillery fired almost simultaneously.

boom!Boom!Boom boom boom!

The only sound left on the battlefield was the rumble of cannons.

That kind of movement, as if even the sky was about to be blasted out of a hole.

In an instant, the gap of hundreds of meters between the two battleship arrays on both sides was filled with gunpowder smoke!

The shells hit the hull and sawdust flew!

Falling into the sea, the mist filled the room, and the waves churned.

The small boat sent by the Ming army was affected by the waves, its forward speed was suddenly reduced, and it began to shake from side to side.

Lin Awu paddled desperately, his arms were sore, and his face was full of determination.

"Quick, go faster!"

"Don't stop, don't stop!"

"One two, row! One two, row!"


The officer's shouts could be vaguely heard in his ears, but more of them were the earth-shattering gunshots.

Facing the shells flying overhead from time to time, Lin Awu, who was born in Danmin, showed no trace of fear on his face.

In his heart, there is only forward, forward, and constant forward!
Then use the rockets in his hands to send those damned Dutch red hairs into the sea to feed the Dragon Lord!

His Royal Highness Jian Guo gave them these Dan people land, allowed them to live ashore, allowed them to study for imperial examinations, allowed them to join the army, allowed them to farm and do business...

Give them a complete new life!
Changed the fate of them and their descendants!

This kind of kindness is higher than the mountains and deeper than the sea!

As long as His Royal Highness Jian Guo gives an order, even if he is asked to die, Lin Awu will never say anything.

The waves created by the shells hitting the sea made their boat shake constantly.

From time to time, sea water will surge and overflow onto the boat!

Lin Awu's clothes were already completely wet, but his eyes were still determined!
There was a loud noise, and a small boat on the side was hit by Dutch gunfire.

With a bang, the boat disintegrated into a pile of broken wood.

The sailors on the ship let out screams one after another, and someone was hit by a shell and died on the spot.

Some people were hit by flying broken wood, and blood was sprayed everywhere!
The seawater touched the wound, and the severe pain was intensified infinitely.

The rockets on the small boat also fell into the sea water, and sank to the bottom of the sea in the blink of an eye.

The surviving sailors struggled to swim in the direction of their own fleet!
Get ready to participate in the next round of attack!
As the small boats of the Ming army got closer and closer to the Dutch warships, the artillery fire became more and more intensive.

Shotgun shells, solid bullets, burning red arson shells, and all kinds of shells, driven by the kinetic energy formed after the gunpowder burned, turned into life harvesters.

The dense shotgun shells are as dense as splashing water, and can smash countless Ming army sailors into sieves in an instant.

Blood stained the sea red!
The burning red arson bomb hit the boat, and the next moment, the rocket bomb was ignited and exploded.

Amidst the rumbling explosions, small boats were obliterated in the flames.

Snapped!clap clap!

However, for the sailors of the Ming army, it was the Dutch musketeers who were more threatening.

The Dutch musketeers stood on the deck and fired at the boats of the Ming army.

Amidst the crackling gunshots, projectiles flew, and the sailors of the Ming army suffered heavy losses!
However, when the Dutch platoon guns could hit the Ming army's small boats, the Dutch warships were almost within the range of the Ming army's rockets.

The sailors quickly set up the rocket launcher according to the drill code.

In the process, successive dinghies were destroyed by artillery.

The Ming army sailors continued to die in battle!

Aim, ignite, all in one go!
As the fuse burned out, there were sharp cries that pierced the air between the heaven and the earth.


One after another rockets spewed out their tail flames and lifted into the air, driven by the kinetic energy formed by the burning gunpowder, they shot towards the Dutch battleship.

(End of this chapter)

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