Chapter 106

As a result, not only failed to blow down the city wall of Kaifeng, but also accidentally injured the place where the city was bombed outside the city.

Li Zicheng himself killed and injured several generals in the Chuang army!
The Ming army in the city took advantage of the situation to counterattack, and the second attack on Kaifeng by the Chuangjun failed!
It was so sudden!
It is estimated that Li Zicheng, an old farmer, did not expect that there are so many ways to bomb a city with gunpowder!

But for the Restoration Army, there is no technical difficulty at all in attacking the city!
There was no shortage of miners in the Taiping Army, and there were plenty of miners in the Restoration Army!

It can even be said that the backbone of the entire Liberation Army is basically miners.

For them, there is no difficulty at all in attacking the cave!
Zhu Hongyu made a plan for the siege, and ordered it to be executed immediately when he turned around.

On the one hand, he ordered people to survey the terrain and prepare to dig tunnels, and on the other hand, he ordered people to prepare the gunpowder needed to blow up the city and the airtight containers needed to hold the gunpowder.

To put it bluntly, it is a big coffin!
On the other side, Zhu Hongyu ordered people to set fire to all the buildings outside the San Fernando Bastion.

The reason is simple, these buildings are too in the way.

After the gunpowder bombed the city, the Liberation Army must immediately invest in troops to seize the gap. The existence of these buildings will greatly hinder the Liberation Army's charge.

Instead of waiting for a headache after the war, it is better to solve it now.

Before igniting these buildings, the Liberation Army also took out a lot of wood from them to build camps and burn fires for warmth.

Although the military discipline of the Restoration Army stipulates that it is not allowed to take a needle or a thread from the people, and even requires the soldiers to freeze to death not to demolish houses, and to starve to death not to plunder.

However, the people here refer to the people on their own side!

I'm sorry, but in Zhu Hongyu's case, Spaniards are not even considered human beings!

If the Spaniards dared to attack Tu Hua, Zhu Hongyu had already expelled them in his heart.


The Restoration Army set up camp outside the city of San Fernando, and there was no other movement except for preparing to attack the city in a cave.

Dowa stood at the head of the city of San Fernando, holding a telescope in his hand, looking at the camp of the Restoration Army outside the city, and couldn't help frowning.

"Damn it, why don't they attack?"

"Why did the rebels camp outside the city? I killed all the Chinese in San Fernando, wouldn't they be angry?"

"With such a delay, aren't they afraid that the reinforcements from Manila will arrive and join us in the internal and external attack to encircle and annihilate them?"

Dowa couldn't help frowning, his heart was full of doubts.

His plan was to use Tu Hua to anger the Liberation Army, causing the Liberation Army to attack San Fernando's bastion head-on.

In this process, he can bring a lot of damage to the Liberation Army!
However, the Guangfu Army remained silent.

After the Restoration Army set up a large camp outside the city, they did nothing but burn the buildings outside San Fernando.

The Liberation Army's actions almost directly declared that Dowa's plan had failed.

Just as Dowa was looking at the Restoration Army camp outside the city, expecting the Restoration Army to launch an attack.

Zhu Hongyu calmly ordered the recovery army to resume their drills.

Except for some people who are preparing to attack the city in caves, everyone else must practice and be ready to go into battle at any time.

In the next few days, there were shouts of killing, and the sound of neat chant continued every day.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Kill the red hair, restore the Ming Dynasty, equalize the land, and enjoy peace!"

"Expel the Tartars, restore China, rebuild Ming Dynasty, revive China!"


The sound of the Liberation Army's drill spread into the bastion, which created tremendous psychological pressure on the Spaniards and natives in the bastion.

However, Zhu Hongyu just never launched an attack!

Not even a temptation!
The Liberation Army set up camp in an orderly manner, drilled, and were not in a hurry.

On the contrary, Dowa, who was on the defensive side, felt a little uncomfortable.


Three full days later, the tunnel for the siege of the Guangfu Army Cave was dug, and it had already reached the bottom of the bastion.

All the gunpowder needed to bomb the city was also prepared, all sugar gunpowder.

After the sugar gunpowder was boiled and sealed in a coffin, it was transported into the tunnel.

The siege can start at any time!

On this day, the guards sent by Zhu Hongyu back to the mountain came back.

They were ordered to take all the Spanish prisoners of war in the hands of the Restoration Army, except Yada, an important figure, out of the mountains and to San Fernando.

The reason why Yada was not killed was because Yada was valuable, and his existence could provide a source of information for the Restoration Army.

Therefore, he can save his own life!

But others are out of luck!

On this day, the Liberation Army ended its drill.

All staff are armored, ready for battle, and ready to go into battle at any time.


At noon, the sun is just right!
Even in November, the sun in Luzon is still very poisonous.

The blazing sun shone on the earth, and the baked land was dry. Looking from a distance, the high temperature distorted the air, and the heat wave was billowing.

Four to five hundred Spanish prisoners of war were tied hands and feet with ropes and taken outside the camp of the Liberation Army, where they knelt on the ground densely.

Baked by the scorching sun, each of these Spanish prisoners of war looked listless.

Many people seemed to realize something, constantly wailing and begging for mercy, cursing their origins.

The soldiers of the Restoration Army held the steel knives at their waists and stood behind these Spanish prisoners of war, with their chests raised and their eyes extremely sharp.

Surrounded by the generals of the Restoration Army, Zhu Hongyu strode out of the camp and walked to the front of the formation.

In order to avoid being bombarded by the Spaniards, the formation of the Restoration Army was nearly two kilometers away from the Spaniards' bastion at this time.

Almost out of range of all the artillery in the bastion!
Of course, the range here refers to the effective range!
Otherwise, if the Liberation Army wanted to set up camp, they would have to run at least four or five kilometers away from the bastion.

In the era of front-mounted smoothbore guns, the accuracy of artillery was indeed not very good, but those long-barreled city defense heavy artillery had a considerable range.

Theoretically speaking, shells can hit seven or eight miles easily!
However, theory is theory and reality is reality.

In theory, it is true that shells can hit so far, but as long as the shelling target exceeds a few hundred meters, whether it can hit or not basically does not depend on the quality of the gunner.

Well, generally depends on fate!
Therefore, it is relatively safe for the Liberation Army to camp two kilometers away from the bastion.

There is basically no possibility of being shelled by artillery!
Zhu Hongyu strode to the front of the formation, looked around, and glanced at the faces of the soldiers of the Liberation Army one by one, and then opened his mouth, speaking in a sad tone.

"Soldiers, General Ben wants to tell you a very sad news!"

"Just four days ago, the red-haired ghost in San Fernando suddenly attacked and killed almost all the Chinese in the vicinity of San Fernando."

"Created the tragic San Fernando tragedy!"

"Nearly [-] unarmed Chinese people were killed. Among them were the elderly, children, pregnant women, sick people, newly married couples, and newborn babies..."

"Can anyone tell me what they did wrong?"

"Why are they innocent people being massacred by red-haired ghosts?!"

"What did we do wrong?!"

"The Jiannu slaughtered us, the Mongols slaughtered us, the traitors of the Qing Dynasty slaughtered us, and now even the red-haired ghosts in Nanyang are slaughtering us!"

"What did we do wrong?! Who can tell me!"


Thanks to the book friend "Zaozhuang Wang Gao Changgong" for the reward of 1 coins, and the book friend "m2a[-]" for the two monthly tickets.

Still looking for support!
(End of this chapter)

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