Black Dragon Country

Chapter 523 Eternal Peace

Chapter 523 Eternal Peace

In the outer sea, on a small island of no more than [-] square kilometers, Adeleia, who was as high as a kilometer like a mountain, yelled at all her dependents angrily: "Go back to the sea and take back our ocean and islands. I want to tell the traitors who betrayed me that only blood can wash away their betrayal of me."

Countless dark warriors standing upright in the islands and oceans, facing the orders of their dragon kings.

One by one raised their weapons one after another, and together they said with a killing intent: "Kill, kill, kill!"

"Recapture lost seas and islands."

The roar of hundreds of millions of darkness warriors resounded throughout the entire world, the endless clouds were scattered, and turned into nothingness in the sound storm, and the rough ocean trembled in their roar.

Following Adeleia's order.

The dark races in the outer seas led by her raised their knives and slashed towards the sea.

All of a sudden, the flames of war continued, and the dark races near the sea desperately resisted Adele's attack.

And as the war between Adelelia and the near-dark races was drawn off, the three tribes of light also seized the opportunity, driving mighty battleships and Adeleia launched a siege to the dark races in the offshore.

Facing the attack of two huge forces, the dark races in the coastal waters retreated steadily, defending their territory with difficulty.

Inside the World Hall.

Ace opened his mouth to eat a large piece of steak, and drank a large glass of juice in one gulp. He was eating and drinking, watching the dark races near the sea who were beaten by the giant dragon and the light clan in the magic screen and couldn't find the north. He was in a special mood. comfortable.

The relationship between giant dragons and the dark races is quite complicated, but one thing is quite correct.

That is when the dark races were very difficult, it was the giant dragon who led them to resist the invasion of the three light races and ensured their survival and reproduction.

Now, seeing that they no longer needed the help of the giant dragon, they kicked the dragon away without saying a word, and became the boss themselves.

To be honest, if it weren’t for the oppressed slaves who betrayed the dragons, slaves’ resistance to the oppression of their masters is inherently just, and the military winners of the dark races are still loyal to the dragons.

For a moment, he wondered if the dark races were all ungrateful guys?

As for the ungrateful guy, he and Jingya dare not let them occupy high positions in Jingya's world, that would be too dangerous.

For the sake of his own life, he has always kept a respectful distance.

Fortunately, those who betrayed were all oppressed slaves, and the military winners were still loyal to the Dragon Gate.

As for the help of the gods and saints of the dark race and the rules and laws to those traitors, it is just that they follow the general trend of Jinya's world and operate according to his and Jingya's will, which is not considered a betrayal.

After eating and drinking enough, he burped and turned off the magic screen.

He no longer needs to pay attention to the wars between the giant dragons, the dark races off the coast, and the three bright races.

Because the winner of this war is destined to be the dragon and the light clan.

It is impossible for the dark races near the sea to resist the joint attack of the giant dragon and the light race.

Most importantly, most of the high-level executives in Jingya World are on the opposite side of them. In the face of absolute strength, it is impossible for them to come back.

Ace fell into a deep sleep, trying hard to control the rules of absolute militarism to deal with one problem after another in Jinya's world.

He has long been used to the flames of war in the outside world.

Ever since he led the dragon alliance to move forward step by step, and the rules of absolute militarization have become more and more perfect, eternal war is destined to flood this world.


Holding a knife, the pandaren Abrius walked step by step on the land full of corpses. He walked past humans and pandaren who were stabbing each other with knives, and he crossed the ruined pandaren village.

The splendid and beautiful pandaren city has been turned into ruins, and sparks are still burning in the city.

On the distant land, the deafening sound of fighting never stopped.

Before the flames of the old still-burning cities are extinguished, the new ones are set on fire.

Looking at the endless battles of the same race and human beings, Ablios was full of pain in his heart. He was as weak as him, but as wise as him. He couldn't figure out why the war was always burning on this land.

Before the arrival of human beings, pandaren of the same race were slaughtered together on the mainland. The corpses of the pandaren killed in battle every year can block countless rivers and rivers.

After the arrival of humans, the flames of war have not ceased, on the contrary, they have become more cruel.

All the villages and towns were burned, all the cities were destroyed, killed, burned, and robbed. All non-human intelligent life in sight are the enemies of human beings.

Even if it is a panda baby just born, the opponent will trample it to death without hesitation.

Abrius, who had been walking for a long time, couldn't move anymore. He found a bamboo forest that hadn't been burned by the flames, and dug out a few bamboo shoots from the ground. He sat on the ground in despair, eating while thinking about own parents and siblings.

The war was fought too fiercely, the armor of the soldiers collided crazily, blood flowed from the swords and swords, crazy legends fought in the sky, and countless extraordinary people died on the battlefield in batches.

Powerful as a legend, eternal as a demigod, and still falling from the sky like rain.

Biting off a piece of bamboo shoot, Abrius said disappointedly: "It would be great if there was no war, then I can live happily in my fief with my parents and my brothers and sisters."

"Live this life happily."

"I really don't understand why they keep calling back and forth. Isn't it good for everyone to live peacefully together?"

"A bunch of lunatics."

Viciously, he ate several bamboo shoots one by one. The panda man Abrius looked at his still flat stomach, and felt even more disappointed.

This piece of bamboo forest is very small, he dug for quite a while, and only then did he dig out these few bamboo shoots. Obviously, these few bamboo shoots could not fill his stomach at all.

Hungry, he fell into thinking.

He asked himself in his heart: "How can we end this war?"

After thinking for a while, he was so stupid that he didn't think of any good solution.

But he has an intuition that he must be able to get the answer.

He continued on the road, walking forward.

He didn't know where he should go, but he knew that he shouldn't stop here.

Sunrise and sunset.

The world seems to favor this panda.

Wars broke out all the time on the Pandaren Continent. On the frontal battlefield, in the wilderness, on the mountains, in the swamps, the war between Pandaren and humans was endless.

Logically speaking, Abrius should be easily involved in the war, but as he kept moving forward, the war seemed to avoid him, and he was always lucky enough to escape one after another. war.

After an unknown amount of time, he came to a deserted temple.

In the old temple, the statue of Ace stands majestically at the innermost side of the hall. The golden sunlight shines on the body of the sculpture along the glass behind the statue of Ace. From a distance, the statue of Ace is so sacred.

With majesty and kindness.

The temple is very old, but no humans and pandaren dare to destroy everything in this temple, which is the temple of Ace, the lord of the world.

You can not care, you can ignore him, you can even forget him, but you can never destroy it.

The brilliant Jingya world is brilliant because of him.

Now ninety-nine percent of the life in Jingya's world is born because of him, and it is because of him that he can be born in this world, can have a full stomach, can live a wonderful life, and the most important thing is to be able to live.

Destroying Ace's temple will gain the disgust of the world.

No one can bear the disgust of the world.

Abrius looked at this statue of Ace, which was softer than other statues of Ace, majestic and merciful.

He knelt down on the ground and prayed devoutly: "The shaper of all things in the world, the father of all living beings, your light shines on all things, and all things are respected by you."

"Facing the light, your devout disciple Abrius, pray to you and ask how to end the war."

"On the earth, the flames of war are eternal."

"Countless lives have died on the battlefield, countless children have lost their fathers, and countless children have lost their mothers."

"Tragedies are happening all the time."

Abrius prayed with tears in his eyes, the sun shone through the glass on the statue of Ace, and the rays of light also fell on Abrius as the sun moved.

The sacred ceremony attracted the attention of Ace who was busy.

He came down to this statue of himself.

At this moment, the sunlight seemed to have its own consciousness, gathering around the statue of Ace.

The rock-cast statue moved, a pair of stone dragon wings slowly opened, the pale longan eyes turned blood red, and the delicate stone scales turned into pure pitch black.

Abrius looked at the god in front of him, his heart was extremely excited, and he said reverently: "My lord, your coming has brought color to the world."

Ace looked at Abrius who was kneeling on the ground, his eyes were full of the light of the holy spirit, and said softly: "My devout believer, are you calling me just to ask a question?"

"Your piety has moved me. As a reward for your piety, I can give you endless power, inexhaustible wealth, and the glory that the world will admire."

"You just have to let go of your problems and what I say will become the truth."

"Power, wealth, glory, whatever you want, you can have."

The sky is pitiful, he, Ace, has come all the way from being weak to the present, from a dragon who is so weak that he can be killed by a second-order human being, he has grown into the world master of Jinya's world, and the top powerhouse in the void.

In the long run, he only had four believers at the Holy Spirit level.

The pandaren in front of him is the only believer of the holy spirit born to him in the past 4000 years.

As for the former believers of the Holy Spirit, there are two who have raised the kingdom of God to the sky and become immortal gods. They are Ronnie Stam, the patron of the swamp and the kobolds, and the tree planting and the guardian of the pandaren. Caroline.

The other one, who went crazy for some reason, ran out of Jingya's world, and was caught by Arkas little loli who was squatting outside Jingya's world, and was abducted and sold somewhere.

Rare things are more valuable, excluding the kobold Ronnie Stam and the pandaren Caroline, and excluding the abducted kobold, the pandaren in front of him is his only holy spirit in the mortal world.

He must have taken it very seriously.

The other party was able to run amok in the war-torn Pandaren Continent without losing a single piece of skin, that was his greeting to Jingya.

Otherwise, given the peace-loving nature of this panda, it would have been killed long ago.

But now this peace-loving panda has raised a very difficult question, how can the war end?
He really couldn't answer this question.

The rules of the rise of the Jingya world are the rules of absolute militarism, the rules of living by war, and its interests involve all the lives of the entire Jinya world.

If you want to stop the war, you probably don't want to fight with the high-level officials of the entire Jingya world, there are countless dragons, and there are countless military winners who want to rise.

As strong as he is, he can't reverse this trend.

After all, there is a multiverse called Infinite Eternal World behind Jingya World, which strongly supports the rules of absolute militarism.

In today's void, there is no way to stop the war in Jinya's world.

But now, for the first time, his disciples of the Holy Spirit asked him a question, and he couldn't answer that he didn't know, right? Wouldn't this destroy his image of being wise and mighty?

Does he have no face?

So he wants this one of his disciples to give up his problems, for which he is willing to give him a glorious future.

Abrius shook his head lightly and said, "My God, your believers don't need power, wealth, or glory. They just want a way to end the war."

"I don't want to see these countless pandaren die one after another during the war."

Abrius' eyes were full of sadness, and he looked at Ace pleadingly.


Seeing how stubborn this Holy Spirit believer was, Ace sighed deeply in his heart.

I think of him, Ace, who made his fortune in war. He hacked all the way, and after killing all the enemies, he even turned Jingya's world into a world of war.

As a result, a Holy Spirit was finally produced, but it turned out that this Holy Spirit was a peace-loving Holy Spirit.

How is this so ironic?

In response to that sentence, extreme darkness can breed extreme light, and extreme light can also breed extreme darkness.

He, Ace, lives by war, and in the extreme war, a holy spirit that opposes war was born.

He shook his head lightly and said, "I can't tell you the method you want in words, but I can use reality to let you understand it yourself."

"If you don't want war, I can calm down the war on your continent."

"Peace will come to this continent forever."

(End of this chapter)

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