Brother Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 505 Liberation of Wusi Tibet

Chapter 505 Liberation of Wusi Tibet

In February of the 12th year of the Apocalypse, driven by Zhu Youjian, the tractor appeared in the eyes of the people of Ming Dynasty in a public demonstration.

At the same time, the notices in towns and villages across the country were replaced at the same time, and the notices with pictures and texts showed and introduced what a tractor was to the people all over the country.

However, it is also well-known in the notice that tractors will only be provided to people who migrate out. If people who don’t want tractors can also get two cattle as farming tools instead.

Such news actually did not cause much disturbance, because apart from the officials and ordinary people who had seen the tractor, a large number of ordinary people did not pay much attention to this matter.

Migration is not so easy, as long as there is a way to survive, no one will be willing to relocate, such as the current Shanxi and Shaanxi is an example.

Under the severe drought, Shaanxi can only support 300 million people, and Shanxi can only support 600 million people.

But the problem is that the Ming court kept releasing grain in the local Changping warehouse, suppressing the price of grain, coupled with work in lieu of relief, the people had a way to survive, and naturally they would not leave.

However, with the abatement of the drought in the north, and the continuous improvement of the repairs of the government and county roads in recent years, the number of workers employed by Daming in the two provinces has also dropped sharply.

As of February [-]th, the subgrade construction of the Shanxi section of the railway has been completed, and the next step is the year-long track laying work.

The construction of the roadbed was lost, and hundreds of thousands of Shanxi people lost their jobs.

The construction of government roads, county roads, and township roads is sufficient, which means that the tens of thousands of people who go to work can only go home to work in agriculture.

Some people living in Datong and Taiyuan prefectures had already planned for this. After the construction of the roadbed was completed, they chose to sell their real estate and hand over the land to the village officials at the village official office. The price of the ticket, started the migration with enough food stamps.

Tens of thousands of households, [-] to [-] people have begun to migrate, and this is just a microcosm of Shanxi.

Although the severe drought has receded, most of Shanxi is still under drought conditions, but Shaanxi has gained a respite. Except for Yan'an Prefecture, where less than 20 people live, the drought in other parts of Shaanxi has basically subsided.

The drought in the north has been brought under control, but those people who are still in the drought-stricken areas have no choice but to move outside the customs without the support of the work-for-relief policy.

At the same time, the drought in the south, which has been silent for a year, also began to appear.

Fengyang Mansion, Chuzhou, Yangzhou, Hezhou, Yingtian Mansion, Changzhou Mansion, Zhenjiang Mansion, Suzhou Mansion, and Songjiang Mansion in South Zhili all experienced drought.

Huzhou, Hangzhou and Jiaxing in Zhejiang also showed signs of drought.

Droughts also broke out in Nanchang, Guangxin, Raozhou, Jiujiang, Nankang and other places in Jiangxi.

The last ones are the three prefectures of Yuezhou, Changde and Changsha in Huguang.

Among them, the three prefectures of Yuezhou, Changde, and Changsha experienced an earthquake last year, and this year's drought broke out immediately, and the people were struggling. Many people sold their land in exchange for Food stamps to prepare for migration.

In order to promote this relocation, Zhu Youjian mentioned the standards again and again, and even mentioned the relocation reward of "those who relocate Luchuan, one person with [-] acres of cultivated land".

Zhu Youjian no longer promoted work-for-relief, and even began to deliberately indulge the behavior of rising local food prices.

Without the regulation of the imperial court, the price of food in Nanzhili rose from 680 Wen per stone to [-] Wen per stone, and the price of meat also continued to rise.

The price of grain in Jiangxi rose from 380 to 540, in Huguang from [-] to [-], and in Zhejiang from [-] to [-].

As for the north, the price of grain in Shanxi has risen from [-] yuan controlled by the government to [-] yuan.

For the people who work daily and only have five or six taels of silver a year, the rise in food prices this time almost forced them to relocate.

This is the "violent" method used by Zhu Youjian.

As he said, there are sins in all parts of the world, but these sins are enough for him.

Just like when the imperial store monopolized salt and raised the price of salt, many people cursed the imperial court one after another. However, some people who were not strong against risks chose to relocate in order to make a living.

Different regions choose different places. For example, Shanxi chooses Donghai Province and Modong Province, and Huguang chooses Luchuan.

As for the three provinces in the south of the Yangtze River, they did not choose to go to Luchuan, but chose to go to Nanyang to the old port.

Daming has been operating the old port for many years. Many coastal people have moved to the old port. The people who stayed in the south of the Yangtze River have more or less relatives who chose to go to the old port. Therefore, after asking, they gave up Luchuan and chose to move to the old port.

In short, the 12 years of Apocalypse mainly started with the launch of the New Deal, the recovery of Luchuan, the launch of tractors and the migration of the people as the beginning of the new year.

When everyone felt that the war was almost over, a new round of war had just begun.


At the end of February, when gunshots sounded on the plateau, what appeared before people was a battlefield that had ended.

Thousands of dead soldiers in Tubo armor lay on the river valley, and Ming soldiers with Tubo looks were cleaning the battlefield at the moment.

The snow-capped peaks and grasslands in the distance became the background board of the battlefield, and the proud chieftain before the war had turned into a cold corpse at this moment.

In front of Cao Wenzhao were thousands of squatting captives, and beside him was Sun Chuanting in armor.

Their cheeks were dark and their lips were chapped, just like most Tibetans.

Sun Chuanting stepped on the grass with both feet, and the snow-capped peaks were in the distance. He blocked the glare of the sun with his hands and looked at the snow-capped peaks, as if he was enjoying the scenery.

As for Cao Wenzhao, he is using his proficient Tubo language to explain to the captives how they will be treated after being captured.

"The resistance is not your fault, it is the chieftain's fault. Now that he has been killed, you have also been liberated."

"Afterwards, someone will come to take you to Hexi. The environment there is not that bad. You will get the cattle and sheep distributed to you by the imperial court. From now on, you only need to graze and pay taxes. No one will force you to fight again."

"I know that many of you are slaves, but there are no slaves in Daming, and you will be free from today on."

Cao Wenzhao's words seem to be nothing new, but for many Tibetans who were former slaves, they felt unbelievable.

Obviously their chieftain said that the Ming army came to kill them all, so why are they talking about dividing the pastures and cattle and sheep now?

Pay taxes?Are these slaves worthy of paying taxes?
Some slaves looked at each other, unable to believe what Cao Wenzhao said was true, but soon they believed it.

"Jinglue! Uncle! The things are brought!"

In the distance, it was Cao Bianjiao who rode his horse, and behind him was a city that had already been captured.

Nachuka, this is the name of the city, where thousands of Tubo people and tens of thousands of Tubo slaves lived.

What arrived with Cao Bianjiao was a carriage full of boxes.

"Take the stuff out and send it to them."

Cao Wenzhao signaled to Cao Bianjiao, and Cao Bianjiao nodded when he heard the words, and asked someone to move down the carts and boxes. After opening, there were deeds written in Tubo script inside.

Sun Chuanting put down his hands and set his eyes on the prisoners. He walked up to the prisoners and comforted them:
"Tear up these papers, and you will be free."

Cao Wenzhao helped translate, and Sun Chuanting's words made many slaves put down the panic and fear in their hearts, and a gleam of hope appeared in their numb eyes.

Although they still thought it was impossible, when the soldiers of the Dogan camp handed over the deeds to themselves, and they held the deeds in their hands, a kind of joy welled up from the bottom of their hearts, and they immediately made them celebrate up.

"I am free!"

"become free!"

"I am no longer a slave, we are not slaves!"

"Jinzhu Mami! It was Jinzhu Mami who saved us!"

The liberated slaves happily hugged the people around them, and some knelt and kowtowed to Sun Chuanting, Cao Wenzhao and others, and kept saying many words of thanks.

"What are they talking about?" Sun Chuanting looked curiously at Cao Wenzhao, who grinned and said, "He called us Jinzhu Mami. In Tubo, Jinzhu Mami is a Bodhisattva soldier who saves suffering."

"Hmm..." Sun Chuanting nodded, looking at the skinny Tubo people, he couldn't help shaking his head.

If the powerful gentry of Ming Dynasty knew not to let the tenants go hungry, then the chieftains of Uzang could be said to have completely treated these slaves as livestock to be killed at will.

Such a place is where the Ming army needs to send troops.

Sun Chuanting looked at the snow-capped mountains. He knew that there were still many places in Uzang waiting for him to solve, and there were still many slaves who needed to be rescued by him.

He was brooding, and the battlefield was now a place of celebration.

Shouting "Jinzhu Mami", the slaves tore up the deed paper that treated themselves as livestock.

Like Saronda, the torn paper was blown away by the icy wind on the plateau and sprinkled on the entire battlefield.

After liberating this group of people, Sun Chuanting asked them to clean up the battlefield, then confiscated the chieftain's property, and distributed the cattle, sheep and land to the newly liberated slaves.

His actions made everyone celebrate with joy except the chieftain of Naquka City, while the chieftain's family members were detained.

After all this was done, Sun Chuanting came to Nachuka chieftain's palace and sat down.

It is said to be a palace, but it is actually just an ordinary residence in the mainland.

Sitting in the main seat, Sun Chuanting asked Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao who came in and sat down: "How are the other ministries going?"

"The chieftains in the surrounding area were basically pacified. Our army killed and injured more than [-] people, and beheaded more than [-] rebels who refused to accept Wang Hua. The chieftains north and east of Lhasa either surrendered or were flattened."

Cao Wenzhao sat down with a golden knife, and told Sun Chuanting the news he had received.

This time the Ming army entered Tibet with twelve battalions, but only seven battalions armed with guns were used as a counter-insurgency army, and the other five battalions armed with rifles were responsible for appeasement and raising food and grass.

It is said to be raised, but in fact there is no need to raise it.

It has been a month since the Ming army entered Tibet. More than 60 chieftains, large and small, were razed, and hundreds of thousands of cattle, sheep and horses were seized.

Although there is very little arable land in Uzang, with only less than 30 mu in the hands of the Ming army, there are even fewer people in Uzang.

More than 20 chieftains were razed, and less than [-] people were liberated.

With one person and three acres, for most of the people who are slaves, they are already very excited.

Therefore, after they received the cattle, sheep and horses distributed by Sun Chuanting, they took the initiative to become civilian husbands for the Ming army.

Fighting in Uzang, for the [-] Ming troops, they don't have to worry about meat, what they need to worry about is rice and wheat.

The yield per mu of land in Uzbekistan is extremely low, and the yield of highland barley is only a hundred catties per mu. For the local commoners, it is a luxury to eat a bowl of highland barley every day.

Although the meat was delicious, there was only a little meat they could eat. Therefore, since entering Tibet, Sun Chuanting and the others saw that no matter whether they were slaves or civilians, they all looked skinny.

Regarding the issue of rice and wheat, Sun Chuanting communicated with Li Banghua, the chief envoy of Sichuan, and sold the captured horses to the Huangdian in Sichuan. The wheat was transported to the Maergan Baihu Office in Duogan, and then the soldiers and horses of the Duogan camp took over and transported it to the front line.

The ruggedness of the road made it very difficult to transport grain. Ten shi of rice could only be transported to the front line for three shi. This was the result of the liberated people helping to transport it.

"Baili, Dege, and the 39 northern Tibet divisions have all been destroyed or surrendered. It is enough to enter Lhasa and finish it."

"However, the post roads of the imperial court have only been repaired to Sanzhujie. Yaze, Guge, and Ladakh in the west have no roads, and it is not easy to fight without artillery."

Sitting in the house, Cao Bianjiao talked about the post road.

Now the post road that Sun Chuanting and the others entered Tibet was built during the Yongle period, Ming Chengzu Zhu Di asked Liu Zhao to lead troops into Tibet, and ordered the chieftain of Uzang to build it.

Although the Russian military and civilian government was also set up in western Tibet at that time, the road leading to this place is basically a primitive road. Cavalry and infantry can walk around, but it is not realistic to transport artillery.

"Bring a tiger squatting cannon, as long as the city gate is opened, the rifleman is enough to destroy them!"

Sun Chuanting calmly poured tea and took a sip. He knew very well that this time the Ming army's entry into Tibet was different from the previous ones.

The previous times when the Ming army entered Tibet, whether it was the [-] Ming army besieging the Sakya Hall, Liu Zhao presiding over the construction of post roads, or Hou Xian patrolling the border, the mission of the Ming army was only to publicize the power of the Ming Dynasty, so that the capital of Uzbekistan The noble chieftains in the country are more honest.

But this time the Ming army's entry into Tibet was to completely disintegrate the rule of the chieftain nobles in Uzbekistan.

As long as the former is obedient, the interests can still be guaranteed, but the latter will not.

The Ming army wanted to liberate the slaves, give the slaves freedom, completely control Uzang, and relocate the Tubo people to Hexi.

All these actions requested by Zhu Youjian are, without exception, touching the interests of the noble chieftains of Uzbekistan.

Therefore, the Ming army entered Tibet this time, it can be said that they fought all the way, and there were not a few times when the chieftain voluntarily surrendered and handed over slaves and land.

This way came here, and Sun Chuanting didn't know that the Zangba Khan entrenched in Sanzhujie and Lhasa would give up his benefits.

Zangba Khan has [-] soldiers and horses, but facing the Ming army, these [-] soldiers and horses are nothing more than chickens and dogs.

What troubled the Ming army was the road traffic problem, not the soldiers and horses of the chieftain nobles like Uszang.


When Guan Fumin's voice sounded, the three of them looked towards the door, and the tanned Guan Fumin also walked into the house with armor, and bowed:

"Tangqi on the outskirts met monks sent by Lhasa. Zangba Khan hoped to talk to the court."

"What's there to talk about?" Cao Wenzhao frowned, but Sun Chuanting raised his hand and said:
"Yes, tell them the terms of our surrender. If they can accept it, then we can accept their surrender."

"March [-]th, if they can't give us an answer before March [-]th, then we will march into Lhasa."

"This..." Guan Fumin was puzzled and said, "Jinglue, these rebels are probably delaying time, will it be bad for such a long time?"

"I know they might be stalling for time, but after their soldiers and horses gather, it's much easier for us to give them a thunderous blow and then surrender than it is for us to find them."

While drinking tea, Sun Chuanting explained that he and Hong Chengchou had the same idea, that is to let the enemy pull out enough soldiers and horses, and then defeat the enemy in one fell swoop in the battle, and then easily attack the city and plunder the land.

As for surrender?Sun Chuanting would not believe that this group of Uzbek nobles who cannibalize people will be willing to give up their own interests.

When mentioning U-Tsang, many people only think of the plateau scenery, snow-capped mountains, and cows and sheep grazing with their heads bowed. However, before the 50s, U-Tsang had been practicing serfdom.

Serfdom has existed in U-Tsang for a long time. During the Tubo Dynasty, U-Tsang was in a slave society. It was not until the middle of the ninth century that the Tubo Dynasty collapsed under the impact of civilian and slave uprisings.

Afterwards, with the advent of the low temperature period, there has been no strong centralized regime on the Uzbekistan Plateau. Therefore, the development of slavery in different regions of Uzbekistan is different, and the speed and degree of transition to feudalism are also different.

Under the control of the Yuan and Ming dynasties, it took about 400 years for the Uzbek region as a whole to complete the transition from slavery to feudalism, and this transition did not completely eliminate slavery, but only transformed slavery into Serfdom.

There are two opposing classes in Uzbekistan under the serf system, namely the serf-owner class and the serf class.

Among them, the serf-owning class can be roughly divided into three parts: officials, monasteries and nobles, and the so-called officials refer to the local government of Uzbekistan.

Since the Yuan Dynasty, local leaders of Uzbek had to be approved by the central government and sent envoys to be canonized before succeeding to the throne. Even in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, this principle continued.

As for the monasteries, it refers to the Tibetan Buddhist monasteries that can be seen everywhere in Uzbekistan.

According to records on Wusi Tibet in the early Ming Dynasty, there were hundreds of monasteries and tens of thousands of monks in Wusi Tibet.

In the end, the power of the slave-owner aristocrats should not be underestimated either. Among the hereditary aristocrats of Uzang in the Ming Dynasty, only 24 were conferred by the Ming Dynasty, and there were dozens of others, large and small.

Among these families, the largest aristocrats hold tens of thousands of acres of arable land, and the smaller ones have hundreds of thousands of acres.

With less than 5% of the total population, the serf owners actually owned all the arable land, pastures, forests, wasteland and mountains and most of the livestock in Uzbekistan.

In other words, a very small number of people control almost all the means of production and wealth in Uzbek.

In addition, the greatest resource in the hands of serf owners was the serfs who accounted for the vast majority of the Uzbek population.

These serfs spent most of their time cultivating the land for their serf owners, and each serf family needed to cultivate land that could produce hundreds to hundreds of catties of highland barley.

The Ming and Qing dynasties had different policies towards Uzbek. In the Ming Dynasty, Uzang had not yet begun to integrate politics and religion. Therefore, conflicts in Uzang were basically dominated by conflicts between nobles.

However, at present, Uzang has already embarked on the path of integration of politics and religion, which is one of the reasons why Zhu Youjian is eager to recover Uzang.

Once politics and religion get involved, even if he regains U-Tsang in the future, U-Tsang will leave him with a lot of trouble.

Therefore, he wanted to interrupt this process as soon as it started, so as to prevent Daming from suffering from it.

Sun Chuanting has Zhu Youjian's handwriting, and he knows that he wants to completely separate the church and state in Uzbek and break the current relationship between church and state.

However, there are indeed many problems with sending troops on the plateau. Although most of the Ming army of the [-]th Battalion of Duogan are Mongols and Tibetans in Qinghai area, the intensity of marching nearly [-] miles a month still makes them a little Can't bear it.

Sun Chuanting promised Zangba Khan that he would give them time to discuss the peace, but in fact he was also giving the Ming army some time to rest.

"When will the grain from Sichuan arrive in Nachuka?"

Sun Chuanting asked Cao Bianjiao, who was in charge of food and supplies, and Cao Bianjiao also bowed and responded:

"On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, nearly 20 shi of rice and wheat were shipped out from Chengdu, and there will be nearly [-] shi in the follow-up. The first batch should have arrived in Batang and Litang areas. It is estimated that it will arrive in Naquka on the tenth day of March. , the second batch will wait until April."

"Have the local rebels been wiped out?" Sun Chuanting asked, Cao Bianjiao also nodded quickly:
"Clean up all of them. In addition, Zhou Wanquan, a hundred households in Litang, reported that the Mu family's people in eastern Tibet seem to be evacuating."

"Don't worry about them..." Sun Chuanting frowned. He knew that the Mu family's retreat might have something to do with Hong Chengchou, but it had nothing to do with his duties.

On the contrary, as the Mu family withdrew from the Kham area in eastern Tibet, there would not be so many obstacles to the chief envoy of Fuwusi Tibet, which is a good thing.

"Jinglue, shouldn't it be reported to the imperial court to ask His Highness if he can send some labor reform workers to Uzang and send officials to manage it along the way?"

"Even if you want to relocate them to Hexi, you need an official."

Guan Fumin spoke in time, Sun Chuanting frowned and thought for a long time when he heard the words, and then said:
"How Uzang is governed, His Highness really needs to speak up. As for the matter of labor reform, let me mention it."

After finishing speaking, Sun Chuanting stood up: "Let the soldiers rest for a while, and wait for our military order."

"Yes!" The three of them bowed in response, Sun Chuanting also nodded when he saw this and left the meeting hall, came to the chieftain's study room that had been cleaned out, picked up a pen and ink, and wrote down the progress of the Ming army in Uzang and some problems that needed to be solved .

After finishing everything, he asked someone to send the letter to the capital in an expedited manner of [-] miles, and handed it over to Prince Qi's mansion for processing.

When he finished these, Zhou Xun, who was a staff member, also walked into the study, and bowed to Sun Chuanting:
"Jinglue, there is a Zhongzhi from Long live..."

"Zhongzhi..." Sun Chuanting frowned when he heard that it was a Zhongzhi that did not go through the cabinet and the five-army governor's office:

"Is there a eunuch delivering the order?"

"No, the people from Xichang left after delivering the imperial decree." Zhou Xun responded, and handed out a volume of imperial edicts in his hand.

Sun Chuanting took it and glanced at it. The content of the gist was basically to urge him to put down the rebellion quickly without delay.

"Jinglue, I'm afraid Long Live is planning to let you join the cabinet..."

Zhou Xun understood Zhongzhi's intention with a glance, but he was puzzled and said, "I just don't know why Wansui is in such a hurry to urge you."

"Let's take one step at a time." Sun Chuanting put away Zhongzhi, and sat on the chair with some fatigue.

Seeing that he was exhausted, Zhou Xun also left the study...

(End of this chapter)

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