Chapter 227 Blaming the UK!
Francois was stunned by Luo Wenzao's cold words, and his face turned blue and white.

He couldn't understand why Luo Wenzao, a well-known good old man, would choose to quit teaching?
Curiosity is curiosity, but he has not forgotten the purpose of his visit.

Aside from Luo Wenzao, he looked at Charles and asked.

"Captain Charles, can you take responsibility for your actions?"

"You are attacking Macau together with the Ming Dynasty. Is this declaring war on Portugal on behalf of the UK?"

"Is this representing Britain and declaring war on the Qing Dynasty?"

Charles blinked, and subconsciously looked at Zhu Hongyu and Zheng Chenggong inquiringly.

From the current point of view, it seems that Zhu Hongyu and Zheng Chenggong have the final say on whether Britain will declare war on Portugal and the Manchus.

Before Zheng Chenggong could react, Zhu Hongyu spoke.

"The protector of the country, Cromwell, died of illness, King Charles II took over the government, and the British Stuart dynasty was successfully restored."

"You Portuguese are in deep collusion with Cromwell's rebel party. Now that the Stuart dynasty has been restored, you Portuguese cannot be spared lightly!"

Zhu Hongyu took over the conversation directly, and firmly blamed Britain.

Anyway, he remembered that the restoration of the Stuart dynasty in England was just a few years ago!

It is normal for the people in power to change and policies to change, right?
As for what to do after the UK knows about it?
What else can I do, make cold salad!
I don't believe that the United Kingdom can bite off half a bird feather halfway around the world?

Today's Britain is not the empire on which the sun never sets in the 89th century!

A bourgeois revolution, Britain is also in chaos!
Upon hearing this, Charles nodded slightly when he saw Zheng Chenggong, and said.

"Yes, that's it!"

"You Portuguese follow Cromwell's rebellious party. Now that the Stuart dynasty is restored, of course I will give you a serious look!"

After Charles finished speaking, Francois's face seemed to have opened a large dyeing workshop, with an extremely complicated expression.

"This this!"

He felt fear from the bottom of his heart.

Francois doesn't know what the situation in Europa is like, but isn't Macau doomed now?

He asked Zhu Hongyu and Zheng Chenggong again.

"Why did the Ming Dynasty attack Macau?"

"Haven't you already agreed to lease Macau to Portuguese merchants as a transit tribute?"

"The Ming army is now attacking Macau, can it be regarded as Ming's declaration of war on Portugal?"

Zhu Hongyu just said with a sneer.

"Da Ming did agree to lease Macau to Portuguese businessmen, but how long has it been since you paid rent to Daming?"

"The tenant doesn't pay the rent to the master's family, and the master's family is not allowed to take back their own house?"

Zhu Hongyu was right when he said that.

The reason why Macau was leased to the Portuguese was actually a bad debt.

Back then, the Portuguese sold their goods miserably in front of the officials and lords of Ming Dynasty under the pretext that their goods were soaked in water, and said that they were going to pay tribute.

Sapo rolled around and begged for such a place.

After that, I just lingered!
It is sending money and paying rent again, forming an established fact.

Seeing this, Daming felt that since the rent was paid every year, the Portuguese behaved obediently enough.

They also gave Daming a lot of muskets and artillery!
So it was acquiesced, and only then did the current Macau come into being.

But in any case, Macau is not a colony, and the Portuguese only leased it.

Since the Portuguese haven't paid the rent for a long time, it is justifiable for Daming to take back Macau.

Hearing Zhu Hongyu's reason, Francois had a problem and didn't know how to vomit.

They Portugal want to pay the rent, but isn’t your Daming gone?

Where do they go?

Francois left in despair and returned to the cathedral.

In the church, a large number of Portuguese gathered together to sing poems. In despair, only religious belief can comfort their hearts.

However, just when a group of them were singing happily, Francois came back.

Not only did he come back, but he also brought bad news to everyone...

It's a real hammer, it is really the Ming-British coalition forces who invaded Macau!

He saw with his own eyes the commanders of the Ming-British coalition sitting together to discuss matters!
In an instant, everyone in Macau felt that a catastrophe was imminent.

Ma De, this is the end of the calf!

"Any news about the Tatars over there in Guangzhou? When will they come to reinforce us?"

The governor asked anxiously.

Now they can only place their hopes on Manqing!

The Ming-British allied forces came to invade, and they could only find a way to form a Qing-Portuguese allied army to resist.

The commander shook his head and said.

"Guangzhou is two to three hundred miles away from Macau. It takes at least a few days to go back and forth!"

In order to guard against Zheng Chenggong's sneak attack, the Qing army deployed a lot of troops at the mouth of the Pearl River.

Especially after the imperial decree of the Qing Dynasty to relocate the border and ban the sea was issued, the area along the Pearl River Estuary became a military restricted area.

However, there was no order from the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi in Guangzhou, or from Shang Kexi, the king of Pingnan.

Even if these Qing troops received the Portuguese's request for help, they wouldn't dare to move!
Those who do not order soldiers to beheaded, the strict military law of the Qing army is not just talk!

After all, it is still the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, and the military law of the Qing army is unambiguous in killing people!

"Send down the order to actively deploy city defense!"

"Although we have lost the Fortress, we still have the Macau Fortress, and we will definitely be able to hold on until the Qing army comes to help us."

The governor spoke to appease everyone's uneasy emotions.

The bishop on the side continued to draw the cross on his chest and spoke.

"May God bless Portugal!"

Everyone said in unison.

"May God bless Portugal!"


The sky gradually brightened, and the merchants who had been panicking under the rumbling artillery fire all night were relieved to see that it was dawn.

Although the Ming army is right to do something to them, it has nothing to do with whether it is dawn or not.

However, dawn can always bring people a sense of security!

Those businessmen looked at the flag of Ming Dynasty fluttering high on the fortress, and panicked involuntarily.

One is that they are afraid that the chaos will harm them!
After all, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the military discipline of the Ming army really couldn't be said, and it was better than the Qing army who liked to slaughter cities.

The second is fear, if Daming regains Macau, then their business will be impossible!

As for the claim that the Ming Dynasty's recovery of Macau was beneficial to the overall situation of the Anti-Qing Dynasty, no one cares!

Just kidding, what does the anti-Qing Dynasty have to do with them?
Just look at the hair of these businessmen, basically all of them have money rat tails, and you can know their position!
Although they may not really surrender to Man Qing, they are basically scared of being killed by Man Qing!
However, what made these merchants feel strange was that the Ming army never came to trouble them.

This makes them even more uneasy!

Just when a group of businessmen felt uneasy and didn't know what to do.

Someone from Daming's fleet is coming!

A Restoration Army in armor rode to the port and gathered the merchants gathered in the port.

Looking at the heads of those money rat tails in the crowd, he instinctively felt disgusted, but he didn't say anything.

After everyone gathered, he stood up and said loudly.

"His Royal Highness has an order."

"Wang Shi went to the north to recover his homeland. Macau is now a war zone. The soldiers are fighting fiercely and the situation is dangerous."

"Quan Er and other merchants, leave Macau within today to avoid unnecessary casualties!"

(End of this chapter)

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