Chapter 144 Flaws
(For the last time, live slug is the name of the great slug fairy, not a typo.)
For humans, the word swamp usually means infectious diseases, parasites and mysterious disappearances.

But for a variety of animals, this wetland environment is usually an excellent place to thrive.

However, the wet bone forest, the largest swamp in the ninja world, was a complete accident.

Whether for humans or ordinary animals, the Wetbone Forest is a Jedi that is not suitable for survival.

There is no vitality or greenness here. It is completely made up of purple mud and countless gray puddles. Even the air has a sulfurous smell that makes people breathless.

The Great Slug is the only resident creature in the Wetbone Forest. Its body is like a mass of blue-white jelly soaked in cranberry sauce, and two-thirds of its body is buried in the very center of this dead place.

But even so, its exposed body alone is a head taller than when Nine-Tails was squatting (not counting the erect tail).

It is conceivable that with such a large body, even just slightly moving its position will consume a huge amount of energy, so the slug fairy has not really moved for a long time.It has already fallen into a deep sleep, wandering in various waters of the ninja world with only its own split body.

At this time, one of its split bodies was standing in the giant snake skull not far from the main body with the Butterfly Ninja who came from reverse psychic——

This is the place where live slugs choose to entertain guests.

"I haven't had any guests here for many years! After the Uzumaki family disappeared, you are the first human being here!"

The live slug's voice is very enthusiastic, like an empty-nester old man who hasn't communicated with anyone for a whole year, but he has a soft girly voice.

"Is the environment a little too monotonous? I have thought about using acid to carve out some patterns on the walls of the living room, but all the decoration magazines I collected have been corroded..."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome. I think this primitive and desolate scenery is quite shocking. If it is deliberately modified, it will destroy this natural harmony."

Butterfly endured the praise while walking to the edge of the Shekou.She looked up at the mountain-like body of the slug over there, secretly feeling the wonder of this world.

The largest animal on earth, the whale, is just a small pet compared to the slug.

Even among the prehistoric dinosaurs that Europeans tout, few can exceed the size of this snake's skull.

Even the beasts that Xing Shoulang tamed to protect those refugees in the Land of Rain, at least have the size of an elephant.

If there are such giant life forms everywhere in nature, it is no wonder that human beings learn ninjutsu from the Sages of the Six Paths to strengthen themselves.

"But the bones give people the feeling..."

She touched the inner wall of the house-sized skull: "It seems to be very new?"

"You can see it! The previous living room has been here for too long, and it has been corroded by the air. It's a bit dilapidated. I don't think it's polite to welcome guests."

The slug shook its tentacles, "So I specially split a large body and brought back the bones of Ten Thousand Snakes from the sea. The bone density of this guy is far higher than that of other psychic snakes. It has been maintained here for five or six hundred years.”

"That's how it is. It made you bother, but you were so thoughtful."

Giyuu opened Sharingan when dealing with Wan Snake, so Butterfly Shinobu had some impression of the latter, "It seems that even for a powerful creature like Wan Snake, this world is quite dangerous."

Then her voice changed, "Live, in the ninja world, there shouldn't be any life bigger than you, right?"

"There should be none now."

The live slug replied somewhat proudly: "The White Snake Immortal claims to be integrated with the mountains. Although it looks very big, it is only in length. In terms of volume, it is less than half of mine. After all, it usually has to worry about the dependents." A little too much, it will inevitably consume a lot of energy..."

"Not now?" Butterfly Ren grasped the point, and asked with some surprise: "Did it exist before?"

Creatures bigger than slugs?

She could hardly imagine what it must have been like.

"Well. Around the time before Chakra was born, there was a giant tree taller than a snow mountain growing in the depths of this land. When the weather is good, you can see its crown even from here... ..."

Slug Daxian said while recalling: "But I was not a fairy at that time. After I felt this kind of energy called Chakra for the first time, I naturally realized how to mix it with natural energy. , and then fell into a long sleep. When the vortex people who settled nearby woke me up, two or three hundred years had passed, and the tree had disappeared. I almost missed all the interesting things like the Six Paths Sage and the Tailed Beast up...

"But even I am now, compared to the life scale of that tree, I am just an ordinary little thing."

When the tree was mentioned, the live slug's tone was very humble.

"The deepest part of this land?"

Butterfly put his index finger against his chin, his eyes flickered suspiciously, "Is that the place where the Kingdom of Wind continues to the west?"

"I don't like to go to places that are too arid, so I'm not familiar with the world there. But it should probably be good."

"That's it."

Butterfly Ninja recalled the map of the ninja world, "It was written in Orochimaru's notes that he saw from ancient books that there were rumors of the secrets of the Sages of the Six Paths hidden in that area, so he went to investigate it. But with his vitality, in the After persisting for less than half a day, he had to return in disgrace.

"He wrote like this: The possibility of living beings drinking in the magma is much greater than the possibility of surviving in that place. There is no grass growing in that place, and even the oxygen is poor, and the environment is as harsh as in a fantasy novel. On alien's hard to imagine that a tree of that size can be supported in that dead land."

"Maybe you're getting causality wrong."

The living slug thought for a while and said: "It's not that a giant tree appeared in the dead place, but the appearance of that giant tree may have turned it into a dead place..."

"It is possible."

Glancing at the living environment of the slug, Butterfly Shinobu nodded in amazement, and then smiled with emotion: "It sounds like an unsolved mystery, which makes me really want to go there and find out."

Such a world is perfect for a person like her who is driven by curiosity.

"When you grow up a bit, you can have the vitality of Hashirama-sama, maybe you can take a risk."

The live slug said pertinently: "The white snake sage fused his body with the inorganic matter, and it should be for this purpose. The secret of the six sages is also circulated among the sages. Orochimaru will know about this. Maybe it is the white snake sage who guided it. the result of."

Butterfly groaned for a moment, then suddenly thought of something and changed the subject: "Speaking of Qianshou Zhujian, do you know him well?"

"Hashira-sama is actually not as mysterious as people say, he is a very ordinary person. Understanding him is not difficult for any intelligent creature."

The live slug circled its tentacles and said with a hint of sarcasm, "However, at such a distance from Konoha, there are human beings that are almost exactly the same as his chakra. It seems that I don't really know what he looks like."

The implication is that besides Whirlpool Mizuto, Senshou Bashima may have offspring with other women.


Butterfly was speechless for a while, but she couldn't explain this kind of thing.

According to the results of her testing at the Orochimaru base - the genetic similarity between her and Senshouzhu is only slightly worse than that of identical twins, so Yaoshidou has always suspected that she is an artificial human made by Orochimaru using inter-column cells , otherwise such data would not be possible.

Seemingly seeing Butterfly Ninja's entanglement, the live slug stopped making trouble: "Okay, what do you want to know about Mr. Hashirama? I can tell you everything!"

Butterfly couldn't bear to think back to his experience of not eating or drinking the previous day and didn't think it was wrong, and asked for proof: "I only need to eat for two or three days. Is this also because of Mu Dun?"

"That's not just the function of Mudun. Mudun is Master Hashirama's unique blood succession limit. In the entire history of the ninja world, he seems to be the only one who can use this ability naturally, and you are the second."

Huolu corrected: "As for the self-sufficient nutritional body and resilience, this is the peculiarity of the Senshou clan, not Zhujian-sama alone, and it can be regarded as another kind of blood inheritance limit. Because of this Physique is very convenient to absorb natural energy, so I call it the body of a fairy.

"There is a complementary relationship between Mudun and Immortal's body, which makes Hashirama-sama's vitality particularly tenacious. In contrast, Tobima-sama and Tsunade-sama neither have Mudun nor fully inherited the immortal body, so in The level of vitality will be much worse..."

"So it is."

Butterfly blinked his eyes reluctantly. Regarding this part, the textbook of Yiyong didn't mention it at all, making it seem that Mu Dun is the foundation of the Qianshou clan. I don't know if it was intentional.

【Obviously there are more than 100 characters in Sharingan...】

After thinking about it, the author of that book is Qianshou Feijian, so there seems to be no surprise there.

"The body of a celestial being, at first, I thought it had something to do with the sage of the Six Paths."

She still remembered that the leader of the Kingdom of Rain named Payne had a pair of "immortal eyes".But looking at the meaning of the live slug, this fairy is not that fairy.

The live slug continued to popularize science: "In fact, not only the Zhujian-sama's clan, the Uzumaki clan also has a similar body, but the emphasis is different from that of the Thousand Hands clan——

"The Thousand Hands Clan are stronger and good at overcoming bad environments; the Uzumaki Clan live longer and are good at creating a comfortable environment. This is the main difference."

【In that case, doesn't that guy named Payne possess both the "Immortal Body" and the "Immortal Eye" at the same time?No wonder Xing Shoulang said that he may be the strongest ninja in the world...]

"I see. Although it is a very powerful and convenient body, it still feels a bit weird not to eat."

Butterfly wrapped her fingers around her hair, and suddenly asked vigilantly: "By the way, since Senshou Zhujian doesn't need to supplement nutrition from the outside...does he grow very tall?"

Konoha Ninja School textbooks did not explain these too personal things, which could easily destroy the mystery of the great man.

"It's just ordinary. Mr. Hashirama is not tall among human beings, and he is far behind Raikage."

Slug was a little confused, why Butterfly Ninja didn't pay much respect to the suspected ancestor Senshou Zhuma in his words, but asked a seemingly least important question that only fans would ask.

[Looking at it this way, the energy produced by the body itself is only used to maintain survival, but it cannot make it 'perfect'. 】

Butterfly frowned worriedly, 【So if you want to grow taller, you still need to supplement nutrition from the outside. 】

But the problem is, she is always full and has no appetite to eat or drink.

At least the meals cooked in the base of Orochimaru made her unable to arouse any appetite at all, let alone greasy things like calcium-rich bone soup.

She would rather save time and do a few more experiments.

[Could it be made into nutritional medicine and injected directly into the body?Maybe this is a way...]

"You are still so young, there is no need to worry about this!"

The slug comforted her kindly: "It's not too late to think about these things until puberty. Whether a girl will grow tall or not, you can usually see the clues when you are eleven or twelve years old."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this..."

Die Die endured the embarrassing light red on his face, but he didn't expect to say what was in his heart unconsciously.

[Could it be that slugs seem too harmless? 】

"Let's get down to business from now on. Izuku, can I trouble you to use reverse psychic spells to call Giyuu here?"

Die Die Ren looked straight, after all, this is the purpose of her visit: "He disappeared that night when he left, and Xing Shoulang and I were very worried. Yiyong doesn't have his own crows around, and if we want to take the initiative to contact him, only Just through your path."

"No problem, but if he is fighting or doing something important..." Slug reminded thoughtfully, "Would it be inconvenient?"

Generally speaking, reverse spiritism can only be used with the consent of the other party.

Otherwise, if the subject is taking a shower or going to the toilet, it will be very embarrassing to call the other party over.

"Then just cancel the Reverse Spiritualism immediately."

Butterfly endured without hesitation or hesitation, "Confirming his safety is more important than anything else right now. I don't know when he will take the initiative to contact us. I still have many important things to do. If you are always worried about his safety, just Can't calm down..."

Besides, as a doctor, she has seen so many so-called embarrassing scenes, and she has long been indifferent.

Giyuu is not someone who will be affected by embarrassment.

"Okay, I know."

The slug fell silent, shaking its tentacles and began to cast spells.

About two or three seconds later, a puff of smoke exploded in front of Butterfly Shinobu.But to her surprise, what appeared before Yiyong was a pungent burnt aroma that was incompatible with the environment.

The moment the fragrance broke through the corrosive air and penetrated into Butterfly's nasal cavity, her taste buds, which had not moved for a long time, were immediately activated, her throat trembled violently, and she involuntarily completed a swallowing movement.

The smoke dissipated.

Giyuu was wearing the little apron Itachi made for him back then, and looked at Slug and Butterfly Shinobu suspiciously.

He held chopsticks with the sound of hot oil in his right hand, and a plate with golden fried pork chops in his left hand, which seemed to be quite large.

It is conceivable that before he was summoned by the reverse spirit technique, he had just picked out the finished pork chops from the pot.

Giyuu didn't speak, and seemed to be waiting for Butterfly Shinobu to explain why he was called here.


After a brief moment of silence, Butterfly smiled and said, "You're lucky. Is this dish prepared for me?"

Her gaze has been fixed on the plate of golden fried pork cutlets, very much like when Orochimaru first proposed the idea of ​​Uprising Yuyu's body.

"No. How did I know you'd call me?"

Yiyong shook his head, and told the truth bluntly, "But it doesn't matter if you want to eat, I'll make it after I go back."

Anyway, the soup that mother ordered to drink will have to be stewed for a while, enough time for him to fry the pork chops again, but father may have to wait a while longer.

Of course, the premise is that Butterfly Shinobu let him go back in time.

"Since you have said so, then I will not be polite."

Butterfly's eyes lit up, and without even a polite refusal, he reached out and snatched away the dishes and chopsticks at the speed of a lizard's predation.

"I haven't eaten for several days, and I suddenly have an appetite when I smell it!"

[It feels like something that Ganlu Temple would say...]

Yiyong cleverly only complained secretly in his head, silently watching Die Ninja taste the extra food he prepared for his father.


Picking up a piece of glistening pork chops and putting them into his mouth, Butterfly felt that his stomach, which had been sleeping like a stone since the resurrection, seemed to wake up all of a sudden, and all senses became extremely active.

She didn't expect that this kind of heavy oily dish, which she didn't know how to dip in the past, could be so delicious!

Butterfly endured one chopstick after another, one mouthful after another, and the eating was not rude, but very fast.

In less than 5 minutes, the extra fried pork cutlet that Giyuu had prepared for his father had been eaten up, not even the flour crumbs left on the plate.

"Hey, didn't you leave some for me?" The live slug poked its tentacles, sounding aggrieved.

"Ah, I didn't know you eat cooked food..." Butterfly covered her mouth with some shame, "I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you later!"

Don't say share it with others, she wants to eat another plate herself.

"I'm joking," said the living slug.

"But you don't have to be surprised, although Hashirama-sama doesn't need to eat, every time he comes out of the casino, he will eat and drink to forget the trouble of losing money.

"It's just that he gets energy from food, which is very small after all. Probably for him, eating is more like a recreational activity..."

"You say it like this... It seems that I feel a lot better."

Butterfly put the chopsticks on the plate and let out a long breath, "No wonder many people who are stressed have to eat several meals a day. Who would have thought that eating can also soothe their emotions?"

"You were in a bad mood before..."

asked bravely and vigilantly.

"Is it because the reversal of the Orochimaru experiment is not going well?"

"Well, it's hard to judge whether those people who have been implanted with Mutun cells are people or trees, whether they are dead or alive, and there is no way to start.

"I turned the base upside down, but I couldn't find any data on paper for reference. I guess most of the content of this part is buried in Dashewan's own head, and it is also an absolute secret for him .”

Butterfly nodded, "And the other batch of half-human, half-ghost patients are also very troublesome... According to Medicine Master Dou, they all accepted the curse mark planted by Dashe Wan."

"Curse seal? Is this the thing?"

Yi Yong touched the back of his neck, and his face tensed up.

"Different from the 'Heaven's Curse Seal' on your neck, the curse seals he planted for those people are lower-level and more unstable. Let alone those patients who have turned into monsters, those who have not deformed, After waking up, he also showed a strong desire to attack, as if—"

Butterfly couldn't finish the sentence, but Yiyong automatically connected the remaining words in his mind.

[It's like a ghost that has just been transformed by Oni Wu Tsuji. 】

"The living slug specially asked you to come here, on the one hand, to confirm your safety."

When he said the first half of the sentence, Butterfly Ninja's eyes were a little reproachful, "On the other hand, I also want to know from you what kind of effect this curse seal has played? How did he strengthen the host? Knowing its actual function, it may be helpful to reverse the experiment of Orochimaru."

Hearing this, Yi Yong was not in a hurry to go back. After thinking for a while, he began to describe his feeling when he was covered by the curse seal.

After 1 minute, Butterfly Ninja finally understood.

"You mean, this thing can automatically absorb natural energy and synthesize the fairy chakra that the living slug said?"

"Yes, the part synthesized from the curse seal..." Yiyong glanced at the live slug, and quoted the term by the way, "Senjutsu Chakra is different from my own synthesis. Its nature is more violent, as if it has additional consciousness , can affect the brain of the host with a glance like Sharingan, making people vicious and aggressive. But I can use the penetrating world to avoid its side effects."

"Extra awareness, that's not a good thing."

Butterfly Shinobu's knuckles rubbed against his chin repeatedly, "But since the function of the curse seal is to create chakra, then if I use the wooden escape to absorb it..."

"The risk is too great."

Yi Yong shook his head, "You have not mastered the penetrating world, and you cannot guarantee that you can control the magic chakra in your body. Whether you become violent due to its influence, or mutate due to the imbalance between Chakra and natural energy, the consequences will be infinite. Estimable."

"But if nothing is done, those people will die sooner or later."

Butterfly restrained her impatience, the time left for her was too little after all.

In order to master the penetrating world, even Xing Julang, who has an amazing intuition, has spent a full three years. Based on her academic understanding of sword skills, it is estimated that there will be no progress in another ten years.


Giyuu thought for a while, "I don't understand those things that are too profound. But if what you need is related experimental materials, maybe I can get them for you."

"What do you mean?" Butterfly endured both surprise and joy.

The good news is that with the information, she can learn the knowledge of those who died with Dashewan and solve the difficulties of these people.

Surprisingly, is there anyone else in the world doing similar experiments?

"That Shimura Danzo, he has an arm made of Mudun cells, and there should be information related to Mudun's experiment at the root."

Yoshihiro recalled with his eyebrows pressed: "And when he was fighting the night before yesterday, as soon as he saw me, he discovered the origin of my curse seal, so Konoha should at least have some understanding of this thing."

"Wait a moment……"

Butterfly raised her eyebrows fiercely when she heard this, "Did you enter that state again after you went back?"

After finishing speaking, she didn't wait for Yiyong to answer, she walked up directly, took off the gauze from the latter's left eye, and began to observe carefully.

"It's finally getting better..." She opened Yiyong's upper and lower eyelids with her fingers, and carefully checked the amount of blood on the whites of the eyes. "Now it's getting serious again."

Then she grabbed Yiyong's wrist, and performed a pulse diagnosis with a serious face: "Sure enough, the curse seal has greatly squeezed your body. Your current condition is not as good as when you left here."

"It was an emergency and I had to do it."

Yi Yong withdrew his hand apologetically, "I will take a good rest later."

Butterfly nodded with satisfaction: "Don't do strenuous activities for at least a week, do you understand?"

"it is good."

Although Yiyong nodded in agreement, Butterfly Ninja was still a little worried, and came up with an idea as soon as he turned his head: "By the way, besides the experimental data, I have some things to ask you to do."

"You said."

"Help me collect the price data of food, cloth and other daily necessities as well as medical equipment and medicines in Konoha Village and Fire Country, as comprehensive as possible."

Butterfly Ninja arranged while thinking: "Besides, you can go to the orphanage in the country of fire to see the conditions and management methods there, and see if there is anything you can refer to. After that, you can resettle the orphanage in the base. These children should be able to use it."

"I will pay attention." Yi Yong wrote down these tasks and nodded, "Is that all?"

"Right now, Yan hasn't learned how to use Chakra, so she can't be used as a psychic beast. The necessary detection ability is also very necessary for Xing Julang."

Butterfly said: "Well, let's make an appointment and meet here every night. You give me the things you collected, and I will assign you new tasks."

In this way, she can keep Giyuu busy without causing any physical burden, and she can also diagnose the status of his physical recovery every day.

"Okay." Yiyong didn't notice anything wrong, on the contrary, Die Die Ren's arrangement of work for him was exactly what he wanted.

Otherwise, his companions are busy, but he rests at home, and he always feels very sorry.

Just when Butterfly Shinobu wanted to continue chatting with Giyu about Shimura Danzo, Giyu quickly glanced at the electronic watch on his wrist.

"Have you finished?" He raised his head and asked seriously.

[ Calculate the time, if you don't go back, you won't be able to serve lunch on time. 】

"..." Butterfly suppressed a smile and froze on his face, clenched his fist unconsciously, "Why, do you hate talking to me?"

"There is no such thing."

Giyuu shook his head, "Even when talking about serious topics, I feel very relaxed every time I'm with you. This is a feeling I've never experienced when talking with others. Even when I'm with Tanjiro and the others, I feel very relaxed. It’s rare to feel like that.”

"You..." Die Ren was a little dazed, but slightly moved, she always felt that this scene was somewhat familiar.

Seems like something similar happened not too long ago.

The bravery continues.

"Although you always talk about half of the inexplicable anger, the appearance of the veins floating on your forehead looks scarier than the winding ghost, which makes people very confused..."

[Because someone who looks better than you is no longer alive. 】

"But I still—"

"Live slug!"

The slug master who has followed Tsunade for many years understood immediately.

"Yiyong, if you encounter anything interesting, remember to call me out! Goodbye!"

After Huolu said hello, Yiyong's eyes blurred for a while, and when he saw clearly again, he realized that he was back in his own kitchen.

"Obviously I haven't finished talking..."

After muttering softly, Yiyong noticed that his hands were empty and had to take out a pair of chopsticks from the drawer again, "I didn't even have time to take back the plates."

He lifted the lid of the stew pot and poked the beef inside with his chopsticks, "It seems that it will take a while—"

In the middle of speaking, Yoshiyuki suddenly turned his head without warning, just in time to meet Sasuke who poked his head into the kitchen.

Sasuke, who came to peep, turned pale with fright, quickly pointed to his feet and said, "You can see clearly, I'm standing here, I didn't go in at all!"

He still remembers the reason why Giyuu opened his eyes, it was Itachi who entered his kitchen.

"..." Yiyong showed half-moon eyes speechlessly, "What's the matter?"

"Dad asked me to come here." Sasuke explained: "He wanted to ask if your tonkatsu is ready today? If you didn't put any condiments, can you change it to the taste of last New Year's..."

As he spoke, he glanced at the dishes on the chopping board and sniffled: "It's strange, I just smelled the pork chops, why haven't you started making them yet?"

"It's okay to do it now." Yi Yong pointed to the refrigerator, "I want to watch the fire, go and see if there are any pork chops in the lower floor."

"Hey, can I go in?" Sasuke was overjoyed.

"Just don't mess with my things." Yiyong turned around, added some seasonings to the soup, and then focused on the flames on the stove and the bubbles in the pot.

Only when the heat is just right can the meat quality reach a balance between ripeness and rotten tenderness.

"Let me see—"

Sasuke came to the refrigerator to search, "This is chicken, this is the dumpling that was frozen last time, this is the beef patty... Hey, is the pork chop gone? Wait a minute—why is this thing here?"

Giyuu turned his head and noticed Sasuke pulling out a stack of cards from under the refrigerator.

It was the recipe that Hatake Kakashi gave him on his birthday that year.

He pressed his eyebrows and walked over, "Why is this thing under the refrigerator?"

Reaching out to take the cookbook and flipping through it, Yiyong noticed that besides a conspicuous shoe print on the cover, there was also a not-so-shallow depression on the side. It was obvious that someone stepped on the cookbook and then kicked it again. So this thing will appear under the refrigerator.

"I don't know either. Because my brother was taken away that day and he was not at home, I specially made a dinner according to the recipe, and put it in the drawer after I used it up."

Sasuke also looked confused, "I remember very clearly, there will be no mistakes."

"This shoe print..."

Judging from the width, it is an adult male.But my father doesn't wear shoes at home.

Yiyong suddenly remembered that his mother had said that someone broke into their house and left a message in Itachi's handwriting "I won't go home tonight".

Under Sasuke's puzzled gaze, Giyuu immediately turned off the stove, walked quickly to the shoe cabinet outside the entrance, and turned out his father's and Itachi's shoes to check the patterns on the soles.

[It's an outsider!Someone sneaked into the house after that night! 】

Yoshiyuki's chin was stretched, and he said to Sasuke with a stern look: "Sasuke, go ask Mom and Dad if there is anything important at home!"

"Ah?" Sasuke originally had many questions, but he noticed Giyuu's serious expression, so he didn't ask any further questions, and immediately went to the Japanese room to inform his parents.

The inspection was done quickly.

Uchiha Fugaku got out from the small compartment under the storage room, with a gloomy expression on his face: "There is no trace of opening the safe, but there are new fire escapes and illusions created by the tribe for decades, and now they are all gone."

"The ground in the yard has no traces of magic." Itachi walked in from the yard, "It is unlikely that the other party is Tudun sneaking in here."

"You don't need Tudun, but you have to sneak in here under the surveillance of so many people sharing sharing eyes, even Moonlight Gale cannot do it."

Uchiha Fugaku was thinking, then suddenly raised his head like an electric shock, and quickly exchanged glances with Yoshiyuki and his wife.

Obviously, the same answer welled up in the hearts of the three of them.

"It's that black weirdo!"

Giyuu held the recipe, thinking of the guy who suddenly shot him down when he asked Danzo about "Uchiha Madara".

At that time, the man fled into the ground and fled without leaving any traces at all.

If it was that guy, he would definitely be able to sneak into his house easily by avoiding his clansmen. Even a safe with a seal amulet on it wouldn't be able to stop it.

"Is there anything else in the house that has been touched?" Yi Yong asked, looking into the eyes of his family members.

"No more." Itachi answered, "During your absence, I will clean the house, and the location of other things will not change."

"In other words, only the technique in the safe and this recipe?"

Yiyong's brain was spinning rapidly, and he was flipping through the cards in his hand, "What's so special about it?"

[The special stepping and kicking is a manifestation of personal grievances... Could it be that the other party has some deep hatred with the Fourth Hokage? 】

When he turned to the page with the inscription "Obito Uchiha" on the back cover, Sharingan's keen vision noticed that there were obvious wrinkles on this page, as if someone lost control of his emotions and accidentally flipped the edge of the card. The corner seems to be pushed in the middle.

[Uchiha Obito, Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato...]

Giyuu made up his mind.

In the next period of time, in addition to the tasks assigned to him by Ninja Butterfly, he will also dig into the past of these two people and their relationship with "Uchiha Madara".

Just as the whole family gathered in the Japanese room, thinking about how to deal with that black mud-like enemy, there was a knock on the door of the house.

The knock on the door was heavy and slow, like an old man sighing.

In fact, there was indeed an old man sighing outside the door.

"Fu Yue, I am Sarutobi Hiruzen."

Facing the indifferent gaze of dozens of pairs of Sharingan, Hiruzaru Sarutobi and a black-haired woman holding a pink piggy stood at the door of Giyuu's house.

His eye bags were black and his appearance was haggard, as if he had aged 30 years overnight.

"I'm representing the village, and I'm here to talk to you about the future of Uchiha and Konoha."

 It's May Day again.
(End of this chapter)

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