Chapter 451

"Drive! Drive—"

In spring, as time passed, the ice and snow in the north melted, and everything began to recover.

Nature begins to adjust itself regularly, and what is irregular is all things in the world.

Things never stay the same. Many people tend to ignore this problem, which leads to confusion when faced with a bunch of difficult things.

In history, Chongzhen wanted to deal with Houjin wholeheartedly, but what he faced was not only Houjin, but also the Mongols in the north, the hungry people in the pass, Chongzhen's 17 years of uninterrupted natural and man-made disasters, and the attempt to establish a colony in Daming. European invaders.

Although the times are different and the planes are different, as long as there is a relationship of interest, Da Ming will always face more than one enemy...

On March 11, the [-]th year of Tianqi, when Cao Wenzhao's uncle and nephew in Beishan were ready to intercept Jianlu, when Huang Taiji mustered up the courage to lead the team northward, when Zhu Youjian and Nurhachi endured each other inside and outside the capital, the spring desert The North Grassland is not so peaceful either.

Thanks to the difference in latitude and the withdrawal of the upper straight cavalry.

Last year, the Ming army who was originally in charge of burning the wasteland did not send troops to burn the wasteland, which allowed the Mongols in Mobei to breathe and spend a slightly more stable autumn and winter.

"Let the people from Taining Mansion send some grain seeds over, and we'll just farm the land and make this old slave greedy!"

It's just that at the moment, it has been more than four years since he graduated from Yanshan Military Academy, and he has gone from a small banner official to a hundred household official.

Cao Meng began to think about self-sufficiency. After all, the surroundings of Shangjing are cultivated land. With 4 people plus tens of thousands of draft horses and poor horses in the army, it can be said that it is very easy to cultivate the 80 million mu of land outside Shangjing. .

Among the Jianlu army, Jierhalang looked at the "small" stone fortress in the distance, not wanting the stone fortress to interrupt their breakthrough, but Huang Taiji shook his head:
"Just breaking through the siege won't go very far. Our team is too long. If we don't take down each of these castles, they will come out of the city to harass women and children at any time."

While he was wandering around, the wars on all sides were advancing steadily.

The only one that did not have this phenomenon was You Shigong's subordinates, and the reason why this did not happen to his subordinates was that they were on their way to Pu'erhe City and had no land for the peasants behind them to cultivate.

When the spring breeze was already welcoming in the south, Yingyangwei soldiers of the Ming army with a thousand households of A and a hundred households of C were braving the icy cold wind, facing the Jin army team that could not be seen at a glance.

The first object of his suspicion was Li Yongfang, because when the Jin army attacked Fushun, Li Yongfang led his troops to defend to the death at first, but when he saw that the city could not be defended, he chose to surrender.

Standing next to him, Cao Meng also looked helplessly at the capital, but when he turned his head to look at the uncultivated fields, his face was filled with a smile again.

As Lin Danhan said, he swung the whip in his hand at the tens of thousands of Mongolian rangers who were hard at work.

Marching and fighting, such things as farming on the spot are very common, but since entering the Tianqi Dynasty, due to sufficient money and food, the Ming army has not resumed its old business.

Bo Yunai was already old, and after experiencing several cold winters in Mobei, he finally passed away before last winter, and Subu's proper successor became the Great Khan of Karaqin.

"Since that's the case, let's go south tomorrow... to Dacaogu!"

He thought he would be silent for a long time, but the sudden outbreak of the third Northern Expedition gave him a chance to make contributions.

The dark cavalry almost occupied the entire grassland, and facing this situation, the leading nobleman raised his whip:

The sound of riding horses echoed continuously, and several Mongolian nobles dressed in silk and satin swung their whips like flying.

Such things not only happened in Shangjing City and Xingjing City, but even in Huifa City.

Lin Danhan boldly led all the tribes close to Kaiping Mansion, and began herding horses a hundred miles away from the stone castle of the Ming army.

The three of them were the three great Khans of Mobei in the late Ming Dynasty, and standing next to them was not Bo Yungang who had betrayed Zhu Youjian, but his son Subudi.

As long as the defenders have no reinforcements, the defenders can almost see how they are dragged down by the enemy troops outside the city.

"Hmm... Zhu Youxiao, the emperor of Ming Dynasty!" Lin Danhan said complacently, but Su Budi didn't believe it:

"Khan, do you want to attack the city?"

While Lin Dan Khan was talking nonsense, the sound of artillery fire outside the capital continued to ring out.


At the same time as he nodded, Lin Danhan, who was very useful, looked at the [-] to [-] Rangers, and his heart burst into pride:

"Zhu Youjian will deal with Zhu Lizhen this time. Once Zhu Lizhen is destroyed, his next step must be to deal with us."

Looking from a distance, there is a hill in the direction they are galloping. After crossing the hill, there are densely packed yurts in front of everyone.

Under the sky is a thousand miles of green scenery, the endless grassland in the east of Mobei, like a big green carpet stretching to the horizon.

"This year we dare to go south to fight grass valley, and next year he dares to bring his iron cavalry to drink the Ma Onan River and station troops on Bu'erhan Mountain (Langjuxu Mountain)!"

In short, the Ming army burned the wilderness with joy, and the Jianlu at the head of the city watched with his teeth gritted.

It's just that his news was too horrifying, even the arrogant Subadhi, Shuo Lei, and Gunpo couldn't help but tighten the reins, and asked nervously: "Zhu Youjian's brother, could it be..."

The place where the two sides met was inside and outside a stone castle thirty miles away from the Duo'erbi River.

"Although the Shangzhi Gongwei Battalion is elite, there are only [-] battalions stationed outside the pass, with more than [-] people."

Sun Shoufa and Cao Meng divided the [-] artillery pieces of the eight guards into [-] groups, each with [-] pieces, and bombarded the capital continuously for [-] hours.

"With just over ten thousand cavalry, how can we stop the tens of thousands of cavalry in the Mongolian Kingdom?"

But there are so many stone castles in this place, and the stone castles are still newly built for a few years, which makes Huang Taiji suspicious.

Shangjing, which had been bombarded for five days, was continuously devastated as the cannons sounded again.

Compared with such a large army, the stone fortress under his feet was as small as a lighthouse in a storm, and it seemed that it would be swallowed up by this dark "wave" at any time.

Billowing thick smoke floated into the air and was blown further south by the spring wind.

If they can capture Zhu Youxiao alive, then according to Zhu Youjian's feelings for Zhu Youxiao, it is estimated that Zhu Youjian will give them whatever they want.

Zhu Youxiao is not as good as Zhu Youjian, Su Bu can be sure of this, but if Zhu Youxiao said nothing because of this, then Subu can only curse Lin Danhan.

It's just that his self-confidence did not win Subudi's support, because Subudi did not believe that anyone would betray the position of Emperor Ming, nor did he believe that Zhu Youxiao was so cowardly.

Lin Danhan, as Nurhachi said, is a restless person, and at the same time a person who is rough but fine.

Zhu Youjian didn't let the army attack by force, which made everyone in the army sick.

Shangjing City has warmed up, and the time left to thaw can be used to make farm tools.

"Just ignite the cannon, and just bang his mother!"

Saving 10,000+ rice and wheat will save tens of thousands of hungry people in the subsequent catastrophe.

Unaware of Zhu Youjian's self-righteous analysis, Subadhi frowned and dismissed:

Huang Taiji ordered, and selected Liu Aita, Dorgon, Duoduo, and Nikan.

If a beast is young, it will think about fighting bravely. If a person is young, he will dare to do things that old people dare not do.

In this pattern, in addition to green tea wildflowers, there are cattle, sheep and horsemen walking around.

Subu looked at Lin Danhan's virtue and knew that he would not listen to his own words. It is estimated that Lin Danhan would still lead people to raid Yanshan when he attacked Caogu.

The bright green weeds swayed in the breeze, interspersed with clusters of small wildflowers.

Subudi knew the strength of the Ming army very well, and he also knew that as long as the word "Shangzhi" was put in front of the soldiers and horses, the combat power was basically the elite of the five armies.

"The current Daming is different from the previous Daming. You can't look at the current Daming from the perspective of the past."

With this in mind, Zhu Youjian continued to wander around the Horqin Grassland on horseback.

Lin Danhan still understands the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. He knows that he has to cause some disturbance to the Ming army and loot some supplies by the way.

In a situation like theirs where [-] to [-] soldiers and horses are dispatched together, there are only a few roads to go. Once they are deceived and besieged in the mountains, it is not an exaggeration to wipe out the entire army.

"Even if we don't attack the palace, but simply besiege the palace, that Ming emperor will be scared to death and agree to all our conditions!"

"Let this reckless man touch his nose." Subudi laughed at Lin Danhan from the bottom of his heart, but nodded on the surface.

It's a pity that although nature is beautiful, the people on it are not necessarily.

The soldiers of the Ming army could sleep with cotton in their ears, but the Jin army could not. They had to be on guard against the short soldiers of the Ming army who might attack the city at any time, so they could only force themselves to sleep, and then became numb with the sound of cannons.

When the familiar voice sounded, it was the 38-year-old Lindan Batur, who was named Hutuktu Khan by Mobei, who caught people's eyes.

"Leave a battalion of soldiers and horses on guard, how about the army continue to break through?"

"You shit! We are self-sufficient, His Highness will probably praise us when he hears it, not to mention you are afraid that Huang Taiji will kill us?"

When Xiong Tingbi, who is well-versed in the way of farming and warfare, broke Yimihe City of the Jin Army and advanced into Xingjing City, the first thing he did was to call 12 civilians in the army and bring more than 3 mules and horses to take over the army after the beginning of spring. The cultivated land around Xingjing City.

It's a pity that just after he finished speaking, Lin Danhan laughed complacently.

Simply fighting puts too much pressure on the logistics of the rear. Too many troops have done this kind of thing throughout the ages, especially the army besieging a city. It can be said that they are planting the enemy's fields and attacking the enemy's city at the same time.

There are some things to do right now, but there is still some output, and the logistical pressure on the rear is relieved. Why not do it?
With this in mind, the commanders of the eight guards issued orders one after another, and what they did was also known by Zhu Youjian who was walking in the courtyard ten miles away.

"How many people are there around Zhu Youxiao?"

Just like the words in Lin Danhan's mouth right now, it fully reflects his arrogance and recklessness.

Daishan looked at the stone castle and tentatively made a suggestion.

"Snatch some craftsmen and Han people to farm in Mobei. No matter how powerful the king of Qi Zhu Youjian is, he will not be able to conquer Mobei within three years!"

"If you don't take advantage of the time when he is besieging Zhu Lizhen and go south to Dacaogu, then when he destroys Zhu Lizhen, we will be the ones who will be destroyed."

As for Fan Wencai's ability to lead troops is not strong, coupled with the bravery of the Ming army, if he is allowed to stay behind, he must stay behind with enough soldiers and horses.

"Don't say he didn't dare to kill him, if he really did, what are those two thousand cannons next to you for?"

At the same time, he also missed the best time to make contributions, because when he graduated, it was already the seventh year of the apocalypse, and it was more than half a year since the end of the second Northern Expedition.


The lines of those hillocks are so soft, just like the Chinese paintings that are only rendered in green and not drawn with ink lines, they flow green everywhere and gently flow into the clouds.

"Others may not be able to, but Zhu Youjian will definitely dare."

Millions of acres of arable land were burned by 10,000+ peasants, billowing thick smoke into the air, and the Jianlu in Xingjing City naturally knew the intentions of the Ming army, but they were helpless in the face of the actions of the Ming army.

The dream-like scene, even the horses and cattle sometimes stand still, as if reminiscing about the infinite fun of the grassland.

If Li Yongfang cannot be used, then only Liu Aita, Fan Wencheng, and Fan Wencai can be used.

Liu Aita's headquarters has only 3000 people, while Dorgon has three people and six Niulu, a total of 800 people.

"Where did you get the information? If the southerners cheat us, we will be wiped out in Yanshan with these tens of thousands of soldiers and horses."

Regarding Zhu Youxiao, Su Budi has heard more stories than Lin Danhan. In his opinion, Zhu Youxiao still has some abilities and means, otherwise Zhu Youjian would not be so relaxed in the first year of the apocalypse He is in charge of the four guards of Tengxiang.

"Don't worry, my information is accurate and reliable..."

"Zhu Youjian led the troops to conquer Zhu Lizhen (Jurchen), and we can just take advantage of this time to go south to fight Caogu!"

Thinking of this, Lin Danhan couldn't help being excited, and couldn't help but grasp the reins in his hand, as if he had seen the scene where Emperor Zhu Ming was standing on the top of the wall, timidly begging for peace.

Needless to say, Fan Wencheng, Huang Taiji still needs him to be by his side for advice, so it is impossible for him to stay behind.

It's just that as the situation has continued to deteriorate in recent years, even Huang Taiji couldn't help thinking that there might be Jinyiwei of the Ming court in the Jin army.

To be honest, he didn't think his father was right in choosing to rebel against Daming, on the contrary he thought his father did wrong in this matter.

At present, there are more than 9 people stationed in Kaiping Mansion, and Subudi does not think this is a good time to fight grass valley.

"Whether he succeeds or not, anyway, this year, I will go south to fight in Caogu, so why not give it a try?"

Beside him are the equally young leader of the Zasaktu tribe, Subadhi, the leader of the Chechen tribe, Shuo Lei, and Gonpo of the Tuxietu tribe.

Sun Shoufa felt a little uncomfortable, but Cao Meng patted him on the back:

Subudi knows Zhu Youjian too well. After all, Zhu Youjian was a guy who dared to lead 11 people to face tens of thousands of cavalry in Harqin at the age of 5000. Subudi still remembers that Zhu Youjian talked and laughed happily with his father at that time, and his aura was stable The scene that crushes them.

"Although Emperor Zhu Ming is playful, he is not an incompetent person. It may be difficult to achieve peace talks by besieging him."

"Among them, there are only 7000 warriors, namely Feixiongwei and Dahan General, and the remaining 1000 are palace maids, eunuchs and Jinyiwei."

Under the warm sunshine, the land near the Harawin Mountains was nourished by the river water after the snow melted, and the land in the eastern part of Mobei was covered with new green clothes.

But you can go the dark way, but you shouldn't take the stupid way.

The person in charge of guarding here is the student of the third Yanshan Military Academy... Zheng Jun.

But the sound of the stone bullet hitting the city wall, and the roar of the cannon fire, both devastated the spirit of the defenders.

It's just that although what he said is right, Lin Danhan and the others have reasons why they have to go south to fight the grass valley.

"There is no need to attack Harqin City. The Emperor of Ming Dynasty is currently in his palace. The palace is more than a dozen miles away from Harqin City. The height of the palace is not more than one zhang." Lin Danhan's eyes were like torches:

At this moment, he was standing on the stone fort, holding on to the parapet with both hands, facing the overwhelming Jianlu army.

Helpless, Huang Taiji could only accept Daishan's suggestion, and at this time Huang Taiji also looked at the four generals of the Fourth Han Battalion.

Fortunately, standing with him, there are one hundred and two brothers from a hundred households with the name C, and what they will face together is the suffocating army of Jianlu.

Facing the actions of Sun Shoufa and Cao Meng, Zhu Youjian just smiled and did not interfere.

"Seven thousand?" Hearing this number, Subudi, who used to deal with the Ming army, frowned immediately:
"If these 7000 people stick to it, we may not be able to attack Harqin City in a short time."

"Dorgon, Duoduo, and Nikan, the three of you each carry six Niulu with white flags to support you."

Huang Taiji didn't want to disturb people's hearts, so he was only in the doubt stage and hadn't attacked Li Yongfang yet.

Subudi was afraid that Lin Danhan and others would not know the location of Karaqin City, so he explained it to them.

This group of yurts is dotted on the green grassland, which is particularly eye-catching. However, compared to them, what is more eye-catching are the tens of thousands of Mongolian riders around the yurts.

The heroic laughter spread to the surroundings, which surprised the four of Subudi.

"It only takes seven or eight days for us to rush forward on Qingqi, and we will be able to rush to Zhu Youxiao without anyone noticing."


Seeing that Lin Danhan couldn't convince Subudi, he could only cover up his purpose by playing grass valley.

They were now wearing armor and holding some stones to sharpen their knives by the river, while the horses beside them had already put on their saddles, as if they were about to go south to forage the valley.

At that time, Daming seemed to have swept away the decline. It was obviously wrong to choose to rebel and backstab at that time.

Compared with Liu Aita, who joined the Kingdom of Jin when it was still a small force, and the two brothers Fan Wencheng, who continued to make plans to buy Han merchants, Li Yongfang is the most likely traitor.

From a distance, it looks like a flower pattern embroidered on a green carpet.

The sound of the horn sounded from the top of the stone castle, and along with it was the sound of arrows being fired continuously.

"This...isn't it good?"

A round of cannonballs ended, and before a new round of cannonballs sounded, Sun Shoufa, holding a binoculars, couldn't help cursing.

Generally speaking, most of the roads in the Yanshan Mountains are long and narrow.

From the seventh year of the apocalypse to the eleventh year of the apocalypse, he was silent for four and a half years. Except for the occasional burning of Mobei in the middle, he was mostly training soldiers, reading military books, and studying how to attack and defend.

At noon on March [-], when the Ming army in the south was rejoicing and burning wasteland, the Ming army in the north finally met the former army of Jianlu.

But the question now is how the soldiers and horses around the Ming Emperor are.

If it was before, Huang Taiji would not hesitate to choose Li Yongfang to lead the troops to stay behind, because he is very experienced in dealing with the Ming army.

Originally, Ala Mountain City and Yakesa City appeared in the northwest of Beishan. Huang Taiji, who was stationed in Hala Mountain City and other cities, was not surprised, because the Sauron tribe of Beishan Jurchen lived in this area before, leaving a large number of mountain cities.

It's just that the spring breeze blowing from north to south, for some reason, gives people a chill, just like Duo'er is going to the south bank of the river right now...

This was not the suggestion Huang Taiji wanted, but because of Mangurtai's gaffe that day, the nobles of the Kingdom of Jin knew the seriousness of "abandoning women and children", so no one dared to say it again.

This is an unknown person in history. Maybe he died in history due to rebellion, starvation, or many plagues in the late Ming Dynasty...

"Surrounding is also encircling, how about letting out two guards and horses and [-] peasants to farm?"

Lin Danhan doesn't believe that there are two people like Zhu Youjian, and the Zhu Youxiao he knows from Nankou is just a fun-loving master of the mean.


"Boom bang bang-"

Therefore, there is actually only one person Huang Taiji can choose...

Otherwise, if Zhu Youjian really made the Northern Expedition by then, they would not even have the capital to move westward.

Among them, the oldest one is Lin Danhan, so it can be seen that the five great Khans in Mobei are all middle-aged and strong people.

He was able to establish such a feat thanks to Zhu Youjian, and now Zhu Youjian is not by his side, and the upright fierce general also followed Zhu Youjian to Nuergan to encircle Zhu Lizhen. It can be said that this is a godsend opportunity belonging to the Mongols .

Being idle right now is also idle, so I simply do various things to pass the time.

"You have to know, Yanshan..."

On the hill, the five nobles riding horses stopped their progress, stood here looking at the yurts, and glanced at the tens of thousands of rangers with satisfaction.

Li Yongfang, Liu Aita, Fan Wencheng, and Fan Wencai are the four major generals of the Jin Army.

Attacking the Kaiping Mansion where the Shangzhigong Guard Battalion was stationed was a foolish thing in Subudi's view.

But once this kind of suspicion arises, it is impossible for him to let Li Yongfang stay behind.

"Among the more than [-] people, there are only more than [-] cavalry."

"That's true..." Sun Shoufa was a little moved. After all, the eight guards are by his side, and it's not a big deal to use two guards to farm. If there is an attack, the Tangqi from [-] miles away will pass on the news. , It is enough for soldiers and horses to wear armor.

"Liu Aita, you take your headquarters to garrison to guard against the Ming army along the way to break out from attacking women and children."

Although Zhu Youjian is confident in his own logistics, it is better to relieve some pressure.

The four who got the order received the order, but it can be seen that Huang Taiji does not trust the Han Siying who is on Zhu Youjian's "must kill" list.

"I got news from the Southerners that Zhu Youjian's elder brother, Zhu Youxiao, is currently spending summer vacation in Karaqin City (Yanshan County) in your Karaqin tribe."

Shuo Lei asked excitedly, and Lin Danhan also raised his hand to compare a number: "8000 people!"

Lin Danhan didn't explain his news, but he looked confident, which made Subadi and others swallow their saliva.

Thinking of this, Sun Shoufa also turned his head and shouted: "Let the people in the artisan camp make some farm tools, the brothers in the army who are too idle to help, and the civilians to burn the wasteland."

The huge flock of sheep went up the hill for a while, and came down again for a while. Wherever they walked, they seemed to embroider big white flowers on the boundless green carpet.

The stone bullets that flew at any time devastated the Jin army guarding the city, even though the upper capital was built very solidly, which can be called an iron wall.

"Damn! The tortoise shell of this old slave is really thick. It must have been built with stones, and I didn't use any rammed earth. Otherwise, I would have seen rammed earth a long time ago!"

"The Ming army still has a large number of Shangzhi soldiers stationed in Kaiping Mansion, and the villages outside the pass are all formed into stone fortresses. I'm afraid it will not be so easy to fight."

It's just that his father is dead now, and the matter of Karaqin stabbing Daming in the back is not cleaned up, and he has only one way to go to the dark.

Huang Taiji is unwilling to lead women and children to break out of the siege, but as a superior, he still has to pretend when he should.

"Decree!" Hearing Sun Shoufa's words, several commanders in the rear grinned.

This nearly two-thirds of the troops could not be support, but more should be surveillance.

Regarding this, Liu Aita didn't make any expression, just accepted the order numbly, and then ordered his own soldiers and horses, and began to deploy defenses along the road of the army's northward retreat, to be alert to the Ming army in the stone fort.

The Golden Army team started to move, and with the pressure that made everyone in the hundred households with the C name sweat coldly, they slowly drove northward, while the Eight Banners Horse Infantry and the Fourth Han Battalion soldiers and horses cruising outside the stone castle were always reminding For Zheng Jun who is defending the city, the danger has not passed yet...

 The evening update is estimated to be around nine o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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