"To be honest, this is the first time I have seen such a huge no man's land in the heavens and worlds."

Wang Ming also looked at the surrounding environment with some curiosity, but the next words of the main god just made him a little shocked.

"Yes, I also find it incredible, so I had a guess a long time ago that this is not the case here."

"This should be the remains of a certain battlefield. It's a pity that the surrounding world has been destroyed."

There was regret in the tone of the main god, and Wang Ming looked around again, but all he saw was pitch-black nothingness.

It stands to reason that such a large blank area can be seen by Wang Ming when he looks up in the area where the Teshe World Group is located.

But he has no impression of it here, so there is only one explanation.

This is the area of ​​the heavens and worlds that Wang Ming has never observed.

As I said before, Wang Ming divides the endless void containing the heavens and worlds into observable areas and unobserved areas.

To put it simply, it is what you can see at a glance, and what you can't see at a distance.

"It's a shocking scene, so let's officially start the fight."

After Wang Ming sighed, an aura that shook the entire void erupted from his body.

Gathering the power of the six most powerful men from the heavens, Wang Ming is no longer just a simple superposition of strengths like 6+1.

His strength has reached a qualitative breakthrough, and he already has the ability of hard regret and all-around universe level!

"Then let me see what you are capable of."

The tone of the main god also became serious, and the light on his body became brighter.

Then Wang Ming made a move, without any fancy rules or grand attacks.

He was just an ordinary punch, and he gathered the strongest strength to punch it out!

At their level, they are already the so-called laws, or the creators of the Dao.

It would be too ridiculous to use a small toy created by oneself to deal with a strong person of the same level.

What's more, the strength of the main god is much stronger than him now, and the main god has not tried to suppress Wang Ming with his own way and laws.

Because he also knew that this was useless work, and the laws or avenues that the Lord God could create were still not enough to look at in front of powerhouses of the same level.

Even if the main god is at the Almighty Universe level, and Wang Ming is at the quasi-Almighty Universe level, as long as it has something to do with the four words Almighty Universe.

It's not an existence that the main god can look down on, this is half an opponent of the same realm.

So the main god also waved his fist, and greeted Wang Ming head-on!
The two most powerful men in the heavens actually started a hand-to-hand fight.

But that's the only way to do it, because other attack methods don't work.

Powerful, to the point where they are, the ability or skill to show off.

It's not as good as a solid punch.

Just a simple collision between the two of their fists caused the entire endless void to set off ripples like a storm.

And Wang Ming even spurted out a mouthful of old blood. Before he fought, he thought that he might not be able to beat the main god.

But he didn't expect the main god to be so powerful that he was wounded with just one punch.

Although this kind of injury is nothing to him at all, he can recover in an instant.

But the gap between the two is actually bigger than Wang Ming optimistically imagined.

In Wang Ming's imagination, if the strength of the main god is 1, then he has at least 0.5.

But the fact is not like this. After the two fought against each other, Wang Ming realized that he was only 0.3 at most.

The main god surpassed him too much, much stronger than he imagined.

Speaking of it, the main god is really not an ordinary almighty universe class, even in the almighty universe class, he is still outstanding, even a strong one.

After all, according to the setting of the main god, it is the omnipotent universe level of the heavens.

It's not Hongjun or Supreme God, or OAA, the spokesperson of the rules derived from the big world.

Strictly speaking, they can be regarded as the indigenous omnipotent universe.

It is not a concept at all with the omnipotent universe of the Lord God, which stretches across the heavens.

As I said before, even if it is pluralism, the diversity of the heavens is stronger than the diversity of the indigenous people.

The same is true for the Almighty Cosmic Level.

This is also the reason why Wang Ming guessed wrong.

Because he's always comparing the Aboriginal Almighty Universe to himself.

If he is facing the native Almighty Universe, Wang Ming can indeed reach half of the opponent's strength.

But in the face of the main god, the all-powerful universe-level powerhouse, maybe 0.3 is Wang Ming's more confident prediction.

"Not bad power, but still far from it."

After the punch, the main god did not continue to attack, but instead said something in appreciation.

"It's really a power beyond imagination. No wonder you have been able to cross the heavens for so long, and you haven't been killed. It's because I underestimated you."

Wang Ming's injuries have fully recovered at this moment, and he also replied in a dignified tone.

At this moment, Wang Ming has become completely serious.

"Then do you still want to fight? You have also seen the gap clearly. It is impossible for you to defeat me."

The mentality of the Lord God is completely different from that of Wang Ming. He used all his strength for that punch just now.

He didn't release the water at all, the purpose was to make Wang Ming retreat and submit obediently, after all, it was meaningless to continue fighting.

If you continue to fight, you will only lose such an ending. This is the plan of the Lord God.

But Wang Ming's abacus is different from his. If he can't beat it, he has to keep fighting. What he pursues is beyond the imagination of the Lord God.

"It's not my style not to fight until the last moment, come on, keep going!"

After Wang Ming said this, he clenched his fist again and rushed towards the main god.

The main god didn't think too much when he saw this, after all, there are indeed people who like to fight in the world.

If Wang Ming wants to fight, then fight with him to the fullest, so as to show his magnanimity and mind even more.

At this time, the main god was already thinking from the perspective of Wang Ming's future boss.

In his opinion, victory is inevitable, and it doesn't matter to play with Wang Ming now, since he has a lot of time anyway.


Then, in this empty no-man's land, there were two rays of light flickering wildly, one purple and one white.

Like two shooting stars, the two sides drew streamers of light in this extremely dark void and no man's land.

Every time the two sides collide, the entire empty space can be distorted.

You must know that the spatial strength of the void is quite terrifying, and it is impossible to break through the general infinite diversity with violence.

Only by using the laws of space and obeying the space can the space transition be realized.

Just using strength to blow up the void, even infinite diversity can't be done.

However, under the aftermath of the confrontation between Wang Ming and the main god, the space here began to tremble violently like boiling water.

And spread infinitely towards the surroundings, and the speed of its spread seems to have surpassed the speed of light countless times.

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