Chapter 244 Charge!charge!
The blood is soaring!

Countless soldiers from both sides fell to the ground!

The Liberation Army musketeers in the back row quickly loaded and then fired separately.

With the distance close to the face, there is no need to deliberately shoot salvos!
Shooting at the fastest speed is the best choice!

Anyway, at this distance, it is impossible to miss the shot anyway.

The archers of the Qing army were also constantly fighting back.

The screams, howls, and shouts of killing resounded throughout the battlefield.

On the other side, the infantry of the Qing army rushed to a distance of 100 meters in front of the Guangfu army.


"Three rows of bursts, hit!"

The musketeers of the Liberation Army pulled the trigger together, using a typical three-stage attack tactic.

Keep moving forward, and shoot alternately!

Lead bullets fly across the battlefield!
The charging Qing army kept falling to the ground!

At this distance, even if the Guangfu army used large-caliber heavy-duty matchlock guns, it might not be able to break through the heavy steps of the Qing army wearing two or three layers of armor.

But for the Qing army with only one layer of cotton armor, or no armor at all, the lethality is considerable.

And how many heavy steps can there be in the Qing army?
Most of the Qing army had only one layer of cotton armor, or no armor at all.

The muskets of the Liberation Army fired continuously, delivering continuous firepower.

The rockets kept firing, and then exploded!
The artillery shells also penetrated the array of the Qing army!

A Qing army charged forward, shouting to kill with a ferocious face.

However, suddenly his body stopped, his momentum faltered, and he fell backwards.

The cotton armor on the chest was pierced by lead bullets, and the flesh, bones, and viscera were all smashed to pieces!

He was just halfway through his screams when a shell flew over and hit his waist and abdomen.

In just an instant, his upper body and lower body were broken in two!

Just as his upper body fell to the ground, and the look in his eyes hadn't disappeared, a rocket landed beside him.

The rocket exploded, leaving no bones left!

The distance between the main forces of the two sides was getting closer and closer, and the Qing army rushed to the front of the recovery army with the muskets of the recovery army.

In an instant, it was like two torrents colliding!

In an instant, blood spurted out, screams and corpses everywhere.

The battle is extremely fierce!
The Guangfu Army still dealt with Chongbu in the same way.

He stepped forward to fight against the enemy. Since the efficiency of the bayonet piercing armor was not very high, the musketeers simply did not go forward to fight. They loaded their muskets in the back row and killed the enemy with musketeers.

The Qing army also fought heavily in front, and the archers threw arrows behind the formation.

Arrows and buckshot shot back and forth!
The battlefield is full of corpses!


"Kill the prisoner! Kill the prisoner! Kill the prisoner!"

"Expel the Tartars and restore China!"


Zhu Hongyu kept beating the drum, and the dull drum sound contained a powerful and unshakable force.

The fierce battle on the battlefield continues!

However, the sound of artillery, rockets firing, and explosions all disappeared on the battlefield.

It's not that both sides are out of shells!
It's because the soldiers from both sides are now entangled and fighting together, which belongs to a state where I am in you and you are in me.

If you fire now, the chances of accidentally injuring your own people are too great!

Cruel hand-to-hand combat was staged on the battlefield.

A soldier of the Restoration Army shouted to kill, and set foot on the battlefield with the ideal of "expelling the Tartars and restoring China".

Then turned into a cold corpse!
The two sides met at eight or nine in the morning and began to fight, and it is now noon.

The big sun in the sky is hot!
After a hard fight all morning, neither side had a chance to recuperate.

The physical strength of the soldiers was exhausted to the extreme!
They are all suffocating, wanting to destroy the enemy in one fell swoop!
Now, the test is the physical strength and endurance of the soldiers on both sides!

Whoever can't hold on first will collapse first!

Once it collapses, it will be the end of being chased and killed by the tail, and the ending can be imagined.


"Go! Go!"


The fighting between the two continues.

From noon to three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the fighting was still fierce.

The two sides fought desperately, fighting back and forth for every inch of land!
The Liberation Army seemed to be tireless, charging again and again.

The grenade cleared the way, and the heavy armored infantry cooperated with the musketeers to charge for a while.

If they cannot be conquered, they will quickly cover each other and retreat, at most one or two quarters of an hour, and then charge again.

Attacking again and again, physical strength will never be exhausted!
Even if Shang Zhixin adjusted several times and changed the troops on the front line facing the enemy, the Qing army felt a little unable to support it.

A veteran beside Shang Zhixin had a very ugly face, seeing the strength of the attack of the Liberation Army.

He seems to have seen the Manchurian Eight Banners soldiers when they were still outside the Liaodong Pass.

That indomitable, unstoppable momentum!

That kind of determination of the goal, not afraid of life and death, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire in front of me, I will crush you, the attitude of not being afraid!
It's so similar!

In the Battle of Saerhu that year, although the Qing army was able to win, it mainly relied on the coquettish operation of Yang Gao, the founding hero of the Qing Dynasty, and Yang Dushi's division of troops.

But the Manchurian Eight Banners soldiers at that time were also really strong.

Ran for hundreds of miles in ten days to meet powerful enemies.

After the fierce battle, they didn't have to stop at all, and continued to attack day and night, killing all the way to where the Ming army was, and throwing themselves into the next fierce battle.

They even have to sleep and eat on horseback, defecate and pee to solve physiological problems.

Tirelessly, they defeated the Ming army's five-way army in succession and won decisive victories.

How many armies have been able to do it throughout the ages?

The Eight Banners Soldiers at that time were really scary from the bottom of their hearts!
This veteran of the Pingnan Palace once again felt the fear he felt when facing the Eight Banners soldiers before!

too strong!
It is too strong!

Since the start of the war, the Liberation Army's charge has never stopped.

The soldiers of the Restoration Army, in the ear-piercing charge, charged forward again and again.

Once or twice is nothing.

But what about eight times out of ten?

What about twenty times and thirty times?
The Qing army was really frightened by the way of the Guangfu army's charge!

I really can't stand it!

"His Royal Highness, let's withdraw!"

"I can't stand it anymore!"

This experienced veteran grabbed Shang Zhixin's sleeve and spoke persuasively.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

"Ming thief's soldiers and horses are not as many as ours. It is obviously a frontal battle. Is it possible that my Qing Heavenly Soldiers will lose to the Ming thief?"

Being defeated head-on by a Ming thief with fewer troops than himself, he Shang Zhixin couldn't afford to lose this person!
While the two were talking, the Liberation Army had once again launched a small-scale charge.

A participating Qing army was defeated head-on!
The front line of the Qing army was torn open!
Seeing this scene, Shang Zhixin ignored the veterans around him and ordered to mobilize soldiers and horses to counterattack.

Under the counterattack of the Qing army, the recovery army quickly retreated!
It's just that this side has just retreated, and the Qing army has just filled the gap in the front line that was torn by the recovery army.

The Liberation Army launched another small-scale attack from the other side.

The Qing army array was torn apart again!
Shang Zhixin was overwhelmed and felt a deep sense of helplessness.

Can't beat it, can't beat it!

The physical strength gap between the soldiers on both sides is too great!

The Liberation Army is all professional soldiers, elites who have been trained for a long time and intensively.

(End of this chapter)

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