The Resurrection of the South Seas of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 298 Prison Robbery and Escape

Chapter 298 Prison Robbery and Escape
Huang Zongxi was holding a copy of "Mencius" and reading, and the sound of Lang Lang's reading was in his ears, which made people feel pure.

Wang Fuzhi and Gu Yanwu were playing black and white at a chess table, while a group of people beside them watched eagerly.

Unexpected harmony!
With a bang, a black piece in Master Wang's hand landed on the chessboard. In an instant, the black pieces joined together, faintly trying to strangle the white piece's dragon.

Gu Yanwu didn't panic at all, he made a move outside Heizi's encirclement, and after a few more steps, Baizi's siege was immediately resolved.

The two sides continue to game!

It's just that the chess game on the chessboard has a faint feeling of swords and swords.

Wang Fuzhi said while flicking his beard.

"There is still a glimmer of hope, this Baizi probably deserves to die!"

He was talking about white pieces on the surface, but he was using the chess game as a metaphor for current events.

Gu Yanwu put down the chess piece in his hand, rubbed his eyebrows and said.

"I hope so!"

"The current chess game makes people feel anxious!"

Although the two hold their own right and wrong in the chess game, they have the same position in their hearts.

Under the brutal rule of the Qing Dynasty, almost everyone, especially the literati, missed the former Ming Dynasty.

The two looked at each other, then turned to look at Huang Zongxi.

Huang Zongxi put down the book, and then spoke.

"I'm just a frail scholar, what can I do?"

"Just sit and watch the situation develop!"

At this moment, a series of explosions suddenly sounded outside.

Then the next moment, there was a loud bang, and the door of the cell was blasted open.

A few people emerged from the billowing smoke!
The cell boss and jailer were escorted by spies from Jinyiwei and Tiandihui, and they tremblingly stepped forward to open the wooden fence.

Then untie the iron chains on everyone!

The leading black-clothed bald-headed man walked quickly to Wang Fuzhi, Huang Zongxi, and Gu Yanwu, and then spoke.

"Three gentlemen, Daming sent someone to rescue you!"

With a wave of his hand, he ordered someone to take him out of the cell.

Outside the prison, there was already a carriage waiting, and Wang Fuzhi and the three of them were still in a daze, so they were placed on the carriage together with other people in the prison.

The coachman whipped his whip, and the carriage headed for the city gate!

They were only temporarily imprisoned, and they would be able to get out sooner or later.

But now Daming sent someone to rescue them...

This time the yellow mud fell off the crotch, I can't explain it clearly!

Man Qing: Very good, no need to explain, the court believes that you have nothing to do with Daming!Come on, drag these three transparent thieves out and execute them immediately!
During the turmoil, the group of them drove the carriage out of the city smoothly, and then fled towards the mouth of the Qiantang River as planned.

Then, without the disturbance from Daming's spies, the Qing army quickly quelled the disturbance in Huzhou City.

Luo Duo paced in his room, his face full of anxiety.

Lu Wenguang, the prefect of Huzhou, came to report anxiously.

"Lord Luo, Lord Luo, big things are bad, big things are bad!"

"The news came from the prison that someone robbed the prison and took away all the prisoners involved in the Ming history case!"

Luo Duo's chest heaved violently, his face was full of ferocity and killing intent.

"what is the problem?"

"Who dares to rob my prison in the Qing Dynasty!"

He was ordered by Oboi to supervise the investigation of the history of the Ming Dynasty. If all the criminals were taken away, he would not be able to explain to Oboi!

Lu Wenguang said.

"The prison guard reported that he was a spy of Ming thief!"

"My lord, are we going to send someone to pursue it?"

Luo Duo cursed, his face was full of anger.

"Chasing, what are you talking about, you bastard? Order the pursuit!"

Lu Wenguang opened his mouth and replied.

"The lower officials are civil officials, and they have no right to mobilize the garrison. If you want to chase down those thieves who robbed the prison, you have to order it from your lord!"

Rodo roared angrily.

"Then what are you waiting for? Quickly order the garrison to pursue!"

"If you get rid of the thief, I will send you all to prison to fill the vacancy in the cell!"

"Damn it!"

Lu Wenguang nodded hastily, then turned around and arranged for Huzhou's Qing army green battalion to go out of the city to chase down the escaped Ming spies.

Dazed by anger, Luo Duo shouted and ordered.

"Pass down the order, I will personally lead the team out of the city to chase down the Ming thief!"

After that, he summoned his guards and prepared to leave the city.

The cavalry of the Qing army roared and rushed towards the outside of the city.

However, after they left the city, they lost their target.

The water network around Huzhou is densely covered, and the spies of the Ming army prepared ships in advance, and they took the waterway as soon as they left the city, and scattered in the direction of Qiantang.

The Qing army had no idea where the target had fled, and it was impossible to talk about chasing it.


Luzon, the prison country mansion!
On the 27th of the twelfth lunar month, the New Year is approaching!

After Zhu Hongyu finished handling the government affairs at hand, he gained rare leisure time.

In the morning, he accompanied Li Lingxiu and other women to write couplets, and prepared red envelopes for the servants in the mansion, which will be used in a few days.

Moreover, he also personally took care of the purchase of New Year's goods and the preparation of the New Year's Eve feast.

On the evening of the [-]th, Zhu Hongyu will definitely call his subordinates together to celebrate the New Year's Eve.

The dishes, drinks, and seats at the banquet all need to be carefully arranged.

In the afternoon, Zhu Hongyu led a team to inspect the farms outside Luzon City and personally observed the living conditions of the people in Luzon.

Talk to the people cordially!
Although he was temporarily busy with government affairs, Zhu Hongyu still had no free time, and it was already rare to be able to spend the morning with his family.

After inspecting the villages outside Luzon City, in the next few days, there are various military camps, as well as Luzon's recruit camps, waiting for Zhu Hongyu.

Before the Chinese New Year, he had to go and see them all!
Not much else to say, at least let the soldiers remember his face as a prisoner of the country.

It was night, the sky was getting dark, Zhu Hongyu returned to the Jian Guo mansion with the stars and the moon.

Li Lingxiu and the others were still waiting for Zhu Hongyu to eat. Zhu Hongyu changed his clothes quickly and sat down on the table.

Then signal to everyone to have dinner!
At this moment, someone knocked on the door.

Wang Ruxian opened the door and walked in, then spoke.

"Your Highness, Commander Zhou Tianxu of Jinyiwei is asking to see you, and he is already waiting in the Flower Hall!"

Zhu Hongyu nodded and said to Li Lingxiu and the others.

"Eat first, don't wait for Gu!"

After finishing speaking, he got up and walked out, Wang Ruxian followed closely.

Zhu Hongyu asked.

"Did Zhou Tianxu say that he asked to see him for something?"

Zhu Hongyu hurriedly walked towards the flower hall. If there was nothing serious, Zhou Tianxu would not beg to see him at this time.

Wang Ruxian said.

"Report to Your Highness, I don't know!"

Zhu Hongyu nodded, without further questioning, walked through the garden and the corridor, and after a while, he walked outside the flower hall.

Zhou Tianxu with a shaved head was waiting for him in the flower hall, with a very obvious look of urgency on his face.

Zhu Hongyu strode into the flower hall and asked.

"Tianxu, what happened?"

Zhou Tianxu nodded vigorously and said.

"His Royal Highness, something serious has happened!"

"Brothers from the Jinyiwei in the capital and the Tiandihui received news from the mainland that the Qing captives have colluded with the Dutch and the English!"

"The three parties also signed a "Treaty of the Capital" in the capital. The Dutch and the English will help the Qing to build a fleet according to the treaty, and use it to deal with me, Ming!"

"The brothers in Guangzhou have also received news that the Qing government has mobilized the Green Battalion soldiers from Guangxi and Huguang to arrive in Guangzhou. Fortunately, the thief has received reinforcements and is preparing for battle recently."

"Macau is in danger!"

(End of this chapter)

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