Black Dragon Country

Chapter 525 Extremely Huge Debt

Chapter 525 Extremely Huge Debt
Spring goes and autumn comes, and more than ten years have passed in the blink of an eye.

In the warm and small bamboo forest manor, the old Abrius was lying on the bamboo bed with a happy smile. He was extremely happy at this moment.

Beside the bed, the father of Abrius, who was still young, looked at Abrius who was about to pass away, and comforted him softly: "My child, you don't have to be afraid of death. Death is not the end of a bear's life, but a new bear. The beginning of life."

"May you get what you want under the nether world."

While talking softly, Ablios' father stroked his panda's head, feeling a deep sense of sadness that couldn't go away.

The powerless Abrius looked at his tearful father. He did not face the fear of death at all, and said with a smile on his face: "Father, in this life, the peace I expected has come. The world has treated me so favorably, and the gods have treated me so well. Follow me."

"I have no regrets."

"You don't have to feel sad for me, I'm already happier than many, many pandaren."

In this life, he grew up happily from a little panda under the care of his father and mother. After participating in the war, tragedy struck, and he was lucky enough to meet the temple of the god he believed in, and obtained the gift of the god.

Peace came, and he lived his life happily.

In this life, he has no regrets.

In the hall of the world, Ace has been looking at his own Holy Spirit. He watched Abrius happily return to his hometown, watched him rush to his father's arms, and watched him live his life happily. The rest of my life.

Seeing this sad scene, he said sadly: "If you had chosen power, wealth, and glory, how wonderful it would be."

"Strength can make you a supernatural being, and it will last forever."

"Wealth can give you endless resources, allowing you to raise countless children that belong only to you."

"Glory, you will leave a strong mark in the history of pandaren and become a legend among pandaren. All pandaren will respect you."

"But you just abandoned them all, and exchanged strength, wealth and glory for peace."

"I really don't know what to say about you."

He has a taste for it, and he also hates iron for being weak.

Look at the three holy spirits in front of him, two of them have lifted up the kingdom of God and ascended to the sky. They are living a very good life for a while, and they can follow him Ace until eternity.

Another holy spirit, he also took the time to contact little Arkas loli, and saw with his own eyes that the holy spirit kobolds had bred their own kobolds on hundreds of thousands of planets, and they were fighting humans right now. It's so lively.

The pinnacle of proper dog life.

The three holy spirits lived quite comfortably.

It's just this idiot who has a good time, but he just walks into a dead end.

Don't you know that Jingya's world today belongs to the world of war?All the vested interest classes in the entire Jingya world rely on war to make a fortune. If they want peace, they are simply standing on the opposite side of the will of the gods, saints, and the world.

In this case, he is also very embarrassed.

Before this guy changed his mind, the higher he went, the more existences he would offend.

If he were to lift up the kingdom of God and ascend to the sky, the gods, saints, and the will of the world would have to sharpen their knives every day in the face of this pandaren who wanted peace every day and bankrupted himself.

Taking money from others is like killing one's parents.

Once peace comes to Jingya's world, it means that the rules of absolute militarization will completely collapse, and the gods, saints, and the will of the world, including him, will all go bankrupt.

With endless benefits involved, the higher he goes, the more likely he will die.

Before he changed his mind, the bottom floor was the best place for him.

Because he is at the bottom, even if he wants peace, the influence he can make is limited, and he will die to influence a continent with his help.

As for other places, with his low-level status, it would be great luck to be able to get out of his own continent.

In this way, the risk will be very small.

After all, there are quite a lot of peace lovers in the mortal world, one more is not too many, and one is not too many, it will not affect anything.

If there is no conflict of interest with the higher-ups, there is no major problem with life.

In the Bamboo Forest Manor, Abrius closed his eyes, and his soul floated out of his body, heading for the Netherworld.

He walked through toll booths one after another. On the way, he was looking forward to the appearance of the gods he believed in.

But Ace just watched quietly, and didn't go down to meet him.

His own path must ultimately be his own to walk.

At the end of the toll booth, Abrius saw that he had only 56 soul energy and 53 faith energy left, a whole panda, and felt the gift of the gods from the bottom of his heart.

Because what he did in his previous life was too serious, and he offended many, many powerful beings.

At the toll booth of the will of the world, he was charged 60.00% of his soul energy. The will of the world was quite unfriendly to him. Ordinary people only charge 50.00%, but he was charged 60.00%.

He wanted to reason with the staff, saying that it was unfair, but the staff pulled out a series of debt lists backhandedly, saying that it was because of the fact that he was the partner of the world will and the holy spirit of Ace, the master of the world, otherwise he would One hundred percent of the soul energy will be deducted.

Looking at the list of debts, he, an honest panda, had no choice but to go to the next level honestly.

Then he came to the toll booth of the gods. Here, the gods still cared about him. Not only did they not charge him a penny of soul energy, but they also gave him 56 faith energy backhand, which moved him to tears.

After he walked through the toll booth of the gods, he came to the toll booth of the saint, and this time, he felt even more confused. The staff at the toll booth actually collected 30.00% of his soul energy.

It was only one percent short, and his soul energy was drained.

He wanted to reason again, but the other party took out a series of debt lists, saying that it was still for the sake of your belief in gods, otherwise, at this moment, one percent of the soul energy would not be left.

Frustrated, he could only take less than one percent of his soul energy and the 56 soul energy bestowed on him by the gods to reincarnate.

Faith and soul energy are a corresponding kind of energy, but the energy level is a little lower than soul energy, and ten belief energies can be exchanged for one soul energy.

But even so, 53 belief energy is still an astronomical figure compared to those ordinary intelligent life. Converted to soul energy, there are more than 3, which can be reborn as the son of the king of race.

In front of the magic screen, thinking back to the series of debt lists pulled out by the World Will Tollgate and the Saints Tollgate, Ablios knew very well at this moment that he had brought certain troubles to his gods.

Blaming himself, he said to the magic screen: "I am willing to use most of my property to repay the debt I have brought to the world, and only save the energy of the last [-] soul units to reincarnate as a pandaren."

After the voice fell, characters flashed on the magic screen.

"application passed!"

"Yes, no, keep 56 units of soul energy and 440 units of faith energy."

"The rest of your property will pay off your debt to the world."

Abrius said without hesitation: "I choose yes!"

The gods gave him everything, but he caused a certain loss to the gods, which made him feel extremely painful as the Holy Spirit.

As the holy spirit, he did not make a certain contribution to the development of the belief of the gods, but instead lost the interests of the gods.

It made him feel very guilty.

Therefore, he did not hesitate at all.

A few more characters flashed on the magic screen.

"Debt repayment agreement passed."

"Your remaining debt is: 7000 million trillion (the gods are repaying on their behalf)"

"Please work hard to repay your debts. During the repayment period by the gods, your available soul energy will not be zero."

Abrius looked at the startled panda number on the magic screen, the boss with the panda's mouth open, and was extremely puzzled in his heart.

Where did he get so much debt?

It's actually counted in trillions.

Just a little mortal like him, is he capable of making out the odds and ends behind the 7000 trillion debt?
"Is there something wrong?"

Abrius anxiously said to the magic screen.

A few more characters flashed on the smart magic screen, and another screen was played along the way.

"Because of your influence, the Heping Continent has fallen into a long-term peace, and the number of pandaren has doubled."

"Panda people who can't eat enough eat trees, bark, grass, and stones."

"Their actions have caused extensive damage to the green plants on the Peaceful Continent."

"The disappearance of green plants has plunged the Heping Continent into a disaster of soil erosion."

As the characters flickered, countless rivers that had turned yellow also appeared on the magic screen.

And around the river, which was muddy yellow mixed with countless river sands, countless corpses of pandaren who died of starvation covered the surroundings of the river.

The bones of the dead were exposed in the wild, and the corpses piled up like mountains.

At the bends of one river after another, there are corpse mountains formed by a large number of pandaren corpses.

And the plague brought by the mountain of corpses caused a large number of pandaren to die of illness.

"Only this alone, the direct impact has created a debt of 1000 trillion trillion, and the indirect impact has caused a debt of 2000 million trillion."

"Please note that because the influence of your previous life is still affecting the Peaceful Continent, your debts are still accumulating."

"Please note again, because the pandaren on the Peaceful Continent have suffered for a lifetime because of their innocence, the world compensation mechanism has been activated."

"In their next life, they will all become the children of military merit winners, and fate will favor them. There is a high probability that they will be called superhumans, as compensation for them, and their reincarnation costs, fate costs will be borne by you. "

"Because your soul energy is insufficient, the debt is transferred to your god."

Abrius had a pair of panda eyes, fixedly staring at the countless yellow rivers inside the magic screen, as well as the mountains and plains of corpses, mountains of corpses, and bones.

Collapsing like a fool, he said, "Why is this happening? Why is this happening?"

"Hasn't peace already come? Hasn't peace already come?"

"Why is that?"

"Peace Has Come"

"Shouldn't the good days come? Why do so many pandaren die more than in the war? It's even more painful."

Abrius grabbed his head in a frenzy, and his panda eyes turned red.

He couldn't take it all.

He made a wish to the gods, so that the Heping Continent has eternal peace, which is obviously a good thing.

But why?Things will turn out like this.

Abrius screamed terribly. At this moment, he seemed to be able to feel the ghosts transformed from hundreds of millions of tragic death pandaren around him, crazily gnawing at his soul.

He seemed to be able to see again that the pandaren gods in the sky and the pandaren saints in the nether world looked at him with eyes like enemies.

He seemed to be able to see that the world that loved him and loved him so much hated him now.

He opened his mouth weakly.

And the countdown to reincarnation on the magic screen also reset to zero at this time, and the reincarnation channel swallowed Abrius.

The moment before he fell into the tunnel, he said to himself recklessly: "Change all of this, change all of this, you must change all of this."

The endless power of reincarnation sealed the memory of Abrius' previous life, and he went to his next life with a brand new attitude.

And his next life will still be among the pandaren clan on the Peaceful Continent.

Inside the World Hall.

Ace looked at his own Holy Spirit who was in extreme pain, and felt very uncomfortable in his heart. He was very optimistic about Abrius.

His Ace's three major farming rules, the rules of grafting and farming, the rules of swamp farming, and the rules of mountains and rivers, each require the control of a god.

Needless to say, the rules of grafting and farming must belong to the pandaren Caroline. After all, the rules of grafting and farming have always been in charge of the pandaren, and the one who controlled the pandaren during the Dragon Alliance period was the pandaren Caroline. No one is more suitable than her .

The swamp farming rules, not to mention, have always been the exclusive domain of the swamp kobolds, and kobold Ronnie Stam, is ready to take charge of the swamp farming rules.

As for why the two of them didn't control it before?

At that time, weren't his two younger sisters still there?
But now, his two younger sisters have gone to the void and worked hard on their own, and the three major farming rules have been emptied.

The fat water does not flow to outsiders, the kobold Ronnie Stam and the pandaren Caroline, but his holy spirit, even if he upholds the kingdom of God, it is still the same.

It's a proper person.

Now, the rules for grafting and farming, and the rules for swamp farming have already been chosen.

The only difference is the rules of the mountains and rivers.

Abrius is the controller he chose for the rule of the law of mountains and rivers, and there was originally a kobold Holy Spirit who could choose him.

But unfortunately, wasn't the Kobold Holy Spirit abducted by Arkas' little lolita?

In other words, there is only one target he can choose now, and that is Abrius.

The most important thing is that Abrius may have the disadvantage of loving peace and not in line with the general trend of Jinya's world today, but he is loyal.

It's a little better than a certain kobold holy spirit who ran into the void to play and was abducted.

(End of this chapter)

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