Xian Sun of the Ning Mansion of the Red Chamber

Chapter 351 Feng 'Wu' Shepherd Newspaper

Chapter 351 Feng 'Wu' Shepherd Newspaper
Ningwu Pass.

"So the food and grass for the army to spend the autumn will not be transported?"

Yang Zhen looked at Zhou Xing and Yang Bin in the hall and said in a cold voice: "The purpose of letting the two of you stay in Shanxi is to ensure that the grain roads in the rear are unblocked. Now you are telling me that the shipment cannot be made? If you say this, you will Go and talk to Prince Suzhong!"

Dragon begets dragon, phoenix begets phoenix.It's only been a few months, and Yang Zhen, who used to be obsessed with 23 squares in Jiucheng, already has a faint sense of killing and ability in his body.

He is Ning Wu, who just rushed back from Yidu today. The news of the Jin merchants' smuggling of firearms has spread to the front army. A descendant of the Royal Zong family, his father was King Zhongjing of the current court, and among the brothers of Yang You's generation, he is the most quick-witted.Family background, now Yang You is a young general in charge of one side, so he naturally has his own way of looking at the rotation.

Facing Yang Zhen's questioning, Yang Bin, the deputy commander of Pianguan, just bowed his head and said nothing, with an attitude of nothing to do with himself, and just accept what he has, and he is not afraid of what Yang Zhen will do to him.Zhou Xing on the side didn't have Yang Bin's confidence. He knew that Yang Bin had always belonged to Wang Ziteng. How to do it, but for the generals of Prince Teng, the governor of the Nine Borders, he still has to save three points of face, and it depends on the owner to beat a dog.But he, Zhou Xing, is the dog without a master. Wang Ziteng uses people to go forward and not to go back. A military order made Yang Bin bypass him and order the Pianguan Inspection Department to inspect the smuggling of old camp fort traders in the name of the Shanxi capital. Afterwards, this troublesome matter was pushed to him. Between Fu and Wang, he had no choice but to survive.

Now, he still has to face the questioning of King Suzhong.

But who made him the commander of the Shanxi capital?

The Dusi Yamen in Shanxi is different from other provinces, it is located in the third pass of Piantou, and the Dusi Yamen Office is in Ningwu. There is also a Yanmen deputy general who has now accompanied Yang You to the north to conquer the grassland.

King Suzhong was ordered to control the two towns of Datong and Piantou Sanguan. Officially, they were all Yang You's subordinates.

"My son."

Zhou Xingcai was about to bite the bullet and speak, but was interrupted by Yang Zhen mercilessly: "What son? In the military tent, from the prince of Suzhong, there are only generals and official titles!"

Zhou Xing nodded repeatedly with a smiling face, "Yes, yes, Yang Shoubei."

Even though you look kind, you are full of slander in your heart. In terms of official position, you are a garrison, how can you have the right to drink five invitations and six to show off your power in front of me, a commander-in-chief? what.

"Yang Shoubei, it's not that the lower officials did not send the army to escort the food and grass as scheduled, but the chief executive's office did not send the army's autumn grain as agreed. The lower officials, the lower officials are also clever women who can't cook without rice. In addition, the chief minister Wang Bi Fu Dai was imprisoned, and Governor Feng has just arrived in office, and all the government affairs have not been sorted out, and I have been looking for several times, but I have not been able to see Governor Feng himself."

"If Yang Shoubei"

Zhou Xing hadn't finished speaking yet, but Yang Zhen waved his hand impatiently and said, "Don't tell me these words. I only care about the army's autumn grain. When the grain and grass arrive, you and I are safe. If the grain and grass don't reach you Let's see if your heads are hard enough!"

"I'll give you three days. After three days, if there is still no result, don't blame me for not being sympathetic!"


After finishing speaking, he waved his big sleeves and left the lobby with his hands behind his back. Yang Jian on the side followed silently.

When he got to the couch, Yang Jian couldn't help but said: "Seventh brother, you say you are on guard and I am a transfer, will people take us seriously? I don't know what third brother thinks, send us Come on, Wang Ziteng, that old fox, is really a good match? Yang Bin is his man, and now it seems that Zhou Xing has also voted for him in all likelihood. We are in a den of thieves. One is not good. , I can’t even save my life.”

Yang Jingbai glanced at his brother, curled his lips and said: "Old Ba, when do you think you can grow your brains, and fortunately, you are also a son of the world, why don't you even have the confidence to do so."

"The situation is stronger than people, what's the use of confidence." Yang Jian muttered.

"What do you know? To tell you the truth, Governor Feng has already sent someone to contact the third brother. The gap left by the six families will be filled by the three families of Chang Wang Qiao, which is only [-]% of the total. At most, the court will just compensate them afterwards. In addition, Jia Lian has already gone to Henan to collect grain and grass, and it will be transported out of the customs by the Xuanfu. If you don’t go to Shanxi, you think the third brother will really put his hope on Wang Ziteng’s loyalty. Above? Childish!"

"Jia Lian?"

"I haven't seen you for a few days, but this guy looks like a jerk. But if that's the case, why did you ask us to come back?" Yang Jian asked puzzled.

Yang Zhen smiled and said: "Maybe you have a brother who can do something, so why not let someone have a brother who can do it?"

"As for what to do, you don't know what to do. In short, you can relax. No matter what, he, Wang Ziteng, can really kill us? It's no wonder that you and my two palaces didn't eat him alive."

Naturally, Yang You's goal is not food and grass for the autumn, but the military power of the partial pass. He has been in Shanxi for so long, and even as a prince, he will inevitably be hindered everywhere. Isn't it just an opportunity?
As for why it is the two of them, it is not good to completely tear each other apart with Wang Ziteng. With his father's temperament, he does not touch himself in everything, and he goes with the wind and rain.

The war outside the Great Wall still hasn't seen a big turning point. Jia Ying and Yang You respectively lead two large armies to the north on the vast grassland.

Outside the Yumen Pass, a group of hundreds of cavalry cavalry were either flying yellow flags or holding scepters, and a solitary carriage was surrounded in the center of the group. Jia Yucun lifted the curtain of the car and looked at the yellow sand in the sky outside, with the corners of his mouth flickering. With a wry smile, there was resentment in his eyes.He is probably the most miserable governor since the founding of the dynasty. He was first dismissed from office and then imprisoned.

"Enxiang, don't forget Yucun."

Jia Yucun leaned out of the car window, looked back at Chang'an and the capital, and said silently in his heart.

On the Monan Grassland, Feng Jicai was in a mess, with disheveled hair hiding among the cattle and sheep. His official hat and uniform had been thrown somewhere, and his body was filled with the smell of livestock feces. He heard the sound of horses hoofs receding away, and then secretly He looked up and glanced into the distance.



After retching for a while, he vomited out all the acidic water in his stomach, and Feng Jicai felt better now. Although the smell of livestock feces still impacted his senses, he was still alive, right?
The officials and guards who accompanied him have all been sacrificed to the Longevity Heaven now.

When he received the transfer order, he knew that Jia Ying had no good intentions, but if he didn't come, it would be disobedience. With the majesty of the governors of the three sides, even if he beheaded, no one would say it was a pity.

Fortunately, his ambition is also very human, as long as there is a slight opportunity, he will desperately seize it. In the eyes of others, whether it is the recruitment order or the national register, it is a thankless task, but Feng Jicai sees the hope of recovery.

As long as he can accomplish this and stabilize the newly attached land, no matter how much the emperor hates him, he will always be able to see his efforts. As long as the three words "Feng Changxi" can listen to the emperor again, he will One more chance.

But even though he had already prepared for the worst, when he really let go, he realized that his thinking was simple.

How could Jia Ying give him a chance?

"Ha ha."


"Ha ha ha ha."

Feng Jicai gradually laughed wildly.

"Yeah, how could Jia Ying give herself a chance?"

Everything he did here was planned by Jia Ying in advance, perhaps even the ending had already been thought out.

A solicitation decree has aroused many subordinate Hu tribes on the grassland to faintly have the idea of ​​affiliation and rebellion. Jia Ying, who proposed this decree, is high above others. I don't care that much anymore.

Poisoning, assassination, and thousands of miles of pursuit in the vast wilderness like today, without banners and shirts, he did not know how many times he had narrow escapes.

He also thought of a way to break the situation, or simply secretly unite with other ministries to stab Jia Ying's back.

Perhaps Jia Ying had already expected this, Wei Datong's eyes never left him, and it was said that there was also a national book.

Really good calculation.

I don't know where Jia Ying found it. Those so-called golden veins include descendants of the Mongolian and Yuan dynasties; What are they, but through this point, Jia Ying kept advocating the ancestors of these Hu people, and used Hongda's tribal narrative to exalt the so-called noble blood of these people, but in a very short period of time, he dominated the southern grassland wind direction.

There is no way, according to Jia Ying's ethnic book, tribes with noble blood have the priority to choose grasslands. Although the herdsmen are stupid, they are still human after all. No one wants their tribe to starve to death or even perish because of the scarcity of grasslands. , or watched the tribe next to them take away the grassland that should belong to them by using the national register and the names of their ancestors.

And these tribes that lean towards Jia Ying's side, without exception, have the majority of the population, or only a few aliens.

Feng Jicai was lying quietly on the grass, the west wind was blowing, and his skin was tormenting like a knife. He didn't think about walking back to the government office on two legs, because whenever this time, Wei Datong's people should appear up.

Groups of horseshoes sounded from far to near, but after a while, a cavalry force of more than 300 people surrounded him in the center. Wei Datong, who was clearly injured but not weak in the slightest, was faintly fatter, urged Horseshoe stepped forward.

"Master Feng, are you all right?"

Hearing the mocking greeting, Feng Jicai didn't bother to answer.

Wei Datong didn't mind at all, he understood your lord's intentions, Feng Jicai is now the sharpest knife in your master's hands, he offended everyone who should be offended, and left them to clean up the mess.

"Master Feng, can you see clearly which tribe the pursuer came from? Mr. Wei led his troops to pacify him, so that he can vent his anger on Master Feng!"

Wei Datong, who stayed at the rear, never tires of slaughtering the tribe and exterminating the clan. The recruitment order and the addition of the ethnic register are aimed at the barbarians in the grassland, and the military household reform and the addition of the collection order are rewards for those soldiers who fought on the battlefield. Who would dislike it? How about the small slaves on their own territory with less cattle and sheep?
Dare to chase down the court ministers, slaughter the tribe and exterminate the clan is a legitimate thing, and I am not afraid that the adults will blame him for killing too hard afterwards.

It's a pity that the restrictions imposed on him by the adults are too strict, especially when Gan Jun personally ends up.

But it doesn't bother him, as long as he speaks out, some tribal leaders are willing to help.

"Excuse Feng's poor eyesight, he didn't see the person clearly. If Mr. Wei has nothing else to do, it's better to send Feng back to the camp. There are still seven or eight tribes going to go tomorrow."

Feng Jicai tried his best to suppress the resentment in his heart, he only thought that he was imitating Su Wu, at worst, shed sheep for more than ten years, so that he could plan for the future by keeping his life alive.

Wei Datong was full of regret, but he still ordered: "Come here, help Master Feng get on his horse!"

"You have to take good care of the people. If Mr. Feng loses a strand of hair, everyone will be punished with ten sheep!"

The soldiers booed for a while, begging to raise their hands high, but their faces were hippie.After a great battle, these soldiers are so fat, and these cattle and sheep can't be taken away, even if there are ten or eight less.

But in the end, he didn't dare to neglect his hands, who would dislike his own battle gains?

Closed place.

Liu Yunlong had just returned from the Western Regions, but he didn't dare to relax a bit. In this place of Guanzhong, which has been passed down for thousands of years, he posted the first "Decree for Recruiting Talents" on the list.

The so-called recruitment order is the fourth new government order after the reform of military households, the collection order, and the national register, but it is not from Jia Ying's hand, but from Liu Yunlong himself.

Liu Yunlong, who has been to the Western Regions once, is very familiar with the wildness of the barbarians outside the Great Wall and the plight of no one in his hands.The land that has been laid down must be guarded by someone. Although the imperial court has stationed officials everywhere, it is just a drop in the bucket. The three-year round talent ceremony has no more than two or three hundred Jinshi for each subject, and it is placed on such a vast land. On the surface, it is really just like a grain of sand in the vast sea.

However, there are so many scholars and talents in Dagan every year. Among them, there are many people with lofty ideals, and there is no shortage of talents. He personally endorsed the letter and stamped the seal of the three governors on the Zhengxian Order.


Fu Donglai was dismissed from office because of the involvement in the case of smuggling firearms in Shanxi. The emperor may be able to deal with the "forced palace" of all officials, but he did not dare to neglect the front soldiers of the Northern Expedition. Six granaries were burned. There was a gap in the army's autumn grain. Although Feng Hengshi responded properly and filled the gap in time, the rice prices in Shanxi, Henan, and even North Zhili were affected. However, in just ten days, they had tripled.

The follow-up of this incident was far from over, so Jiade had to make a compromise to appease public grievances and calm the morale of the army.

At the same time, Jiade once again used the vacancy of the cabinet and the cumbersome government as an excuse to appoint Wang Ziteng as a scholar of the Hall of Martial Arts, and hurriedly summoned him back to Beijing. However, the imperial decree has been issued for several days, and Shanxi has not yet responded.

Although people have their own speculations, but Wang Ziteng's performance can be said in the past. The mountains are high and the rivers are far away, and he is sick in bed.

It's just that whether it was intentional or not, the private discussion between Mu Hong and Yang Bi spread out, and some people said, "If Fu is not dead, the king may not return."

Fu Sinian was also implicated, the prefect of Shaoxing was deposed, and Dai Jian was returned.

Just in time for this, Jia Ying's memorabilia was handed over to Jingzhong.

Prince Li's Mansion.

Li Chu's remonstrances have never stopped, and Jiade, who is burdened with everything and feeling powerless, has to make some gestures to calm his inner and outer hearts, block the mouths of all officials, and Yang Bi will be promoted to prince and prince.

Yang Bi was reading a letter at this time, while Mu Hong was leaning on the reclining chair with his eyes closed, as if he was drowsy, but the slight shaking of his fingers from time to time made it clear that his heart was always awake. .

"Uncle, Jia Ying really didn't intercede for Fu Donglai, but he wrote this letter because he wanted us to show respect to Fu Sinian."

Yang Bi frowned, and said again: "Should we promise him? If we promise, we will leave a disaster after all."

Fu Sinian doesn't need the rest of the Fu family. He was born at the top of the list in Haike. Everyone can see that he is a victim of infighting in the court. He has nothing to say about his bad deeds. The matter of the decree.

Mu Hong slowly opened his eyes, which were bright in the cloudiness.

"Of course he won't intercede for Fu Donglai. Maybe he wants Fu Donglai to be let go, otherwise he, the governor of the three sides, will not be able to sit still. Although this person is young, he cannot be judged by the temper of a young man. He is cunning. Ruhu, there is no honesty and kindness to speak of, it's just acting on the basis of interests."

"However, in the memorandum, he clearly sided with the New Deal, which is considered to have given Ye Baichuan, Yanhua, Songlin Ruhai and others a break to breathe. It is hard to predict what will happen in the future."

"As for Fu Sinian, who is just a rising star, when it becomes a major event in the future, it's all up to you to kill or use. Just sell Jia Ying for face. Besides, the superior should always keep a knife in his hand, so you Take Fu Sinian as the knife you left for the prince."

Yang Bi nodded, some words were too clear without saying anything.

What Wang Ziteng has done has exceeded the duty of a courtier. If it were not for such a situation where there are wars outside and court disputes inside, his father, the emperor, would have already taken action against Wang Ziteng.If he can ascend to a high position in the future, I am afraid that such a prestigious and ambitious veteran like Wang Ziteng will...
"By the way, there is a new item in Beijing recently. It is not so unusual. It is a document similar to the imperial palace newspaper. What is it called? Daganminbao. , Poetry and prose articles are not priced, they are only used for ordinary people to read, and they are said to be divided into installments, and now it is the third issue."

"Min Bao?" After listening to this, Mu Hong was stunned. He didn't understand what was being said, but he didn't care too much. The serious illness he showed among outsiders was not a lie. I'm exhausted physically and mentally, how can I care about other things.

But Yang Bi nodded and continued: "That's right, I only found out after Nan Huaien showed it to my nephew. My nephew has read all three issues of Min Bao, but..."

Yang Bi frowned and said, "It's just that there are three consecutive articles in it, which are somewhat profound. They all talk about changes in the New Deal. According to my nephew, they are suspected of being a contribution to the New Deal."

"Oh?" Mu Hong became interested when he heard the words, and asked, "Do you know where it came from?"


Nan Huaien had already investigated everything clearly.


"Those old scholars have always cherished themselves with their brooms. When did they start to lose money and make money?" Mu Hong was puzzled.

"Nan Huaien said that most of the articles and anecdotes were written by the students of the Imperial College, but the bookstore responsible for publishing is under the name of Yunji."

"Jia Ying?"

Mu Hong fell silent, guessing Jia Ying's intentions.

At the same time, in the imperial palace, in the warm pavilion of the Linjing Hall, Jiade was also holding a copy of the Minbao. The paper was somewhat different from common rice paper, it was much thicker, but the printing was much more delicate than the official seal. Several sections are separated by red lines, and Guardian is currently reading a column containing articles.

After a long time, as if feeling sleepy, Jiade put aside the Minbao in his hand, and Dai Quan tapped his shoulder knowingly, only to hear Jiade ask: "What issue is this?"

"It's the fourth issue, and the Red Sleeve Bookstore hasn't sold it yet, so the slave asked someone to get a copy."

From the conversation between the two, it is not difficult to know that Jia De has already watched the first three issues.

"Red Sleeve Bookstore."

"Doing this can be regarded as enlightening the people's wisdom and enlightening the whole world. It can be said that it has a good foothold. How did you come up with such a name? Can you find out who the owner of the bookstore is?"

"Let me evade, it's the younger brother of the concubine Yuan, the second master of the Jia family who was born with jade."

"It's him? From my point of view, I'm afraid it's Jia Ying's idea again. If you don't lead the army to fight well, you can still distract him. It seems that the time I gave him is still too generous."

While talking, Jiade noticed that Dai Quan was hesitant to speak, so he asked, "Just say anything."

Dai Quan responded with a smile: "It's just that the censor impeached Guozijian and Hongxiu Study for slandering the government, foolish people, spreading rumors in the wild, and it may be hard to control for a long time."

"Have you found out why?"

"That censor seems to be related to several bookstores." Dai Quan replied cautiously.

Jia De didn't ask any more questions, it's not that the emperor didn't know about some things among his courtiers, but it was harmless and he didn't bother to worry about it.

"In my opinion, these articles are well written, and let me know that there are still many talents left behind by the people, who have not been selected by the imperial court."

"Let's just wait and see."

After finishing speaking, he fell into silence, closed his eyes slightly, leaned against the soft cushion, and took a nap.

Dai Quan immediately understood that His Majesty had taken a fancy to these articles, but from his point of view, he also felt that those articles about the New Deal were the focus of this newspaper. It seemed that Jia Ying wanted to keep the New Deal , but Dai Quan couldn't figure out why this layout came from the people.

Jia Fu
(End of this chapter)

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