I, Uchiha Yiyong, have not been hated!

Chapter 154 Where did the chanting monk come from?

Chapter 154 Where did the chanting monk come from?
The Land of Waves is the most inconspicuous country in the Quannin world, not one of them.

It hangs alone on the shallow sea east of the Land of Fire. It has never produced a great man, and it has no famous scenery. Even its territory is only a few dozen square kilometers, and it is extremely barren and can only support a few adults. Thousands of people.

"I originally came to the land of waves, intending to invest in building a warehouse as a transit point for shipping. But I didn't expect that I would actually eat the best seafood meal in my life in such a shabby place. meal."

On the watchtower of the seaside town in the Country of Fire, the shipping tycoon Cardo was introducing the ins and outs of the events in the Country of Waves.

"Later, I asked carefully and found out that around last autumn, the group of fishermen suddenly discovered that the fish, shrimps and crabs they caught from the northern waters of Wave Country suddenly became very large and tasted unusually plump and tender. .

"It's just that they are too poor and do not have fishing boats big enough to fish on a large scale. The fish they catch are only enough for themselves."

Cardo straightened his suit and raised his head, as if he was an entrepreneur with the world in mind.

"But I'm different. The most valuable thing I have is boats. So, in order to help the people of the Kingdom of Waves escape from their poverty, I kindly gave them the old boats that the group was originally planning to send for destruction. , and also repaired the cross-sea bridge for them.

"In order to appreciate my generosity, the islanders agreed to spend twelve hours a day working for me, that is, fishing. As for me, I was responsible for finding channels to sell this batch of seafood to the inland, and the money I earned was taken away. All the costs will be used to subsidize the construction of the island..."

Naruto and Sakura glanced at the gemstone rings on both of Cardo's fingers. They were about to reveal his true identity, but were stopped by Jiraiya's eyes, so they had no choice but to continue listening patiently.

"However, the good life of the people of the Country of Waves did not last long before someone else set their sights on their fishery resources!"

Cardo waved his fist, and the golden ring collided with the guardrail of the lighthouse, making a crisp sound.

"Just half a month ago, two masked men injured my bodyguard and broke into my bedroom. They said that the seafood I sold was contaminated and that all fishing activities in the Country of Waves must be stopped. I resisted with all my strength. However, the situation was stronger than the people. In the end, I could only agree to it in vain, wanting to see what they wanted to do...but I didn't expect..."

Speaking of this, Kaduo's expression became incomprehensible, "The next day, they actually destroyed all the ships of our company parked nearby, and then took away more than a dozen of them to the island. After that, Bo The country has become what we saw through the telescope. Our people will be beaten back if they go there; as for the people on the island, they can’t get out at all, and no one knows what they are doing there!
"As of today, it has been fifteen days! Do you know that in these fifteen days, I will lose... the people of the country of Waves, how much income will they lose? How much is this for a country that wants to get rid of poverty? A blow?"

"Calm down, calm down." Jiraiya comforted without sincerity: "Everything will be fine."

Through the telescope, this featureless country has been tightly surrounded by a six-story earth wall.

Coupled with the sometimes thin and sometimes thick white fog on the sea, the whole island seems to be filled with a mysterious atmosphere.

"Except for the wall, the protruding mountains, and the water birds in the sky and sea, there is nothing to see."

Naruto moved his eyes away from the telescope's eyepiece: "It's completely impossible to guess what's going on inside."

"Speaking of which," Jiraiya stared at Kado condescendingly, "You weren't in a serious business before, were you? Is this seafood really so valuable?"

He can't even imagine how much benefit a person who made his fortune by breaking the law can suddenly start a relatively legal business.

"You're right. The mackerel caught in Wave Country can be sold for 8000 taels per kilogram in a coastal country like Yuno Country, let alone those inland areas. And... …”

Cardo said proudly: "Many people have reported that regularly eating seafood produced in the Land of Waves can strengthen the body and prolong life, and can even increase the chakra of ninjas. Therefore, no matter how much is salvaged every time, it can always be sold quickly. null."

"No wonder I haven't eaten it." Naruto suddenly realized that no wonder he, a food lover, had never heard of this ingredient: "I can't afford it at all."

"But isn't it too ridiculous to strengthen the body and increase chakra..." Sasuke questioned: "I don't dare to say that Shikamaru's health-preserving herbs can do this."

"I'm not bragging. In the beginning, I only needed to send thirty or forty thugs every day to supervise the fishermen's work on the island."

In order to prove the quality of his products, Kaduo accidentally exposed part of the truth, "But those fishermen eat the seafood they catch every day, and their strength increases very quickly, and they start to fight...

"I mean, the more fish they can catch, the more I have to send more people to help them."

"This thing sounds very suitable for us ninjas..." Haruno Sakura rubbed her chin, "Do you have any fresh ones here?"

"No, as I said before, it has been out of stock for 15 days."

Cardo shook his head regretfully.

These few people can eat very much at first sight.Alas, I have to make less money again.

"Hey, you said before that you met those two people with your own eyes, right?"

On the side, Sasuke saw that the whole story had been sorted out, and he began to ask about what he really cared about.

【I won’t say hello.What a rude brat. 】

But Cardo always felt that Sasuke's face seemed to have been seen on images of dangerous figures in the underworld system, so he subconsciously nodded cooperatively: "But they all wear masks and cloaks."

"It doesn't matter, people's feelings about people are holistic." Naruto took out his notebook, "What is your most striking impression of these two people?"

"Both of them have baby voices when they speak." Kado held out a short fat finger.

"Yeah, that's good. It means the other person is not old."

[The possibility of being Giyuu’s classmate +1.]

Sakura encouraged: "What else?"

Cardo narrowed his eyes, seeming to remember something very unpleasant: "That dwarf's words were unpleasant."

[It can’t really be...]

Sasuke and Naruto looked up at each other.

"He never calls me by my name. He either speaks directly or calls me a fat penguin." Cardo's face turned blue with anger.

Naru Sasakura and the others took one look at Kado's black suit with white lining and his short, stubby figure. Laughter suddenly came to their mouths. They had to hold it back, and their shoulders shook for a long time before they gradually calmed down.

However, this act of giving people nicknames also allowed Naruto and Sasuke to get a definite answer - this dwarf is most likely not a righteous hero.

Giyuu's words are not nice to hear, but he never intentionally insults people. Even if they are hateful people like Orochimaru Danzo, Giyuu never uses insulting words when mentioning them.

Facing Cardo's unkind gaze, Sasuke asked another person: "Where is the taller person?"

"She talks very little and acts like a follower."

Cardo thought carefully, "When I got close to him, he always seemed to be saying something in his mouth, but I couldn't hear it clearly."

"It's definitely a fake!" Even Haruno Sakura joined in the chorus.

One of the characteristics of Purgatory Anjuro is that if he says something, you can probably hear it clearly in the next room.

Mumbling + masked + follower, this is not the impression Anjurou would give people!

[It seems that Tsunade was completely mistaken this time...] Jiraiya secretly cursed, [But that's fine, the real adventure is about to come. 】

"What is real and fake?" Kaduo was puzzled, his tone a little more impatient, "I have said so much, when will you start doing this work? I am losing a lot every day, and there are so many employees Customers are waiting for me to open!

"And to be honest, you guys are all disheveled, and it's hard to trust you."

"We just traveled for a long time and didn't get a good rest, so we're not in good condition." Sakura put her hands on her hips, with an unconcealable pride in her voice, "Even though we are just fresh graduates, we are among the freshmen of this class. Graduating with the best grades.”

This wasn't something she said casually.

Since Naruto started reading books and studying with Hinata, his written test scores have gotten better and better; without Kyuubi deliberately interfering with chakra, he naturally passed the Three Body Technique test with full marks.

Therefore, these three people happened to be the first, second, and third among the graduates this time.And Sakura always thought that this was why the three of them were assigned together.

"So what about the one with the best grades?"

Cardo looked disdainful, raised his eyebrows above his sunglasses, lit a cigar and started smoking.

"Have you ever heard of a Kirigakure ninja named Zabuza Momochi?"

Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke exchanged glances with each other, then shook their heads in unison.

"We are both ninjas, but we don't even know Kirigakure Kiren. We are too ignorant."

Kaduo only felt that the team led by this greasy uncle and three brats was even more unreliable: "According to Taoist legend, the year that guy graduated from school, he killed all the candidates in the same period by himself!

"How does this graduation grade compare to yours? But even he couldn't drive away those two bastards on the island..."

"Is there such a thing?" Jiraiya twitched his eyebrows.

"Hmph, that guy looks fierce, and he speaks with confidence. I guarantee that he can bring back the heads of those two guys in less than a day."

Cardo will blow a big smoke ring, "As a result, less than two hours after he got on the bridge, he fled back in embarrassment with two unconscious men.

"That guy told me that in order to deal with the gang on the island, it's best to issue a commission to Konoha. Unexpectedly, you guys actually came...

"Tsk, if I had known this would be the result, I would have spent more money to log in as an S-level mission."

"Momochi can't be solved by Zabuza. It's really more appropriate to log in as an S-level mission."

Jiraiya said, "But since my subordinates are all newcomers and haven't made a name for themselves yet, there's nothing wrong with treating this as an A-level mission.

"So, although it takes a little more effort, they decided to take on this task. Let's sign the formal procedures now, Boss Cardo."

"What does 'they' decide to do next?"

Kaduo, who usually likes to play tricks on contracts, grasped the key words, "What about you? My 50 yuan is not spent on this little brat."

"You are so stingy, you definitely can't afford to hire me. I am only responsible for evaluating their performance this time, and I will not be involved in specific tasks."

Jiraiya shook his head, and then looked at the surprised Naru Sasakura and the others: "I have heard about Momochi Zabuza. He is a typical example of a person whose reputation outweighs his ability. He was said to be a substitute for the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, but in the end After so many years, he has no intention of going up.

"I'm very confident in you. I think the three of you together are stronger than him. Since even he can come out of the Country of Waves alive, you shouldn't have any big problems even if you fail. How about that? , can you accept it?"

"Who will fail? It's just two impostors."

Sasuke, who was convinced that the incident at the Valley of the End was a righteous act, had no doubts about this, "When the real righteous man fought with Anjuro, we were observing carefully every day!"

"Since we want to find out their identities and the origin of their masks, going to the island is a must." Naruto also nodded, "Besides, the people on the island haven't been able to go to sea for so long, and they don't know what to eat. We can’t just leave it alone.”

Sakura also nodded: "It's too pitiful for those people to be locked up."

"In that case, from now on, I'm just an outsider here for sightseeing."

Jiraiya laughed, "It's all up to you to decide what to do next!"

After saying that, he jumped down from the watchtower and was drowned in the chatter of the entertainment area.

"Hey, you -" Cardo was dumbfounded and turned around to stare at Naru Sasakura suspiciously: "You three, have you figured out how to get to the island? If you walk from the bridge, you will definitely be discovered."

"What about discovery?"

Sasuke stared at the seemingly endless sea-crossing bridge, "I want to see what kind of character he is and whether he is worthy of those two imitation masks!"

The young man was high-spirited and looking at the sea. His black hair was blowing violently in the wind. He was originally very handsome.

Haruno Sakura was about to ask Sasuke to borrow a camera to take a picture of this scene, when suddenly a lump of bird poop fell from the sky and landed on Sasuke's shoulder.

After Sasuke was stunned for two or three seconds, he looked up angrily at the top of the watchtower——

A crow with long eyelashes was staring at him with a condescending and extremely disgusting look, and then let out a sarcastic laugh, fluttering its wings and flying away.


Sasuke took out a coin, straightened his arm and pointed it at the strange bird. A strong purple electric arc instantly surged out of his index finger and thumb.

However, before he had time to launch the coin, the crow dived into the low-hanging clouds at a speed faster than a swift, and disappeared in a few flashes.

The cross-sea bridge is 30 kilometers long in total. The crow flew to the end in less than 10 minutes. Then she circled several times and plunged towards the highest mountain peak in the Land of Waves.

On the mountain peak, a man with a generous figure in a cloak sat cross-legged facing the sun, playing gray rosary beads ground from stone and reciting scriptures with his head lowered.

"I heard that at one time the Buddha was in the city of Shiluo, and he only had Huan Jingshe. He was accompanied by a group of great bhikkhus, a thousand and two hundred and fifty people. They were all great Arhats without leaks..."

Although his voice was much more powerful than Sasuke and Naruto's, it still didn't break out of the realm of a child.

"It's silver."

After the crow landed, the chanter immediately stopped and said proactively: "Muichiro took the blood sample and went to Shigu Forest to find Miss Shinobi. What happened?"

"Yes!" The man named Ginzi cleared his throat: "Three ninjas who don't know the heights of the sky are coming to the island soon.

"They took over the task of that penguin and want to drive you away. The most crazy one among them looks a lot like Lord Shuizhu, and his name is also very similar!"

"Is it the younger brother of Senior Yiyong?"

The generous figure put his hands together and stood up, "But Ms. Shinobi said that as long as you are a ninja, you cannot be trusted."

The tall boy changed his breathing rhythm, formed a seal, and actually slammed his muscular arm into the rocks nearby. From the rough fragments, he pulled out a stick that was as tall as an adult. Great stone club.

“So, I will definitely drive them away.

"We must not risk letting them know the truth here!"

(End of this chapter)

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